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  • CITIBANK VS TERESITA A VARGAS(09) Unlimited Other Collections document preview
  • CITIBANK VS TERESITA A VARGAS(09) Unlimited Other Collections document preview
  • CITIBANK VS TERESITA A VARGAS(09) Unlimited Other Collections document preview
  • CITIBANK VS TERESITA A VARGAS(09) Unlimited Other Collections document preview
  • CITIBANK VS TERESITA A VARGAS(09) Unlimited Other Collections document preview
  • CITIBANK VS TERESITA A VARGAS(09) Unlimited Other Collections document preview
  • CITIBANK VS TERESITA A VARGAS(09) Unlimited Other Collections document preview
  • CITIBANK VS TERESITA A VARGAS(09) Unlimited Other Collections document preview


POS-030 The Moore Law Group, APC, FOR COURT USE ONLY ATToRNEY GR pARTYwlTHDUT ATTQRNEY (Nome, sible sec number end eddfeee) Harvey iM. Moore (101128) Robert Cox (290268) Chinycrc A. Abuka (303286) Chan Hsu (334555) Nicholas ihiorcllo (337656) John Phan (338677) Linda Doaa (343453) PO Box 25145, Santa Ana, CA 92799-5143, 3710 S. Susan Stv Suite 210, Santa Ana, CA 92704-6956 TELEPHONE NO(800) 506-2652 EMAIL ADDRESS(Onfonec FAX NO(Opffoneff 1/17/2023 Citibank (SOuth Dakata), N.A. ATrORNEY FOR (fyemef SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Mateo BTREET ADDREss 400 County Center MAILING ADDRESS zIPcoDE cITY AND Redwood City CA 94063 BRANCH NAME PETITIONER(PLAINTIFF: Citibank (South Dakota), N.A. RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT Teresita A Vargas, an individual CASE NUMBER PROOF OF SERVICE BY FIRST&LASS MAIL— CIVIL CJV502488 (Do not use this Proof of Service to show service of a Summons and Complaint) 1 Iam over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. Iam a resident of or employed in the county where the mailing took place. 2. My residence or business address is: 3710 S SUSAN STREET, SANTA ANA, CA 92704-6956 3 On (date).~A~ ~ ~ ~~~3 I SANTA ANA, CA mailed from (city and state): the following documents (specify): Proof of Service of Renewal of Judgment Notice of Renewal of Judgment Application for/and Renewal of Judgment M The documents are listed PQS-030(D)). Inthe Attachment to Proof of Service by First-Class Mail— Civil (Documents Served) (form I a. b. ~ served the documents by enclosing them in an envelope and (check one): ~ depositing the sealed envelope vath the United States Postal Service with the postage fully prepaid. am readily familiar with this placing the envelope for collection and mailing following our ordinary business practices. I business's practice for collechng and processingcorrespondence formailing.Qn the same day that correspondence is deposited placed for collection and mailing, it is inthe ordinary course of business with theUnited States Postal Serwce in a sealed envelope with postage fullyprepaid 5. The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows: a. Name of person served. TeresitaA Vargas, an individual b. Address of person served 3789 Callan Blvd South Sanfrancisco CA 94080-5126 ~ The name and address of each person to whom Imailed the documents is listed by Frrst-Class Mad— Civil (Persons Served) (POS-030(P)). inthe Attachment to Proof of Service Ideclare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Vlcior Ochoa Oil(redo Sacchcz Monleha Hoseain Jose Jonathan Caetrchd'Jopn Merrill / )LeI3 Hernandez I (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF PERSON COMPLETING THIS FOR I) (SIGNATURE OF PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORMI 1013e PROOF OF SERVICE BY FIRST-CLASS MAIL— CIVIL Form Approved for Opbonel Uee code of cfvfl Procedure, EQ 013 'I Judfuel Counce of Cebfomfe ce Coy w confffnfo POS-030 (New January 1, 200 (Proof of Service) EJW1SS POR COURTUSEONLV (101128)TELEPNONE No- ATTORNETon PPNTT wmluuT ATToRNnv lheme cod Adaewf Harvey M. Muure 800-506-2652 Heu (334555) Nlcholee Rcbeff Ccx (290268) Chinyefe A. Abukn (303286) Chan The imucre Inw nrcup, —fktcfegu g37656) John Phen g38677) Linda Duce (343453) Bux 25145, Senle CA. 92704, P.Q. APC, 3710 S. Susan Sf., Suile 210, Senln Ann, Electronfcajly Ane, CA 92799-5145 FILED LyfupencCccnufceilfcfnle,c-onffcffef MM c ATTORNnv PCR (noon)fPlaintiff opi 12/1 4/2022 NMesor conan San Mateo County Superior Courl 89 Is/priscitla Tovar Oupuly Clerk sTREETADDRESM 400 CounLy Center eenfnonnonnss: Redwood City CA 94063 cnvANDxlpcoDM ERANC N NAME: PLAINTIFFJ Citibank (South Dakota), iV.A. EFENDANT: Tercsila A. Vargas, an individual NUMnuR: 502488 NOTICE OF RENEWAL OF JUDGMENT 'TQ JUDGMENT DEBTOR (name/I Teresila A. Verges, an i'ndividuai was filed. judgment.unfil 10 years from the date the appfication for renewal 1. This renewal extends the period of enforceebility of the motion to vacate,ormodify the renewal with this court. If you object to this renewal, you may make a 2. of this notice on you. 3. You must make Ibis motion within 30 days atter setvice 4. Judgment is attached (Cai: Rules of Court, rule 3.1900/. A copy of the Application for and Renewal of clerk by /s/ Prjscijla Tovar ,Deputy Date 12/14/2022 Neal I.Taniguchi IEEALI j sse ccp 883 180 for Information on mamon of service. Peas.1 of 1 coda of chil pwoedlee, 8 eKL 1 en pwlo Aonpled for Mwwhtev Uee C~ M Calf NOTIICE OF RENEWAL OF JUDGftttEMT wweutoeawuoe cov Juoedel El-1ee Inov. Mwoev 1; runn 12/16/2022 EJ-100 ATTORNEY QR PARTY 'NITHOUT ATTQR Atter racouang, rerum to Harvey M. bio Chinyere A. Abuha (303286) Chan Moore Law Group, APC, P.Q John Phan (338677) Linda Doan (343453) The Suite 210, Seats ))ox 25 145, Santa Ana, CA 92799 5145, 3710 S. Susan SL, Ana, CA. 92704 800-506-2652 FAx No. (opuonagt ~ TEL No.. ~ EAIAIL ADDRESS fapdoomlr ATTORNEY FQR ~X JUDO'RENT CREDITOR ASSIGNEE QF RECORD SA)f MATEO , CDUNTY OF Center ity CA 94063 FDR RECORDER'S USE ONLY CASE NUNSER outh Dakota), N.A. CIV502488 Vsrgss, an individual FOR COURT IJSE ONLY ON FOR AND RENEWAL OF JUDGIIENT Judgment creditor Electronically ~ jJLj Assignee of record applies far renewal of the judgment as follows: b N &uf FILEO anorccdftofcan ornn cc Jul'I ofyan tdano 12/14/2022 1. Applicant (name and address): Sy /s/ Priscilla Tave r Citibsnk (South Dakota), N.A. ncputycTLrh c/o The Moore Law Group, APC P.O. Box 25 145, Santa Ana, CA. 92799-5145 2. Judgment debtor (nsme snd last known address): Tercsttn A. Verges, an individual 3789 Cnllsn Blvd South Sanfrancisca CA"94080-5126 3. Criginal judgment Case number (specify): CIV502488 a. b. Entered on (dsts):January 10, 2013 c. Recorded: (1) Date September 8, 2015 (2) County: San Mateo 2015095556 4. ~ (3) Instrument No 3 Judgment previously renewed(specify each case number snd date): 5. rent) Renewal of money judgment judgment................. 8 27668.13 a. Total Costs after judgment................. 8 0.00 b. c. b).....,........ Subtotal (add a and 3 27668.13 d. Credits alter judgment................ 8 16225.00 e. c).....,...... Subtotal (subtractd iiom S. 11443.13 f, Interest after judgment 8 5729.)9 g. Feeforfilingrenewal application........ $ 45.00 h. Total renewed judgment (add e, f, and g) 3'17217.32 ~ These amounts are statedforeach debtor onAttachment debtor. The amounts called for in items a-h are different for each 5. Pag 1ofa CodeofcmlPmc dum„g aaa.ldn Farm Approved for Opeonal Uae APPLICATION FOR AND RENEWAL OF'JUDGIIENT Judloal Courml et Caldomia (Rev. July I, EO141 EJ.1fm CAEENUMBER: SHORT TITLE: Ciiihank (South Dakota), N JL CIV502488 an Teresits A. Vargss, individual B. ~ Renewal of judgment for ~ C] possession sale. a. ~ If judgment wasnot previously renewed, tenne of judgment as entered: b. ~ terms of judgment as lf judgment was previously renewed, last renewed: c. ~ Terms of judgment remaining unsatisfied: that the foregoing is true and correct. State. of California Ideclare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the A. Abnka Chan Harvey JVI. MooreRobert Cox Chinyere Hen~ Nicboiaa Marello John Pban Linda Dean Date: DEC I 3 st".3 TTYPE OR. PRINT NANET Paaa a oI a w-Iao Inav. July I 20141 APPLICATION FOR AND RENEVVAL OF JUDGMENT