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  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CA'LIF’“ IA - COUNTY OF FRESNO Enivw CivilDepartme Non-Limited TITLE 0F CASE: Galindo Camacho vs Gabriel Jiminez Case Number: LAW AND MOTION MINUTE ORDER 18CEcGoz5go Hearing Date: May 16, 2019 Hearing Type: Ex Parte Hearing Department: 502 Judge/Temp. Judge: Black, Donald Court Clerk: Capalare, Nancy . Reporter/Tape: N/A Appearing Parties: ' Plaintiff: Defendant: Counsel: Counsel: [x] There are no appearances. The Court signs the Order On Plaintiffs Motion For Relief From Involuntary ' Dismissal.= - ‘ . ‘ [ 1Continued to [A1Setfor _ at _ Dept._ ,for _ [ ] Submitted on poifits and authorities with/without argument. [ ] Matter isargued and submitted. i [ ] Upon filing of points and authorities. [ ]Motion isgranted [ ]in part and denied in part. [ ]Motion isdenied [ ]with/withoutprejudice. [‘1Taken under advisement [ ]Demurrer [ ]overruled [ ]sustained with _ daysto [ ]answer [ ]amend' [ ]Tentative ruling becomes the order of the court. No further order is neceésary'. [ ] Pursuant to CRC 3.1312(8) and CCP section 1019.5(a), no further order isnecessary. The minute order adopting the tentative ruling serves as the order of the court. '[ ] Servibe by the clerk willconstitute notice of the order. [ ] Sée attached copy of the Tentative Ruling- [ ]Judgment debtor_ sworn and examined. [ ] Judgment debtor _ failed to appear. Bench warrant issued in the amount of $ _ JUDGMENT: - ‘ [ ]Money damages' [ ]Default [ ]Other _ entered inthe amountof: Principal $_ Interest $_ Costs $_ Attorney fees $_ Total $_ [ ] Claim of exemption [ ]granted [ ]denied. Court orders withholdings modified to $_ per_ FURTHER, COURT ORDERS: . [ ]Monies held by.levying officerto be [ ]released tojudgmentcreditor. [ ]returned tojudgmentdebtor. I [ ]$_to be released to judgment’creditor and balance returned tojudgment debtor. [ ] Levying Officer, County of _, notified. [ ] Writ to issue [ ] Notice to be filed within 15 days. [ ] Restitution of Premises [ ]Other: _ CV-14b R0348 Il___|-‘.__. l-_-_. LAW AND MOTION MINUTE ORDER (N SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFCfiIIA - COUNTY OF FRESNO NO FOR COURTUSEONLY Civil Department, Central Division 1 130 "0" Street Fresno,California 93724-0002 (559) 457-2000 TITLE 0F CASE: Galindo Camacho vs Gabriel Jiminez CASE NUMBER' CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING 1scEceozséo lcertify thatIam not a party to this cause and that a true copy of the: Ex Parte Hearing Minutes/Order was placed ina sealed envelope and placed for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown below following our ordinary business practice.- |am readily familiar with this coun’s practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, ' it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service with postage fully prepaid. Place ofmailing. 0n Date: Fresno, California 05/17/2019 Michael Yerzinkyan 93724— 0002 Clerk . by %fl N. Cap 4%flM are Deputy Madison Law, APLC 700 N. Central Ave suite 460 Glendale, CA 91203 D Clerk'sCertificate of Mailing Additional Address Page Attached TGN-06b R08-06 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING