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  • Westmed Medical Group, P.C. v. Imperium Insurance Company Commercial Division document preview
  • Westmed Medical Group, P.C. v. Imperium Insurance Company Commercial Division document preview
  • Westmed Medical Group, P.C. v. Imperium Insurance Company Commercial Division document preview
  • Westmed Medical Group, P.C. v. Imperium Insurance Company Commercial Division document preview
  • Westmed Medical Group, P.C. v. Imperium Insurance Company Commercial Division document preview
  • Westmed Medical Group, P.C. v. Imperium Insurance Company Commercial Division document preview
  • Westmed Medical Group, P.C. v. Imperium Insurance Company Commercial Division document preview
  • Westmed Medical Group, P.C. v. Imperium Insurance Company Commercial Division document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 02/20/2019 02:58 PM INDEX NO. 600075/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/20/2019 "B" EXHIBIT FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 02/20/2019 02:58 PM INDEX NO. 600075/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/20/2019 Re: WestMed Medical Group, PC a/a/o Natalie Ruiz v. Imperium Insurance Company AAA Case No.: 41-17-1067-6574 Dates of Service: 1/18/11 - 9/3/15 Amount in Dispute: $12,976.09 Claim No.: 1001304 MK File No.: 3723-0615P AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK I, ROBERT McCORMICK, being duly sworn, deposes and says the following under the penalties of perjury: 1. I am a litigation paralegal with the law firm of McGivney, Kluger & Cook, P.C., attorneys for Respondents in the above-refereñced arbitration. I am not a party to this arbitration. 2. I understand Applicant WestMed Medical Group, P.C. has commenced an arbitration wherein it seeks to recover $12,976.09 in no-fault benefits for services itprovided to Natalie Ruiz from January 2011 to September 2015. This Affidavit is submitted in support of Respondent's defense in that arbitration. 3. In August and September 2016, this office settled WestMed Medical Group, P.C.'s claims for all outstanding bills for services provided to Natalie Ruiz from 2011 to 2015. As a litigation paralegal, I was involved in those settlement discussions and have personal knowledge regarding same. 4. In August 2016, my office learned Applicant was seeking to recover $13,242.54 {N0643850-1} FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 02/20/2019 02:58 PM INDEX NO. 600075/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/20/2019 for twenty-two (22) claims for services it allegedly provided to Natalie Ruiz from January 2011 to September 2015. A copy of the correspondence that Applicant mailed to Respondent seeking payment for these claims is attached to Respondent's Defense Submissions as Exhibit B. In that correspondence, dated July 28, 2016, Applicant admitted it initiallymailed the bill to the wrong provider and was then, years later, resubmitting a corrected bill for consideration. 5. Because the bills were submitted to Respondent late, our office contacted Applicant regarding possible resolution of this matter for nuisance value. 6. On an unrecalled date in August 2016, I spoke to a representative from Applicant's billing department by phone. I can no longer recall his or her name. Together we agreed to settle alloutstanding billsfrom 2011 through 2015 for $772.35. In order for payment to be completed, I requested Applicant provide my office with a W-9 form as is our standard practice. 7. During August 2016, I received from Applicant the W-9 form. A copy of same is attached to Respondent's Defense Submissions as Exhibit C. The W-9 form lists "Westchester PC" Medical Group, as the name Applicant uses on itsincome tax returns. 8. On September 16, 2016, I mailed to Applicant correspondence regarding the settlement of all outstanding no-fault claims for services allegedly provided to Natalie Ruiz from 2011 to 2015. A copy of that correspondence is attached to Respondent's Defense Submissions as Exhibit D. The correspondence states the enclosed check for $772.35 is "for no-fault benefits 2011-2015." of claimant Natalie Ruiz for outstanding bills from 9. I enclosed with that correspondence a check in the amount of $772.35 made payable to Westchester Medical Group, P.C. (the name on Applicant's W-9) and dated August 31, 2016. A copy of that check is attached to Respondent's Defense Submissions as Exhibit E. {N0643850-1} FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 02/20/2019 02:58 PM INDEX NO. 600075/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/20/2019 10. This office settled all Applicant's claims for services provided to Natalie Ruiz from 2011 to 2015 and Applicant should not be allowed to recover for same again in this arbitration. RO T McCORMICK Subscribed and Swornto Before me This /T day of August, 2017. Notary Public DENISE FARNUM Nokry State of New York Public, No. 01FA4699589 QuahfiedIn Kings County Commission ExpiresFeb.28, 20Â {N0643850-1}