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  • Richard Von Der Lieth v. Barbara Giordano a/k/a Barbara Leonaggeo a/k/a Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo, Roger Leonaggeo, Jack Giordano, M-M2 Re Holdings 4, Llc, H&L Equine, Llc, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc, Razor Capital Ii, Llc a/p/o Credit One Bank, N.A., Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, Pllc, John Doe 1-10 And Jane Doe 1-10, As Possible Heirs And Distributees Of The Interest Of Jack Giordano, If Deceased, John Doe 1-10, Jane Doe 1-10Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Richard Von Der Lieth v. Barbara Giordano a/k/a Barbara Leonaggeo a/k/a Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo, Roger Leonaggeo, Jack Giordano, M-M2 Re Holdings 4, Llc, H&L Equine, Llc, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc, Razor Capital Ii, Llc a/p/o Credit One Bank, N.A., Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, Pllc, John Doe 1-10 And Jane Doe 1-10, As Possible Heirs And Distributees Of The Interest Of Jack Giordano, If Deceased, John Doe 1-10, Jane Doe 1-10Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Richard Von Der Lieth v. Barbara Giordano a/k/a Barbara Leonaggeo a/k/a Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo, Roger Leonaggeo, Jack Giordano, M-M2 Re Holdings 4, Llc, H&L Equine, Llc, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc, Razor Capital Ii, Llc a/p/o Credit One Bank, N.A., Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, Pllc, John Doe 1-10 And Jane Doe 1-10, As Possible Heirs And Distributees Of The Interest Of Jack Giordano, If Deceased, John Doe 1-10, Jane Doe 1-10Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Richard Von Der Lieth v. Barbara Giordano a/k/a Barbara Leonaggeo a/k/a Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo, Roger Leonaggeo, Jack Giordano, M-M2 Re Holdings 4, Llc, H&L Equine, Llc, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc, Razor Capital Ii, Llc a/p/o Credit One Bank, N.A., Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, Pllc, John Doe 1-10 And Jane Doe 1-10, As Possible Heirs And Distributees Of The Interest Of Jack Giordano, If Deceased, John Doe 1-10, Jane Doe 1-10Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Richard Von Der Lieth v. Barbara Giordano a/k/a Barbara Leonaggeo a/k/a Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo, Roger Leonaggeo, Jack Giordano, M-M2 Re Holdings 4, Llc, H&L Equine, Llc, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc, Razor Capital Ii, Llc a/p/o Credit One Bank, N.A., Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, Pllc, John Doe 1-10 And Jane Doe 1-10, As Possible Heirs And Distributees Of The Interest Of Jack Giordano, If Deceased, John Doe 1-10, Jane Doe 1-10Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Richard Von Der Lieth v. Barbara Giordano a/k/a Barbara Leonaggeo a/k/a Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo, Roger Leonaggeo, Jack Giordano, M-M2 Re Holdings 4, Llc, H&L Equine, Llc, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc, Razor Capital Ii, Llc a/p/o Credit One Bank, N.A., Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, Pllc, John Doe 1-10 And Jane Doe 1-10, As Possible Heirs And Distributees Of The Interest Of Jack Giordano, If Deceased, John Doe 1-10, Jane Doe 1-10Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Richard Von Der Lieth v. Barbara Giordano a/k/a Barbara Leonaggeo a/k/a Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo, Roger Leonaggeo, Jack Giordano, M-M2 Re Holdings 4, Llc, H&L Equine, Llc, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc, Razor Capital Ii, Llc a/p/o Credit One Bank, N.A., Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, Pllc, John Doe 1-10 And Jane Doe 1-10, As Possible Heirs And Distributees Of The Interest Of Jack Giordano, If Deceased, John Doe 1-10, Jane Doe 1-10Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Richard Von Der Lieth v. Barbara Giordano a/k/a Barbara Leonaggeo a/k/a Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo, Roger Leonaggeo, Jack Giordano, M-M2 Re Holdings 4, Llc, H&L Equine, Llc, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc, Razor Capital Ii, Llc a/p/o Credit One Bank, N.A., Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, Pllc, John Doe 1-10 And Jane Doe 1-10, As Possible Heirs And Distributees Of The Interest Of Jack Giordano, If Deceased, John Doe 1-10, Jane Doe 1-10Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview


FILED: DUTCHESS COUNTY CLERK 02/27/2023 08/31/2021 04:47 01/05/2022 09:36 PM INDEX NO. 2021-51452 2018-50671 INDEX NO. 2018-50671 |FILED: NYSCEF DOC.DUTCHESS NO. 201 228 50 COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2018 03: 43 PM| RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/27/2023 08/31/2021 01/05/2022 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 57 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2018 rkth County Clark Recording Page Recons& ReturnTo: DateRecorded: 10/11/2016 TimeRecorded: R23 PM HA & CARWI LLP 0mument R 02 20166994 62 EASTMAINST WAPPINGERSFALLS,NY 12590 ReceivedFer:c REALPROPERTYABSTRACT& TITLESERVLLC Granloc GIOROANO4.Et™Am2EOBARBARA Grantee: M M2RE HOLDINGS4 LLC Recordedlit Dead Tax District Stanfad insbumentTypec Examinedand ChargedAs Fonows : RecordingChangs $1M00 Numberof Pages· 4 TransferTaxAmount $144.00 tricludesMansionTax: $0.00 = Do Not DetachTA!sPage * This to Not A Sill TransferTaxNumber: 633 RedHookTransferTar RPS217: Y TP-684: Y CountyClerkBy: ste Receipt#: 34057 BatchRecord: 223 8 O E wmu . uu.wanac WUmn 1U/U3/2U1U '""' ° -™'' 08/31/2021 U3:43 UJ.d5KK FILED: NYSCEF DUTCHESS DOC. NO. 57 COUNTY CLERK 02/27/2023 01/05/2022 04:47 PM_J 09:36 PM RECEIVED INDEX NO. 2021-51452 2018-50671 NYSCEF: 10/05/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 201 228 50 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/27/2023 08/31/2021 01/05/2022 consuLTvounuenmameroasamuanemesurrnumeur-mga.6æw--rsuoutoseusepavuwvemsas.v. THIS INDENTURE, made4tte BETWEEN L 6ayof ar/** BARBARA GIORDANO-LEONAGGEOand ,Two Thõusand Sixteen ROGER LEONAGGEO, residing at 150 Homart Road Stanfordville, New Yosk 12581 party of the first paft, and stutt2 RE HOLDINGS 4, LLC nasiding at ^131Allen Rd. Salt Point, New York 12578 party of the second part, WITNESSETH thatthepartyofthefirstpast,1nconalderationof TEN Dollars and 0ty100 0. £11=. tawful money of the United States, and othervaluable considerationpaid by the party of the second part, does barebygrant and release unto the party of the second part the heirs or successoraand assigneof the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildingsarid irnprovementsthereon erected, situate, tying and being In the Town of Stanfordville,County of Dutchaos and State of New Y‡ more perscularlybounded and describedon Schedule"A"attachedherete ahd made a parthereof. BEING thesame premisesconveyedto BARBARAGIORDANO-LEONAGGÉO,JACK GIOROANO, JOSEPHINE GIORDANO and ROGER LEONAGGEO by deed dated 12494000 and recorded In the Dutchess County Clarlts office 12/2912000as Document No. 02-2000-11790. JACK GIORDANOdied a resident of Dutchess County on JOSEPHINE GIORDANOdied a resident of Dutchess County on PREnnSESARE NOT SUBJECT TO A CREDITLtNE MORTGAGE TOGETHERwighalidght.titleandinterest,if any, ofthepartyoftbefirstpartin andtoany streets and roads abutting the above descdbed premises to the center Enesthereof; TOGETHERwiththeastmasa==and anthe estate and rights of the party of the tirat part in andtosaldorarrdase; TOHAVEANDTOHOLD the premiseshereingranted unto the party of the secondpatt.the heirs or auccessorsand assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the fast part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anythirig whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. except as aforesaid. ANDthopertyotthetirstpart,incomptiencewithsection1aorthouenum,covenantathetthe party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and wlit hold the right to receivesuch consideraUonas a trustfundto be applied firstfor the purposeof paying the costofthe improvemerit and will apply the asma first to the payrnent of the cost.of the improvement before "party" shalbe usinganypertofthe total of the aamefor any other purpose. The wonf construedas if it read "parttea*whenever the sense of this indenfurmso requires. INWITNESSWHEREOF, the party of the first part has duty executedthla deed the day and year first abovewritten. In Presence oti 'C O o E FILED: DUTCHESS COUNTY CLERK 02/27/2023 08/31/2021 04:47 01/05/2022 09:36 PM INDEX NO. 2021-51452 2018-50671 FILED: DUTCHESS COUNTY CLERK INDEX NO. NYSCEF DOC. NO. 201 228 50 10/05/2018 03:43 PM RECEIVED NYSCEF: 2018-50671 08/31/2021 01/05/2022 02/27/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 57 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2018 yestr oundesamidmabesmaase BMGBDilNGatellointisthmannandysi sefesidshwaylamsa westegy$omRoem82mursdebtnames juncomeetwelfenbeingthsomamstedgeornerathm§seGntmA&GenERameibibueenkmadmwstass fineefWeminandagestimanayae inadsorRuseallsonatempens29ssimmisseseeamismea70ttstuatwsamamwwashteemeedmagamalftht Mempen©5minums3taneomiswast1049$fesmaeanarWeelig exasaloatammilnonhidegenesteadoms40seemsIsamm6M6Amemaaxaergfwallstseemendangewes 41fmeof8$LCedum,aarlis$&dspeeet4mienteeBammedswast7MA6 fanwdmempmlyndcotidgbany, emessnesatingsimhighesynasessessnemendamesesecedewesttSA4tesmanamesdwnGewho wantertrableef4whinkwighanesseGtotongCabamâmagusBnothDAmpmeBGnha|essnancen|twmn -16%‰62ntmacomerw|befeeme:2amona|osssfunotaxth2tdemnesuakennananmeasuwatRS10m§tme teases||||s|angstenossushtodegamassansum29monadsweak44AR$engazibshamancilenefamsummeami .aplaceofalomewait,tneelineetidaCuessmeicaeratongCamassahagqpteceorwsmassemanentlW88efaceh 44tgres#mlantes354teadscast55012lbstempointinawdit@metamoegawaBaenandegear33udamas 50amzedesass7264tessinagolathtawallrdmaceolongaweWaeret@dagues33ainees gospemifament SSStibe44eaneatmagawanesti94canseGRsinetm@amsaheau$3243limenthencestongameitaseth $4•gnss38mhames38secomisesn32839fee¾mmewnerefwallseedeemhtsfydimwshighagrJusealag themeBastbresighedyddugE@atighwaydefellowingmenessasstistaneansce431degnme45selmues50 secondseestSGS7#mmmemat5despeas2$animmes4mondsessit2LicteeseaA57depenst$a@messto amoodsena23456meseme$8degmas41tchminatosomedamset4645ress:acoth854ssemessiadmomm42 sixonemesstatistfeensemhstdepeni6admem40amsomteenstaritissectneret0destmasteminmasan smendseut16939teestsmah$$degmes12miseles42scooodsmas3304secaum474quesa6snimmers neumissagt214msud;:hencemeth5tdepassessiamesf0asemadsenstS415fecitsummemmingdgoldghway ser43Adepewlesslantesi0stoomiscatt38testosqanusarwaDs;thenessbeg3unisorte%ferasdEatidm alestawulR,eonh34depene21mfmm0gecosiseag2084tus.1peancentheasteengtwnitsumhtfdugmag 24mibuniv47mmeomramn226aticefgemensemagnesitsamh74degums4tdaptestosecembeau20248tset adianist9mimmesesexmdseentacarememas neasessethanese3easswansonhtidepust2namate50meoudsms2tTAfeetlanasAengamnRaaret 27582testithioskatnagawnRawrkstdqpasslfalsohsawanmahnaap=ess adamesseamandeces aniombamaidkt6teentthemesalongswdteoeth 20425teetheneealang'awalincre*#dessumWadastes 49degestEndames30secondsessat575tsetthencealongswallaonb494easees4Palasussesecomisest IQccceedstem25$Nfanwammedefapelstes Bemeinasualghtifgitefanosmontagnommeetates,zonhandepsessagessm20samadsmaeMtMfess; themessa234pmea4eminvas50secondsentintifanammeatenanwall,nenhMdepeasarankmese memadresar2574ttesshamedongawallastlri2depeeso$zeisures50•=Gsuan72.pstatmeasuret emffstseetiaserfamtsafRamitand&amasdaywit1øesdanganeealem$*wa$1,sooth358mpmm25mbates esecondsmat29$Aifegaisacov)ongawantamah89degreenWzinsism25weamesent76#411m¢epacesuer eteraceancealeastemisgramesadimychemawfama-s•mh44•ate•*‰emma45meemewest fi2946thetwapointinswekthnsonaimagaveLamab&dstreen2mionesofamondswestidfileibsgthems tinagawaitemat4depaø3tedneswBecamulumst311A3tme4$sesnakmgawaRseqm2 guessm1ames i#aemondoweet3di7.5taznthnameleagagasagathndepeesc2mbalas34secondswen 600feezthence alongefausenced444sanestfammessasecondswestitm1eermaeonmewidnewantthsessalongstudkamab simetambefNS.ess 35depees@Dmiames$9mmedscast)i42teentheemealanganqE,19sib846qpmes35minglest6sammahm 19777teestdmentatengawatigneds86depens33miomesitanovattenetlalMialestossomsdfwailseence uS2famissaknigawalisomh95mpasheteens4%secondsm3ffWTeensbesce Wolvales alongswellamaktampses%ahams40ascends9entit?0a5tmestethecamerotwtlisoothenonbartyshlear tfmadglhanthermscrasslag@etighwaymombi2degzcamstamesdosecondswest3At4testedapieceof excuranoameoomsoametervboatswadesedesigrenesseswescarancdwacki0httmmediosyl$m Gadme,hiswifestedewdusn3anoney$d971andamendattenasytsd$75ktutat399efeenseymmeenst 8 E FILED: DUTCHESS COUNTY CLERK 02/27/2023 08/31/2021 04:47 01/05/2022 09:36 PM INDEX NO. 2021-51452 2018-50671 INDEX NO. 2018-50671 [FILED: NYSCEF DOC.DUTCHESS NO. 201 228 50 COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2018 03:43 PMI RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/27/2023 08/31/2021 01/05/2022 NYSCEF DOC . NO. 57 RE CE IVED NYS CEF: 10/05/2018 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) On the L day of 2010, before me, the undersigned, a notarypubUcin add for said state, personally appeared BARBARA GIORDANOAEONAGGEO and ROGER LEONAGGEO.personally knownIn me paved torneon the boatsof matfafactoryevidenceto be or the Indhddual(s)whose name Is(are) aubscdbedto the within instrument and acknowledgedto me ' that he executed the same in his/her capacRyand that by r on the instrârnent,the / indhiduat(s), or the pedsonupon behalf of which the s) wecutedthe instrument NUUptfPUBUS, QFNEINYO5( STATE No.0111A8256003 BARGAINAND SALE DEED Sec6on 6669 WITH COVENANTAGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Block 00 Lot 533189 The No. Town of Stanford GIORDANO-LEONAGGEO and LEONAGGEO RECORD AND RETilRN TO: TO E