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  • GRUPO ESTRELLA, LLC VS JESUS MANUEL  VEA TRASVINA Small Claims (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • GRUPO ESTRELLA, LLC VS JESUS MANUEL  VEA TRASVINA Small Claims (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


authorized by section 116.530 of the Code of Civil Pro Fil out ®)-@ on this page, then file it with the small claims clerk at or Court, If you are a lawyer, you can cedure, before the trial. @ List the name, address, and Position of the person peari ap ing: Name: _Jesus Solorio for: Client Services ® Who are you @ppearing for? Oa in thi Address; 2929 Floyd St, Burbank 91504 Job title or telationship to the defendant or Plaintiff you want to appear (name): HA plaintist in this case (name): & e CUA Ue Superior Court Mickacl Hen tor, or partner of that Partnership, O Other business (not a corporation, Partnership, or sole Proprietorship) and I am an employee, officer, or director business (Small Claims) an employee, officer, of that business. I am qualified \ Ss County of Los Angeles SEP 14 2ézi of California tive Uiticer/Clerk ~~ , Deputy derson