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  • Midland Funding Llc v. Amy Hassett Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Funding Llc v. Amy Hassett Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Funding Llc v. Amy Hassett Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Funding Llc v. Amy Hassett Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Funding Llc v. Amy Hassett Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Funding Llc v. Amy Hassett Other Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: LIVINGSTON COUNTY CLERK 12/11/2018 12:25 PM INDEX NO. 000584-2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/11/2018 Mary F. Strickland , County Clerk Livingston County Government Center 6 Court Street, Room 201 fl A ÏÏ Geneseo, New York 14454 182' 243-7010 ~ Fax 243-7928 (585) (585) Livingston County Clerk Recording Page Received From: Return To: MITCHELL G. SLAMOWITZ MITCHELL G. SLAMOWITZ 199 CROSSWAYS PARK DRIVE 199 CROSSWAYS PARK DRIVE WOODBURY, NY 11797 WOODBURY, NY 11797 ACTION - Document Type: CIVIL MISC Document Desc: EXHIBIT(S) Plaintiff Defendant MIDLAND FUNDING LLC HASSETT AMY Recorded Information: State of New York Index #: 000584-2018 of Livingston County EFiling through NYSCEF Livingston County Clerk This sheet condHL s the Clerk's endorsement .eq"ied by section 319 of the Real Property Law of the State of New York AKB Do Not Detach Index INDEX #NO. : 000584-2018 000584-2018 FILED: LIVINGSTON COUNTY CLERK 12/11/2018 12:25 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/11/2018 PAGE 1 OF 2 . . . of accetmt activi Payment infaginilation Account no. 967 New bâ|ânce $1,561.58 M|n|mum paymani due $505.00 Prev|cus balance $1,493.16 Pcymar:1 due date 12/01/2016 Payments 0.00 Late payment warning: Other credits 0.00 P=-hr-=-= If we do not receive your payment by 12/01/2016 you may 000 have to pay up to a $37.00 latefee. Other debits 0.00 .................................................................................................................... Fees charged 37.00 -'-'- Minimum payment wern!n;;: Ifyou make only the Interemi charged 31.42 payrnent for each period, you will pay more in !nterest and itwilltake New balance $1,561.58 you longer to pay off your bã!ë± For exempla: Past due smount 430.00 add!" Ifyou make no nal You will pay off And you will Credit limit $0.00 charges using this card the balance shown end up paying an hsE"Eb|ó credit $0.00 and each month you pay: on the statement estimated total Statement 11/05/2016 in about: of: closing date Days in billingcycle 30 Only the minimum paymênt 6 years $2542 For ±r±- credit c regarding serv|ces, call 1-800-284-1706. Details of our tr.ansactions TRANS DATE TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION/LOCATION AMOUNT .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Fees 11/01/2016 LATE FEE 37.00 Total fees charged for this period $37.00 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Interest charged !nterest charge on purchases $31.42 Total interest for this period $31.42 2016 totals year to date Total fees châiged in 2016 $292.00 Total interest charged in 2016 $284.12 Interest caiculation Your Annual P=:·_=::iege Rate is the annual -51rate on your ecceun+ See BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD (APR) on page 2 for more details. TYPE OF BALANCE SUBJECT INTEREST BALANCE APR TO INTEREST RATE CHARGE Purchases 25.2400% (v) 1,514.40 (DA) 31.42 NOTICE: See side for5:;sir" |..L... reverse easeÏear afpeifoiatiori aiiosie Account number QA7 New balance Mn nayment p $1,561.58 $505.00 99 4 Payment must reach us by Yes, I have moved or updated my Amount ensioned: 6 pm ET on 12m1!2016. e-mail address -see .ovoice. $ Please make check payable to: COMENITY - VICTORIA'S SECRET ii. •us suii...puting µg..i-i .ii-n i i , i-'i"I"II-iir- -rur-.... ..... .;;;"I--I I u n n rui Please return this portion along with your payment to: AMY HASSETT 443 TR!MMER RD PO BOX 659728 SPENGERPORT NY 14559-1015 SAN ANTONIO TX 78265-9728 ---n u r ---ur m i II n i i 00907103 00003229 P%7 000050500 00015l-i158 Index INDEX #: NO.000584-2018 000584-2018 FILED: LIVINGSTON COUNTY CLERK 12/11/2018 12:25 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/11/2018 Keep this portion foryour records' CREDIT N UN I miG. We may report about your account to What To Do IfYou Think You Find A Mistake On YourStatement creditbureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or otherdefaults on your account may be reflected in yourcreditreport. If youthink there is anerroron your statement, writeto us at:Comemty Bank PO Box 182782, Columbus, Ohio 43218-2782. NOTICE OF CREDIT REPORT DISPUTES. If youbelieve theaccount i"fadan·. information we reported toa consumer reporting agency is inaccurate,you In your give letter, us the following may submit a directdispute toComenity Bank PO Box 182789, Columbus, • Account information: Your name and account number- Ohio 43218-2789. Your writtendispute must providesufficientinforniai¡un • Dollaramount: The dollaramount ofthe suspected error- to identifytheaccount and specify why the information isinaccurate: • Description ofProblem: If youthinkthere is anerror on your • bill, Account Information: Your name and account number describe what you believe is wrongand why you believe itis a mistake. . Contact Information:Your address and te!cphene number • Di:puted Infarrnet!yn: the account infGrmatio disputed and You must contact us within60 days afterthe errorappeared on your Identify statement. explain why you believeitis inaccurate • Documentation: If available, provide a copy ofthe section of Supporting You must notifyus ofany potential errorsin writing. You may callus, but if the credit reportshowing the account !nfe--et!enyou are disputing you do we are not required toinvestigateany potential errorsand you may have to pay the amount inquestion. We will investigatethe disputed information and reportthe resultsto you within 30 days of receiptofthe fe=tion needed forour investigation.If While we investigate whether or notthere has been an error,the following we find thatthe account unummuon we reported isinaccurate,we will promptly provide the necessary correctionto each consumer reporting W c nnot tryto collectthe amount inquestion, or reportyou as agency to which we reportedthe information. delinquent on that amount. • The charge inquestion remain on your and we PAYMENTS MARKED "PAID INFULL". Allwrittencommunications regarding may statement, may continue to charge you intereston that amount. ifwe deteriiiiile that disputed amounts that includeany check or otherpayment instrument But, full" marked with "payment in or similarlanguage, must be sent to:6550 we made a mistake, you willnot have to pay theamount in question or North Loop 1604 East,Suite 101, San Antonio, TX 78247-5004. any interestor otherfees relatedto thatamount ' . . . DO NOT USE THE ENCLOSED REMITTANCE ENVELOPE. • While you do not have to theamount in you areresponsible pay question, -We accept payment sent to other address without of our may any losingany forthe remainder of yourbalance- rights. • We can unpaid amount againstyour credit limit· apply any -No payment shalloperate as an accord and satisfaction without prior writtenapproval. Your RightsIfYou Are Dissatisfied With Your CreditCard Purchases or services CUSTOMER SERVICE: or call1-800-695-9478 If youare dissatisfiedwiththe goods that you have purchased tried (TDD/TTY 1-800-695-1788). with yourcredit card,and you have in good faithtocorrect the problem withthe merchant, you may have the rightnot to pay theremaining TELEPHONE MONITORING. To provideyou with phone high-quality service, amount due on the purchase. communication with usis monitored and/or recorded. To use thisright,allof the followingmust be true: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. The following designations,when appearing 1. The purchase must have been made in your home stateor within100 on the frontof yourstatement, mean the following:V means variable rate miles of yourcurrent mailing address,and the purchase price must have (thisrate vary);WV INT PAY RQ means WAIVE INTEREST, PAYMENT may been more than $50. (Note: Neither ofthese is necessan/ if your purchase REQUIRED; WV INT EQ PY means WAlVE INTEREST, EQUAL PAYMENT; WV was based on an advertisement we mailed to you,orifwe own the company INT LOW PMT means WAlVE INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT; DF INT PY RQ that soldyou the goods or services.) means DEFER INTEREST, PAYMENT REQUIRED; DEF INT EQ PY means 2. You must have used yourcredit card forthe purchase. Purchases made DEFER INTEREST EQUAL PAYMENT; DF INT LOW PMT means DEFER with cash advances from an ATM or witha check that accesses your credit INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT and LOW APR EQ PAY means LOW APR, EQUAL card account do not qualify. PAYMENT. If youhave a variable rateaccount, your periodicrates may vary. 3. You must not yet have fullypaid forthe purchase. You may pay allof yourAccount balance at any time without penalty. If all of thecriteriaabove are met and you arestilldissatisfied with the Send allinquiriesto:CuaiuiviER PO Box Ce! SERVICE, 182273, ±::, purchase, contact us in writingat:Comenity Bank PO Box 182782, Ohio 43218-2273. Columbus, Ohio 43218-2782. . Send allbankruptcy notices and related correspondence to Comemty Bank, While we the investigate, same rulesapply to thedisputed amount as PO Box Ce!:± Ohio 43218-2125. Bankruptcy Department, 182125, discussed above. After we finishour investigation,we willtellyou our decision. Atthat ifwe think you owe an amount and you do not NOTICE ABOUT ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION. When you providea point, pay we reportyou as delinquent. check as payment, you authonze us eithertouse information from your may check to make a one-time electronicfund transfer fromyour account or to HOW TO AVOID PAYING INTEREST. Your due date is atleast25 days after process the payment as a check transaction.When we use inferret!:nfrom the closeof each billingcycle. We willnot charge you intereston purchases your check to make an electronicfund funds be withdrawn transfer, may if youpay your entirebalance by thedue date each month. We will begin to from your account as soon as the same we receiveyour payment, and day charge intereston new purchases made under a Low APR, Equal Payment you willnot receiveyour check back from your financia!institution. or Budget Payment Credit Plan from thedate of purchase. BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD. We calculate interestseparatelyfor each balance using themethod(s) described below. The two lettersin parentheses next to the Balance Subject to InterestRate column inthe InterestCharge Calculation section on thisstatement corresponds tothe following: (DA) We figure the interestcharge on thisbalance by applyingthe periodic balance" rateto the "daily foreach day in the billingperiod.To get the balance" "daily we take the beginning balance each day,add any new transactions and feesand subtractany payments or credits(treatingany net creditbalance as a zerobalance). Thisgives us the dailybalance. (MC) We figure the interestcharge on thisbalance by applying theperiodic balance" rateto the "average daily forthe billingperiod.To get the balance" "average daily we take the beginning balance each day, add any new transactionsand fees and subtract any payments or credits(treating any net creditbalance as a zero balance).This gives us thedaily balance. Then, we add up allthe dailybalances for thebillingperiod and divide the totalby the number ofdays in the billingperiod.This givesus the "average balance." daily PAYMENTS. Pay yourAccount by thepayment due date by thetime listedbelow. If we do notreceive your payment ina correctformat (outlined below) it may notbe credited to yourAccount forup to fivedays, ormay be rejected.Also,your payment must reach us by thepayment cutofftime that applies to the payment method you select. Correct Format. Correctformat for differentpayment methods include: Mailing or Overnight:Send a personalcheck, money order, traveler's check or cashier'scheck payable in U.S. dollars,tothe name and address shown on thisStatement inthe payment stub area containing your balance and ,|-i payment amount. Be sure toinclude your payment stub,do not stapleor clipyour payment to thestub, include youraccount number on your check, use the envelope predded with your Statement, send one payment with one payment stub and do not send any co espoiideiicewith your payment. You should overnighta payment to 6550 North Loop 1604 East,Suite 101, San Antonio, TX 78247-5004 and the additional format requirements are thesame as other mailed payments unless thereis a dispute,inwhich case you follow Full" the Payments Marked "PaidIn section above. Do not send cash or giftcertificates. Pay By Phone: You can callus tollfreeat 1-800-695-9478 (TDD/TTY 1-800-695-1788) to make a payment by is!sp.::3, which may include a fee.Online: You can make a payment onlineat vsange! in-store:You can make payments in-store. Payment Cutoff Times. Payment cutofftimes/deadlines forus to receivepayments are by the due date on thisStatement inthe payment stub area atthe times: and Overnight· following Mailing By 6:00 pm Eastern Time (ET); Pay By Phone: By 8:00 pm (ET); Online:By 8:00 pm (ET);and in-store:By the time the storecloses atthe location you make yourpayment. New Information Title(optional) FirstName MI Last Name Soc. Sec. No. Street Address Apt. No. RR PO Box City State Zip Code Foreign Map Code Home Phone Work Phone Email Address