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  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 EXHIBIT G FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS LORENZO GABRIEL, Plaintiff(s) EXPERT DISCLOSURE - against - INDEX NO: 519700/2018 NOEL PAUL, Defendant(s) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section CPLR 3101(d), the defendant Noel Paul, by his attorneys, JAMES G. BILELLO & ASSOCIATES, set forth the following expert witness disclosure: EXPERT WITNESS: SATISH KASHYAP, M.D. (ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON) Orthopedic Evaluation of Plaintiff, Lorenzo Gabriel Defendant's expert is expected to testify concerning the physical injuries allegedly sustained by the plaintiff,Lorenzo Gabriel. He will base his opinion on the relevant medical records, including, any and allhospitals, clinics,treatment centers, and/or any other facilities of any kind, including, but not limited to, treatment records from any and allof plaintiff's treating and/or examining physicians, reports of treatment, nurse's notes, physician's assistant's reports and notes, therapist's notes and records, records from any centers of rehabilitative medicine, records from plaintiff's employers as to any and allmatters that impact upon the condition of the plaintiff, mental health care records and reports, including psychologists or psychiatrists, accident reports, statement and reeórds from any source as well as the results of MRIs and X-Rays, and the results of the examination he conducted of the plaintiff. A copy of his report dated July 16, 2019 is annexed hereto together with his curriculum vitae and incorporated as part of this disclosure. An Adverse Party Statement is also attached hereto. In addition, itis expected that Dr. Kashyap will base his opinion on the trialtestimony, medical literature,hospital and other healthcare provider records, and his expertise in the fieldof Orthopedic Surgery. DATED: Hicksville, New York August 23, 2019 Yours, etc. buf fiegliante, q. JAMES G. BILE & OCIATES Attorneys for Defendant FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 , Noel Paul 100 Duffy Avenue, Suite 500 Hicksville, NY 11801 516-861-1797 Our File Number: 18K2653 Claim Number: 0177567800101094 (J817) TO: Paul Ajlouny & Associates, PC Attorneys for Plaintiff Lorenzo Gabriel 320 Old Country Road Suite 205 Garden City, NY 11530 516-535-5555 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 08 O8 19 Satish Kashyap, M.D. Diplomate American Board of Crt'-:predic Surgery . July16, 2019 Michael Schwartz GEICO InsuranceCompany - Bl P. O. Box 9111 Macon, GA 31208 RE: Gabriel,LorenzoA DOA October 27 2016 Claim 0177567800101094 EW/GC #: 20841089 To Whom It May Concern: I am a Board Certified CithepêdicSurgeon duly licensedtopracticein the State ofNew York At yourrequest,the above-capt!onedclaimant presented to office In Brooklynon 07/16/2019for the purposeof an orthhpedic evalUstlOn.The claimant's photoID was checked and verlfled HISTORY OF ACCIDENT AND TREATMENT: The historywas obtainedfrom Mr. Gabnel who reportsthathe was involvedin an accident on 10/27/2016. The claimantreportsthat he was a pedestrian who was hit by a car. Mr. Gabrielreports thathe went to the EmergencyRoom of MountSinalHospital same that day where he was evaluatedand treated.He reports thatX-rays of hispelvis and femur bilateral and MRIs were performed. The claimantreports to the hospital that he was admitted for further observation. Followingthemotor vehicle Mr. Gabriel accident, that he came reports under the care of various phýñ '±:E He was never on a course Initiated of conservative management. Mr. Gabnel reportsthathe had additional tests d!eenect!c which consistedof X-rays left of his ribs and CT scansof his cervical spine,left hip, and left knee denies Mr. Gabriel undergoingany surgery. PRESENT COMPLAINTS: presents Mr. Gabriel today withcomp!a:nts left hip, and left knee of pain In the neck, PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: reports Mr. Gabriel that he doesnot havediabetesand/orhypertaiisicri. PAST/SUBSEQUENT ACCIDENTS/INJURIES: denies Mr. Gabriel or subsequent any prior ecc!dentsor injurles. FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 4 08 O8 19 RE Gabriel, Lorenzo A DOA: 10/27/2010 Claim#: 0177567800101094 EW/GC# 20841089 DOS: 07/18/2019 Page 2 of 7 PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: None reportedby the claimant CURRENT MEDICATIONS: Mr Gabnel deniestakingany mmlkationetodayprior to the examination. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Mr. Gabrielreports he was employed full time at the time of the accident He reportsthat he is not working currently as a result of this accident. REVIEW OF RECORDS: 1 Venfied bill of particulars, indexNo # 519700/2018 2. Attorney'sverification IndexNo: 519700/2018 3. Plaintiff's demands index No: 519700/2018. 4 Affidavit of services indexNo: 519700/2018. 5, Evaluationreportdated11/23/2010,by Barry M. Katzman, M.D 6. physical Initial evaluation dated report from 11/07/2016, DHD medical P.C. 7 SOAP progress notes from DHD Medical Canarsle,dated 11/08/2016 through 01/23/2017. 8 Initial evaluationreport from DHD Medical Canarsie,dated 11/06/2016. 9. Follow-upphysiatric evaluationreport dated from 01/23/2017, DHD medical P.C. 10 reportof the dated left ribs, 11/09/2016Impression·No acute X-ray cardiopulmonary abnormalityidentified. No acuteosseous abnormalities. 11. CT scan reportof the left knee, dated 11/10/2016 Impression:Thickening of the proximalfibers of the MCL compatible withgrade 1/2 MCL tear. 12. CT scanreportof the cervical dated 11/10/2016.Impression' At C5-C6, thereis spine, a central/right paracentralherniation withanterior thecalsac Impingement,There Is no foramina stenosis.There isright recess lateral stenosis due to uncinatejoint hypârtraphy.At C4-C5, there is a centralhemiation with antenor thecal sac Impirigõirisfit. There is no foraminal stenosis At C3-C4,thereis a nght-sided uncinate joinbypadraphy In right resulting lateral recessstenosisand nght foraminal stenosis There is discbulgewithanteriorthecal sac Impingement. of the cervical Straightening lordosisindicative of musclespasm. 13. CT scan report ofthe lefthip,dated 11/10/2016. Impression:lossof the normal femoral haed/nack offsetwhich predispose the patient to femoroacetabular impingement. Accessory assicleadjacent to leftacetabulum which can also be assoclated withfemoroacetabular Impingement CartilagelossIn the supersistsral aspect acetabulum. left Focus of ossification at theleft lesser trochanter which could of previous be the result Injury to the Illposoas tendon.MRI couldassess for labral tear warranted If clinically The patient is not able to have MRI then CT arti rugitirri may be helpful. 14 Emergency depârtmantfrom Mount Sinal dated Brooklyn, 10/27/2016 report 15. X-ray of the pelvis, dated10/27/2016.Impression:no fracture or dislocation. FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 08 O8 19 RE' Gabriel, Lorenzo A DOA: 10/27/2016 Claim#: 0177567800101094 EW/GC#: 20841089 DOS. 07/10/2019 Page 3 of 7 16. X-ray of the left femur, report dated 10/27/2016.Imprese!en: No fractureidentified 17. X-ray of the right femur, report dated 10/27/2010. No fracture Impression. identified 18. Police accidentreportdated 10/27/2016. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Mr. Gabnel is a 31 year old right h=ded male. His height is 6 feet and hisreportedweight is 180 pounds. The claimanthas blackhair and browneyes. Range Of Motion Measurements: The values were of all the measurements campared to the normal active range of motion values according to the "Guids|;ñ6s publicatiGri, to the Evaluationof Permanent 5th imp:::rmant", editionpublishedby theAmerican MedicalAssociation.The range of motionof the examined body parts were performed by theclaimant.This Is a õübjõGliVõ maneuver On thepartof the claimant. Mac=romants of the rangesof motion were performed by theexaminer using a hand-held garilamster.The measurement itself an objective is, therefore, measurement of the subjective claimant's efforts. OBSERVATION: > ambulates Mr. Gabriel witha normalgait ORTHOPEDIC EXAMINATION: CervicalSpine: There is no musclespasm upon There palpaticñ. is no comp! + of tcñdemsas upon pe!pet!en Activerange of motion: > Flexionat 50 degrees(50 degreesnormal) > Extensionat 60 degrees(60 degreesnormal) > Right at 80 degrees rotation (80 degreesnormal) > Left rotation at 80 degrees(80 degreesnormal) > Rightlateral at 45 degrees flexion (45 degreesnormal) > Left lateral at 45 degrees flexion (45 degreesnormal) There is no complaint pain. of radicular There is no complaint of numbness. OrthopedicTests. > - Distraction Negative > Jackson's- Negative. > Soto-Hall-Negative. FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 O8 O8 19 RE· Gabnel, Lorenzo A DOA 10/27/2016 Claim#, 0177567800101094 EW/GC#· 20841089 DOS• 07/16/2019 Page 4 of 7 . Neurologicalexam!ñstic: of the bilateral upper extremities:Muscle tone is normal. Gnp Strength is 5/5.Muscle strengthis normal.Deep tendon reflexes are normal. Sensationto touch is within normal limits. Thoracic Spine: There is no musclespasm upon palpation There of tendamaca is no complaint upon palpatica. Lumbar Spine: There is no musclespasm upon pe!pat!s. There is no camp!êir:t of tendamassupon palpation. Activerange of motion: > Flexionat 60 degrees(60 degreesnormal) > Extensionat 25 degrees(25 degreesnormal) > Rightlateral bending at 25 degrees (25 degreesnormal) > Left lateral bendingat 25 degrees(25 degreesnormal) > Straight leg raise is negative > Heel Toe Walk- Negative. There is no complaint of radicular is no comp!eint pain. There of numbness. Naüra:Gg|calevam!n®n ofthe bilateral lowerextramities Muscle tone isnormal Muscle Gëë" strengthis normal.Deep tendon reflexes are normal. to touchis within normal limits. Right Hip: There is no atrophy appreciated. There is no pelvic There tilt. is no leg length discrepancy. There is no cemp!ët of 16ñdamess upon palpation. Orthopedic Test. > Trendelenburg-Negative. Activerange of motion: > Flexionat 100 degrees(100 degreesnormal) > Extensionat 30 degrees(30 degreesnormal) > Abduction at 40 degrees (40 degreesnormal) > Adduction at 20 degrees (20 degreesnormal) > Extemal at 50 degrees rotation (50 degreesnormal) > Internal at 40 degrees rotation (40 degreesnormal) LeftHip: FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 . 08 O8 19 RE Gabriel, Lorenzo A DOA 10/27/2016 Claim#. 0177587800101094 EW/GC#: 20841089 DOS. 07/10/2019 Page 5 of 7 There is no atrophy appreciated. There is no pelvic tiltThere is no leg length discrepancy.There is no complaint of isñdsmsas upon palpation. Orthopedic Test: > Trendelenburg- Negative. Activerange of motion: > Flexionat 100 degrees(100 degreesnormal) > Extensionat 30 degrees(30 degreesnormal) > Abduction at 40 degrees (40 degreesnormal) > Adduction at 20 degrees (20 degreesnormal) > Externalrotation at 50 degrees(50 degreesnormal) > Internal at 40 degrees rotation (40 degreesnormal) Right Knee: There is no complaint of isadsmas:: upon palpation. The leg Is stable Muscle compartments are soft and compressible Jointor quadricepsmuscles are not asymmstile. There Is no atrophy in the calf muscle. There isno effusion, swelling,orcrepitusappreciated.There is no evidence ofdegenereUve joint disease. Activerange of motion: > Flexionat 150 degrees(150 degreesnormal) > Extensionat 0 degrees(0 degreesnormal) OrthopedicTests. ! > Laohman's - Negative. > PatellaTracking-Negative. > Antenor Drawer- Negative. > Stableon VarusNalgus stress -Yes. > McMurray's - Negative. ; > PosteriorDrawer- Negative. a LeftKnee: There is no complaint of tenderness upon palpation. The leg is stable. Muscle compartmentsare soft and compressible FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 O8 08 19 RE: Gabriel, Lorenzo A DOA: 10/27/2018 Claim# 0177567800101094 EW/GC#: 20841089 DOS. 07/10/2019 Page 6 of 7 Jointor quadricapamuscles are not asymmetno.There Is no atrophy in the calf muscle There 1s no effusion, swelling,orcrepltusappreciated. There Is noev|dsace ofdegenerativeJoint disease. Activerange of motion: > Flexionat 150 degrees(150 degreesnormal) > Extensionat O degrees(0 degreesnormal) OrthopedroTests: Lachman's - Negative. PatellaTracking-Negative. AnteriorDrawer -Negative. Stableon Varus/Valgusstress- Yes. McMurray's - Negative, PosterlorDrawer- Negative. DIAGNOSES: 1. Cervicalspine - sprain/strainresolved. 2. - Left hip sprain/strain resolved. 3. Left knee - sprain/strainresolved DISABILITY: The claimantIs not disabled. AFFIRMATION: All opinions expressed are basedupon a reasonabledegreeof medicalcertainty. I,Satish Kashyap, M.D., beinga Diplomate of theAmerican Board of Cithapsõdic Surgery, being a doctordulylicensedto practice medicineIn the State of New York herebyaffirmunder penaltiesofperjurypursuant toCPLR Section2106 thatthectn±n=nnia containedhereinare trueand accurate. ItIs, understood therefore, that no doctor/patient .-r!:±!:±p existsor isimplied by this âxârñiñaticñ.The claimantwas examined withrefsisñcsto thespecificcomplaintemenet!ng from the original Injury.Any othermedical which esadit|üña, were eitherunreportedor felt to be üñrâ|âtedto the original are considered Injury, to be beyondthis exam!nation. I further certifythattheeignatureappearing below Is mys|sctianic as signeture, the termis definedby New YorkState Techñc|cgy Law § 302 (3) and 15 USC § 7001 et. Seq;that I have personallyplacedthe within electronic signature and that f=nalm'l== on this report, and captesof thisreport shallbe deemed originals. FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 O8 O8 19 RE: Gabriel, Lorenzo A DOA: 10/27/2016 Clairns 0177667800101094 EW/GC#. 20841089 DOS 07/18/2010 Page 7 of 7 Sincerely, SatishKashyap, M D. Board Certified OrthopaedicSurgeon New YorkState LicenseNo: 138160-1 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 08 08 19 LDRENZD GABRIEL 1/3 III I IIIIIIINI In 1EN1 IEl I III I M155E I 11E IEll CLAIMANT' S LIABILITY QUESTIONAIRE FORM PLEASEANSWERALLTIJEQilliSTIONSASACClifiATEASPOSSIRLETOTI{ERESTQFYOURICMGW!EDGE FULLNAMÓ TODAY'SDATE DATEOFACCIDENTÔÛ DATEOFBIRT11 AGE: SEXT a ALE [ ]FEMALE HEICIIT: WETGIIT: Û YOUARE: I A IITllANDED | ]LESTIIANDED IJAIRCOLOR: EYECOLOR: CELLPf10NENUMBER O IF YOU HAD SURGERY IN THE LAST 6 WEETcCS - SPEAK WITH RECEPTIONIST IMMEDIATELY FEMALESONLY-AREYOUPREGNANT?I ]YES| |NO 1FYES-IIOWMANVWii,ãK57 WEREYOUPREGNANTATTIfETIMEOF'! etinwNTT j |YES [ ]ND IFYES-ItOWA1ANVWEEKS AREYOUOVElt18YEA1tSOFACE?[ / 1N0 IFNO,plDAPA1tl"NTORLEOALTJA".DFAMACCOMPANYYOU? [|YES I[ND DIDANVONEACCOMPANYYOUTOTlilSENAM| |Y ES|ÓO RElATION: NAME: DOYOUNEEDATRANSL%TORT |]YES TrYES,WIlATLANGUADOYOUSPEAK? OFFICf"1[ IIOWDIDYOUGETTOTlllS |DROYCYOURSELFjBUS | TRAIN| |RELATIVE[ IOTItER: D1DYOUDnTNO4PlIOTOIDWATIIYOUTOTillS ENAM?[ YES| INO JFNOeD1DYOUCOMPLETEA"NOPJIOTOIFORM" [ |YES | |NO TEt.LUSAROUTYOURACCIDENT: f-VCI.ISPACCIDENT.QM YOtJRACCIDENTr(FORMOT(IRVEIItCLE/PEDESTRIAN/nt TIithU1IA1IOtIT WEREYOUA: [ |DR1VER||FRONTPASSENCER| jItEARPASSENGER [ jIttCVCLtET ESTRIANI lDUSPASSENGER WilEREWASTIIEVEfffCLE/UUSIIIT? [ }FRONT[|REAR | ]R1011T51DC [ |LEFTSIDE WEREYOUWEARINGASEA1 DEL1?[ J YES| jNO DIDYOULOSECONCIOf JSNESS? | |YES [|NO | |YES [ |NO IFYES,WIlERO? D1DYOUSUSTAINANYFRACTURES? |17.S | jNO DVDYOUSUSTAINANYCUTSTJfATNEEDEDSrilCIIES? | IFYES,WIIEREONYOUR DODY? isüWhiA ViiTITCftESWEREAPPLIEDT D1DYOUGOTOTIIEttOSPITAL?YES | |NO IFYES,WIIICt1DOE"!T.ttD!DYOUGOTO? IFNO,PLEASEPROVIDET2IENAMEANDSPI*CIAI TYOFTIfEDOCT 'OUVISITED: _. ___.__- IIOWD1DVOUCET10TirstIOSPITAL? | IDYAMDU1ANCE| ONYOUROWN [ [OTIJER FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2020 03:54 PM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF .DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2020 08 O8 'I 9 . LORENZ0 GABRIEL 213 Ill I Illl tE15115 1551 IEl 1111 I E151E11N11 Eli DIDYOUG0TOTIlCIIOSPirAL|TITATDAY | NEXrDAYIIOWAIANYDAYS IATER WEREYOUADA1ITrED?| YES. || NO IFYES,110W WI:REYOL'ADDIATTED I.ONG FORT Pl,F.ASFItECI(Al.f,TESTSTITAT WEREPETtraftAIED. WIf lLE YOUWEREATTiffilOSPITALt RAYS IRI ||CrSCAN WIIICIIDODY PA1rrS WEREANY ATI:DICATIONS PRESCRIBED TOYOUAT'EllEIlOSPrrAl,?I [ YES| ] NO PLEASE LFYES, LISTAtEDICATIONAND DOSAGE(IFKNOWNh . PLEASELIST ALL DOCTORSTIIAT YOU IIAVE TltEATED W1Tll SINCETIIE ACCIDENT DOCTOR SPECIALTV LOCATION DOCTOR SPECIALTV LOCATION DOCTOR Sl'ECTALTY LOCATION WEREYOUREFERREDFORANYADDrilONAL TESTS?| j YES|| NO IFYES,PLEASE CfIECIC | A-ItAY ALLTIIATAPPLY:| AIR1 CT-SCANOF | j NECK | DACK| ] OTIIER: DIDYOUR DOETOtt TREATIND | ] NECK PItESCR1tIE: COLLAll IIRACE| | NECN [ DACK DItACE| | CANE I CituTCIIES [ | St.ING TFM,tl5,WIIAT_"EFF,2 DOYOil/ DIDyOURECETVEAFrER OILTR Th$EITT TilEADOVE AC'CTDENT ATENTIONED / INCIDElfr? DIDYOURECEIVEANYTREATA1ENT? |[ YESIdo APPLY: IFVES.CitECICAT.1,TIrAT I j PIIYSICALTIIERAPY I I | ACUPtlNCruitE[ } AIASSAGETIlERAPY I CITIROPRACTIC } IIEAT | ] ICE | ] TENSUNrr 110WLONG / IN URYDIDYOUSTART AFTERTITEACC1DEITP TREATATENTF | | SAAIE DAY | NEATDAY I 2 3 4 SE7 8 9 10 DAYSLATER| I.ATER•j