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  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/09/2022 06:47 PM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 334 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/09/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------X GREGORY WELCH AND PRISCILLA WELCH, Index No.: 162502/2015 Plaintiffs, AFFIRMATION IN -against- SUPPORT OF MOTION TO DISMISS/COMPEL 260-261 MADISON AVENUE LLC., SKYLIFT CONTRACTOR CORP., BAY CRANE SERVICE, INC., MARINE & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY COMPANY, INC., d/b/a MARINE & INDUSTRIAL TESTING SOLUTIONS; MARINE & INDUSTRIAL TESTING SOLUTIONS; HANES SUPPLY INC., as successor-by- merger to and/or d/b/a PAUL’S WIRE ROLE & SLING; and PAUL’S WIRE ROLE & SLING, Defendants. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------X SKYLIFT CONTRACTOR CORP., Third-Party Plaintiff, -against- MARINE & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY COMPANY, INC., d/b/a MARINE & INDUSTRIAL TESTING SOLUTIONS; MARINE & INDUSTRIAL TESTING SOLUTIONS; HANES SUPPLY INC., as successor-by-merger to and/or d/b/a PAUL’S WIRE ROLE & SLING; and PAUL’S WIRE ROLE & SLING, Third-Party Defendants. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------X 260-261 MADISON AVENUE LLC, Second Third-Party Plaintiff, -against- MARINE & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY COMPANY, INC., d/b/a MARINE & INDUSTRIAL TESTING SOLUTIONS; MARINE & INDUSTRIAL TESTING SOLUTIONS; HANES SUPPLY INC., as successor-by-merger to and/or d/b/a PAUL’S WIRE ROLE & SLING; and PAUL’S WIRE ROLE & SLING, 1 of 8 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/09/2022 06:47 PM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 334 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/09/2022 Second Third-Party Defendants. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------X SKYLIFT CONTRACTOR CORP., Third Third-Party Plaintiff, -against- JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC., Third Third-Party Defendant. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------X 260-261 MADISON AVENUE LLC, Fourth Third-Party Plaintiff, -against- PENGUIN AIR CONDITIONING CORP., TIMBIL MECHANICAL, LLC and JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC., Fourth Third-Party Defendants. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------X Matthew R. Hughes, an attorney duly admitted to practice law before the Courts of the State of New York, hereby affirms the following under the penalties of perjury: 1. I am associated with Saretsky Katz & Dranoff, L.L.P., attorneys for plaintiffs on the counterclaim, Gregory Welch and Priscilla Welch (hereinafter, the “plaintiffs” or “plaintiffs on the counterclaim” as appropriate), and as such, I am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances of this case. 2. I submit this affirmation in support of an order: a. Pursuant to CPLR § 3042(c), precluding the defendant/counterclaimant, Skylift Contracting Corp. upon the trial herein, from offering any evidence in support of the particulars demanded by the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim as they appear in the Demand for a Bill of Particulars unless Skylift serves a complete response to the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim’s May 2, 2016 Demand for a Bill of Particulars within thirty (30) days of the determination of this motion; 2 2 of 8 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/09/2022 06:47 PM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 334 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/09/2022 b. Pursuant to CPLR §§ 3124 and 3126(2), compelling defendant/counterclaimant to furnish the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim with a Verified Bill of Particulars and precluding Skylift from offering any evidence in support of the particulars demanded by the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim unless Skylift serves a complete response to the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim’s May 2, 2016 Demand for a Bill of Particulars within thirty (30) days of the determination of this motion; c. Pursuant to CPLR § 3126(3), striking Skylift’s Answer and dismissing Skylift’s counterclaim against the plaintiffs for failure to respond the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim’s May 2, 2016 Demand for a Bill of Particular, and d. Granting such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper. FACTS AND PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND 3. This action arises from the May 31, 2015 autodefenestration of a 23-ton industrial HVAC unit from the 29th floor of a building located at 261 Madison Avenue in midtown Manhattan. The HVAC unit, for reasons yet to be determined, fell to the pavement below and struck a vehicle owned and operated by plaintiffs Gregory Welch and Priscilla Welch. 4. Plaintiffs commenced this action with service of a Summons and Complaint on December 4, 2015, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit “A.” Defendant Skylift Contracting Corp. (hereinafter, “Skylift”) answered on March 24, 2016, asserting counterclaims against the plaintiffs. A copy of Skylift’s Answer with Counterclaims is annexed hereto as Exhibit “B.” 5. On May 5, 2016, these offices answered on behalf of the plaintiffs on Skylift’s Counterclaim. A copy of plaintiffs on the counterclaim’s Answer is annexed hereto as Exhibit “C.” Also on May 5, 2016, these offices served a Demand for a Bill of Particulars on Skylift with respect to the counterclaims asserted in their March 24, 2016 Answer. A copy of the moving 3 3 of 8 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/09/2022 06:47 PM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 334 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/09/2022 plaintiffs on the counterclaim’s May 5, 2016 Demand for Bill of Particulars is annexed hereto as Exhibit “D.” To date, Skylift has failed and refused to serve a Verified Bill of Particulars in response to this nearly seven year old Demand. 6. Following consolidation of these actions, the parties appeared for a Preliminary Conference on September 20, 2016. The Court’s September 20, 2016 Preliminary Conference Order, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit “E,” required Skylift to respond to outstanding discovery demands and to provide a Verified Bill of Particulars within 45 days. To date, Skylift has failed and refused to comply with this Court’s Preliminary Conference Order and has not provided plaintiffs on the counterclaim with a Verified Bill of Particulars. 7. On January 22, 2018, these cases were combined under mass tort index number 783000/2018. Since that time, the parties have been bound by countless compliance conference orders requiring compliance with outstanding demands for discovery. 8. On September 19, 2022, the parties submitted a joint discovery stipulation, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit “F,” setting forth in relevant part that On September 16, 2022 plaintiffs Gregory and Priscilla Welch asked Skylift to respond to their demand for a bill of particulars, dated May 2, 2016, with respect to Skylift’s counterclaims, to the extent that Skylift has not already done so. Skylift will do so. Exhibit “F” at ¶ 9. 9. On September 21, 2022, the parties appeared for a compliance conference before the Hon. Judge Lynn Kotler to discuss the status of outstanding discovery. This court’s Order followed on September 22, 2022, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit “G,” stating quite clearly that “Skylift shall respond to plaintiffs Welsh [sic] demand for a bill of particulars on or before October 21, 2022.” Exhibit “G” at ¶ 10. 10. Skylift once again failed to comply with the terms of the September 19, 2022 joint 4 4 of 8 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/09/2022 06:47 PM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 334 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/09/2022 discovery stipulation and this Court’s September 22, 2022 Order, and did not provide the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim with a Verified Bill of Particulars by October 21. Their response remains outstanding. ARGUMENT 11. CPLR § 3042 provides that “[w]ithin thirty days of service of a demand for a bill of particulars, the party on whom the demand is made shall serve a bill of particulars complying with each item of the demand, except any item to which the party objects, in which event the reasons for the objection shall be stated with reasonable particularity.” CPLR § 3042(a). 12. Pursuant to CPLR § 3042(c), “if a party fails to respond to a demand in a timely fashion or fails to comply fully with a demand, the party seeking the bill of particulars may move to compel compliance, or, if such failure is willful, for the imposition of penalties pursuant to subdivision (d) of this rule.” And under CPLR § 3042(d), “if a party served with a demand for a bill of particulars willfully fails to provide particulars which the court finds ought to have been provided pursuant to this rule, the court may make such final or conditional order with regard to the failure or refusal as is just, including such relief as is set forth in [CPLR § 3126].” 13. Pursuant to CPLR § 3126, the court has wide latitude to impose sanctions for a party’s refusal or willful failure to comply with an order or to disclose discovery, including but not limited to dismissal of a complaint, the striking of pleadings, preclusion of a party from making use of unexchanged items at trial, or preclusion of a party from opposing evidence as to demands for which responses have not been provided, without a prior Court Order directing compliance with those outstanding demands. Coffey v. Orbach's, 22 A.D.2d 317, 254 N.Y.S.2d 596, (1st Dept. 1964); Goldner v. Lendor Structures, Inc. 29 A.D.2d 978, 289 N.Y.S.2d 687, (2d Dept. 1968). 14. It is plain that Skylift has willfully failed to respond to the May 2, 2016 Demand for a Verified Bill of Particulars as to its counterclaim against the plaintiffs. The willful nature of 5 5 of 8 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/09/2022 06:47 PM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 334 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/09/2022 Skylift’s failure to provide the same is amply demonstrated by the sheer fact that Skylift’s response to the initial Demand has been outstanding for almost seven full years. Similarly, Skylift has refused to comply with repeated orders to provide the Bill of Particulars on its counterclaim, beginning with the court’s September 20, 2016 and continuing through the most recent Order of September 22, 2022. Accordingly, this court should exercise its discretion to strike Skylift’s counterclaim against the plaintiffs. 15. Plainly, Skylift has failed to respond in any way, shape or form to the May 5, 2016 Demand made by plaintiffs on the counterclaim for a Verified Bill of Particulars. Skylift has also failed to comply with the September 20, 2016 Preliminary Conference Order requiring the same, Exhibit “E,” Skylift’s own September 19, 2022 stipulation to provide a Bill of Particulars as to its counterclaim, Exhibit “F,” and this court’s September 22, 2022 Order requiring them to respond by October 21, 2022. Exhibit “G.” This is in addition to numerous court orders that have issued subsequent to this litigation’s consolidation under index number 783000/2018. 16. As detailed in the annexed Affirmation of Good Faith, counsel for the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim made a written request by email on September 16, 2022 demanding a Verified Bill of Particulars and providing a copy of the initial May 2, 2016 Demand. A copy of this email is annexed hereto as Exhibit “H.” 17. As of the date of this motion’s filing, Skylift has not responded to plaintiffs’ May 2, 2016 Demand for a Verified Bill of Particulars, has refused to provide the same despite having stipulated to do so before October 21, 2022, see Exhibit “F” at ¶ 9, and has defied repeated court Orders requiring them to do so, most recently this court’s September 22, 2022 Order. See Exhibit “G” at ¶ 10. 18. Skylift’s refusal to provide a Bill of Particulars specifying the nature of their 6 6 of 8 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/09/2022 06:47 PM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 334 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/09/2022 allegations against the plaintiffs on the counterclaim has deprived moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim of the opportunity to develop or pursue any coherent defense strategy or to even evaluate Skylift’s claims against them, whatever those may be; to chart their own course of discovery or to meaningfully participate in the discovery had thus far; or to conceptualize any basis for a dispositive motion, and in general has severely hampered their ability to defend against Skylift’s thus far unexplained counterclaim. 19. In light of Skylift’s total failure to respond to the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim’s Demand for a Verified Bill of Particulars, the issuance of an Order striking Skylift’s Answer and dismissing Skylift’s counterclaim against the plaintiffs, or, alternatively, precluding Skylift from asserting any claims concerning the particulars demanded or, alternatively, compelling Skylift to provide responses to the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim’s Demand for a Bill of Particulars is appropriate. 20. No prior application for the relief requested herein has been made. WHEREFORE, it is respectfully requested that the moving plaintiffs on the counterclaim’s motion be granted in its entirety and that this Court grant such other and further relief as it deems just and proper. Dated: Elmsford, New York December 9, 2022 Yours, etc., SARETSKY KATZ AND DRANOFF, L.L.P. By: ___________________________________ Matthew R. Hughes. Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiffs on the Counterclaim, GREGORY WELCH AND PRISCILLA WELCH Office & P.O. Address: 565 Taxter Road, Suite 210 Elmsford, New York 10523 Tel.: (212) 973-9797 7 7 of 8 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/09/2022 06:47 PM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 334 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/09/2022 E-Mail: 8 8 of 8