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  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Gregory Welch, Priscilla Welch v. Skylift Contractor Corp., 260-261 Madison Avenue, Llc, Bay Crane Service Inc., Marine & Industrial Supply Company, Inc., D/B/A Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Marine & Industrial Testing Solutions, Hanes Supply, Inc. As Successor-By-Merger To And/Or D/B/A Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling, Paul'S Wire Rope & Sling Torts - Other Negligence (Personal Injury) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/04/2022 11:27 AM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 328 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/04/2022 Page 1 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK - - - - - - - - - - - - - X IN RE: 260 MADISON AVENUE HVAC UNIT COLLAPSE CASE MANAGEMENT Index No. 783000/2018 - - - - - - - - - - - - - X VIDEOCONFERENCED DEPOSITION of the Defendant, MARINE & INDUSTRIAL TESTING SOLUTIONS, by a Witness, THOMAS FITZGERALD BENTON, taken by STEVEN H. KAPLAN, in the above-entitled action, pursuant to Court Order, commencing December 10, 2021 at 10:07 a.m., taken before ARIELLA BOROCHOFF, a Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public within and for the State of New York. Magna Legal Services (866)624-6221 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/04/2022 11:27 AM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 328 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/04/2022 Page 2 Page 3 1 1 2 A P P E A R A N C E S: 2 (C O N T I N U E D 3 FINAZZO COSSOLINI O'LEARY MEOLA & A P P E A R A N C E S) HAGER, LLC 3 4 Attorneys for Plaintiff GORDON REES SCULLY MANSUKHANI, LLP 260-261 Madison Avenue, LLC 4 Attorneys for Defendant 5 5 Penn Plaza 500 Mamaroneck Avenue New York, New York 10001 5 Suite 503 6 BY: BRENDAN M. WENGERTER, ESQ. Harrison, New York 10528 6 BY: MICHAEL J. SCHACHER, ESQ. 7 8 CASCONE & KLUEPFEL LLP 7 Attorneys for Defendant 8 9 MARINE & INDUSTRIAL TESTING SARETSKY KATZ & DRANOFF, LLP SOLUTIONS 9 Attorneys for Plaintiff on 10 1399 Franklin Avenue counterclaim Suite 302 10 GREG & PRISCILLA WELCH 11 Garden City, New York 11530 475 Park Ave South BY: DAVID F. TAVELLA, ESQ. 11 Suite 26 12 13 New York, New York 10016 PILLINGER, MILLER, TARALLO, LLP 12 BY: MATTHEW HUGHES, ESQ. 14 Attorneys for Fourth Third-Party 13 Defendant 14 WILLIAMS & CONNOLLY, LLP 15 PENGUIN AIR CONDITIONING CORP. Attorneys for Third Third-Party 232 Madison Avenue 15 Defendant and Fourth Third-Party 16 Suite 909 Defendant New York, New York 10016 16 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. 17 BY: STEVEN H. KAPLAN, ESQ. 725 12th Street NW 17 Washington, DC 20005 18 BY: AMY B. MCKINLAY, ESQ. 19 LITCHFIELD CAVO, LLP 18 Attorneys for Defendant 19 20 260-261 MADISON AVENUE, LLC, JAY H. TANENBAUM LAW FIRM SFM CONSTRUCTION, LLC, and ASRR 20 Attorneys for Plaintiff on 21 CONSTRUCTION, LLC counterclaim 420 Lexington Avenue 21 GREG & PRISCILLA WELCH 22 Suite 2104 14 Wall Street New York, New York 10170 22 New York, New York 10005 23 BY: MORGAN E. MUELLER, ESQ. BY: MARC D. CITRIN, ESQ., of Counsel 23 24 24 25 (A P P E A R A N C E S 25 Page 4 Page 5 1 1 2 STIPULATION 2 extent permitted by CPLR Rule 3115 or by 3 IT IS STIPULATED AND AGREED by and 3 this rule, during the course of the 4 between the attorneys for the respective 4 examination persons in attendance shall 5 parties herein, and in compliance with 5 not make statements or comments that 6 Rule 221 of the Uniform Rules for the 6 interfere with the questioning. 7 Trial Courts: 7 THAT a deponent shall answer all 8 THAT the parties recognize the provision 8 questions at a deposition, except (i) to 9 of Rule 3115 subdivisions (b), (c) 9 preserve a privilege or right of 10 and/or (d). All objections made at a 10 confidentiality, (ii) to enforce a 11 deposition shall be noted by the officer 11 limitation set forth in an order of a 12 before whom the deposition is taken, and 12 court, or (iii) when the question is 13 the answer shall be given and the 13 plainly improper and would, if answered, 14 deposition shall proceed subject to the 14 cause significant prejudice to any 15 objections and to the right of a person 15 person. An attorney shall not direct a 16 to apply for appropriate relief pursuant 16 deponent not to answer except as 17 to Article 31 of the CPLR; 17 provided in CPLR Rule 3115 or this 18 THAT every objection raised during a 18 subdivision. Any refusal to answer or 19 deposition shall be stated succinctly 19 direction not to answer shall be 20 and framed so as not to suggest an 20 accompanied by a succinct and clear 21 answer to the deponent and, at the 21 statement on the basis therefore. If 22 request of the questioning attorney, 22 the deponent does not answer a question, 23 shall include a clear statement as to 23 the examining party shall have the right 24 any defect in form or other basis of 24 to complete the remainder of the 25 error or irregularity. Except to the 25 deposition. 2 (Pages 2 to 5) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/04/2022 11:27 AM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 328 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/04/2022 Page 6 Page 7 1 1 2 THAT an attorney shall not interrupt the 2 is taken, shall not be deemed a waiver 3 deposition for the purpose of 3 of the rights provided by Rules 3116 and 4 communicating with the deponent unless 4 3117 of the C.P.L.R, and shall be 5 all parties consent or the communication 5 controlled thereby; and 6 is made for the purpose of determining 6 THAT the certification and filing of the 7 whether the question should not be 7 original of this examination are hereby 8 answered on the grounds set forth in 8 waived; and 9 Section 221.2 of these rules, and, in 9 THAT the questioning attorney shall 10 such event, the reason for the 10 provide counsel for the witness examined 11 communication shall be stated for the 11 herein with a copy of this examination 12 record succinctly and clearly. 12 at no charge. 13 THAT the failure to object to any 13 14 question or to move to strike any 14 15 testimony at this examination shall not 15 16 be a bar or waiver to make such 16 17 objection or motion at the time of the 17 18 trial of this action, and is hereby 18 19 reserved; and 19 20 THAT this examination may be signed and 20 21 sworn to by the witness examined herein 21 22 before any Notary Public, but the 22 23 failure to do so or to return the 23 24 original of the examination to the 24 25 attorney on whose behalf the examination 25 Page 8 Page 9 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 MR. KAPLAN: To the effect 2 THOMAS B E N T O N, the Witness 3 that this deposition which is 3 herein, having been first duly sworn by 4 being held pursuant to Court 4 a Notary Public of the State of 5 Order is limited in scope and it 5 New York, was examined and testified as 6 is a jurisdictional deposition 6 follows: 7 only. 7 EXAMINATION 8 Therefore, once the 8 BY MR. KAPLAN: 9 jurisdictional issue is resolved 9 THE STENOGRAPHER: State 10 and should Marine & Industrial 10 your name for the record, please. 11 remain within the lawsuit, we 11 THE WITNESS: Thomas 12 reserve the right to recall this 12 Fitzgerald Benton. 13 or other appropriate witnesses 13 THE STENOGRAPHER: State 14 from Marine & Industrial to give 14 your address for the record, 15 testimony with respect to the 15 please. 16 substance of the allegations that 16 THE WITNESS: 150 Virginia 17 issue in this lawsuit. 17 Street, Mobile, Alabama 36603. 18 MR. TAVELLA: I will 18 Q. Good morning, Mr. Benton. 19 stipulate that should testimony 19 Can you hear us, Mr. Benton? 20 be needed on the liability 20 A. Yes, I can hear you. 21 aspect, Marine & Industrial will 21 Q. Okay. My recommendation would 22 produce a witness to testify. 22 be to leave the mute button off because 23 MR. KAPLAN: Okay. That's 23 you're going to be answering questions 24 fine. 24 throughout. 25 -o0o- 25 Now, the address that you just 3 (Pages 6 to 9) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/04/2022 11:27 AM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 328 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/04/2022 Page 10 Page 11 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 gave is the business address or one of 2 you are testing remotely, the oath that 3 the business addresses, I should say, 3 you just took is the same oath that you 4 of Marine & Industrial, and not your 4 would take if you were present in court 5 residence address; is that correct? 5 and it has the same force and effect; 6 A. Correct. 6 do you understand that? 7 MR. KAPLAN: David, can we 7 A. Yes. 8 stipulate that I won't ask the 8 Q. Now, the testimony that we are 9 witness' residence address, but 9 taking of you today is an important 10 if required for trial, Marine & 10 part of the lawsuit and it can be 11 Industrial will produce him for 11 utilized in various means either at 12 so long as he is still employed 12 trial or at -- or on motions before the 13 by the company and provide his 13 court, so it's very important that you 14 last known address, should he not 14 testify accurately; do you understand 15 be? 15 that? 16 MR. TAVELLA: Yes, so 16 A. Yes. 17 stipulated. 17 Q. Now, with that regard I'm going 18 MR. KAPLAN: Okay. 18 to be asking you a series of questions 19 Q. Sir, let me just give you some 19 that I believe to be pertinent to this 20 basic instructions concerning the 20 lawsuit and some of the other attorneys 21 deposition process before I get started 21 who are present on this remote 22 with questioning you. 22 deposition, they will also ask you 23 First off, you are under oath, 23 questions. 24 and while you are not physically 24 It's important that you listen 25 present with us or in a courthouse and 25 carefully to the question and that you Page 12 Page 13 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 understand what I'm asking you. At 2 Supply Company, Inc. If I use the term 3 times my questions might not be perfect 3 Marine & Industrial rather than the 4 and at times your lawyer may object and 4 full name Marine & Industrial Supply 5 I may rephrase the question, but the 5 Company, Inc., will you understand who 6 important thing is that you understand 6 I'm referring to? 7 the question. 7 A. Yes. 8 So if at any time you do not 8 Q. Okay. Now, the questions that 9 understand my question, please let me 9 I'll -- strike that. 10 know that and I will attempt to 10 We don't want you to be guessing 11 rephrase it in a manner that you do 11 when you answer questions, but you may 12 understand; do you agree to that? 12 answer questions based upon information 13 A. Yes. 13 that you obtained from other people 14 Q. So if you do answer a question 14 within the company or from your own 15 we will have to assume as will the 15 knowledge, and you may approximate. Do 16 court and the jury that you understood 16 you understand the difference between 17 the question and that the answer you 17 guessing and approximating? 18 gave was in response to the question 18 A. Yes. 19 that I asked. So it's important that 19 Q. Now, one of the peculiarities of 20 you if don't understand, you let me 20 testifying is that when we engage in 21 know; do you understand that? 21 day-to-day communications, we very 22 A. Yes. 22 often will utilize gestures, nods of 23 Q. Okay. Now, we are going to be 23 the head, things like "Mmm-hmm" or 24 asking you questions that pertain to 24 "Uh-uh" as part of our communication 25 the business of Marine & Industrial 25 process. 4 (Pages 10 to 13) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/04/2022 11:27 AM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 328 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/04/2022 Page 14 Page 15 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 And some of us New Yorkers are 2 Q. Didn't think so, but I always 3 notorious for this, we'll start 3 that. And have you ever been convicted 4 speaking while somebody else is still 4 of any crimes? 5 talking. All of those things have to 5 A. No. 6 be avoided in the deposition process so 6 Q. Have you ever filed for 7 it's important that you answer in words 7 bankruptcy? 8 rather than in gestures or in some 8 A. No. 9 other manner. 9 Q. Sir, what is your highest level 10 And further it's important that 10 of education that you have? 11 you let me finish speaking before you 11 A. I have a college degree. 12 begin speaking and I'll attempt to give 12 Q. From where and in what? 13 you the same courtesy; do you 13 A. University of Alabama in Human 14 understand that? 14 Environmental Sciences. 15 A. Yes. 15 Q. What year? 16 Q. Okay. Now, I just have some 16 A. 2001, approximately, 2002. 17 background questions that I always ask 17 Q. And how old are you now? 18 that shouldn't offend you that I'm 18 A. 43. 19 asking these things, it's just a matter 19 Q. Did you review any documents in 20 of routine. 20 preparation for this deposition before 21 Sir, are you currently under the 21 coming here today? 22 influence of any drugs or alcohol that 22 A. No. 23 may affect your memory or your ability 23 Q. Did you have any discussions 24 to testify accurately today? 24 with anybody other than your attorney 25 A. No. 25 about the substance of your anticipated Page 16 Page 17 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 testimony today? 2 deposition before? 3 A. Nope. 3 A. No. 4 Q. Oh, you're making this easy. 4 Q. Have you ever given testimony at 5 Where are you currently sitting as 5 a trial? 6 you're giving testimony? 6 A. No. 7 A. In a chair. 7 Q. Now, I understand you are the 8 Q. Thank you. I could see that. 8 President of Marine & Industrial; is 9 And where is the chair located? 9 that correct? 10 A. In my office. 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. And where is your office 11 Q. And how long have you been 12 located? 12 president? 13 A. On 50 Virginia Street. 13 A. Ten years. 14 Q. Is your office within the 14 Q. So since, approximately, 2011 or 15 offices of Marine & Industrial? 15 thereabouts? 16 A. Yes. 16 A. If your math is correct. 17 Q. Is there anybody else present 17 Q. I'm just subtracting ten from 18 within the office? 18 your 2021; does that sound about right 19 A. Nope. 19 to you? 20 Q. And will you agree to inform us 20 A. Yes. 21 should somebody else enter the office 21 Q. And during the, approximately, 22 while you're giving testimony? 22 ten years that you have been president, 23 A. Yes. 23 have your duties and responsibilities 24 Q. Now, sir, have you ever been -- 24 change in any way? 25 have you ever given testimony at a 25 A. No. 5 (Pages 14 to 17) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/04/2022 11:27 AM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 328 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/04/2022 Page 18 Page 19 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 Q. Could you describe what your 2 involvement in marketing? 3 duties and responsibilities as 3 A. I mean, I'm involved in the 4 President of Marine & Industrial are? 4 marketing process. 5 A. I am responsible for the 5 Q. In what ways are you involved in 6 business of Marine & Industrial supply. 6 the marketing process? 7 Q. And can you embellish a little 7 A. Through making marketing 8 bit about what that entails? 8 decisions. 9 A. That entails the basic runnings 9 Q. And I asked in addition to 10 of a business. 10 making marketing decisions, do you do 11 Q. Okay. And in terms of the 11 anything else with respect to 12 basing runnings of the business, are 12 marketing? 13 you directly involved in marketing for 13 A. Make marketing decisions. 14 the business? 14 Q. So the answer is, That's all? 15 A. We have -- yes. 15 A. I make marketing decisions. 16 Q. What specifically do you do in 16 Q. Okay. Before you became 17 terms of your direct involvement in 17 President of Marine & Industrial, did 18 marketing? 18 you have any prior job titles within 19 A. I choose the marketing company 19 the company? 20 that we use and we outsource that, 20 A. I mean, we don't really have 21 decision-making processes. 21 very many job titles, we're a small 22 Q. In addition to choosing the 22 business. 23 marketing company used for outsourcing 23 Q. When did you start working for 24 and in addition to decision-making 24 Marine & Industrial? 25 processes, do you have any other direct 25 A. 2004, '5, approximately. Page 20 Page 21 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 Q. What is your relationship with 2 100 percent owner of the company? 3 Leroy H. Benton, III? 3 A. Yes. 4 A. He's my father. 4 Q. Now, between the years of 2004 5 Q. Is he still actively involved in 5 and 2005 and the time that you became 6 the company? 6 president in, approximately, 2010 or 7 A. Nope. 7 2011, what were your responsibilities 8 Q. When did he stop being actively 8 with the company? 9 involved? 9 A. Sweeping the floors. 10 A. 2010, approximately. 10 Q. Did you jump from sweeping 11 Q. Did the time that he stopped 11 floors to being president or were there 12 being actively involved coincide with 12 some other responsibilities in between 13 the time that you became president? 13 that? 14 A. Approximately. 14 A. Made some deliveries. 15 Q. And is the company privately 15 Q. Would it be an accurate 16 owned? 16 statement, sir, that you went from 17 A. Yes. 17 sweeping floors and making some 18 Q. And do you have an ownership 18 deliveries to becoming president of the 19 interest in the company? 19 company and in that capacity making 20 A. Yes. 20 decisions on behalf of the company 21 Q. Does anybody else have an 21 without any further decision -- or 22 ownership interest in the company? 22 without any prior decision-making 23 A. No. 23 involvement? 24 Q. So would it be an accurate 24 MR. TAVELLA: Note my 25 statement that you are currently 25 objection. You can answer. 6 (Pages 18 to 21) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/04/2022 11:27 AM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 328 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/04/2022 Page 22 Page 23 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 MR. KAPLAN: You could 2 Marine & Industrial who is most 3 object, David, but we could be 3 knowledgeable about the company's 4 here until the end of the day if 4 effort to market its products and 5 the Witness isn't a little bit 5 services in the State of New York 6 more forthcoming about answering 6 during the period of 2008 through the 7 questions -- 7 present? 8 A. Sweeping floors is an important 8 MR. TAVELLA: Objection. 9 part of the business. 9 You're assuming there is an 10 Q. I'm sure it must be and making 10 effort to market in New York. 11 deliveries is as well. I'm asking you 11 You can answer. You can answer 12 between 2004 and 2005 when you started 12 the question. 13 with the company and the date that you 13 THE WITNESS: Answer the 14 became president of the company, 14 question? 15 whether you did anything other than 15 MR. TAVELLA: Yeah. 16 sweep floors and make a few deliveries. 16 A. Yes. 17 A. With this particular business, 17 MR. KAPLAN: David, your 18 that's what I did. 18 voice is coming in very low on my 19 Q. And that is all that you did for 19 end. I don't know if other 20 Marine & Industrial during that period 20 people are encountering that. 21 before you became president? 21 --- 22 A. Yes. 22 (Whereupon, an 23 Q. I'm sorry, was that yes? 23 off-the-record discussion was 24 A. Yes. 24 held at this time.) 25 Q. Sir, are you the person with 25 --- Page 24 Page 25 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 Q. Now, sir, is Marine & Industrial 2 office at that location? 3 an Alabama corporation? 3 A. Since 1975. 4 A. Yes. 4 Q. Now, I understand that you also 5 Q. And it was founded by your 5 have -- when I say "you" I'm referring 6 father, I understand? 6 to Marine & Industrial, have a sales 7 A. Yes. 7 office at 37108 Easley Melancon Road, 8 Q. What is incorporated in or about 8 Prairieville, Louisiana; is that 9 the year 1975? 9 correct? 10 A. Yes. 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. Now, are there currently any 11 Q. And I understand from your 12 other officers of the company in 12 website that you had that address from 13 addition to yourself as president? 13 the year 2007; is that correct? 14 A. No. 14 A. Approximately. 15 Q. There's no secretary, vice 15 Q. Okay. Are those the only two 16 president or anything like that? 16 locations -- or the only two states, I 17 A. No. 17 should say, in which Marine & 18 Q. And the main office is located 18 Industrial currently has any offices? 19 at 150 Virginia Street, Mobile, 19 A. Yes. 20 Alabama? 20 Q. Are they the only states in 21 A. Yes. 21 which Marine & Industrial has 22 Q. And that's currently where you 22 historically had any offices? 23 are, you indicated, correct? 23 A. Yes. 24 A. Yes. 24 Q. How would you categorize -- what 25 Q. How long has the company had an 25 would you categorize the business of 7 (Pages 22 to 25) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/04/2022 11:27 AM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 328 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/04/2022 Page 26 Page 27 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 Marine & Industrial as? 2 Q. And is that historically the 3 MR. TAVELLA: Objection to 3 case in -- and not just today? 4 form. You can answer. 4 A. Yes. 5 THE WITNESS: I'm sorry, 5 Q. And you used the word 6 David, you were a little bit 6 "fabricate" in connection with your 7 mumbled. 7 below-the-hook products; is there a 8 MR. TAVELLA: You can answer 8 difference in your mind between the 9 the question. 9 word "fabricate" and the word 10 THE WITNESS: Answer the 10 "manufacture"? 11 question? 11 A. Yes. 12 MR. TAVELLA: Yeah. 12 Q. Could you describe that 13 A. We fabricate below-the-hook 13 difference to me? 14 lifting devices. 14 A. Manufactures, in my opinion is 15 Q. Now, your website dates that you 15 when you take a raw -- you take raw 16 also sell products from other companies 16 products and you blend them into 17 that you refer to as vendor partners; 17 something else. When you fabricate 18 is that so? 18 something, you take pre-engineered, 19 A. Yes. 19 other people's products and you make 20 Q. So would it be an accurate 20 them to -- you combine them together, 21 statement that Marine & Industrial 21 you don't change any of the integrities 22 markets products that it fabricates on 22 of the materials, you just piece them 23 its on as well as products that are 23 together to a specific length or width 24 manufactured by others? 24 or, you know, a customer's desired 25 A. Yes. 25 speck, but you're not manufacturing -- Page 28 Page 29 1 T. BENTON 1 T. BENTON 2 you're not changing the overall product 2 A. It's who you call when you have 3 into a new product. You know, 3 to pick something up. It's the 4 fabrication is -- yeah. 4 industry that lifts products and 5 Q. Okay. Thank you for that. And 5 materials. 6 without necessarily agreeing or 6 Q. Are we referring to the use of 7 disagreeing with you concerning the 7 cranes, in particular, and derricks and 8 distinction I'll use the word 8 things of that nature? 9 "fabricate" or "fabrication" because 9 A. Any kind of device that has to 10 that's the word you're comfortable 10 be moved, yes. 11 with; is that understood? 11 Q. And when you say, Offshore 12 A. Yes. 12 solutions, what does that refer to? 13 Q. Now, the website from Marine & 13 A. Our business is in the oil and 14 Industrial states that the company has 14 gas business as well, offshore 15 -- and I'm quoting, Has provided the 15 platforms. 16 lifting and rigging industry premium 16 Q. Are these offshore platforms 17 brand products and first class customer 17 within the territorial waters of the 18 service since 1975. And is the Gulf 18 United States or elsewhere? 19 Coast regions -- I'm quoting again, Top 19 A. Yes, they're in the United 20 choice for rigging and offshore 20 States, specifically, the Gulf of 21 solutions. Are you familiar with that 21 Mexico. 22 representation from the website? 22 Q. And when you say "the Gulf of 23 A. Yes. 23 Mexico," are you referring to the 24 Q. What is your understanding of 24 territorial waters of those states that 25 the term lifting and rigging industry? 25 adjoin the Gulf of Mexico? 8 (Pages 26 to 29) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/04/2022 11:27 AM INDEX NO. 162502/2015 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 328