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  • Jacob Rosado v. Dejuan KoonceTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Jacob Rosado v. Dejuan KoonceTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Jacob Rosado v. Dejuan KoonceTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Jacob Rosado v. Dejuan KoonceTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: DUTCHESS COUNTY CLERK 03/09/2023 09:01 AM INDEX NO. 2021-53794 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/09/2023 Calendar No.: NOTE OF ISSUE For use of clerk Index No.: 2AX,-53794 Supreme Courf Dutchess County HON. Maria G. Rosa Name of Judge Assigned IACOB ROSADO, NOTICE FOR TRIAL rl Trialby jury demanded Plaintiff, B 0f all issues B Of issues specified below or attached hereto against X Trial without jury DEIUAN KOONCE Filed by attorney for Plaintiff Date summons served 09/29/21 Date service completed 09/29/21 Defendant. Date issue jotned.01/07 /22 NATURE OF ACTION OR SPECIAL PROCEEDING o Tort: X Motor vehicle nesliqence tr Medicalmalpracffce" tr Other tort a Contract fl Contested makimonial tt Uncontestedmatrimonial tr Tax certiorari E Condemnation tr Other (not itemized above) soecifu tr This aition is broueht as a cfass a-cdA;-- tr This is a medical ni'aloractice action: Danel nrocedures prescribed by court rtrles pursuant to'Jud. ''14&a. tr ' have 6een comnleteiC tr have not been iompleted Amount demanded an amount which exceeds the jurisdictional limits of this or anv other court. Oth6r relief under carrier( s Mikael Cohn, Esq. COHN LAW, P.C. A ttorney s for Plaintiff (s) z7zMtilTsfreeL Fh.1 Poughkeepsie, New York 12501 Attorney General of the State of New York Assistant Attorney General Heather R. Rubinstein Attorney for the Defendant One Civic Center Plaza Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 1 of 2 FILED: DUTCHESS COUNTY CLERK 03/09/2023 09:01 AM INDEX NO. 2021-53794 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/09/2023 NOTE: Cl,erk will not ac@t this note of issue url6s accompanied by a certificaE of readine$, m, in a medical nalpralti(e-actio-n, udes, whr appticablg the certificab o{ readims pwiously has ben filed and tle parel praedlm pffiriffi y court ruls pmunt to l48-a oi the rudicEry Las- haw ben comPleEd. CERTIFICATE OF READINESS FOR TRIAL For Clerk's IJse (Items 1-7 must be checked) N.I. served on Completed Waived Not requfued 1. Ali pleadings served x 2. Bill of Particulars served x 3. Physical examinations completed x 4. Medical reports exchanged x x 6. Compliance with the Rules in makimonial x ac tioirs (22NYCRR 202.1,6) 7. Discovery proceediqgs now know to be x necessary completect 8. There are no outstanding requests for discovery other than defendanf s medical examination of the plaintiff scheiluleil onlr'lay I, 2023 and the resilting report, g. There has been a reasonable opportunity to complete the foregoing proceedings. 10.There has been compliance with any order issued pursuant to the Precalendar Rules (22 NYCRR 202.12). 11. If a medigq! malpractice action, there has been compliance with any order issued pursuant to22 TVYCRR 202.56.' L2. The case is ready for kial. Dated: March 8,2023 COHN LAW, P.C. Attornev for the Plainti{f 2Zz}d'illstreet, Flr. 1 Poughkeepsie, NY 12641' State of New York, CounW of Ulster: Ashley Biasinf the undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says; that deponent is not a partv to'the action, is over 18 veirs of age and resides at Esdpus, New York. On March 8; 2023,1 seived the within TVotir Of Issue And CertificatdOf Readiiess For Trial by depdsiting a true copy thereof, enclosed in a oost-naid wfaDuer, in an official depositorv under the exclusive care and custody oFthe United States Postal Service witnin bl-ew Yorlistdte, addressed to flre foll6wing at the last known address set foith below: {rlew York Attorney General, Assistant AG Heather R. Rubinstein, One Civic Center Plaza Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 Sworn to before me on January 3,2023 Ashlev Biagini NOTARY 202.4 2 of 2