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  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/22/2020 09:39 AM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 41 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/22/2020 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS --------------------------------------------------------------------x LORENZO GABRIEL, AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT Plaintiff, Index No.: 519700/2018 - against - NOEL PAUL, Defendant(s). --------------------------------------------------------------------x I, Katie A. Walsh, Esq., an attorney duly licensed to practice law before the Courts of the State of New York, affirm the following under penalties of perjury based upon a review of the file and upon information and belief: 1. I am associated with the law firm of JAMES G. BILELLO & ASSOCIATES, the attorneys for defendant NOEL PAUL, and as such I am familiar with the facts and circumstances of this matter. The source of my knowledge is the files and records maintained by this office. 2. This Affirmation is respectfully submitted in support of defendant NOEL PAUL’s motion for summary judgment based on New York State Insurance Law §5102(d), otherwise known as the “threshold law”. 3. A person injured in an automobile accident must have sustained a “serious injury” in order to maintain a lawsuit. If this “threshold” isnot met, the suit must be dismissed. Plaintiff LORENZO GABRIEL sustained no injury that rises to this level. Therefore, this matter must be dismissed. 4. The following exhibits are attached: 1 of 7 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/22/2020 09:39 AM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 41 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/22/2020 Exhibit A: Plaintiff GABRIEL’s Summons and Complaint Exhibit B: Defendant NOEL’s Answer Exhibit C: Plaintiff’s Verified Bill of Particulars Exhibit D: Plaintiff’s Deposition Transcript with Execution Letter Exhibit E: Dr. Bernard’s Medical Report Exhibit F: Dr. Kashyap’s Independent Medical Examination Report Exhibit G: Order with Notice of Entry dated February 13, 2020 Exhibit H: Order dated October 14, 2020 5. Plaintiff commenced this lawsuit to recover for injuries allegedly sustained as the result of a motor vehicle accident on October 27, 2016. The Summons and Complaint is attached as Exhibit A. Issue was joined via service of defendant NOEL PAUL’s Answer, which is attached as Exhibit B. 6. Plaintiff’s prior counsel made a motion to be relieved at counsel and that motion was granted. The plaintiff is now pro se. The Order granting plaintiff’s prior counsel’s motion is attached as Exhibit G. 7. To date, the plaintiff pro se has not filed a Note of Issue. Therefore, the instant application is timely. 8. Defendant previously moved for the relief requested in this motion. The original motion was adjourned several times to allow the pro se plaintiff to submit opposition. The motion was then scheduled for a virtual appearance at 3:40 on October 14, 2020. Due to a scheduling/communication error, our office inadvertently did not attend the virtual appearance. It appears that the skype link for the appearance may have been forwarded to the handling attorney, who was out on leave at the time of the appearance, and not to the attorney handing his files resulting in our office being unaware of the appearance. Due to defendant counsel’s inadvertent non-appearance, 2 of 7 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/22/2020 09:39 AM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 41 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/22/2020 the matter was marked off. Defendant now submits the subject motion asking that this instant action be dismissed for plaintiff’s failure to meet the serious injury threshold. 9. Pursuant to Insurance Law §5104(a), in order to recover for injuries sustained as a result of an automobile accident, a plaintiff must have sustained a "serious injury". If this threshold is not met, the action must be dismissed. Thus, a plaintiff who has sustained injuries of a mild, minor or slight nature has not sustained a serious injury as defined by the Insurance Law. 10. Summary judgment is the proper procedure for determining whether a plaintiff has met the threshold requirement of “serious injury” as defined in Insurance Law §5102(d). Licari v. Elliott, 57 NY2d 230, 57 NYS2d 570 (1982). 11. Insurance Law §5102(d) defines serious injury as follows: …a personal injury which results in death; dismemberment; significant disfigurement; a fracture; loss of a fetus; permanent loss of use of a body organ, member, function or system; permanent consequential limitation of use of a body organ or member; significant limitation of use of a body function or system; or a medically determined injury or impairment of a non-permanent nature which prevents the injured person from performing substantially all of the material acts which constitute such person's usual and customary daily activities for not less than ninety days during the one hundred eighty days immediately following the occurrence of the injury or impairment. 12. In the case at bar, the Bill of Particulars alleges, inter alia, the following injuries: left knee thickening of proximal fibers compatible with grade ½ MCL tear; disc herniations at C5-C6 and C4-C5; disc bulge at C3-C4; and left hip labral tear. The Bill of Particulars is annexed as Exhibit C. 3 of 7 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/22/2020 09:39 AM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 41 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/22/2020 13. In his Bill of Particulars, plaintiff claims that his injuries fall within the categories of §5102(d). See Exhibit C. 14. Plaintiff LORENZO GABRIEL was deposed on June 11, 2019 and a copy of his deposition transcript is annexed as Exhibit D[1]. Plaintiff testified to the following: • He was involved in a motor vehicle accident on October 27, 2016. (pp. 13, 24). • After the accident, he was able to stand without assistance. (p. 40). • He went home from the scene of the accident. He went to Mount Sinai Jewish Hospital later that night, where he complained of pain in his left side, back, and neck. He underwent an x-ray of his left side, and was discharged within two hours of his arrival. (pp. 42-45). • He was referred to DHD Medical by his attorney, where he complained of pain in his left leg, left side, neck and back. He was treated with massage, resistance training, stretches, and cold and hot compress packs three times a week, for approximately 5 months. He stopped treating at DHD Medical in February or March of 2017 because his injuries were feeling better. The physical therapy doctor performed range of motion testing, and told him that he was recovering well. (pp. 46-51, 54). • He underwent an MRI of his left side. (p. 52). • He has not been treated for the injuries alleged as a result of this accident since March 2017. (p. 48). • At the time of his deposition, he did not have any future medical appointments scheduled in relation to this accident. (p. 61). • No doctor ever told him that he was partially or fully disabled. (p. 55). • No doctor ever told him that he was unable to work. (p. 55). [1] The plaintiff’s deposition transcript was forwarded to hispriorcounselfor executionon July5, 2019.Proof ofservice substantiating same is annexed as part of Exhibit D. To date, neither an executed transcript nor a correction sheet has been returned to your affirmant’s office. Thus, the transcript is deemed signed pursuant to CPLR §3116(a). 4 of 7 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/22/2020 09:39 AM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 41 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/22/2020 • He did not undergo surgery or receive injections for the injuries alleged as a result of this accident. (p. 55). • At the time of his deposition, he testified that he felt completely healed from his injuries. He did not feel that there were any permanent effects from his injuries. (pp. 61-62). • At the time of the accident, he was employed as an apprentice drywall taper by Local 1974 Drywall Tapers Union. (p. 9). • As a result of this accident, he testified that he cannot move his leg as far back as he used to. (p. 62). • As a result of this accident, he testified that he has difficulty bending and crouching. (p. 62). • He testified that he was confined to his home for one day following this accident. (p. 63). • He was not confined to his bed for any period of time following this accident. (p. 63). • Since the accident, he has traveled to Grenada, Miami, and gone on a cruise. (pp. 20-21). 15. Notably, while plaintiff testified that he was out of work for five months, a medical report by Dr. Yolande Bernarde from DHD Medical dated January 23, 2017 indicates that he was ready to return to work on January 24, 2017, two months and twenty-eight days after the accident. Furthermore, Dr. Bernarde found the plaintiff had nearly full ranges of motion less than 90 days after the accident. Dr. Bernarde’s medical report is attached as Exhibit E. It must also be pointed out that, as no doctor told plaintiff he was unable to work as a result of the accident, according to his own EBT testimony, (see Exhibit D, page 55), any time he was out of work was nothing more than 5 of 7 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/22/2020 09:39 AM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 41 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/22/2020 a self-imposed restriction and should not meet the 90/180 standard as the plaintiff’s own testimony establishes the time out was not medically indicated. 16. On July 16, 2019, Dr. Satish Kashyap, M.D., a board certified orthopedic surgeon, performed an independent medical examination of the plaintiff. Dr. Kashyap’s affirmed report with Curriculum Vitae is attached as Exhibit F. Dr. Kashyap performed objective testing including range of motion testing. Range of motion was measured with a goniometer in accordance with AMA guidelines. Upon physical examination, Dr. Kashyap found that plaintiff exhibited full range of motion in his cervical spine, lumbar spine, right hip, left hip, right knee, and left knee. All other objective tests were negative. After examining plaintiff and reviewing pertinent medical records, Dr. Kashyap concluded that plaintiff’s cervical spine, left hip, and left knee sprains and strains were all resolved. Furthermore, Dr. Kashyap found that the plaintiff had no orthopedic disability. See Exhibit F. 17. The question of whether the plaintiff sustained a serious injury within the meaning of Section 5102(d) of the No-Fault Law is one of law that is can and should be disposed of by summary judgment. (Toure v Avis Rent a Car Systems, 98 NY2d 345 [2002]. The Court of Appeals, in Licari v. Elliott held, “If it can be said, as a matter of law, that plaintiff suffered no serious injury … then plaintiff has no claim to assert and there is nothing for the jury to decide.” (57 NY2d 230 [1982]). It is clear that plaintiff in the instant case has failed to satisfy the “serious injury” threshold requirement. Therefore, plaintiff’s action must be dismissed. 6 of 7 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 10/22/2020 09:39 AM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 41 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/22/2020 18. The allegations of serious injury made in the Bill of Particulars do not have evidentiary support. Based on all of the testimony, documentary and medical evidence, it is apparent that the plaintiff has not sustained a “serious injury” within the meaning of the insurance law. 19. As the defendant NOEL PAUL has shown that plaintiff LORENZO GABRIEL failed to prove a prima facie case of serious injury, it is respectfully requested that this action be dismissed in its entirety. WHEREFORE, it is respectfully requested that defendant NOEL PAUL’s motion be granted in its entirety, that plaintiff LORENZO GABRIEL’s complaint be dismissed in its entirety with prejudice, and for such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. Dated: Hicksville, New York October 22, 2020 ________________________________ By: Katie A. Walsh, Esq. Attorneys for Defendant Noel Paul 100 Duffy Avenue, Suite 500 Hicksville, NY 11801 516-861-1795 Our File No: 18K2653 7 of 7