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  • SUNRISE PROJECTS, LLC, A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS ALLSTAR FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Real Property (not eminent domain, landlord/tenant, foreclosure) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SUNRISE PROJECTS, LLC, A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS ALLSTAR FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Real Property (not eminent domain, landlord/tenant, foreclosure) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 07/06/2022 11:01 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by K. Parenteau,Deputy Clerk POS-015 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name. Slsle Bar number, and afafnms} FOR COURT USE ONLY MICHAEL J. STEPONOVICHr JR. STEPONOVICH & ASSOCIATES A PROFESSIONAL LARI CORPORATION 120 VANTIS DRIVE, SUITE 300 ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656-2677 6661.07 TELEPHONENO {714) 479-0039 FAxwo (Oplmnas {714 ) 479-0209 EJBAILADDREss(opliona0. mike8stepola}rf. corn ATToRNEY FoR (Namel SUNRISE PROJECTS r LLC SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES sTREETADDREss 9355 BURTON STREET MAILING ADDRESS CITYANDZIPCODE. BEVERLY HILLS r CA 90212 BRANCHNAME BEVERLY HILLS COURTHOUSE PLAINTIFF/PET}TIONER: SUNRISE PROJECTS, LLC DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: ALLSTAR FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., ETC., ET AL. CASE NUMBER: NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT—CIVIL 21SMCV00756 TO(inse/fnemeofpsrfybeingserved): NILLIAM E. MORGAN. TRUBTEE or THE NoRGAN f.rvtffc TRUBT REsTATED JULY 21, 2001 NOTICE The summons and other documents identified below are being served pursuant to section 415.30 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. Your failure to complete this form and return it within 20 days from the date of mailing shown below may subject you {or the party on whose behalf you sre being served) to liability for the payment of any expenses incurred in serving a summons on you in any other manner permitted by law. If you are being served on behalf of a corporation, an unincorporated association {including a partnership), or other entity, this form must be signed by you in the name of such entity or by a person authorized to receive service of process on behalf of such entity. In all other cases, this form must be signed by you personally or by a person authorized by you to acknowledge receipt of summons. If you return this form to the sender, service of a summons is deemed complete on the day you sign the acknowledgment of receipt below. Jf Oateofmsiling: DECEMBER 8, 2021 MICHAEL J. STEPONOVICH. JR. I TYPE OR PRINT NAME) CASE) ACKNOWLEDGNIENT This acknowledges receipt of (to be completed by sender before M 1. 2. ~ A copy of the summons and of the complaint. Other:(sPecifyj( sUMMQNs ON FIRBT AMENDED coMPLAINT AND ADDITIQNAL PARTIEs ATTAcHMENTI RELIEF'OTICE PLAINTIFF'S FIRST AMENDED VERIFIED COMP AINT FOR: 1. QUIET TITLE 2. DECLARATORY OF PENDENCY OF ACTION (Code REASSIGNMENT AND ORDER FOR PLAINTIFF TO GIVE ot'i vi 1 Procedure Section 005.20)l NOTICE OF CASE NOTICE (Dates Remain) (To be completed by recipientjl Date this form is signed: I 2.-( Lt-TH5 2 I lA ll i&iytt 6 . IODIDE(LF) (TYPE OR PRINT YOUR NAME AND NAME OF ENTITY, IF ANY, (SIGNATURE OF PERSI)N ACKNOTI((EDGING RECEIPT, WITH TITLE IF ON WHOSE BEHALF THIS FORM IS SIGNED} ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PERSON OR ENTITY) Psae1 of 1 Nwla Ms~"'Wus NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGNIENT OF RECEIPT — CIVIL I Juoioef counol of casfornra POS&f 5 (Rev January 1. 2005} o t"~ puTRI . EEM Wrlhs