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  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Galindo Camacho vs  Gabriel Jiminez22 Unlimited - Auto document preview


—¥ FILE) MAY 16 2019 RECEIVED 5/9/2019 2:50 PM FREGNO GOUNTY SUPERIOR COURT oo PY oY SENT SUPERIOR COURT SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF FRESNO GALINDO HERRERA CAMACHO, CASE NO. 18CECG02580 Plaintiff, (Complaint Filed: 7/12/18) vs. IRDER ON GABRIEL ANDREW JIMENEZ and DOES 1 PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR RELIEF 10 through 50, FROM INVOLUNTARY DISMISSAL il Defendants. 12 13 14 Plaintiff's Motion for Relief from Involuntary Dismissal, having come on regularly for 15 hearing on May 16, 2019, the Court having reviewed the papers on file herein and having heard 16 arguments of counsel, rules as follows: 17 1 Plaintiff’s Motion for Relief from Involuntary Dismissal is hereby granted and the instant 18 action is hereby ordered reinstated. 19 20 IT IS SO ORDERED. 21 22 pate: 3 —-% , 2019 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~1- P's motion [Proposed] Order on Plaintiffs’ Motion for Relief From Involuntary Dismissal ge. t 2 EXHIBIT 1 10 WU 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 473 MOTION 1- = t € Ny SuN- SUMMONS (SOLO PARA USD DELA CORTE (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: E-FILED fAVISO AL DEMANDADO): 71212018 12:24 PM Gabriel Andrew Jiminez; Does!-50 FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Galindo Herrera Camacho TGTCE! ou ae Been sus. Ts ot my dees ae you wind your bakg aad les you Tespond Wn SO js Rad We omaon et ave 30 GALENDAR, this summons and legel papers are served onyov to file a waitian response at this courtand have a copy ‘served on the plaintiff, A {etter or phone call will nol protect you. Your vitten sesponse must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case, There may be a court form firat you can use for You can fd these court forms and more information at Online Self-Help Center ), your county law pO the: nearest you. If you cannot pay the fling fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. Ifyou do do not fo your respanse an you may tose the case by defeult, and your wages, money, tay be taken withoul further waming from tha ‘Thereare other legal requirements. a may wc air ho edo notin ay Yo ay el a on ee referral service, If; jcannct afford an you may be elllbte for You can locate these nonprofit groups at the Callfomia Legal Services Web site | ey cong rl car came voi: NOE: The coin etn en wd et nd costs on any selletert or exbitratinn award $10,000 or more in a civil case, The courts lien must be pald before the: court will dismiss the case. JAVISOF to an demandado,‘ino respond denbo ds 20 dias, fe corte puedeGackdren so contra sin éscuchar su varsiéa. Lea ta informaciona “Tone 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después do quo fe edtreguen esta ctactin y pepelos legales para, presenta cna resus | por escrito en esta coris x haowr qua 62 enkreque una copia al femandante, Una carte o une Gamada tefafénica no To protegen. Su} bene que estar legal desea que provesen su caso en le corts, Es, qu usted pueda usar para, Puado enconte? estos ftanatniae dof coy onde aibomacita on of Cano ds Ay do fas Gatos da Gallon (wim suctt@.ea enta biblioteca de leyes de su condado 0 en Ja corte que fe quede ins cerca, Sino puede pagar fa cucta de prosentacién, pata al: de la corte que /e dé un formulariode exencién de pago di cuntss. Sino presenta su respuesta @ Hemno, puede perder ef caso por incumplinient y kecarta le pode quitar su sueido, dinero y blenes sin mas. tay cos real tecomendable que Jame a un abogado inmodiatamento,Sino conce a in apenas. puede '@ un servicio da ina shagadoa Si pede paat 3 un dbase, 25 poste que capa caf Tromama de civcestegabesen fence Gr fnnc onl tn Calfomia al colegio de cn Cle te kyude os oe Cass ds Ca AVISO: Parley, fafo core cualquier recuperacién de $10,000 6 mas: 0 tiene derecho a: rin cro feosa caefos caetnsGo amo en coniactp Sania carte oe! exerts por erponer i mo Gero cl Tae ge Rae ence ta ts eatt tee ean colonia decor ‘casa, The name and address of the cat (Et nombre y direccién de fa corte es): B.F, Sisk Courthouse ices det Cask] 8CEOG02580 1130 O Street 7 Fresno, CA 93723 The name, address, and of plants etomay,or plaintiff without:‘an attomey,is: Eu amr ta dracon ye pomaro do belo cel 2 denn ote abso: Michael Yerzinkyan, 700 N. Central Avenue, Suite460, Glendale, CA 91203 i DATE: Faly 4252648 7/12/2018 Clerk, by {Secretario) A. Rodriguez (Agunto) ‘Selvice of fhis summons, of Service (Pare prueba de entrega de esta citalién use e] formularioProof of Service of Summons, (POS-010)). : NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served . (BEA 4. [2] asanindividual 2. [=] 85 the person sued under the Fictitious name of (specify): 1 on bahatt of (specify) under [7] COP 418.10 {comoration) I} COP 416.20 (defunct corporation} [1 CCP 416.40 (association I or partnership) [—}] CCP 416.80 CCP 418.60 (minor) CCP 416.70 {conservatee) person) 7) other 4. [) dy personal delivery on (date): t i Pano ot}, ‘Form Adopted for thandatory Use SUMMONS ‘Cath of Geil Precedure 8541220, 485 SURM100 Ror. duty 4.2008] ' ry | Sa PLD-PL004 [prnercs Michael‘eran namie, ad adress): FORUOURTUSE ONLY Yer (SB (SBNTa 31 Maison Law, APLC E-FILED 700 N. Central Avenue, Suite 460 Glendale, CA 91203 7112/2018 12:24 PM ‘TELEPHONES: (818) 500-1909 FAKNO. (Omtonoh: (818) 500-0019 RESNO COUNTY.SUPERIOR COURT| EAAIL ADDRESS (Qptonay: Michael @maisi By: A Rodtguss, Dory ATTORNEY FoR pang: Galindo [crrera Camacho SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF fresno smrecraponess: 1130O Street waiunoaonness: $130 O Street crvannapcone Fresno, CA 93721 aracHnawe: BUF, Sisk Courthouse PLAINTIF: Galindo Herrera Camacho DEFENDANT: Gabriel Andrew Jiminez; [4] pozsito 50 COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death (7] AMENDED (Number) Type (check all that apply): [22] MOTOR VEHICLE = [[] OTHER (specify: [2] Property Damage Wrongful Death C4] Personal injury ‘Other Damages (specify): i Jurisdiction (check all that [J ACTIONIS A LIMITED CiviL cas Amountdemanded [—_] does not exceed $10,000 48CECG02580 CJ exceeds $10,000, but does not exceed $25,000 ACTION IS AN UNLIMITED GIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) ACTION IS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint J from timited to uniimited (J from unlimited to timited 1. Plaintiff (name or names}: Galindo Herrera Camacho alleges causes of action against defendant (nameornames}: Gabriel Andrew Jiminez 2. This pleading, Including attachmentsand exhibits, consists of the following number of pages: 3. Each plaintiff named above is a competent adult a. [J except plaintiff (name): {1) [J a comoration qualified to do business in Califomla (2) £1 an unincorporated entity (describe): 3) [_) a public entity (describe): 4) [7] aminor (—) en adutt @LI for whom 3 quarlen or conservator of he estate ora guard a tem has been appointed te) [J other (specify): i (5) (7 other (specify): b. [7] except plaintiff (name): (2) [J a comoration qualified to do business in California @) [J an unincorporated entty (describe: & (J a pubic entity 4 4) FJ eminor [) an adult @C) fon ganden comnts olor dn aan is (b) [J other isnecity: (©) [J other (speci: 5 { £1 information about additional plaintiffs who are not competent adults is shown in Attachment 3. Pega tot Foan: USE COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property ‘Gade of Chad Prncacre, § 625.12 PUD-PEOOL Rev. January 1, 20071 Damage, - Ns t SHORT TITLE: ‘CASENUNBER: Galindo Herrera Camacho v. Gabriel Andrew Jiminez 4, [7] Plaintiff (name) is doing business under the fictitious name (specify): and has complied with the fictitious business nama laws, §. Each defendant named abave is a natural person @. (77) except defendant (name): af except defendant (nama): () (]) a business organization, form unknown (1) [2] a business organization, form uninown 2) [) acomporation 2) E) acorporation {3} £1 an unincorporated entity (escrtia): 8} [1 an unincorporated entity describe}: (4) (J a public entity (describe): (4) (=) a public entity (desaribe): (8) (J other (specify): © £2) ether (specify: b. [_) except defendant (name): d. [7] except defendant (name): (t) [7] a business organization, form unknown & tC) a business organization, form unknown (2) C] acomoration ‘@.comoration (3) [1] an unincorporated entity (desoribe): 8 [1 an unincorporated entity (Hescribe): (4) (2) a public entity (describe); (4) (7) a public entity (desoribe): : ©) 7) other (specify): (8) (TI other (specify) [1 Information about additional defendants who are nat natural persons is contained in Afachment5. The true names of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plaintiff. a [1] Dos defendants (onectly Ooe numbers): 1-50. were the agents or employees of other amed defendants and acted within the scape of that agency or employment, Doe numbers) 93-50 », [2] Doe defendants (specify are persons whose capaciiies are unknown to [1 Defendants who are Joined under Code of Civil Procedure section $82 ae (names): “ a‘ ‘This court is the proper court because t a. [7] atteast one defendant now resides In its jurisdictional area. _ © [2] the principal place of business of a defendant corporation or unincorporated essociation ntsc ae 3 - injury to person or damage to persona! property occurred in its jurisdictional area, other (specify: {21 Plaintiftis required to comply with a clalms statute, and a, [__] has complied with applicable clalms statutes, or b. 1] is excused from complying because (specify). PLD-P1001 (Rev, daracany 1, 2007] COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property Fagezors ~ SHORT TITLE: ‘CAGENUMSER, Galindo Herrera Camacho y. Gabriel Andrew Siminez 10. The following causes of action ‘are affached and the statements above apply to each (each complelnt must have oné or more causes of action attached): a Motor Vehicle t b General Negfigence Ca Intentional Tost ad [_] Products Liability e ] Premises Liabifity £ [1 Other (opacity: 11. Plaintiff has suffered (21 wage toss b. £7] toss of use of property c, C4} hospital and medical expenses d. E77} general damage e, £2) property damage [227 loss of eaming capacity a. [1] other damage ¢epecify): 12. [[] The damages claimed for wrongful death and the relationships of plaintiff fo the deceased are a [_] listed in Attachment 12. b, [1]as follows: 13. ‘The relief sought in this complaint is within the jurisdiction of this court 14. Plaintiff prays for judgment for costs of suit; for such relief as is fair, just, and equitable; and for a (1) compensatory damages 2 punitive damages ‘The amount of damages is (in cases for personal injury or wrongful death, you must check (1)): a accordingto proof 2 in the amount of: $ 45. [[_] The paragraphs of this complaint alleged on Information and belief are as follows (snecify paragraph numbers): ; Date: July 12, 2018 Michael Yerzinkyan {TYPE OR PRUNT NAME) > GeIMA. {SIGHATURGOF PLANTER? OR ATTORNEY) PLO-PHODS [Rev, January 1, 2097] COMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property Pagosefa Damage, Wrongful Death A PLD-Pi-001 ? f avonner cnPARTY WITHOUT ATTORAEY, FORNEY Ana ‘aseraarber ent aaa FORCOURTUSE ONLY it Yerzinkyan (SBN 318134) Maison Law, APLC 700 N, Central Avenue, Suite 460 Glendale, CA 91203 TELEPHONENG: (818) 500-1909 com (818) 500-0019 EWAILADORESS (Ontonay: michael ATTORNEY FOR ame, Galindo Herrera Camacho ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF fresno smeseranoress: 1130 O Street tuna abpress: 1130 O Street coyanpzrcooe: Fresno, CA 93721 seancinaue BF. Sisk Courthouse PLAINTIFF: Galindo Herrera Camacho DEFENDANT: Gabriel Andrew Jiminez ; [Z) poes110 50 GCOMPLAINT—Personal Injury, Property Damage, Wrongful Death [] AMENDED (umber) Type (check ail that apply}: [2] MOTOR VEHICLE §=[[_T OTHER (specify): Property Damage Wrongful Death /_] Personal injury Other Damages (specify): Jurisdiction (check alf that apply): ‘CASENUMBER: [1] ACTION Is A LIMITED CiviL GasE Amountdemanded [C_] does not exceed $10,000 (1 exceeds $10,008, but does not exceed $25,000 | ACTION JS AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) } ACTION iS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint “(2 trom limited to undimited [1 from unlimited to tmited 4. Plaintiff (name ornames): Galindo Hercerz Camacho alleges causes of action against defendant (name or names): Gabriel Andrew Jiminez 2. This pleading, Including attachments and exhibits, consists of the folowing number of pages: 3. Each plaintiff named above is a competent adult [J except plaintiff (name) (1) [] a corporation qualified to do business in Califomia «2) [J an unincomorated entity (describe): (3) (2) a public entity (cescribe): @ CJ aminor (7) anadutt @ Torwhama guatinor congenial oft esate or a gunan atom has been spotted {b) other (specify): (5) (1 other fspeaisy: b. [7] except plaintiff (name): (1) [_] a corporation qualified to do business in California (2) (J an unincorporated entity (describe): (8) J a public entity (describe): + 4) aminor ([_] an adult @ CI for wham a guardian or conservator ofthe estate oF a guardian ad Mem has been jppointed (©) EJ other fepecity): ©) [7] other (gpectyy: [1 information about additional plaintiffs who are not competent adults is shown in Attachment 3, ota Foon Approved far Optional Use COMPLAINT—Personal injury, Property Serevent 5 PLDPLOO Rev. January 1, 2007) Damage, Wrongful Death : i i \= ) a PLD-PI001 ‘SHORT TITLE: ‘CASENUMBER: Galindo Herrera Camacho v. Gabriel Andrew Jiminez 4. [) Plaintiff (name): ts doing business under the fictitious name (specify): and has complied with the fictitious business name taws. 5. Each defendant named above is a natural person a. [_] except defendant (name): c, [_] except defendant (name): (t} [=] a business organization, form unknown (1) [2] a business organization, form unknown (2) [£7] a corporation @ @ corporation (2) {] an unincorporated entity (describe): @) an unincorporated entity (deseibo}: (4) [77] a public entity (describe): 4) £2) a public entity (describe) [J other (specify) [J other (specify): ‘ b. [7] except defendant (name): @ [7] except defendant (name): (1) [—) a business organization, form unknown (1) (2) a business organization, form unknown 2 acomoration (2) E—] a corporation (3) [[_] an unincorporated entity (describe): (3) (J an unincorporated entity (describe): {4) [] a public entity (describe): (4) (J a public entity (describe). ©) [2 other (specify: (6) [1] other (specify) [2 Information about additional defendants who are not natural persons Is contained in Attachment 5. i ‘The true names of defendants sued-as Does are unknown fo piaintfi, a. [2] Doe defendants (specify Doe ; 1-50 were the agents or emptayees cf other ~ named defendants and acted within the Scope of that agency or empl 6, Za Doe defendants (speoity Doe numbers}. 1-50 are persons whose capacities are unknown to {] Defendants who are Joined under Code of Civit Procedure section 382 are (names): ‘This court is the proper court because a, [] atleast one defendant now resides in its prisdictional area. b. [the principal plave of business of defendant corparation ar unincorporated eseociaton ints jurdeonal ares, c. [GZ] injury to peraon or damage to personal property ocourred in Its jurisdictional area. a, [J other (specify): (1 Plaintifis required to comply with a claims statute, and a. [_] has complied with applicable daims statutes, or b, [—] is excused from complying because (specify). PLD-PLO01 (Rev, Jarmary 1, 2007] COMPLAINT—Personal Lnjury. Property Fi Pagezots Damage, Wron; ‘; _ PLD-PI-091 SHORT TITLE: CASENUMBER: Galindo Herrera Camacho v. Gabriel Andrew Jiminez 10. The folowing causes of acon are elached and the stants cove apply to each each complaint must have one or more causes of action aftached): a. (27) Motor Vehicle - b. [J General Negligence c. [1] fntentional Tort & [_] Products Liebitity @, L_} Premises Liability & [7] Other (spaciiy): 11. Plaintiff has suffered 2. [22] wage toss b. [77] toss of use of property c. Cy] hospital. and medical expenses 6, (2) general damage e. [2] property damage £ [21 toss of caming capacity (7°) other damage (spectiy) 12 [2] The damages claimed for wrongful death and the relationships of plaintiff to the deceased are a. [_] listed in Attachment 12. b. [J as follows: 13, The relief sought in this complaint is within the jurisdiction of this court. 14. Plaintiff prays for judgment for costs of suit; for such relief as Is fait, just, and equitable; and for () compensatory damages @ punitive damages Tr ermine of amages fs (n cases for persona jury or wrangfil death, Yoo must check (A): (1) (4) accordingto proof {2) [_} in the amountof: $ 48. [C2] The paragraphs of this complaint alleged on Information and belief are as follows (specify paragraph numbers): Date: July 12, 2018 Michael Yerzinkyan (AYPE.OR PRINT NAME) > GIMME SURF PHRF ORATEE PLO-PLOO: fev, January 1, 2007) ‘COMPLAINT—Personal Injuty, Property Pago 3.0F9 Damage, Wrongful Death - K Se 1 i PLD-PL-004(1) ‘SHORT TITLE: CASE NTABER Galindo Herrera Camacho v. Gabriel Andrew Jiminex 1 CAUSE OF ACTION—Motor Vehicle (umber) ATTACHMENT 70 FZ] Complaint [—] Gross- Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) Plaintiff (name): Galindo Herrera Camacho NIV- Pin 4. ategs he of feats er meloer fe as wet proinss cum of ies and damages to plaintiff; the acts occurred on (dato): 08.05.16 at (place): SR-99 southbound approximately 490 feet north of McKinley Avenue HMV- 2, DEFENDANTS a (2) The defendants who operated a motor vehicle are (names): Gabriel Andrew Jiminez [1 does 1 to 50 b. [7] The defendants who employed the persons who operated a motor vehicle in the course of their employment are {names}: [2] boes 1 wo SO c. [27] The defendants who owned the motor vehicle which was operated with their permission ar (names): C4) does 1 to 50 d. (2) The defendants who entusted the motor vehicle are’ (names): T4) does 1 to 50 e [7 “The defendants who were the agents and employees ofthe other defendants and acted within the Scope of the agency were (nantes): [71 Does 1 to 50 ¢ [5] The defendants who are i poi fo other reac nc Gr reasons fr he tity pra (C} listed in Attachment MV-2F [7] as follows: (1 Does Page tott Fom, oF Options Use: GAUSE OF ACTION~-Motor Vehicle Gover Ch Pods ana PUD-Pra0{ (i) few. Samay 2, 2007} i: — —EMnAg | Mice! Yerzokyan (SBN SISIay SH Surber, end edcress): Far cour ‘USE ONLY MAISON.LAW, APLC E-FILED TOON. Central Avenue, Suite 460 Glendal 72/2018 12:24 PM teepuoneno: (818) 500-1909 raxwoz (818) 509-0019 ATTORNEY FOR (Names: rere, RESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COUR [SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Fresno By: A. Rodriguez, Deputy srraeraooress: 1130O Street maui aporess: 1130 O emyanoze cove: Fresno, CA 93721-2220 srncimne BF. Sisk Courthouse CASE NAME: Galindo Herrera Camacho v. Gabriel Andrew Jiminez CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET [4] Untimitea Cimited Complex-Case Designation eee BCEGGO2580 ‘(Amount (Amount (7] counter [7] Joinder demanded demanded is 00g Fited with first appearance by defendant exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or less) “{Cal. Rutes of Gourt, rule 3.402) DEPT: T items 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). 1 , Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case: Auto Tart Auto (22) Breach of contractiwarranty (08) (Gol Rate Ce cou olan 34003 0303) Uninsured mototist (46) Rule 3.740 collections (09) [1 anttrustrtrade rogutatioh (03) Other PUFDRVO (Personal InjuryiPreperty Other collections (09) Construction defect (10): DamageWrongful Beath) Tort Insurance coverage (18) Mass tort (40) LT Asbestos (04) Other contract (37) Securities (tigation (28): Product liability (24) Real Property EnviranmentalfToxic tort (0) Medical malpractice (45) {_] Bhinent domsininverse 1e claitns arising from the C1. otner Puprawn (23) ‘candemnation (14) Iisted. Non-PUPDIWD (Other) Tort ‘Wrongful eviction (83) types 41) : [J] Business tontunfairbusinéss practice (07) CI Other reat property (25) Enforcement of Judgment ci Civil eights (08) Defamation (13) Freud (16) Detainer Commercial (31) Residential (32) Enforcement of judgment (20) Miscellaneous Civil Complakit RICO @7) inteflectral property (19) £77 ongs (38) [J otter complaint (not speed above} 42) Professional negtigence (25) ‘Review {iscellancous Civil Patition {J other non-PUPDAWD tort (85) Asset forfeiture (05) [J ea Partnership and corparale goveance (21) ment Petiton re: arhltation award (11) [ Char pon (ot spect bee) ‘Wrongful termination (36) ‘Whit of mandate (02) [tel Other employment (15) Other judicial raview (39) 2 Thiscase [_Jis TTisnot complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court, The cas serie, wank re factors requiring exceptional a J Large number of separately represented parties d. [_] Large number of witnesses Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel 6. Coordination with related actions pending'in one or more courts issues that will be time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states, or countries, or ih a federal court ‘Substantial amount of documentary evidence, Substantal posijudgment judicial supervision 3. Remade sought esta ha nna a[Z] monetary Crema cy nose ce Jpunitve 4. Number of causes of action (specify):- 5. ‘This case is isnot adass action suk. 6. if there are any known related cases, file and serve a nolice of related case. (You may use form ON-018) ' patete aly 12, 2018 Eo WANED a » Plaintiff must fite this cover sheet with the first under the Probate Cede, Family Code, or Willear ‘filed in the action of proceeding (except small Claims cases or cases fled ind Institutions Code}. (Cal, Rules of Court, rute 3.220.) Failure te file may result ° Filo this cover sheet In adeftion to any cover sheet required local court rule, © ffthis case is comptex under rule 3.400 et seq, of the Cz Rules of Cour, you must serve a copy ofthis ecver sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. + Unless tis is a coletions case under rule 2.740 or a complex case, tis cover sheet wil be used fer tats! purposes tat Foor Adapted tar Mandatory User GIVIL CASE COVER SHEET jap of Count rules Cal, Standardsof, Adimixistralion, ste. 3.10 ‘CM-O10 fev. uy 1, 2007] EXHIBIT 2 10 i 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 473 MOTION -2- — Attomay or Party without Attomey: a FOR COURT USE ONLY * MartinGesparen 2, SBN: 285376- Maison Law Fi 701 N..Brand Ie, Suite, 610 Glendale, CA 9 AL. anoReS8 (tea: TELEPHONE No: (818) 500-1909 FAX No, (Optianal:* * Attomey for: Plaintitf Ref No. or File No. Insert name of Court, and Judicial District and Branch Court: B.F. SISK COURTHOUSE - Pint: Galindo Herrera Camacho. Defendant: Gabriel Andrew Jiminez HEARING DATE; TIMES DEPT. CASE NUMBER: NON SERVICE 18CECG02580 After due search, careful inquiry and diligent attempts at the following address(es), | have not been able to effect service of said process on: Gabriel Andrew Jiminez Documents: Summons; Complaint; Civil Case Cover Sheet (served in complex cases only); Date Time Results 7/18/2018 7:11 PM No answer at the door. - Joe M. Zamilpa Location: 2948 E Princeton Ave, Fresno, CA 937031236 7/19/2018 6:36 PM Bad Address- Per "John Doe" (M, C, 60's, 6’0, 150 Ibs, Brown hair) current occupant, the defendantjs unknown. Please advise on how to proceed. - Joe M. Zamilpa Location: 2948 E Princeton Ave, Fresno, CA 937031236— Fee for Service: $ 79.00 * County: Fresno Registration No.: S201710000017 J dectare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is tue Cal West Attorney Services, Inc and correct and that this declaration was executed on July 1201 W. Temple Street 23, 2018. Los Angeles, CA 90026 (213) 53-9100 Signature: eM. Zamilpa NON SERVICE REPORT \7” ‘Order CW255209 Attomey or Party without Attomey: FOR GOURT USE ONLY ¥ Martin Gasparian,Esq, SBN: 255376 S Maison Law Firm 701 N, Brand Blvd., Suite 610 Glendale, CA 9° E-MAIL ADDRESS (Option: TELEPHONE We: (818) 500-1909 FAX No. (Optanaly: Attomey for: Plaintiff o> 2 Rel No. or Fie No. " tasert name of Court, and Judicial Distict and Branch Court: B.F. SISK COURTHOUSE - Paani: Galindo Herrera Camacho Detendent: Gabriel Andrew Jiminez HEARING DATE: DEPT: CASE NUMBER: