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  • Shateek Brown v. Madison Parkhurst, Nikki Parkhurst, Andrew PetrusTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Shateek Brown v. Madison Parkhurst, Nikki Parkhurst, Andrew PetrusTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 04/13/2021 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 003125/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/13/2021 Onondaga County Sheriff's Office CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Supreme Court County of Onondaga State of New York Shateek Brown Index Number - 003125/2021 vs. Sheriff FileNumber - 21239052 Andrew Petrus, Madison Parkhurst, Nikki Parkhurst I,Deputy SheriffDaniel deBerjeois , Badge # 1763 ofthe Onondaga County Sheriff'sDepartment, Syracuse, NY, certifyand affmn thaton 4/7/2021 at approximately 9:42 AM, at 115 Shady Lane Syracuse,NY 13219 served the within Summons & CoñrplairtJNotice of Electronic Filing upon Andrew Petrus, the defendant named therein,in the following manner. PERSONAL SERVICE By deliveringtoand leaving with Andrew Petrus personally a truecopy thereof,said person being known or identifiedto me as theperson mentioned and described therein. NON-MILITARY At the time of serviceAndrew Petrus was asked ifhe was in theMilitary Service of theU.S. Government and Andrew Petrus repliedno. DESCRIPTION Hair Color: Gender: Male Height: 5' 9" Weight: The person served was approximately: Skin Color: White, Bald/Balding, 220 Age: 35 . SERVICE ATTEMPTS Date: 4/7/2021 AM - NY @ 9:42 115 Shady Lane Syracuse, 13219 Dated: Wednesday, April 07, 2021 ...____. Daniel deBerjeois 1763 Deputy Sheriff Badge Number 1 of 1