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  • SUNRISE PROJECTS, LLC, A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS ALLSTAR FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Real Property (not eminent domain, landlord/tenant, foreclosure) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SUNRISE PROJECTS, LLC, A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS ALLSTAR FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Real Property (not eminent domain, landlord/tenant, foreclosure) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Civil Division West District, Santa Monica Courthouse, Department R 21SMCV00756 June 16, 2021 SUNRISE PROJECTS, LLC, A WYOMING LIMITED 11:24 AM LIABILITY COMPANY vs ALLSTAR FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, et al. Judge: Honorable Mark H. Epstein CSR: None Judicial Assistant: E. Sam ERM: None Courtroom Assistant: A. Wiggins Deputy Sheriff: None APPEARANCES: For Plaintiff(s): No Appearances For Defendant(s): No Appearances NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Court Order Re: Related Cases The Court finds that the following cases, 21SMCV00756 and 21SMCV01011, are related within the meaning of California Rules of Court, rule 3.300(a). 21SMCV00756 is the lead case. For good cause shown, said cases are assigned to Judge Mark H. Epstein in Department R at Santa Monica Courthouse for all purposes. Certificate of Mailing is attached. Minute Order Page 1 of 1