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  • Wells Fargo Financial Credit Services New York, Inc. v. Corazon Tamargo-Rivera, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. As Successor By Merger To Wells Fargo Financial Bank, United States Of America Acting Through The Irs, Board Of Managers Of The Ile St. Louis Condominium, Board Of Managers Of The Port Liberte Ii Condominium Association Inc., New York City Environmental Control Board, City Register Of The City Of New York, New York County, John Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wells Fargo Financial Credit Services New York, Inc. v. Corazon Tamargo-Rivera, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. As Successor By Merger To Wells Fargo Financial Bank, United States Of America Acting Through The Irs, Board Of Managers Of The Ile St. Louis Condominium, Board Of Managers Of The Port Liberte Ii Condominium Association Inc., New York City Environmental Control Board, City Register Of The City Of New York, New York County, John Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wells Fargo Financial Credit Services New York, Inc. v. Corazon Tamargo-Rivera, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. As Successor By Merger To Wells Fargo Financial Bank, United States Of America Acting Through The Irs, Board Of Managers Of The Ile St. Louis Condominium, Board Of Managers Of The Port Liberte Ii Condominium Association Inc., New York City Environmental Control Board, City Register Of The City Of New York, New York County, John Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wells Fargo Financial Credit Services New York, Inc. v. Corazon Tamargo-Rivera, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. As Successor By Merger To Wells Fargo Financial Bank, United States Of America Acting Through The Irs, Board Of Managers Of The Ile St. Louis Condominium, Board Of Managers Of The Port Liberte Ii Condominium Association Inc., New York City Environmental Control Board, City Register Of The City Of New York, New York County, John Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wells Fargo Financial Credit Services New York, Inc. v. Corazon Tamargo-Rivera, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. As Successor By Merger To Wells Fargo Financial Bank, United States Of America Acting Through The Irs, Board Of Managers Of The Ile St. Louis Condominium, Board Of Managers Of The Port Liberte Ii Condominium Association Inc., New York City Environmental Control Board, City Register Of The City Of New York, New York County, John Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wells Fargo Financial Credit Services New York, Inc. v. Corazon Tamargo-Rivera, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. As Successor By Merger To Wells Fargo Financial Bank, United States Of America Acting Through The Irs, Board Of Managers Of The Ile St. Louis Condominium, Board Of Managers Of The Port Liberte Ii Condominium Association Inc., New York City Environmental Control Board, City Register Of The City Of New York, New York County, John Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wells Fargo Financial Credit Services New York, Inc. v. Corazon Tamargo-Rivera, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. As Successor By Merger To Wells Fargo Financial Bank, United States Of America Acting Through The Irs, Board Of Managers Of The Ile St. Louis Condominium, Board Of Managers Of The Port Liberte Ii Condominium Association Inc., New York City Environmental Control Board, City Register Of The City Of New York, New York County, John Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wells Fargo Financial Credit Services New York, Inc. v. Corazon Tamargo-Rivera, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. As Successor By Merger To Wells Fargo Financial Bank, United States Of America Acting Through The Irs, Board Of Managers Of The Ile St. Louis Condominium, Board Of Managers Of The Port Liberte Ii Condominium Association Inc., New York City Environmental Control Board, City Register Of The City Of New York, New York County, John Doe Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/23/2018 01:47 PM INDEX NO. 850218/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/23/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/23/2018 01:47 PM INDEX NO. 850218/2016 t NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 I)3I.[h)'I'/LL.I3I.,I<,' RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/23/2018 I ADJUSTMRE BEFE NOTE NOTICE TO BOR4OWER; Tal8 NOTE CO IAINS A PROV AIAOWLNG WaR CH NGES IN TES1NTEREST RMK. A$ÈSJN ~~l8~~T.' Ikb«ufN'f'Pfbfr'I'J." 18 J)Ig-' TW 1 r RKfREQf . Kli ÙI/r IN IWEER RATMEl ÑEHNeWEE ' 1,' I' BR ~ci T upt Tv)fr '.IV4hg . RESULT IN LOWERTATMEN ')DUS N 1WinfEE. TMr1NWE10 Yl A'J." RATE CAN CTIANWR AT Ä NY OA" Nk TIMWA TJI)".,'Mr)X)M)J'tif.s, I!!I.!" 0 >' 1'i'>ui'! j(!a« [Cliy,Stato,Zipj ;:e!»'.. ' >!UI:<) .() !!46 !': 43[)il<,!ii, ..t!!' yi!i' JO',>'7" (. «1'Led!it ",I Ot'8','<'Ol',a, 'Xc', a Isr)3'! 'l1'ennui>1 ehy«.!»i«(. to payU. rcotdved,I pmmin $ d{ (this ammmt comim of the Amourd Phumcedand gtiy Points/MnanceChargo(Flanced) an e é '.Iti'lnby transferandwho is cati d to t ceivepäymemshter 8<'I(«r," er," E fNWe is eaUedthe"NfdaHcker 1 INTEREST ! hoÅrestwill be chargedon unpaid principal until the ftul atµuu of p¤ncipal has beenped. I win pay imerest ât a rMeof il;L'lhe p>)"gill.hhin interc4trate 1will pay e n acporda‡awithfeathe 4 of th4 NWe. 7, lb Nb(O' hderes rue reqtsted by thh Sation 2 and .SyedohÄ f Not )>I 1htrÂteI wil bps hefore nad att(>!'any .pay „!IijtI '» if required by the Note He d Ij (C) AtungnQarMy Trdt1tjjSpled.utedPgyroùnts ni' Eachofäy itiltidMit$fjf rm wW12hEthn amoumof ½S $,... ...... Al nv)h.C. I',09. ,., e T)dsamountmay ekuige. LD) ScheduledPayme c t f)ayh>cin(si will allect changesin theWald Changnin my scheduledpayhents principal of my kan andin the interutraf.c thm1 I must pay, The NgM Hol¡ler w H nterestmte WI Qpmbie thy new .il!t«rr( the changedammet of my scheduledpaymentin accordancewith section 4 dr th s Note. (E) Late Charge o' cuir' .notreceivedthe fuD amount of any mutùtdy paymentby the end o05 If the Note Nokler hasnot calendar'daysafterald ) of' sherun ot' theNawgphlethe' dateit is due, BAU pay 8 hte chygpo anspm of-the chargewitt be 2% orampnotof' my I h>L(i>cctf,' meem each]atepayment. paymenúf tirindpal andintoíz Nillpay 00shkGwr¼éf¶éW 4. INTEREST PAYMENTYf' eBA'Ic(" cfi' RÅTE AND SCHEDULED pAyMP!>f1' fJ4'J'E!JLEHJ' CHAFC ES (A),Change „Cftar>geDake himgehte." h interestate f wiO pay may changeon Each 'on which my laterestree coWdchange.iscalleda "('himige ' 'r .... ,.. .. 3./W07 .... ....ed . ,..cmd nn>se>t Lid<8' is the highest"Prime undex" Rae aspublishedby the ‰ Wall StreetJourma. The Indm fignm publishedin TheWall StreetJournal on the lasthusions day of the month cemsponding to one day "Chremnda" ' pmeding om:month prior w the Chany Dae is nailedthe "<'hn'r> inrli'the amountof i>B'new scheduledpayment 1wiU pay my t'<' scheduledpaymemchanges .'!Jtrzthe ChankeDate until (be amount of my beg,inningon the first scheduledpaymentdoe after nain ..!u!! 0 RIG!FOAL QBjGIN)-"xf I'a,r,' I'aiu! u! .: i i'n>c«i'la'' !i>n>csi FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/23/2018 01:47 PM INDEX NO. 850218/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 '1' RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/23/2018 IF)Notin of Changes jrxa' At least 25 days, intno morn Ibng 120days,before.thecKsctive,dateniany paymentthunge, itic Note Holder w t deliver or mail somu.anotice of any chininges in my intenst ra4and Ibo amountof usyscheduledpayment Thenotice will inchtile inf ormationreqùired by lan to be giveft to me : ml al.Wtheïclephone noroberof a persemwtuswill answerany quc4m 1may tinve regarding theslotice. 5. PREPAYMENT no' i itne~before ( havethe sight to makepaymentsof pdacipalat any 'ptkp)yni<»n." they aroduc 0 paymernot'principal o))la' only is knownas 4 'prepaymem? WhenI makes prepayment,1will tel1theNow Holdarin that Tam dnbig su. Ot'partial writing ,xfi' I may makesfull psepaymemt·ot prdp1)ur.ntswldfout payingany prepaynwotcharge.The NoteNolder will use all ,ill of my prepaymentsto reducethe amanni of principnt thirt 1owe andt-r.thisNoto. If I makea partial prepayment.there will he no changesin the duninie ut in the amountof n'y m6nthly paymentunles lba Note Holder agreesin wrhing to thosechairges. 6: MMN HARGES . , ]f (lew, wlAplqpplieshthis loita end whimets m:0timuniloan chtstgës,is finally interpretedso that the interestor oth loofee'j~ c9get:ledor io,be OBJj(gnbce«>ant]< sotehne ditu.eBaugean thneanitted limh; and{li) any simir already an n>CShii‡ ~jxjgr iixededet Itndtirelli >>tjdgjikfll8'. W sindto me WowRolder shaychooseto manu:this 'ekd>kjBB i ateare.govenmi by the laws of New York, exceptthat t.Mglihoge:ntid .-,> chW)het IN' mortgagt(lonnitths tlÿis-ocinterna and theatrio(intof pedntsarepermitted by P.L 96.22.1,asamended. 7, ORROW Ú8 FAILURE TO PAY AS REQUIltUD 1. '(( A)Default . jfgItdo notparttpn)11untmorof Ijy eaahscheduledpaprietiron thedatoit is doe. I will bein defaun. ). Nottomef3fitault j,'A) tc "jfJ sm la tlbbuld,.dioNote Ifoldst ysettd mea Mfkep wxlit(in cotice to)ljngsgedhallfide notpsy the·overdue amountby A d¾cfthe Ñ0ts,HIGderttaly mj~ xc4JUbc pay·~r|jjtfti>i@~full J>w' pay . Lb' f>UJatgiettat Wgiblicl(dwhleh.haniitol.beenpaidand j>eyjjgtakjjlati)jp _htrthgglilll allteInterest usit 1owe on ifterasnount.Thattlataînuat 3)< I' JKat leastf0 dayalame thodataonyldeh the notteelsdeliveredor p tiinilcaws /CD"j>fx'>xjytt ,f, Q .((«]; IPertBy Noth Holder at ai time when 1 am in fdefault¿Ste.NotoNo.derdecametreqtdselybt to pay ifd::'if in full or doesnot immediately i>' exed[gethe Aght•nTset-offang tha right to do so it' describedabove,flic NoteRolder w‰till.ha9e if 1am ut defaultar n later tirnes Payment of NoM Holde-r's Costs and ExpenseI H the Nota Holderhas required me o pay immediatelyhefull as descripedabove,the N.oteHoldecwill havetheriphi in be.paid bwk by me for all of its costsan3 ex.penses;fnwnforcing this Note to the extem.uo1prohibited by applicabiclaw. Thc a expensesittetode,for ownple, )essnusti]««Anar yfurAY)rffg!>IT 1.havethe right to inakepayments0f principalat Anyllmo hefore a they aredue.A paymemof pr a "propsyment?When I males iiI ffa law,.wbtchApptresto this leañ an(whigh-sete.nuiximuot loon charges,is ' otherloan .chaujges $6thpM6tlor:toWoolluctedifrannoost(on anally iktorpreted so.tht4 the intutvat or, .awootmineceajsayto roducethe chargeta (bsa:.(J)4Ay.mich 20dt5, 1 collectsdfrom meWhleh eK the pennitted timhl and (11)any popu{(ma ndls will tierrefbaded to meeThe suinsalkendy Note anider imEythoose to make this re4ïtclug the jujnefjksj tefitnd¾ JnafgcfIowetlador·this Note or by maklag a direct thanductionwill be me.H paymentto arefund iJ arc govemottby the lawsof Newreducesprincipal, itotall4dBW¿tisttikhtidphytherithonAendNote on the firstutortgligalones (110 tated$16tagstand the amo•tatef.pointurg York, exceptthat phmiteddby PL usamended. * 96.221ces 7. BennO ER'S FAEURE it TO PAY AS REQUUtED ( A) Default .I' If Tdonot pay die filli amountof each .J sche.duledpayneaton the dateit 3sdue,1will be in defauh. Øg) oticept Default lÈTJurta tjefjtjtjf) .GIprobl$til$qha¼Fassabne LJJJJNata a writtennotice telling the thatifido ;ASp 0f)ld® rial pay theoverdueamouttt by n ! cotihitt thc dÉgggiarthggrgggdnpmo14pay.lumtrdiathly the full aigioet ofpilstolpal allitim$1hi5st thaploween thntemW whkh has not beenpaid and Ttidatemust in at lealit#0 dïyáAfteethe date:onwhich the mailedto me. noticeis deliveredor ! (C) No Walver By Note 11older at a tisus when 1:maigr dotholt, the Note He slar $pititif, doesnot regalteme to pay oxetelsotheright of set-oft nindeWeilhed immediately in Adi or doesnot nBove,theNote Holder will still havethe right to do 80If I am in delbylt at 8later @ ~mf .gi) .PalyntahuirNoteRol6st84Cosmytd Eggettset I Wthestleth gritag , to.pgitinattilately be PAkkhté).t:by infull;aadesorffad above,the Note Holder will have theright to , „ft;bF.Imanf AÛ Of 4tidlltWR&Gitifetist1041nt01016g thif Note to the extentnot prohibited thessagspannelaghutoiggigantphipsshnableauonists fees. by applicablelaw. (IgRetuitneMkodk GNigdu I If a checkusedto makea paymenton this loan is remed for anyreason,exceptan error by Note Noto !NocytNoinflrnmodot owed. Any personwho in a.guarantor, is also obligat'edto:do thoset . Any paristanwho lakes over surety or endorserof this JS' guarantor;·aurelyar esidorserof thignet4 the4e.oblly,ntions,inetmung the obligxdemsof a. is n)soobligated to keep·all.ntthe promisesmadein may etitorcoItsrighetundorïJdsNätangshrit eachperson this Note. The Note Nulder of str may be rentilred tispay all of the individuallyne againstall of us togentier.T&.means that amountsowedtunfe: this Note, .my one 10. WAIVERS feed may Ild>' ther personwho bel obligathmstiederddi "Pcceeatmetit* Note.waive the sightsof presentmentund nótiec ot' ecru>haito' of disholior. dan=a4·pwfiwe•>f.nrouminado--Et-laticahf theright tantojtiltipflñitNciistWaldertogivonotice to other' -Mii<'itic dishonor means otheipantons that.amotingsdign havenotheca paid. 'I .G. :t..l. U. SECUltED NOTE In addition to the prqtoctionagiven to the Note Hok:c; under this Note, a Mortgage,.Doer) o<: Deed of Trust or (the "Security Instrument"kdated the samedate Security keed as the i"iota, plutects the Nets 11a131er. fmen possiblefosseswhich might result if 1do not keep the ptorniseswhich 1 make Been>try' in thh Note.'Ital 3uemity insuunant conditions1 may be requin:d to make harnediato i>t' ot' deserthes trow and imeterwhat paymew in full of all amounisI owe under t½ conditionsare describedits itataaNds ~CJay by Landerif excrelseis problhliedhy federallaw asof losrr, FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/23/2018 01:47 PM INDEX NO. 850218/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 i RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/23/2018 ot" 44Asshercius dub option, 1,.endorshall give Dorrowernotice of acceleration.The notice shall ptovidé 4 period of not lessthan30;vdysfrmu thedatetheadice inlalivered or matteitMdan wMch Bartower anet pay all suanssecutedby dtis Securhy (nstruñcut. If Dorrower fails to pay three seinest¾t this periott, Leader may Myoke hrg to the vxpiration of .this rmnediespenniuedby thisSectuity Instrumentwithetit rurthernoticeovdemandoutBottower. I ACKNOWLEDGE TlIE Qlr .OF A SI)RhitATE AKUNRATION AGREEMENT SIGNED YVITII' IkUSTENClk CONCURREi9TLT WITE THIS. NOW, AND I ifÈEdlF(CALLY AGR1!|E TO BE DOTIND BÝ ITS TEIQfS. TJNJtà ' WflNESS TNBHAND(S) AND SEAL($) 0F T121 IDUR4GNBi. . Horrouxu' 'v (Seal) '1)J'fgff 0- 'ct)XCftk'f~ 'C'0)I'Jf'1!I!II Barrmw .,...(Seai) Patt>) Jgfg>1 Orggjunlpdiy (digrcorlfflunJ oiiiy Jj v j:".lga~P~ >KJ3:~c) '-J"-.'-»(.'t'I ictus'7."l g.) .. JSQ,'.$9lVf Jt:P'„75$)lsM W (,o;ItfVY syt,;ooi,;',1r„'>othe, rtlt {1> ot VII I i '>. ;t>I.'.»>acr.q Ir.'.Jy ..000 I :t I OR1GINAL 3 on Pase emoon, FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/23/2018 01:47 PM INDEX NO. 850218/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 RECEIVED NYSCEF: .«>%K a 04/23/2018 " <>ypgt.".rFfjrfff'«re rfs'v ' s't(F ' hi $fhr i" I WMhout j S a i FW VICE PRESIDENT L-t3 Me Mr ( Wthout Recourse Pa ,to tO the Order of %maw%' Its Faqio FinanclarCadit orvlues New York, Inc. eLK g~ Ar,tag~ a W.RelNters, .. resident 0001 I ,c, Pursuant to CPLR 2105 I havecompared this.documentwiththe original and found it to be 0 true and complete copy. Signe.4 „Zj: Heine P ~~,.felz it! FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/23/2018 01:47 PM INDEX NO. 850218/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 37 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/23/2018 NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . Ol' OFFICE OF THE CITY REGISTER 'Ihis page is past of the ingramenLThe City on theiofomiation Reginer willrely provided you' by youetthis of liidoxing page forporposes this instnunent,'lhe inforniation do this pago will control forindekhts puqxises in lire event event or any connict with the rest of the document. 2003090800246001006E8D7 l .~ancona<%I' RECORDING AND ENDORSEMENT COVER . PAAG A < D 11 Document ID: 2003090800246001 Document Date:08-22-2003 PreparationDate:11-26-2004 Documem .Document Type:MORTGAGE ' Documem Page Count: 10 PRESENTER: RETURN TO: ADVANTAGE EQUITY SERVICES ADVANTAGE EQUITY SERVICES COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMMONWEALTH LAND TrrLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMPANY 1501 REEDSDALE ST. , SUITE 1001 1501 REEDSDALE ST. , SUTTE 1001 PITTSBURGH, PA 15233 PITTSBURGH, PA 15233 412-231-3000' 412-231-3000 412-231-3000 -3000 -30IM PROPERTY DATA Borough Block Lot Unit Address I' MANHATTAN 1324 1006 EntireLot 4A 245 EAST 50 STREET SINGU"" UNIl' Property Type: SINGLE RESLDENTIAL CONDO UNET CROSS REFERENCE DATA CRFN __ n' or Document ID or Year_... Recl - Page.- or File Number PARTIES MORTGAGER/BORROWER: MORTGAGEE/LENDER: CORAZON TAMARGO-RIVERA WELLS FAROO FINANCAILCREDIT SERVICES NY 245 EAST S(TrH STRERT 4A INC. NEW YORK. NY 10022 91-31 QUEENS BLVD., SUITE 412 ELMHURST, NY 11373 FEES AND TAXES Mortgage RecordingFee:$ 87.00 MorninaeAnutUnc . 374.618430 S - —,—.— Argdavit .-e'.r Fee; $ MO 'f'a~x' TaxableMonAas Amount S ...'~74,g,8,30)j 374;618.30 „>NYCReal NYC RealProperty TransferTaxpiling pee: Exemption: S 0.00 2,1)t' re 00 Real Estate Tramfer TAXES: County (Basid; S d NYS Tax: CitvMddldonall: s ...,,,= 3h46.00 .DL4Le' by any losseswhich emananáthattl(anmyselfluntsoøoof11¼righu I.endarsuffbs hismuse la thePropertywhich1pranisethatI havelpreshoedilit 1wiliditfeadmyéneighipef thePrdpartyagainstanyclatusof sigh rightse PLAIN LANGUAGESECURITYINSTRUMENT This SecurityInstnimuntcoointospendiltisandagreernents thatureusedin real propertysecurityinsiniments eouslry.' diso an overthesoumryiit thatvary, to a timitedextent,in a rferent andagneaments oconsti$6therpronismo language." partsof thecouetty.Myggomise&antiagttementaurostatedin "plain COVENANTS 1promiseandI agreewith f=ta asfollows: l. BQRROWER'SPROMISETO PAY dueundertheNoteandanyprepayment pay to I.anderontitneprincipalandlatenest ast latecharges due undertheNone. 2. ~ aMONTRLY ~w FAYMyRTS or~suer ersa ~ ~ FOR TAXES ~ramboAND e uw~ INSURANCE (A) Barrower'sol,digations in writingby r =darl If requested to payfur (axesca-ments, water will payto Leadersil amountsneceadary (tootagembattes aifdoGutedlutÚge gentsor2grtmad gownfrents,leasehold eh>rgea> pi tenri ()f apýphastador ptepartrinsumnoocoveringthe ~tjs lbapap, ananeginsutanceor any),tr1,ndecrequited. pay' u«htmiler' by txnder. (f,.unjterParagraphI below,Laildst ottherjacgches st sellsthe Property,thenbeforethe at tbclimbof theacquisitionor saleto acquislilonor sale,Landerwill itigaanyFutubW)6ehtantletllt Jingdhis dicsumsSecured. 3.APPLICATION OF BORROWER'SPAYMENT!i . Unlessthe law requiresotherwhe,Leaderwill apply eachof my paymentsunderthe Note and under 1and2 abovein thefottowingorderattdfor thefollowingpurposes· Paragraphs pmpnscs: psat[I< payground rents(if any') dueim theproperty,I will do daiseitherby =Wy thepaymentsto r thatare bodio Paragraph 2 thepaymentson time to the atxweor, if I aranotrequhedto makepaymentsanderParagraph 2, by =hg "petson" meansany person,organlzation, personowed them. (In this Securityhisttament,the word ol' authorityor otherparty.)If t makedirectpayments,thenpromptlysitar makhigany of those governmental will payrnensI areceipt give lander whichshowsthall IfI ntalmpaymentto lander under have.dquir,eo4 2. I will givetanderallatø|cesor bitle4aafirecalvo¾rthetenoimtsdoeanderthisParagrapb Paragraph 4. i will pmmpdypay or satisfyall liensagainsttbc Propertythatmay besuperiorto this Security(nstrument, doesnotregulametosatisff asuperiorlice lif (A) t agree,it wthing, to pay However,thb 8eenrityfastrument theway in which1agree theobligationwhichgaveriseto thesuperiorlien andlander sig>roses OIguovcs tbu's»pi>@ir' agreeto paythat defi'>gsgabxttlbu'tatPc4icliegio a fabuit doICP'att4udtig (bo ohHgation;or (B) in yond (alth, I slyly uf dcfsngigahstt stg>)opp cs' th6.holdere fliat.6therIt tungnot·hecgft Ilcnmsy LC))'icotte~ cgfthucdi or (QksegUm'~ atka ibjs $ectir)t approvedin writing by 1enile4that(bo()sttof jjen".nfSgs thoperipto Ibe flag jjgjjj ttp(tf,by that tander determinesthatany part of the Propertyis aubjectto a superiorlien. lander anaygive person.if a Borrowernotice €be supcrko Borrower superi+lien. identifying s IN>' hall payor thesuperior