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  • 2019 MEIR LEVY AND SARAH C. WINTNER TRUST Trust (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • 2019 MEIR LEVY AND SARAH C. WINTNER TRUST Trust (General Jurisdiction) document preview


NAME, ADDRESS. AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR NUMBER: Reserved forC/erk's File Stamp David D. Samani 280179 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP 633 West 5‘“ Street, Suite 4000 FOLIJnEochamomia Los Angeles, CA 90071 S” Los Angeles 32:), oi ArrORNEY FOR (Name): Respondents Gary Ruttenbeg and Ruttenberg Cutler Broomer LLP SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SEP ’9 2021 COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, California 90012 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Yael Sima Wintner, et DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Meir Levy. et al. al BV/ Shem Roam, Executive OtficetIGerk E. Nvarez 0* 00““ Depu‘y CASE NUMBER: PEREMPTORY CHALIrENGE T0 JUDICIAL OFFICER 21STPBO7335 (Code CIv. Proc, § 170.6) Name of Judicial Officer: (PRINT) Dept. Number: Hon. Lee R. Bogdanoff 29 g Judge D Commissioner D Referee | am a party (or attorney for a party) to this action or special proceeding. The judicial officer named above, before whom the trial of, or a hearing in, this case is pending, or to whom it has been assigned, is prejudiced against the party (or his or her attorney) or the interest of the party (or his or her attorney), so that declarant cannot, or believes that he or she cannot, have a fair and impartial trial or hearing before the judicial officer. DECLARATION ldeclare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the information entered on this form is true and correct. Filed on behalf Dated: September9,2021 of: Gary Ruttenberg Name of Party D W PIaintiff/Petitioner E Defendant/Respondent [j Other: STgnature of Declarant David D. Samani Printed Name D Cross Complainant D Cross Defendant g ~/Q"—\9 PEREMPTORY CHALLENGE To JUDICIAL OFFICER CodeCiv- Pm- § "06 agglfwrgggomfl (Code WW Forogta‘éfia. Use Civ. Proc., § 170.6) American Legumet. Inc.