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  • xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx v. New York University Special Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx v. New York University Special Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx v. New York University Special Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx v. New York University Special Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx v. New York University Special Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx v. New York University Special Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/01/2018 05:27 PM INDEX NO. 152210/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/01/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/01/2018 05:27 PM INDEX NO. 152210/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/01/2018 2016-2018 Undergraduate and Graduate BuHetin (with addenda) New York University Tandon School of Engineering Graduate Academic Requirements and Policies • Graduate Degrees and Advanced Certificates • Leaves of Absence and Readmission • Graduate Credits and Requirements • Withdrawal from the University • Graduate International Students • Application Process forthe Award ofGraduate Degrees • Policieson Grading and Grades and Certificates • Acadernic and Probation • Continuation of StudiesBeyond the Initial Certificateor Standing Master of Science • Internship Policiesand Guidelines This sectiondetails the generalSchool-wide degree requirements that applyto allNYU Tandon School of Engineering graduate degrees. Academic departments may placeadditional requirements on individual degrees. Such additionalrequirements are explained inthe programs sectionofthis catalog.In no case may a department specify requirements lessstringent than those indicated here. Outcomes Assessment NYU Tandon School of Engineering conducts outcomes assessment activitiesto monitor student academic achievement, effectiveteaching methods and continuous improvement of theSchool, as wellas tocomply with accreditationstandards. To obtain periodic measurements of studentperceptions and intellectual growth, graduate students are stronglyencouraged to participatein surveys, focus groups,interviews or relatedactivities. While individualinput is collected, data resultingfrom these assessments is publishedonly inaggregate form. Definition of Credits Graduate studies are expressed interms of credits.One 50-minute period ofgraduate classwork for a 15-week,singlesemester carries1 graduate credit.Astandard graduate course meeting fortwo-and-a-half hours per week in a singlesemester of 15 weeks is equivalentto 3 credits. This format isthe most common forgraduate courses, Graduate laboratoriesmeet three times per graduate credit two-and-a-half-hours (i.e., per week in a singlesemester of 15 weeks isequivalentto 1 credit). Courses meeting more or lessthan two-and-a-half hours each week areassigned credits in thecorrectproportion. The final examination period is an integral part of thet5-week semester. Graduate Degrees and Advanced Certificates Graduate Advanced Certificate Programs NYU Tandon School of Engineering offersseveral graduate advanced certificate programs in specializedsubject areas for students who do not wish toenroll in a full-degree program. Detailed descriptionsof thecertificateprograms are availablefrom the responsible departments. Admission Requirements FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/01/2018 05:27 PM INDEX NO. 152210/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/01/2018 Admission requirements for certificate programs are thesame as those forrelated MS programs. Applicants must have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0or higher, and GREs are required from those applying forfull-time study.Applicants must be admitted formally to a certificate program before beginning graduate course work. Graduation Requirements Depending on the program, 12 to15 credits must be taken at NYU School of Engineering to earn a certificate, and no transfer credits forcertificates are permitted. Courses taken fora certificate may be applied toward the futurepursuit of an MS, ME, or PhD graduate degree, but notto another certificate program. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3-0in allgraduate courses taken at theNYU Tandon School of Engineering to receivea certificate, Students in such a program who subsequently decide to pursuea graduate degree must file a separate application foradmission to therespective graduate program. Master of Science Admission Requirements Admission to Master of Scienceprograms requires a bachelor'sdegree and at leastfouryears of college-levelcourses in a preparatory disciplinefrom an institutionacceptable tothe NYU Tandon School of Engineering. An undergraduate GPA of 3-0 or betteris required foradmission. GRE scores arerecommended forallapplicants,and are required foranyone applyingfor full-timestudy or seeking merit-based scholarships.Applicants seeking admission to theMS in Integrated DigitalMedia are exempt from the GRE requirement, and those seeking admission to technology maoagement-related degrees are encouraged to submit GMAT scores insteadof theGRE. Letters of Recommendation, a Statement of Purpose,and a professional resume are also required from allapplicants seeking admission to any graduate program Graduation Requirements Candidates forthe degree of Master of Sciencemust complete no fewer than 30 creditsof graduate courses and research beyond the bachelor's degree inthe program selected.Academic departments may requireadditional creditsforindividual degrees. Individual programs may specifyrequired courses, minimum GPAs in specificcourses or coursegroups, or require a comprehensive examination, presentation of a seminar,or completion ofa project or thesis. Specific course requirements for each MS program are detailed inthe programs sectionof thiscatalog.To obtain the MS degree, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3-0(equivalent to a B letter grade) or betterin all graduate work undertaken at theNYU School of Engineering and any other school of NYU, includingcourses not used tofulfillspecificprogram requirements. The average of B or betterincludes al guided studies, readings,projects,theses and dissertations.Students may offerno more than a combined totalof 9 creditsofproject,guided studies,readings, or thesistoward fulfillmentofthe MS degree requirements. Students taking project or thesis must registerforatleast 3 creditsof projector thesisevery semester untilthe work iscompleted and a grade recorded (alsoreferto the sectionMaintenance of Studiest MS students may electtocomplete an MS projector MS thesisand maybe required to do so incertainprograms. Consult the programs section in thiscatalogfor details. A project usuallyentails 3 to6 credits,whilean MS thesisis generallya more extended piece ofresearch, usuallyentailing 6 to9 credits.At thislevel,research should exhibita thorough understanding of advanced scientificthought and an abilityto applyadvanced principles constructivelyto engineering planning and design. Manuscript Presentation Degree candidates must present their research to theappointed guidance committee in finalmanuscript form forofficial acceptance no laterthan two weeks beforethe end ofthe semester. The accepted format for thebound research document is Dissertations." detailed in the"Regulations on Format, Duplication and Publication of ProjectReports, Theses and Detailed information isavailableon the NYU Tandon School of Engineering website. Graduate students registeredforMS thesis creditsmust submit four finalbound copies totheirdepartment for necessary signatures, and then present them to theofficeof Graduate Academics one week beforethe end of thesemester. Master of Engineering FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/01/2018 05:27 PM INDEX NO. 152210/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/01/2018 Admission Requirements Allregulations and requirements forthe Master of Engineering degree, including those governing admissions, graduation, and residency, are identicalto thosefor theMaster ofScience degree. Graduation Requirements Candidates forthe degree Master of Engineering must complete no fewer than 30 credits ofgradnate courses (including a maximum of9 credits of research)beyond the bachelor'sdegree in theprogram. The Master of Engineering is forstudents seeking in-depth knowledge in fields requiring courses from multiple disciplines,especiallythose taught by severaldifferent academic departments. Students createtheir study program, including atleast one graduate with certificate, the approvalof a graduate adviser.A capstone experience isrequired forgraduation. Doctor of Philosophy Admission Requirements Students may applyto a doctoralprogram either directlyaftera bachelor'sdegree or aftercompleting a master'sdegree. In either case,a GPA of 3-oor betteris requiredin all previous degree programs and a GPA of 3-5or betteristypicallyexpected. GRE scores arerequired for full-time all PhD applicants. The admissions process forthe doctoralprogram followsthe same path as thatof theMaster of Scienceand Master of Engineering applications.Highly qualifiedcandidates whose interestsare incompatible with the faculty's research interestsmay notbe admitted. Additionally,most departments admit only the number ofstudents that theycan support, financially and ,and qualifiedcandidates may not be admitted due to limited of availability funding. Graduation Requirements Alldoctoral candidates must complete a minimum of graduate of 75 credits worl- work beyond the bachelor's a degree, including minimum of 2 t credits of dissertationresearch (ormore, depending on major). Requirements forthe degree of Doctor of Philosophy are qualitativeand quantitative.Students will find thatthe formalrequirements of residence,course credits,and dissertation provide a framework within which they arefree toconstruct individual programs forcreative learningatan advanced level.Students must satisfythe detailedrequirements ofthe selecteddegree program. Each PhD student must complete a PhD dissertation.Research at thislevelmust demonstrate criticaland constructive thought, as wellas theability to usethe techniques necessary to explore and develop new knowledge in mathematics, science, or engineering.. A successfuldissertationmust demonstrably advance the subject area ofresearch. School requirements for dissertations set a minimum of m credits of registration. Allresearch should be characterized by accuracy of observation and measurement, and by clarityand completeness inpresentation. The conclusions presented must be supported by adequate studies and investigations,and supplemented by a complete bibliography. Graduate students in a PhD program should conferwith an adviser in thedepartment of major interestregarding: 1) selection of courses; 2) major and minor fieldsofstudy; 3) formulation of a guidancecommittee; 4) qualifyingandlanguage examinations; 5) degree candidacy. Students in a PhD program must takeand pass doctoral qualifying examination(s) administered by theirmajor department. These examinations are generallyscheduled once or twiceyearly,and students should consult theiracademic department for further information. Students are highly encouraged to takethe examination(s) in theirfirstyear ofthe program, and they may not registerfordissertation researchuntil they have passed the examination(s). Ifstudents have not passed by the end of their second year, they maybe disqualifiedfrom the PhD program. Within sixmonths of passing the examination(s), students and their dissertationadviser must form a dissertation-guidancecommittee that willoversee course selection,provide research guidance, and ensure that progress satisfactory is beingmade toward completion ofthe dissertationin a timelymanner. Course selection must ensure that requirements of major and minors set forth by the respective programs are met.The committee, at itsdiscretion or bound by departmental regulations,may require students to presenta dissertationresearch proposal. The committee is expected to meet at leastonce per semester to assessstudent progress, and doctoral students must defend their dissertation in frontof thiscommittee. Doctoral students must obtain a checklistof themilestones and requirements forthe PhD program from the OfficeofGraduate Academics. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/01/2018 05:27 PM INDEX NO. 152210/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/01/2018 Alldoctoral students must main taina GPA of3.0 or betterat all times and a B or betterforthe dissertation,and some departments have further specificcourse or grade requirements that must Once be fulfilled. studentsbegin their dissertation research, they must registerforat least3 creditsof dissertationevery semester untilthe dissertationis completed and successfully defended (alsoreferto the section on Maintenance of Studies1 Manuscript Presentation Degree candidates must present theirresearch to theappointed guidance committee infinal manuscript form forofficial acceptance no laterthan two weeks before the end ofthe semester. The accepted format for thebound research document is Dissertations." detailed in the"Regulations on Format, Daplication and Publication of ProjectReports, Theses and Detailed information isavailableon the NYU Tandon School of Engineering website. Graduate students registeredfor PhD dissertation creditsmust submit four fimilbound copies totheirdepartment for necessary signatures and then present them to theOffice ofGraduate Academics one week before theend ofthe semester. Publication Doctoral dissertations are published by UMI DissertationPublishing (ProQuest). The cost ofthis serviceis chargedto the student. Publishing with UMI ensures that thedissertation thesisgains thewidest possibleaudience. Any interestedperson can purchase copies ofa dissertationthrough the company's website. The facultyregards publication ofthe major content of a doctoraldissertationin a recognized scientific journal as a necessary finalstep if the work performed is toachieve maximum usefulness. The publication must indicate, by footnoteor otherwise, its Yorl- basis as a New York University School of Engineering dissertation. Graduate Credits and Requirements Residency To satisfyresidency requirements fora graduate degree at theNYU Tandon School of Engineering,students must complete the following minimum number ofcredits at theSchook • Graduate Certificate: Allcredits (12-15,depending on certificate) • Master of Science: Totalnumber of credits required, less9 (atleast 21 creditsof residency) • Master of Eugineering: Total number of creditsrequired, less9 (atleast 21 credits of residency) • Doctor of Philosophy: 27 credits(including alldissertationcredits) Transfer Credits Applications for transfercreditsmust be submitted forconsideration before the end of thefirstsemester of matriculation. Courses with grades below B are not eligible fortransfer. Transfer creditsforcourses taken aftermatriculation at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering are rarelyaccepted and must be approved by the student'sacademic department and by the Office ofGraduate Academics before the course is taken.Grades for transferredcreditsor courses are notrecorded and are not included in GPA calculations. Certificates No transfer credit ispermitted forgraduate certificates. Master of Science and Master of Engineering A maximum of 9 creditsmay be accepted as transfercreditstowards an MS or ME degree.Transfer creditsmust be approved by the student's department, the Associate Dean forGraduate Academics, and the Officeof theRegistrar.Courses that have been counted towards an awarded undergraduate or graduate degree, whether taken at NYU oranother institution,may notbe. transferred toward a master'sdegree atthe NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Credits submitted forconsideration must be: i) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/01/2018 05:27 PM INDEX NO. 152210/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/01/2018 from accredited 2) institutions; consistentwith NYU Tandon School of F..ngineering's residency requirements; 3) completed with grades B or better;4) consistentwith the curriculum inwhich the student is registered;5) takenafter receiptof a bachelor's degree, with the exceptionof NYU Tandon School ofEngineering's undergraduate students (See section:Transfer Policy Exceptions: NYU Tandon Undergraduate Students). Theses, projectsand guided studiesor readings courses cannot be transferred. Doctor of Philosophy Doctoral students may transfer a blanket30-credits from a priorMS degree. For theblanket 30-credittransfer,the priorMS need not be a 30-credit MS, so longas an MS degree (orequivalent) was granted, and a copy of thedegree and detailed transcripts are presented.Additional courses, taken afterreceiptof a bachelor'sdegree, but notcounted towards an awarded degree maybe eligiblefortransfer,up to a maximum of Additional 18 credits. courses individuallytransferred cannot include project,thesis,dissertation,guided studiesor readings,or specialtopics credits.The totalnumber oftransferred credits forthe PhD degree may not exceed 48. Some programs have additional students restrictions; should alsoconsult the program specific portion of thebulletin forfurther information. Transfer Policy Exceptions NYU Tandon School of Engineering Undergraduate Students While transferpoliciesnormally preclude the transferofgraduate credittaken priorto thereceipt ofa bachelor's degree,an exception is made for NYU students who takegraduate courses while pursuing an undergraduate degree atany school ofNYU. Such graduate courses may be appliedsubsequently to a graduate degree at NYU Tandon provided that studentsearned aB grade or better,that theindividual courses were not used to fulfill requirements forthe undergraduate degree, and that the courses are acceptable based on the particulargraduate degree curriculum requirement. The sum of transfercreditsfrom other institutionsand internaltransfer creditsfrom other NYU schools (including graduate courses taken while matriculated as NYU undergraduates) cannot exceed the totalnumber of transfercreditspermitted for Credits." Advanced MS Certificates, and PhD degrees as specifiedabove .specified in thesection on "Transfer These exceptions to theTransfer Policyare effectivefor any studentadmitted for theSpring 2017 semester forward. NYU Tandon School of Engineering BS/MS Students NYU Tandon School of Engineering students enrolled in BS/MS a joint program with a study planpre-approved by an academic adviser may take graduatelevelcourses priorto receivingtheirbache or'sdegree, and may apply these courses towards the requirements oftheir MS program without credit restriction. Graduate courses used to undergraduate satisfy degree requirements, however, cannot be used to graduate satisfy degree requirements. BS/MS studentsmust maintain a minimum 3.0 CGPA in allgraduate levelcourses,or they riskbeing disqualifiedfrom the BS/MS program. Period of Validity Graduate courses reflectthe currentstateof theart intheir respectivefields.Thus, allcourses thatare more than 10 years oldat the beginning of graduate study at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, whether taken previously at theSchool or atanother institution,are ineligible fortransfer and willnot count towards the satisfaction of degree requirements. The blanket 30-credit transfer of an MS degree taken at theNYU Tandon School of Engineering or elsewhere towards a PhD program is exempt from thisperiod ofvalidity and does not expire. Graduate Validation Credits When whether it is unclear a course takenoutside the NYU Tandon School of Engineering is suitable fortransfer credit, students may qualifyfortransfer creditforthat course by passing a validationexamination. Permission to take theexamination must be recorded in advance on the student'stransfer-evaluation form. The examination format is at the discretion of the of' department giving the course.Scheduling ofthe examination isby mutual agreement, but inno eventcan itbe scheduled more than one calendar year afterthe student begins study at ls r U TandonSchool of Engineering, A grade of B or betteris required FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/01/2018 05:27 PM INDEX NO. 152210/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/01/2018 forgraduate students. An examination may notbe taken more than once. A student who registersforor attends the course at NYU Tandon School ofEngineering forfeitsthe rightto takea validationexamination. The sum of validation creditsand transfercreditsis limitedto 9 creditsforthe MS and ME degrees. One exception to theparagraphs above regarding transfer creditand graduate validationcredit:Mathematics graduate students (MS and PhD) willbe permitted, with adviser approval,to exceed the 9-creditlimit on transfercreditsand validation unitsby taking specified,adviser approved courses at theCourant Institute ofNYU. In thecase of MS students, such approval may not raisethe number of such coursesabove four. Maximum Time for Completion Programs forgraduate certificatesmust be completed within threeyears.The MS and ME degree programs must be completed within fiveyears from the beginning ofgraduate studies at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. The PhD program must be completed in sixyears forfull-timestudents and 12 years forpart-time studentsfrom the time of admission to graduate studies at NYU Tandon School of Engineering (not from the beginning of PhD studies). Alltime limits include any approved Leaves of Absence. Extensions of thesetime periods are rarelygranted and require prior approval from the Associate Dean ofGraduate Academics. Students must request an extension at least60 days priorto thedeadline forcompletion. Ifan extension is granted, not all courses taken previously may count towards the degree.The Associate Dean, consulting with the department, willprepare a plan forthe student to followto obtain the degree. Graduate Registration Policies Allgraduate students must be registered fora minimum of each 1.5 credits falland spring semester until they graduate. However, ifstudents begin an MS project or or thesis, a PhD dissertation,they must register for at least of project, 3 credits thesis,or dissertationevery falland spring semester untilithas been completed and accepted. Thus, while students who have not previously enrolled in researchcredits may registration satisfy requirements and maintain theirstudent statusby registeringfor students 1.5 credits, who have begun a project, thesis,or dissertationin a previoussemester and who have not yet completed must registerfora minimum of 3 credits (ofresearch) each falland spring untilcomplete. (Also refertothe section on Maintenance of Studies.) Graduate Registration Status Graduate students pay tuitionat theper-credit rate.Full-time statusisdefined by thefollowing: • Full-time MS students must be registeredfor9 credits or more each semester. Students who arenormally full-time may registerforfewer credits during theirlastsemester by registering foronly the onmber of credits necessary forgraduation. During thislastsemester they are part-time,but can be treated for as full-time-equivalent immigration purposes only (not forthe purpose offinancialaid eligibility) by requesting full-time-equivalency statusfrom the Officeof GlobalSewices. • Full-time MS students in thelock-step,cohort based, executive-format MS programs are registeredforallcourses specifiedby the program as published in thecatalog each semester. These programs require distinctcourses and/or projects,each bearing creditsapproved forthe program. • Priorto passing the qualifyingexam, full-time PhD students must registerfora minimum of9 creditsper term. Upon passing the qualifyingexam, students may maintain full-timestatusby registeringfora minimum of 3 credits of dissertationper semester. Students who arenot enrolled officially in a PhD program, irrespective of whether or not they have passed the qualifyingexam, must continue to takea minimum of9 creditsper semester untilthey are formally admitted to a PhD program, A statusof non-matriculated or visitingstudent allowsstudents to takeup to three graduate courses at NYU iiiiU Tandon School of Engineering (maximum of2 courses or 6 credits per semester) without formally applying foradmission to a graduateprogram. Ifthese students desire to continueat NYU Tandon School of Engineering as matriculatedstudents in a graduate degree or certificateprogram, they must follow the formal application process,and admission isnot guaranteed. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/01/2018 05:27 PM INDEX NO. 152210/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/01/2018 Maintenance of Studies MS Students: Under exceptional and well-documented circumstances, graduate students seeking an MS degree in a program that requires an MS thesisor MS project may, with the permission of thethesis or projectadviser,request one semester of Maintenance of Studiesto complete the projector thesis.For permission to be granted, students and theiradvisers must provide adequate written justification to theOffice of Graduate Academics. PhD Students: PhD students who have completed allrequired courses and dissertationcredits,and who have completed allof their doctoralresearch, may registerforup to two semesters of Maintenance of Studieswith no tuitioncharge (School fees apply). Maintenance of Studies maintains officially the student'sdegree candidacy. Students who have not completed their doctoral research must continue to register fordissertation credits. Modifications to Curricula Curricula and courses change from time to time inorder to keep students abreast ofthe latestknowledge and methods within subject areas.Students are requiredto the satisfy curriculum and degree requirements in effect at thetime of their matriculation and must obtain current degree requirements from theirprogram adviser. In order to accommodate curriculum and course revisions,itis sometimes necessary to substitutea course forone specifiedin the curriculum. Students may alsorequest course substitutionsto tailor their studiesto theirinterests.Both the program adviser and the Office ofGraduate Academics must approve allcourse substitutions. Graduate International Students Full-time Status, Program and Degree Changes To maintain non-immigrant student status,internationalstudents must maintain full-timestatus every falland spring semester for theentire semester (i.e., withdrawing from a courseduring the semester may jeopardize full-timestatus).Students are not required to enrollduring the summer semester and may enroll forcreditsattheir discretion.International students may registerforonline courses,but must be registered fora minimum of 6 creditsof on-ground course work per term. Allquestions concerning thisregulation should be addressed with the Office of GlobalServices (OGS). Students may takeless than a full course of study if fewercreditsare needed during the lastsemester priorto graduation, but they must notifyOGS prior tothe beginning of thesemester and obtain full-timeequivalency status.Students may qualifyfora reduced course load (RCL) for valid academic and medical reasons. All exceptionsmust be approved by OGS before the lastday ofregistration (the add/drop deadline) each semester so thatcourses can be added to the student s scheduleifnecessary. Only one semester of reduced course load (RCL) foracademic reasons is permitted per degree level. Students in F-1and J-1 statusmust obtain written permission from OGS for any Leave ofAbsence request, or towithdraw from classesif thewithdrawal resultsin lessthan a full course load. alsomust obtain written permission and the pertinentI- They 20/DS-2019 form before enrolling ina new degree program. The process ofwithdrawing from a course,changing programs, changin" changing degree level,ortaking a Leave of Absence through the Officeofthe Registrar keeps a non-immigrant student in good standing only withthe School, but not withthe U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCTS), unless proper approval is obtained from OGS. Students planning on employment as partof their course work must obtainprior approval from OGS for any such employment. Failure to comply with the immigration requirements forfulltime status,course withdrawals, program changes, degree level changes, or Leave ofAbsence violatesthe non immigrant student's statusand renders a studentineligibleforany benefitof that status.According to USCIS, lack of compliance may alsoresult indeportation. Policies on Grading and Grades Computing the Grade-Point Average for Graduate Students FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/01/2018 05:27 PM INDEX NO. 152210/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/01/2018 For the purposes of computing GPAs forgraduate students and graduate courses,thefollowing schedule is used. Grade Point Description Value A 4.0 ExceDent A- Excellent 3.7 B+ 3-3 Good ·8 3.0 Good B- Good 2.7 C+ 2-3 Deficient,but Passing C 2.0 Deficient,but Passing F 0,0 Failing P Pass (no GPA value) S Satisfactory U Unsatisfactory W Withdrawal I Incomplete, converts to F after 180 days AUD Audit Grades S and U reflectprogress on research efforts.Once the thesis ordissertationis completed, the letter grade is entered on the transcriptfor all research registrations. Noncredit seminar coursesare graded P or F. Other than research no credit- credits, courses can be assigned S orU grades.A student cannot graduate ifa grade ofU is on thetranscript for credit- bearing any bearing course or forresearch efforts atthe time of graduation.A grade of I cannotbe assigned to a coursethat isgraded S orU. Grades S, U, I,W and AUD are notincluded in computing the GPA. Graduate Bridge and Preparatory Courses Many programs offergraduate bridge or preparatory courses to accommodate the needs of studentswho lackcertain undergraduate preparation. Generally,bridge or preparatory courses cannot be used to satisfydegree requirements particularlyfordegrees within the department that offersthecourse. However, these coursesare included in thecalculation of a student's graduate GPA. Some graduate students may be required to takecertainundergraduate courses as preparationfor advanced graduate study.Undergraduate courses are not includedinthe student's GPA calculation. Repeating Courses The firsttime a graduate student repeats a course,the lower grade is notcounted towards the GPA. All subsequent grades in a course repeated more than once are includedinthe GPA, although degree creditis earnedonly once. Course Withdrawal: The W Grade Students may withdrawfrom a courseor courses without academic penalty untilthe published withdrawal deadline of the normal fallorspring semester, Students should process theirown withdrawals online viaAlbert Student Center during the first two weeks ofthe semester. Afterthe firsttwo weeks, students must complete a paperadd/drop form and submit the form to the Officeof Graduate Academics. In allcases,students are encouraged to consultwith theiracademic advisers,as withdrawing from certaincourses may delay theirplanned graduation date,and internationalstudents should make sure thatthey do not drop below full-time status (9 cmdits).Students who have been placed on finalacademic probation are notpermitted to withdraw from courses without priorapproval from the Officeof Graduate Academics. When the course duration variesfrom the such as in nine- or 12-week please consult with the NYU Tandon norm, six-, courses, SOE Records and Registration Officefor deadline information. Withdrawn courses remain on the student'stranscript with a .... . ...... . . .. . ...... . ... . . .. Ordinarily . .. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/01/2018 05:27 PM INDEX NO. 152210/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/01/2018 grade of W and are not calculatedintothe GPA. Once entered on the student'srecord, aW cannot be changed to any other grade. An F grade is recordedforany student who ceasesto attenda course without formally withdrawing by the required deadline. International students who wish to withdraw from a course,or courses,must have prior approval from OGS ifwithdrawing will leave them with fewer than nine creditsof registration. Auditing Courses Graduate students may audit courses insteadof receivingcredits and grades for them. Regular tuitionischarged and courses are treated as partof a full-time load.An AUD notationis made on the student's permanent record. Interested graduate students should see theiradvisersand must notify the NYU Tandon SOE OfficeofRecords and Registration within the firsttwo weeks of thesemester ifthey selectcourses foraudit status,Under no circumstances may an audit statusbe changed to creditstatusonce elected. Audited courses do not count toward satisfyinggraduation requirements. Incomplete Grades Ifa student cannot complete the course work at theusual time because of validreasons,such as illnessor othercritical emergency, the instructormay givea grade of Incomplete/L In such cases,the instructor and the studentmust develop a detailed plan forcompletion that includesa specificcompletion date.Ordinarily thisdate should not extend beyond the intersession,in fairnessto students who finishcourse requirements on time and to ensure that studentscomplete prerequisites foradvanced courses.An Incomplete grade convertsto an F if the student failstocomplete thework within the specified timeline,or at mostby 180 days afterthe end of thesemester inwhich the studentwas enrolled in thecourse. All Incomplete grades must be converted before graduation. The grade ofIncomplete/I is used sparinglyand only in caseswith valid reasons,not merely because students have pla