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  • State Compensation Insurance Fund vs. Ricardo Lara in his cap... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • State Compensation Insurance Fund vs. Ricardo Lara in his cap... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • State Compensation Insurance Fund vs. Ricardo Lara in his cap... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • State Compensation Insurance Fund vs. Ricardo Lara in his cap... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • State Compensation Insurance Fund vs. Ricardo Lara in his cap... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • State Compensation Insurance Fund vs. Ricardo Lara in his cap... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • State Compensation Insurance Fund vs. Ricardo Lara in his cap... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • State Compensation Insurance Fund vs. Ricardo Lara in his cap... Unlimited Civil document preview


1 XAVIER BECERRA Attomey General of Califomia 2 MOLLY K . MOSLEY Supervising Deputy Attomey General AUG 3 1 2020 3 DEBBIE J. VOROUS Deputy Attomey General 4 State Bar No. 166884 13001 Sfreet, Suite 125 5 P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 6 Telephone: (916)210-7349 Fax: (916)323-7095 7 E-mail: Debbie.Vorous(^ Attomeys for Respondent Ricardo Lara 8 in his capacity as Insurance Commissioner ofthe State of Califomia 9 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 11 12 13 14 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE Case No. 34-2019-80003164 FUND, a Public Enterprise Fund, 15 INDEX OF EXHIBITS AND EXHIBITS Petitioner, EV SUPPORT OF RESPONDENT'S 1) 16 MOTION FOR PROTECTFVE ORDER V. AND/OR TO QUASH DEPOSITION 17 NOTICES; AND 2) MOTION FOR BIFURCATION AND TO SET THE 18 RICARDO LARA in his capacity as SEQUENCE AND TIMING OF INSURANCE COMMISSIONER OF THE DISCOVERY 19 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Date: September 25, 2020 20 Respondent, Time: 10:00 a.m. Dept: 27 21 Judge: Hon. Steven M. Gevercer Trial Date: None Set 22 A-BRITE BLIND & DRAPERY Action Filed: June 10,2019 CLEANING, 23 Real Party in Interest. 24 25 26 27 28 1 Index of Exhibits and Exhibits in Support of Motion for Protective Order and/or to Quash Depositions and Motion for Bifurcation and to Set the Sequence and Timing of Discovery (34-2019-80003164) 1 Respondent Ricardo Lara in his capacity as Insurance Commissioner of the State of 2 Califomia (the Commissioner) submits the following list of exhibitsfiledin support of 3 Respondent's 1) Motion for Protective Order and/or to Quash Deposition Notices and 2) Motion 4 for Bifiircation and to Set the Sequence and Timing of Discovery. The Exhibits are identified in 5 the Declaration of Debbie J. Vorousfiledin support of Respondent's motions. 6 7 Exhibit Page 8 Letters Numbers Description of Documentary Evidence 9 A 1-2 March 16, 2020 letter from Rhett R. Johnson (counsel for State 10 Compensation Insurance Fund [State Fund]) to Debbie J. Vorous. 11 B 3-7 Notice of Deposition of Ricardo Lara ahd Demand for Production of 12 Documents. 13 C 8-12 Notice of Deposition of Bryant Henley and Demand for Production of 14 Documents. 15 D 13-18 Notice of Deposition of Person Most Qualified oftaeCalifomia 16 Department of Insurance and Demand for Production of Documents. 17 E 19-21 March 19, 2020 letter from Debbie J. Vorous to Rhett R. Johnson. 18 F 22-23 March 20,2020 letter from Drew Pomerance (counsel for A-Brite Blind 19 & Drapery Cleaning [A-Brite]) to Rhett R. Johnson. 20 G 24-26 March 24, 2020 letter from Seaton Tsai (State Fund) to Debbie J. 21 Vorous. 22 H 27-29 March 24, 2020 letter from Seaton Tsai to Drew Pomerance and David 23 Ginsburg (counsel for A-Brite). 24 I 30-33 March 27,2020 letter from Debbie J. Vorous to Seaton Tsai, with 25 joinder by David Ginsburg. 26 27 J 34-38 March 30,2020 letter from Seaton Tsai to Debbie J. Vorous. 28 Index of Exhibits and Exhibits in Support of Motion for Protective Order and/or to Quash Depositions and Motion for Bifiu-cation and to Set the Sequence and Timing of Discovery (34-2019-80003164) 1 K 39-42 March 30,2020 letter from Seaton Tsai to Drew Pomerance and David 2 Ginsburg. 3 L 43-46 April 21, 2020 letter from Seaton Tsai to Debbie J. Vorous. 4 M 47-49 May 5,2020 letter from Debbie J. Vorous to Seaton Tsai. 5 N 50-63 June 24, 2020 letter from Debbie J. Vorous to Seaton Tsai. 6 O 64-70 July 15, 2020 letter from Seaton Tsai to Debbie J. Vorous. 7 P 71-76 Excerpts from State Compensation Insurance Fund's Responses to 8 Request for Admissions, Set One Propounded by Ricardo Lara in his 9 capacity as Insurance Commissioner of tae State of California, dated 10 May 28, 2020. 11 Q ^ 77-187 Commissioner's June 4, 2020 objections and responses to State Fund's 12 first set of request for admissions (Bates-stamped pp. 78-97), form 13 interrogatory no. 17.1 (Bates-stamped pp. 98-104), special 14 interrogatories (Bates-stamped pp. 105-118), and request for production 15 of documents and documents (Bates-stamped pp. 119-187). 16 R 188-208 June 24,2020 letter from Seaton Tsai to Debbie J. Vorous. 17 S 209-214 July 16, 2020 letter from Debbie J. Vorous to Seaton Tsai. 18 T 215-263 Commissioner's first set of request for admissions directed to State 19 Fund, dated April 17,2020 (Bates-stamped pp. 216-245) and second set 20 of request for admissions, dated June 11, 2020 (Bates-stamped pp. 246- 21 263) 22 23 U 264-274 State Fund's responses to Commissioner's second set of request for 24 admissions, dated July 17, 2020. 25 V 275-286 Public Record Act Requests dated March 4, 2020, June 10,2020, and 26 August 3, 2020, from State Fund directed to the Califomia Department 27 of Insurance, and request dated May 29,2020, from State Fund directed 28 1 to the Califomia Department of Justice. Index of Exhibits and Exhibits in Support of Motion for Protective Order and/or to Quash Depositions and Motion for Bifurcation and to Set the Sequence and Timing of Discovery (34-2019-80003164) 1 Dated: August 31, 2020 Respectfully Submitted, 2 XAVIER BECERRA Attomey General of Califomia 3 MOLLY K . MOSLEY Supervising Deputy Attomey General 4 5 6 DEBBIE J. VOROUS 7 Deputy Attomey General Attomeys for Respondent Ricardo Lara in 8 his capacity as Insurance Commissioner of the State of California 9 10 SA2019103062 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Index of Exhibits and Exhibits in Support of Motion for Protective Order and/or to Quash Depositions and Motion for Bifurcation and to Set the Sequence and Timing of Discovery (34-2019-80003164) EXHIBIT A March 16,; 2020.. (925)416-7480, ..... Email: Facsimile;.<(925).523-5653 Via Hand: DeHveryl. ... Debbie J. Vorous, Esq. Office;of-theiMorney .General of Califomia. 130Q:I^Street,;Suite..125,.;.v;..,, . SacramentOiGA 94244;,. . . . . . . , : i , )::r-.:,RE: :State,FiJnd.v< Ricardo L a r a , . e t a k , . v , uv . Sacramento.C.Qunty Superior CQurt.Case No. :34-2Q1.9-eiQ00.316.4 .. .............. . •.Dear-.Ms:rVoi;d.uSfc.-.vv:'i... .i;!?. :v, . While State Fund remains exploring settlement of the above matter, as we discussed at Friday's hearing, In light of the new allegations in the First Amended Writ Petition, discovery will be necessary for each party. In that regard, enclosed herewith please find a Notices of Deposition for: (1) Ricardo Lara, in his capacity as the Insurance Commissioner of the State of California; (2) Bryant Henley; and (3) the Person Most. Qualified.ofthe California Department of Insurance. please note that the depositions are presently noticed for March 30, April 1, and April 2; however, State Fund reGogrtizesithat these depositions were noticed unilaterally and that due to the deponents' schedule, counsels' schedule andibecause.of the pending COVID-19 situation, the depositions may not be able to proceed as noticed. Please feel free to reach out to your client and propose alternative dates which may work better for •them::.H.;;v?:i; In the event of a requested continuance we are still interested In receiving, as soon as practical, the documents accompanying the Deposition Notices. Therefore, we are seeking your consideration on arrangements for receipt of said documents at or near the date as originally noticed. Having the documents in advanced will facilitate the efficient conduct of the depositions if they must be continued. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.or comments.... ... Very Truly.-Ytfujfe, ^ ^ ^ R . Sofinson Assistant Chief Counsel Enclosures: as stated 5880 Owens Drive, 3rd Floor Pleasanton, CA 94588-3900 EXHIBIT B 1 RHETT R. JOHNSON, Assistant Chief Counsel (SBN#219521) JENNIFER D. WELLMAN, Staff Counsel (SBN# 238220) 2 State Compensation Insurance Fund Corporate Legal Department 3 5880 Owens Drive, 3ni Floor Pleasanton, California 94588-3900 4 Telephone: (925)416-7480 FacsimUe: (925) 523-5653 5 NOAH GRAFF, Assistant Chief Counsel (SBN# 192795) 6 SEATON TSAI, Staff Counsel (SBN# 271408) State Compensation Insurance Fund 7 Corporate Legal Department 900 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 401 8 Monterey Park, Califomia 91754 Telephone: (323) 526-2045 9 Facsimile: (323) 526-2012 10 Attomeys for Petitioner 11 STATE COMPENSATION INSXJRANCE FUND A Public Enteiprise Fund 12 13 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 14 FOR THE COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 15 Unlimited Civil Case 16 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE CASE NO. 34-2019-80003164 17 FUND, a Public Enterprise Fund, 18 Petitioner, NOTICE OF DEPOSITION OF RICARDO LARA AND DEMAND FOR PRODUCTION 19 vs. OF DOCUMENTS 20 RICARDO LARA in his capacity as INSURANCE COMMISSIONER OF THE 21 STATE OF CALIFORMA, 22 Respondent. 23 A-BRITE BLIND & DRAPERY CLEANING, 24 Real Party In Interest. 25 26 27 28 . NOTICE OF DEPOSITION 1 TO PLAINTIFF AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 2 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Califomia Code of Civil Procedure ("CCP") 3 Section 2025.010, et seq., Petitioner State Compensation Insurance Fund ("State Fund") will take 4 the oral deposition of Ricardo Lara. The deposition will be taken at State Compensation Insurance Fund, 5880 Owens 5 Drive, 3rd Floor, Pleasanton, Califomia 94588-3900. The deposition will be taken on April 1, 6 2020 at 10:00 a.m. and shall continuefromdate to date thereafter until completed. 7 The deposition will be taken before a notary public/certified court reporter who is 8 autiiorized to administer an oath. Pursuant to CCP sections 2025.220(a)(5), 2025.330 and 9 2025.340, testimony may be recorded by a form of instant visual display of the testimony known 10 as LiveNote and by videotape, in additional to recording the testimony by the stenographic 11 method. Petitioner hereby reserves therightto use the videotape of said deposition at trial. 12 BUSINESS RECORDS TO BE PRODUCED 13 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the deponent is to produce the following 14 documents (meaning all "writings" described in Califomia Evidence Code section 250) at 15 deposition: 16 (1) All correspondences with Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State Fund's 17 Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 18 (2) All documents prepared by Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State 19 Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 20 21 (3) All documents sent to Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State Fimd's 22 Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 23 (4) AU correspondences with any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 24 25 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 26 (5) All documents prepared by any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 27 • relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 28 -1- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION. 1 (6) All documents sent to any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 2 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 3 (7) All correspondences with any entity other than State Fund relating or refaciing to 4 State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 5 6 (8) All documents prepared by any entity other than State Fund relating or referring to 7 State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 8 (9) All documents sent to entity other than State Fimd relating or referring to State 9 Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. (10) All correspondences with Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 13 " (11) All documents prepared by Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State 15 Fund's FUing, CDI No. 16-1083 16 (12) All documents sent to Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State Fimd's ^ 17 Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 18 15 (13) All correspondences with any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 20 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083 21 (14) All documents prepared by any actuarial company, accounting finn, or consultant 22 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 23 24 (15) All documents sent to any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 25 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083 26 (16) All correspondences with any entity other than State Fund relating or referring to 27 State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 28 -2- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION 1 (17) All documents prepared by any entity other than State Fund relating or referring to 2 State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 3 (18) All documents sent to entity other than State Fund relating or referring to State 4 Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 5 6 (19) All documents relating or referring to State Fimd's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 7 (20) All documents relating or referrmg to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 15-1083. 8 (21) All documents relating or referring to In the Matter ofthe Appeal ofA-Brite Blind 9 &Drapery Cleaning, CDI File No.: AHB-WCA-17-26 (the Decision"), 10 (22) All documents relating or referring to In the Matter of the Appeal of Sessions 11 Payroll Management, Inc., CDI File No.: AHB-WCA-17-26 (the "Sessions 12 13 Payroll). 14 (23) All documents relating or referring to Michael Reynolds Enterprise, Inc, v. State 15 Compensation Insurance Fund, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 16 19STCV05738. 17 (24) All documents relating or referring to American letter & Plumbing, Inc. v. State 18 Compensation^ Insurance Fund, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 19 20 19STCV36307. 21 22 23 24 Dated: March K/2020 By 25 RHETT R. JOHNSON 26 SEATON TSAI 27 Attomeys for Petitioner STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND 28 -3- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION EXHIBIT C 1 RHETT R. JOHNSON, Assistant Chief Counsel (SBN#219521) JENNIFER D. WELLMAN, Staff Counsel (SBN# 238220) 2 State Compensation Insurance Fund Corporate Legal Department 3 5880 Owens Drive, 3rd Floor Pleasanton, Califomia 94588-3900 4 Telephone: (925)416-7480 Facsimile: (925) 523-5653 5 NOAH GRAFF, Assistant Chief Counsel (SBN# 192795) 6 SEATON TSAI, Staff Counsel (SBN# 271408) State Compensation Insurance Fund 7 Corporate Legal Department 900 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 401 8 Monterey Park, Califomia 91754 Telephone: (323) 526-2045 9 Facsimile: (323) 526-2012 10 Attomeys for Petitioner 11 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND A Public Enterprise Fund 12 13 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNLA 14 FOR THE COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 15 Unlimited Civil Case 16 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE CASE NO. 34-2019-80003164 17 FUND, a Public Enterprise Fund, 18 Petitioner, NOTICE OF DEPOSITION OF BRYANT HENLEY AND DEMAND FOR 19; vs. PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 20 RICARDO LARA in his capacity as^ INSURANCE COMMISSIONER OF THE 21 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 22 Respondent. 23 A-BRITE BLIND & DRAPERY CLEANING, 24 Real Party In Interest. 25 26 27 28 NOTICE OF DEPOSITION 1 TO PLAINTIFF AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 2 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Califomia Code ofCivil Procedure ("CCP") 3 Section 2025.010, et seq., Petitioner State Compensation Insurance Fund ("State Fund") will take 4 the oral dq>osition of Bryant Henley. 5 The deposition will be taken at State Compensation Insurance Fund, 5880 Owens Drive, 3rd Floor, Pleasanton, Califomia 94588-3900. The deposition wiU be taken on Marcli 6 30,2020 at 10:00 a.m. and shall continuefromdate to date thereafter until completed. 7 The deposition will be taken before a notary public/certified court reporter who is 8 authorized to administer an oath. Pursuant to CCP sections 2025.220(a)(5), 2025.330 and 9 2025.340, testimony may be recorded by a form of instant visual display of the testimony known 10 as LiveNote and by videotape, in additional to recording the testimony by the stenographic 11 method. Petitioner hereby reserves therightto use the videotape of said deposition at trial. 12 BUSEVESS RECORDS TO BE PRODUCED 13 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the deponent is to produce the following 14 documents (meaning all "writings" described in Califomia Evidence Code section 250) at 15 deposition: 16 (1) All correspondences with Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State 17 Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 18 (2) All documents prepared by Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State 19 20 Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 21 (3) All documents sent to Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State Fund's 22 Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 23 24 (4) All correspondences with any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 25 relating or referrmg to State Fund's FiUng, CDI No. 12-5106. 26 (5) All documents prepared by any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 27 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 28 -1- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION 10 1 (6) All documents sent to any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 2 relaiting or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 3 (7) All correspondences with any entity other than State Fund relating or referring to 4 State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 5 6 I (8) All documents prepared by any entity other than State Fund relating or referring to 7 State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 8 (9) All documents sent to entity other than State Fund relating or referring to State 9 JO Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106 ^1 (10) All correspondences with Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 13. (11) All documents prepared by Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State 14 15 I Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. (12) All documents sent to Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State Fund's 17 Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 18 (13) All correspondences with any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 20 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 21 (14) All documents prepared by any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 22 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 23 24 (15) All documents sent to any actuarial company, accoimting firm, or consultant 25 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 26 (16) AU correspondences with any entity other than State Fund relating or referring to 27 State Fund's FiUng, CDI No. 16-1083. 28 -2- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION II 1 (17) All documents prepared by any entity other than State Fund relating or referring to 2 State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 3 (18) All documents sent to entity other than State Fund relating or referring to State 4 Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. . 5 6 (19) All documents relating or referring to State Fund's FUing, CDI No. 12-5106. 7 (20) AU documents relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI,No. 15-1083. 8 9 10 Dated: Marchl3 2020 By 11 RHETT R. JOHNSON 12 SEATON TSAI Attomeys for Petitioner 13 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27. 28 -3- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION 12 EXHIBIT D 13 1 RHETT R. JOHNSON, Assistant Chief Counsel (SBN#219521) JENNIFER D. WELLMAN, Staff Counsel (SBN# 238220) 2 State Compensation Insurance Fund Corporate Legal Department 3 5880 Owens Drive, 3rd Floor Pleasanton, Califomia 94588-3900 4 Telephone: (925) 416-7480 Facsimile: (925) 523-5653 5 NOAH GRAFF, Assistant Chief Counsel (SBN# 192795) 6 SEATON TSAI, Staff Counsel (SBN# 271408) State Compensation Insurance Fund 7 Corporate Legal Department ^ 900 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 401 8 Monterey Park, Califomia 91754 Telephone: (323) 526-2045 9 Facsimile: (323)526-2012 10 Attomeys for Petitioner II STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND A Public Enterprise Fund 12 13 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNM. 14 FOR THB COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 15 Unlimited Civil Case 16 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE CASE NO. 34-2019-80003164 17 FUND, a PubUc Enterprise Fund, 18 Petitioner, NOTICE OF DEPOSITION OF PERSON MOST QUALIFIED OF THE CALIFORNIA 19 vs. DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE AND DEMAND FOR PRODUCTION OF 20 RICARDO LARA in his capacity as DOCUMENTS INSURANCE COMMISSIONER OF THE 21 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 22 Respondent. 23 A-BRITE BLIND & DRAPERY CLEANING, 24 Real Party In Interest. 25 26 27 28 NOTICE OF DEPOSITION 14 1 TO PLAINTIFF AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 2 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to CaUfomia Code of Civil Procedure ("CCP") 3 Section 2025.010, et seq., Petitioner State Compensation Insurance Fund ("State Fund") will take 4 the oral deposition of the Person Most Qualified of the Califomia Department of Insurance 5 ("CDI"). The deposition will be taken at State Compensation Insurance Fund, 5880 Owens 6 Drive, 3rd Floor, Pleasanton, Califomia 94588-3900. The deposition will be taken on April 2, 7 2020. at 10:00 a.m. and shaU continuefromdate to date thereafter until completed. 8 The deposition will be taken before a notary public/certified court reporter who is 9 authorized to administer an oath. Pursuant to CCP sections 2025.220(a)(5), 2025.330 and 10 2025.340, testimony may be recorded by a form of instant visual display of the testimony known II as LiveNote and by videotape, in additional to recording the testimony by the stenographic 12 method. Petitioner hereby reserves therightto use the videotape of said deposition at trial. 13 CATEGORIES FOR TESTIMONY 14 (1) State Compensation Insurance Fund Rate FUing, CDI No. 12-5106. 15 (2) State Compensation Insurance Fund Rate FUing, CDI No. 15-1083. 16 (3) The Department of Insurance process and procedure for accepting workers' 17 compensation insurance rate filings. ' 18 (4) The Department of Insurance process and procedure for rejecting workers' 19 compensation insurance rate filings. 20 (5) The Department of Insurance process and procedure for revieAving workers' 21 compensation insurance rate filings. 22 (6) In the Matter of the Appeal of A-Brite Blind & Drapery Cleaning, CDI File No.; AHB- 23 WCA-17-26 (the "^-5nre Decision"). 24 (7) In the Matter of the Appeal of Sessions Payroll Management, Inc., CDI File No.: AHB- WCA-17-26 (the "Sessions Payroir). 25 (8) Michael Reynolds Enterprise, Inc. v. State Compensation Insurance Fund, Los Angeles 26 27 Superior Court CaseNo. 19STCV05738. 28 -1- NOTICE OF DEPOSITION 15 1 (9) American Jetter & Plumbing, Inc. v. State Compensation Insurance Fund, Los Angeles 2 Superior Court Case No. 19STCV36307. 3 (10) Insurance Commissioner oversight authority over the Administrative Hearins 4 Bureau. 5 (11) Insurance Commissioner oversight over individual Administrative Law Judges within the Administi-ative Hearing Bureau. 6 (12) Insurance Code section 11735. 7 (13) Insurance Code section 11737. 8 9 BUSINESS RECORDS TO BE PRODUCED 10 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the deponent is to produce the following 11 documents (meaning all "writings" described in Califomia Evidence Code section 250) at 12 deposition: 13 (1) All correspondences with Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State 14 Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 15 16 (2) All documents prepared by Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State 17 Fund's Filing, GDI No. 12-5106. 18 (3) AU documents sent to Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State Fund's 19 Filing, GDI No. 12-5106. 20 21 (4) AU correspondences with any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 22 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106, 23 (5) AU documents prepared by any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 24 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 25 26 (6) All. documents sent to any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 27 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 28 NOTICE OF DEPOSITION 16 (7) All correspondences with any entity other than. State Fund relating or referring to 2 State Fund's FiUng, CDI No. 12-5106. ' 3 (8) All documents prepared by any entity other than State Fund relating or referring to 4 State Fund's FUing, CDI No. 12-5106. 5 6 (9) All documents sent to entity other than State Fund relating or referring to State 7 Fund's FUing, CDI No. 12-5106. 8 (10) All correspondences with Towers Watson «fe Co. relating or referring to State 9 Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 10 11 (11) All documents prepared by Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State 12 Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 13 (12) All documents sent to Towers Watson & Co. relating or referring to State Fund's 14 Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 15 16 (13) All correspondences with any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 17 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 18 (14) All documents prepared by any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 19 20 relating or referring to State Fund's FUmg, CDI No. 16-1083. 21 (15) AU documents sent to any actuarial company, accounting firm, or consultant 22 relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 23 24 (16) All correspondences with any entity other than State Fund relating or referring to 25 State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. 26 (17) All dociiments prepared by any entity other than State Fund relating or referring to 27 State Fund's Filing, CDINo. 16-1083., 28 ^3: ._ NOTICE OF DEPOSITION 17 (18) *A11 docuinents sent to entity other than State Fund relating or referring to State 2 Fund's Filing, CDI No. 16-1083. . 3 (19) AU documents relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 12-5106. 4 (20) All documents relating or referring to State Fund's Filing, CDI No. 15-1083. 5 6 (21) AU documents relating orreferring to the ".4-5nYe Decision. 7 (22) All documents relating or referring to Sessions Payroll. 8 (23) All documents relating or referring to Michael Reynolds Enterprise, Inc. v. State 9 Compensation Insurance Fund, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 10 19STCV05738. 11 (24) All documents relating or referring to American Jetter & Plumbing, Inc. v. State 12 Compensation Irisurance Fund, Los Angeles Superior Court • Case No. 13 14 19STCV36307. 15 16 Dated: Marchi^2020 By / 17 Z iy' RHETT R. JOHNSON 18 SEATON TSAI Attomeys for Petitioner 19 STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOTICE OF DEPOSITION 18 EXHIBIT E 19 XA VIER BECERRA State of California Attorney General DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 13001 STREET, surre 125 P.O. BOX 944255 SACRAMENTO, CA 94244-2550 Public: (916)445-9555 Telephone: (916)210-7349 Facsimile: (916)323-7095 E-Mail: March 19,2020 Via Email and U.S. Mail Rliett R. Jolmson Assistant Chief Counsel State Compensation Insurance Fund Corporate Legal Depailment 5880 Owens Drive, 3rd Floor Pleasanton, CA 94588-3900 ' RE: State Compensation Bisurance Fund v. Ricai'do Lara, A-Brite Blind & Drapery Cleanuig Superior Court of Califomia. Countv of Sacramento. CaseNo. 34-2019-80003164 Dear Mr. Johnson: We receivedtiieNotices of Deposition and Docmnent Demands directed to Ricardo Lara, in his capacity as the Insurance Contmissioner, Bryant Henley, and the Person Most Qualified of the Depailment of hisurance, which were seived on our office Monday, March 16, 2020, and set for March 30, April 1 and April 2, respectively, Please be advised that neither myself nor any of the witnesses wUl be appearing for the depositions as scheduled. Nor will we be providing any ofthe requested documents. As you know, the COVID-19 situation has resulted in great micertainty and, as oftiiisweek, we here in Sacramento are operating under a stay-at-home order. Further orders exist in Los Angeles and San Francisco Counties where many of Uie Department's employees and officials work and reside. Moreover, the Sacramento County Superior Court has ceased operations, and will remain closed for judicial business tlirougli April 16, 2020, except for a list of enumerated time- sensitive, essentialfimctions.Thus, we have no way to file a motion to quash or stay Uie notices of deposition ahead of March 30 and/or file a motion for a protective order. , To that end, we are asldng that you withdraw the notices of deposition and document demands, and wait until the stay-at-home orders are Ufted and court reopens before resetting the depositions. In addition, because it is our position that tiie depositions should.not go forward for other reasons, we will need to meet and confer with you on the notices and possibly a date for the court to address our discovery dispute, hi the meantime, we will provide you with our position as to why the depositions should not go forward, and be available for a conference caU to discuss it. . 20 March 19, 2020 Page 2 Please confirm by Tuesday, March 24 tiiat State Fund has withdrawn the notices of deposition and document demands directed to Insurance Commissioner Lara, Bryant Henley, and the Person Most Qualified to Testifyfromthe Department. I appreciate your professional courtesy in this regard. Sincerely, /s/Debbie J. Vorous DEBBIE J. VOROUS Deputy Attorney General For XAVIER BECERRA Attorney General DJV: SA2019103062 ' 2\ EXHIBIT F 22 SACRAMENTO, CA N I C H O L A S P. R O X B O R O U G H SACFIAMENTO OFFICE D R E W E. P O M E R A N C E TEU ( 9 1 6 ) 4 4 2 - 2 4 1 5 GARY A . N Y E M I C H A E L B. A D R E A N I MARINA N . V I T E K JOSEPHC. GJONOLA LOS A N O E L E S , C A ;/0R O'>[B,O R O U.G Hn;-.; WESTWOOD OFFICE ?«?:*-DWIM'I:-.D'>VK^AT'?»?»-V. TEU ( 3 1 0 ) 4 7 0 1 8 6 9 D A V I D R. G I N S B U R G FAX: ( 3 1 0 ) 4 7 0 9 6 4 8 BURTON E. F A L K RYAN R. S A L S I G DARON A. BARSAMIAN TREVOR R. W I T T 5820 CANOGA AVENUE, D A M O N M . RIBAKOFF VINCE S. G A N N U S I C O SUITE 250 (197O-2007) W O O D L A N D HILLS, CA 91367 TEL: (81 8) 9 9 2 - 9 9 9 9 FAX: ( 8 1 8 ) 9 9 2 - 9 9 9 1 March 20. 2020 Via E-Mail and U.S. Mail Rhett R. johnson Assistant Chief Counsel State Compensation Insurance Fund Corporate Legal department 5880 Owens Drive, 3"" Floor Pleasanton, CA 94588-3900 Re: State Compensation Insurance Fund v. Ricardo Lara, A-Brite Blind & Drapery Cleaning Sacramento Superior Court Case No. 34-2019-80003164 Dear Mr. Johnson: On behalf of A-Brite, we join with the Commissioner in demanding that SCIF withdraw the deposition notices of the various Dept. of Insurance personnel that you unilaterally noticed for next week. Obviously in the light of the recent statewide order due to COVID-19, they cannot go forward. Once the stay at home orders are lifted, we would appreciate if you would exercise the most basic professional courtesy to furst make inquiry of what dates would work.for all parties, rather than just unilaterally noticing them. In any event, we would object to these depositions proceeding at all, given that it is our view that the only permissible discovery now should be to test your allegations conceming promissory estoppel. Only ifyou prevail on that matter would the Writ be able to proceed on the merits. Oiicc tlic stay at home orders have been lifted, we can engage in a proper meet and confer on the issue, and if necessary, seek court assistance. Until then, please confirm the withdrawal of the deposition notices. Stay safe and healUiy, Very truly ypiji's, GR, POMERANCE, NYE & ADREANI, LLP OMBRANC DEP/sg 23 EXHIBIT G 24 ESTATE; Mai-ch 24, 2020 Via Electi'onic Mail Debbie J. Vorous, Esq. Office oftiieAttoniey General of California 13001 Street, Suite 125 Sacramento Califomia 94244 Telephone: (916) 210-7349 FacsimUe: (916) 323-7095 Email: Debbie.Vorous(a), Re: State Fund v. Ricardo Lara, et al. Sacramento Comity Superior Court Case No. 34-2019-80003164 Dear Ms. Vorous: State Fund is in receipt of your letter dated March 19, 2020. As an adniinistrative matter, I am taking over lead handling of this writ proceedmg on behalf of State Fund. You may continue to include Mr. Jolinson on future coimiiuiiications, but i f you need any direct telephonic communication, you may reach me at (323) 266-5012. J' We ai-e sensitive to tiie severe strain that COVID-19 has caused nationwide, Califomia, the CDI, and us here at State Fund, and all our families. We wish eveiyone to be liealtiiy and safe, and will definitely work with you in that regard. ^ As the Supeiior Court recentiy noted when discussing the COVID-19 crisis, "Given the current circumstances, attomeys should be prepared to agi-ee to reasonable extensions and continuances as may be necessary or advisable to avoid in-person meetings, lieaiings or deposition obligations." We are not aware that Courts are not requiring or asking parties to withdraw discovery, ifyou have infonnation with regard to that please share it with us. By servuig deposition notices last week. State Fund sought to protect its interests in this petition proceeding, just as you are defending Uie interests of your client - the CDI and the Insurance Commissioner. As we noted in our cover letter. State Fund asked the CDI to "feelfi-eeto reach out to yom- client and propose alternative dates wliich may work better for Uiem." State Fuiid remains agreeable to continuing the depositions and document productions to a later date. State Fund cannot, however, withdraw its deposition notices entirely due to the nature of tins (and related) class-action litigations. Botii you and A-Brite's counsel made representations to the Court at Uie hearing on the deniurters concerning the imminent necessity of discovery. Further, State Fund is not inclined to withdraw the notices considering boUi A-Brite and the CDI apparentiy intend to file motions to quashtiiedeposition notices for reasons unrelated to COVID- Los Angeles Corporate Legal 900 Corporate Center Dr., Suite 401, Monterey Park, CA 91754 25 Debbie J. Vorous, Esq. March 24, 2020 Page 2 19 and/or schedulmg. We are all enduring the challenge of working remotely due to the vaiious stay-at-home orders, but this should not put a pause on meet and confer efforts. Please state your legal basis for why State Fund's deposition notices should be quashed by March 30, 2020, especially in light oftiiisresponse wherein State Fund is expressing its wUlingness to extend time and advance reasonable professional courtesies. Finally, given Uiat State Fund's deposition notices were served prior to the recent, Govemor's Order and tiie escalation of the COVAD-19 crisis, and State Fund is expressing its wUlingness to continue, it is State Fund's position that once active litigation, resumes, its depositions noticed earlier in time will have priority. Please confirm your agreement on this reasonable accommodation. Very Truly Yours, Seaton Tsai Direct Line: (323) 266-5012 Facsimile: (925) 523-5653 Email: Eiiclosui-es: As stated 26 EXHIBIT H 27 iSTTTVT-E;; !*• C O M P H I M S A T I O N i V ' >. I N S U R A N C E : - Mai-ch 24,2020 Via Electronic Mail Drew Pomerance, Esq. David Guisburg, Esq. Roxborough Pomerance Nye & Adreani LLP 5820 Canoga Ave #250 Woodland HiUs, CaUfomia 91367 Telephone: (818) 992-9999 Facsirnile: (818)992-9991 Email: dep(fl),ii3naIaw.coin drg(a! Re: State Fund v. Ricardo Lara, et al. Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 34-2019-80003164 Dear Messrs. Pomerance and Ginsburg: State Fund is in receipt of your letter dated March 20, 2020. As an administi-ative matter, I am taking over lead handling of Uiis writ proceeding on behalf of State Fund. You may continue to include Mr. Jolmson on coirespondences, but if you need any direct telephonic commmUcation, you may reach me at (323) 266-5012. We ai'e sensitive to the severe strain that COVID-19 has caused nationwide, California, Uie CDI, and us here at State Fund, and all our famiUes. We wish everyone to be healUiy and safe, and will definitely work with you in that regard. As the Superior Court recentiy noted when discussing tiie COVID-19 crisis, "Given Uie current circumstances, attomeys should be prepared to agi-ee to reasonable extensions and continuances as may be necessary or advisable to. avoid in-pei-sOn meetings, hearings or deposition obligations." We are not awaretiiatCourts are not requiring or asking parties to witiidraw discovei-y, ifyou have infonnation with regard to that please share it with us. By serving deposition notices last week, S