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  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview


Eme'ed SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA - COUNTY OF FRESNO byi Civil Department TITLEOF CASE: Galindo Camacho vs Gabriel Jiminez Case Number: CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE MINUTES/ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE 18CECGO2580 Hearing Date: CW” Clerk“ _ _ le La ——EE—'——LWh' la Wednesday, February 19, 2020 Depanment: Judge/Temp. Judge: Tharpe, D Tyler Depaflmem 402 Reporler/Tape/None: NR Appearing Parties: Plaintiff: [ ]Appe0ring Counsel: M. Gasparian [X]Appearing via cc Defendant: [ ]Appeoring Counsel: M. Pennington [X]Appearing via cc [X]Coniinued to 4/1 6/20 at 3:30 gm. in Department 402 for: [X]Service of Amended Complaint. [ ]Nofice of Settlement 10 be filed. ]Ploinfiff/Cross—comploinont states he/she will dismiss forthwith. [ [ ]Answer to be filed. [ ]Other [ ]DefouH/Judgment 10 be filed. -[]Personol Injury case. Limited Civil only. [ ]Designoted as Uninsured Motorist case. [ ]Porfies present stipulate That case willTake [ ]12—18 [ ]18—24 months to dispose of. [ ]Jury Trialrequesfed by [ ]Ploinfiff [ ]Defendom‘. [ ]Courf Trial:appearing parties woiv_e Their rights 10 a jury Trial.Non—appearing parties are deemed to have waived their rights fo a jury trialand to have consented To the dafe set for trial. [ ]CourT Reporter fees must be paid To The clerk's office prior to commencemem of trial. [ ]Esfimoted time for Trialis days. [ ]Triolisset for 01 a.m./D.m in Department [ ]TriolReodinessis seffor 01 > o.m./p.m in Department - [ ]Mondotory Seh‘lemenf Conference isset for at c1.m./p.m in Room 575. [ ]The Settlement Conference Statement isdue 10 days prior To The Settlement Conference. [ ]Service of wrifien notice of The orders mode herein iswaived by: [ ]Allparties [ ] [ ]The cour’r orders oll pcrfies 10 engage in some form of Alternative Dispute Resolufion, such as Dispute Resolufién must be completed by (within 180 doySv mediation. This Alternative Conference, whichever offer The Case Management Conference, or prior 10 The Mandatory Sefilement is Failure 10 do so may result in The court imposing sanctions, unless excused by the court upon a earlier). Timely showing of good cause by written declaration. Depon‘men’r of 457—1909. A of The mediators 0nd Ifyou hove ony questions you may contact the ADR list stipulation forms ore available on The Court's website: hfio:// dispute resolution/ C‘V"C°de °' CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE MINUTES/ORDER To snow CV48” Rm“ CAUSE Frigigfifufjg Mando1orv Form TITLE0F CASE: CASE NUMBER: Galindo Camacho vs Gabriel Jiminez ~ z 18CE0602580 Order to Shéw Cause TO: You ore hereby ordered to appear in person on ct o.m./p.m. In Deponmem‘ 402 'O‘ show cause why you should not be of The above court located 0T 1 130 STree’r, Fresno, California, 10 sanctioned for: [ ]foilure to appear 0T the Cose Management Conference by [ ]Plainfiff [ ]Defendont [ ]Bo’rh [ ]foilure to serve oll defendonfis) within 60 doys. Plaintiff isrequired 10 diligently attempt service of all defendonfls). Failure To serve all defendonfls) by The order to show cause hearing do’re will result in additional sanctions unless diligent effort to serve oll defendants is shown. [ ]failure to request entry of defoUH/judgmenf. If defendonfls) answer 0nd the case is 01 issue prior 10 the Order 10 Show Cause Hearing, plaintiff must immediately contact The clerk's office at (559) 457-1 900 To reschedule The Case Management Conference and vacate The Order To Show Cause Hearing. [ ]foilure to fileon ADR Stipulation cf least 10 doys prior 10 the Case Management Conference. [ ]foilure to fileon ADR Repon 01 leos’r 10 days prior To The Mandatory Sefilemen’r Conference. [ ]foilure 10 serve oll defendants with The Notice of Case Management Conference. [ lother Date: Judge of the Superior Court Your personal appearance is required at the Order to Show Cause Hearing. Special appearances on your behalf are not allowed. Telephonic appearances are not allowed. ' cv- 8b — Mogdcgg‘Fgfiin CAsE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE MINUTES/ORDER To $How CAUSE CW" COde of Procedure 631 Inhnln. .IA r) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA - COUNTY 0F FRESNO FOR COURTUSEONLY CivilDepartment, Central Division 1130 “O“ Street Fresno, California 93724-0002 (559) 457-2000 TITLE 0F CASE: Galindo Camacho vs Gabriel Jiminez CLERK'S CERTIFICATE 0F MAILING C?sééfitégggg‘so lcertify thatIam not a party to this cause and that a true copy of the: Case Management Conference Minutes/Order was placed in a sealed envelope and placed for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown below following our ordinary business practice. l am readily familiar with this court’s practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, itisdeposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service with postage fully prepaid. Place ofmailing: Fresno,California 93724—0002 On Date: 02/21/2020 Clerk, by ' ,DePUtY ‘ L. Whipple i Michael Yerzinkyan Madison Law, APLC 700 N. Central Ave suite 460 Glendale, CA 91 203 D Clerk's Certificate of Mailing Additional Address Page Attached TGN-OBb R08-06 CLERK‘S CERTIFICATE 0F MAILING