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  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview


Sep 19 2005 09:15PM HP Fax page 3 2 DE-‘HT ATTORNEYBR Em WfiHOU;fiTT°RNEIVk(Nllmls film WWW IMIWIR). FOR COURT“! ONLY ewe n s 7 LgfiRkYmD. % LEW OFFICE SOy DEEWELLYN 2305 Torrance Boulevard Torrance, Califom3ia F | LT E 0F CALIFORNM D 109030; 8559 supgaloa couRTO IELEPHM Ho. FAX no. (09mm. (3 1 0) 61 8-85 1 4 coum SAN BERNARDINO E—wuunonsss w031 mail. com lewellynlw (Optional). NBERNARD‘NO D‘STR‘CT momav ronmmp Willie J es Tuc er, ll SUPERIOR coum' 0F eAuFonukA. cou NTY or SAN BERNARDINO JUN 1 '7 2022 smear Amness: 247 West Third Street ummemoness: 247 West Tu'rd Street CITY AND 2m cone: San Bemarc ino, CA 92415-0212 BY "I men NAME: San Bemarc ino District BR! Nev SPEARS. DEPUT ESTATE 0F (Name).- REGINA TUCKER DECEDENT “SE "ME” DUTIES AND LIABILITIES 0F PERSONAL REPRESENTATWE and Ac knowledgment of Receipt RQSEZZOD (07D DUTIES A D LIABILITIES OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE When H15 court appoints you personal representative of an estate. you become an officer of the court and assume certain duties and obligations. An attorney is best qualified to advise you about these matters. You should understand the following: 1. MANAGING THE ESTATE'S ASSETS a. Prudent Investments You must manage the estat assets with the care of a pmdent person dealing with someone else‘s property. This means that you must be cau lous and may not make any speculative investnenls. b. Keep estate assets sopara You must keep the money a d property in this estate separate from anyone else's. Including your own. When you open a bank account for the state, the account name must indicate that it ls an estate account and not your personal account. Never deposlt esta funds in your personal account or otherwise mix them with your or anyone else's property. Securities in the e te must also be held In a name that shows they are estate prepeny and not your personal property. c. lnlorut-boarlng accounts nd other Investments Except for checking accoun intended for ordinary administration expenses. estate accounts must earn interest. You may deposit estate funds in i sured accounts in financial instituflons, but you should consult with an anomey before making other kinds of Invest ems. d. Other restrictions There are many other restri ions on your authority to deal wim estate property. You should not spend any of the estate's money unless you h ve received permission from the court or have been advised to do so by an attorney. You may reimburse yourself or offlclal court costs paid by you to the county clerk and for the premium on your bond. Without prior order of the rt, you may not pay fees to yourself or to your attorney, if you have one. fl you do not obtain the court‘s permission when it is required, you may be removed as personal representative or you may be required to reimburse the es te from your own personal funds, or both. You should consult with an attorney concerning the legal require ants affecting sales. leases. mortgages. and investments of estate property. 2. INVENTORY OF ESTATE PROPERTY a. Locate tho estate's prope You must attempt to locate a d take possession of all the decedent's property to be administered in the estate. b. Dotormino the value of tho ropeny You must arrange to have a urt-appointed referee determine the value of the propeny unless the appointment is walved by the court. You. ra er than the referee. must determine the value of certain "cash Items." An attorney man advise you about how to dot is. c. Fllo an Inventory and app Within four months after Len rs are first issued to you as personal representative. you must file with the noun an inventory and appraisal of all he assets in the estate. Fag“ d2 Form Adopt: tor Mandatory U:- Judd-l Cum! of Ctfifomll 0011 IES AND LIABILITIES OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Probate Coda. § 8404 DE-147 {Rom January 1. 2002] (Probate) page 4 ‘Sep 19 2005 09:15PM HP Fax r ESTATE 0F (Name): CASE NUMBER: N REuINA TUCKER _. DECEDENT €035sz a qhange of ownershi ‘ d. Flle At the time you file the Inve lory and appraisal, you must also file a change of ownership statement with the county recorder or assessor in eac county where the decedent owned real property at the time of death, as provided In section 480 of the Californi Revenue and Taxation Code. 3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS You mus! mall a notice of admi istration to each known creditor of the decedent within four months after your appointment as personal representative. ff t decedent received Madi-Cal assistance. you must notify the State Director of Health Servloes within 90 days after a pointmem. 4. INSURANCE You should determine that ther is appropriate and adequaie insurance covering me assets and risks of the estate. Maintain the insurance in force uring the entire period of the administration. 5. RECORD KEEPING a. Keep accounts You must keep complete an accurate records of each financial transaction affecting the esmte. You will have to prepare an account of all m ey and property you have received, what you have spent, and the date of each transaction. You must descri e in detail what you have left after the payment of expenses. b. Court review Your account wm be revie by the court. Save your receipts because the court may ask to review them. If you do not file your accounts as require , me court will order you to do so. You may be removed as persona! representative if you fall to comply. 6. CONSULTING AN ATTORNEY lf you have an attorney, you sh cooperate with the attorney at all times. You and your attorney are responsible for Id completing the estate administ tion as promptly as posslble. When in doubt, contact your attorney. NOTICE: 1. This statcmo of dutlu and llabllitlos Is a summary and ls nol a complete slatomont of tho law. Your conduct a personal representative Is governed by Ibo law itself and not by this summary. 2. If you fall to pa arm your duties or to meet the deadlines. Ihe court may reduce your compensation. romovo you from office, and Impose other sanctions. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT 1. l have petitioned the court to appointed as a personal representative. 2. My address and telephone n mber are (specify): 9050 Dumond Drive, Fon na, CA 92335 $909) 997-7046 I _. ‘ 3. acknowledge thatl have re ved a copy of this statement of the dunes and liabilities of the office of personal representative. 0 ‘ i‘llmz flMa g Date: Willie James T cker [I , (1w: on Hunt N MI) / (SIINATURE OF PETITIONER) Date: (TYPE OR PRINT (SIWTURE 0F PETITIOFER) TME) CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION‘LH roqulrod Io do so by local court rule, you must provide your date of birth and driver's license number on supplemen Form DE-1473. (Prob. Code. § 8404M.) 0-3-2.” mmmmwmzm Burrs AND LIABILmes or Pensorw. REPREeENTATIv: (Probate)