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  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview
  • Estate of REGINA TUCKER Print Petition for Letters of Administration  document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO San Bernardino District 247 West 3rd St San Bernardino CA 92415 909-521 -3388 Estate Of Regina Tucker Case Number NOTICE OF SETTING OF HEARING ON INVENTORY AND APPRAISAL PROSBZZOO620 Larry D Lewellyn 2305 Torrance Boulevard Torrance Ca 90501 An Inventory and Appraisal (Judicial Council form DE—160) not having been filed as ordered pursuant to California Probate Code § 880 et seq., the Court sets a Hearing on Inventory and Appraisal for 1/26/2023 at 9:00 AM in Department S36 - SBJC. You are ordered to appear on this date to inform the Court why an Inventory and Appraisal has not been timely filed.Should an Inventory and Appraisal be filed prior to this hearing, this review date will be vacated and you need not appear. Date: 11/10/2022 Carmen A. Trutanich, Interim, Court Executive Officer By: Rachele Andrews Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE |am a Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of San Bernardino at the above listedaddress. |am not a and on the date and place shown below, party to this action |served a copy of the above listed notice by: E Enclosed inan envelope mailed to the interested partyaddress above, and mailing for collection this date, following ordinary business practice. D Enclosed ina sealed envelope, class postage prepaid first in shown above, the U.S. mail at the location mailed and addressed as shown above, or as shown on the attached to the interested party listing. Executed on 11/10/2022, atSan Bernardino By: Rachele Andrews, Deputy Clerk