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  • DE PRUME, JULIA - DECEDENT Decedent's Estate (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DE PRUME, JULIA - DECEDENT Decedent's Estate (General Jurisdiction) document preview


DowSign Envelope ID: DQFOFD8C-E1 ED-4S7E-8AAC-F8601 F099F7D ‘ ’0 DE-150 AWWPWWMAWMMWWWWI _Cathryn de Prume mMMDFAXNOS: 3234228907 mmmmv 3824 EVANS ST, APT 7 Los Angeles, CA 90027 F[LE D Superior Court of California Amamm): Cathryn de Prume county 0f L05 Angeies SUPERIOR COURT OF CAUFORNIA, COUNTY OF Los Angela . swarms 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 _ SEP 3 U 2021 mamma- 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 m cm 3pm Los Angeles, CA 9001 2 SherWflve 0 mundane Fromm ESTATE 0F (Name): By UJuliete Almanza %- Flcer/Clerk of Court , Deputy Julia de Pmme DECEDENT .- ~E~TESTAHEMARY E 0F ADMINISTRATION wn'H WILL . ~ ANN“ E D or mummnou SPECIAL Anumlsmuou 21 STPBO4585 E 1. LETTERS Thelaawulomndecedentnamedabovetaving been proved. the court appoirm (name): 1. (Prob. AFFIRMAHON [:1 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR: No animation required Code, § 7621(c». E Cathryn de Prume E E a. executor. 2. INDIVIDUAL- Isolemnly affirm that win perronn the I b. adminisuamr with wm annexed. dufies of petsonal Iepmenmtive awarding m law. 2. E The a. appoins (name): court Cathryn de Prume administrator ome decedent's estate. 3. E INSTITU110NAL FIDUCIARY (name): solemnly affirm that me irwunbn will perfonn the b. 1:] (1) D special administrator of decedent's estate wilhlhespedal pwetsspecified l dufia of petsonal represenhfive according tn law. make mis affirmation for mwelf as an individual and (2) E in the older for Probate. wmlthe pwersofagenetal l on behafloflhe inwmflonasanoffioer. (3) D administrator. letters will expire on (date): (Name and We): 3. B] The personal representative is authorized m administer the same underme Independent Administration of Esm [8] with fun ammy D Act with mum authority (no awaity, without court supewision. to (1) sell or exchange real propeny 4. Execth on (dab): at (pbw): 9/17/ZJ w/qwfdg, Camomia. or(2)grantanopfionmpurcfmelealpmpertyor(3) bonowmoneywithmeloansecmedbyan enwmbrance upon real pmperty). b 4.: “mepersmairepmenmfiveisnaalnhomdmmke Vacuums) mionofmneyoranyomerpropenymna / CERTIFICATION spedficoourtorder. lcetfifyflathisdowmentbaconedcopyofheofiginalon filemmyofioeandtheleltersissuedmepersonalrepmsenm- five appolnmd above havenotbeen revoked, annulbd, orset WlTNESS.delkoffllemurt.MflIsaloffl1ecounafixed. aside, and are $5“ in fuil force and efl‘ed sap 3 0‘ 2021 Dam: (SEAL) Date: °'°"" ”Y Clem, by a SHERRI n. CARTER éiwéflfifi ' d]? S) fi H “‘“uuu ‘ .. fl“‘ . AWNZA LErrERs mmfi1m.m. u J DB1WW.M1,1M WMUNM (Probate) dem§m5£ “5.544,“;