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  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Lorenzo Gabriel v. Noel Paul Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/13/2019 10:57 AM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/13/2019 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION For Court Clerk Use Only: UCS-840 (7/2012) Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF Kings Judge Assigned Index No: 519700/2018 Date Index issued: 10/01/2018 Enter the cc^mp:sts case caption. Do not use et al or et ano. Ifmore space is required, RJi Date CA TION: . attach a caotion rider sheet. LORENZO GABRIEL, Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s) -against- NOEL PAUL, Defandant(s)/Respr'- "B) NATURE OEFACTION OR PROCEEDING: Check ONE box onl iid spéEify wl ere iMié4tC MATRIMONIAL |COMMERCIAL O Contested Business Entity (including corporations, partneships, LLCs, etc.) NOTE: For allMet imen!e! actions where the parties have children under O Contract the age of 18, complete and attach the MATR!MON!AL RJI Addendum. O Insurance (where insurer is a party, except Erb!tr2tic-i) For Uncontested W'-'--±! actions, use RJI form UD-13· O UCC (inc|Wing sales, negotiable instruments) TORTS I O Other Cer::merc!ê!: O Asbestos (SP*dfY) O Breast Implant NOTE: For Commercial Division assignment requests [22 NYCRR ' ' § E- O al: 202.70(d)], complete and attach the COMMERC!AL DIV RJi t-. ..'. e. (spedfy) LREAL PROPERTY: How many properties does the epp!!œUen include? O Medical, Dental, or Podiatric Malpractice Q C::dsme=t!en Motor Vehicle O Mortgage Foreclosure (spedly): O Resiecn:ial O C: O Products Liability: Property Address: (spedfy) StreetAddress City state Zip O Other Neg||gencâ: NOTE: For M·c:iy:3-: Foreclosure actions involving a one- to four-family, (sPedfY) OWner-OcCupied, residential property, or an owner-occupied O Other Profess!ene! Mš!pršct!ce; ceedem!ñ!em, complete and attach the FORECLOSURE RJi .".-'-':ñdüm. (spedfy) O Tax Certiorari - Section: Block: Lot: O Other Tort: O Tax Fu Ger5 (spedfy) O Other Real Property: (SP*dfYl OTHER MATTERS O Certificate of !ñcerperation/Disso!ution [see NOTE under Comme c!ª!] SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS O r--:==cy Medical Treatment O CPLR Article 75 (Arbitration) [see NOTE under Cammerc|â|] O Habeas Corpus O CPLR Article 78 (Body or Officer) O Local Court Appeal O Election Law O Mechanic's Lien O MHL Article 9.60 (Kendra's Law) O Name Change Q MHL Article 10 (Sex offender Confinement-Initial) O Pistol Permit Revocation Hearing O MHL Article 10 (sex offender Conanement-Review) O Sale or Finance of Re!!gioue/Net-for-Profit Property O MHL Article 81 (C::r _"±ë'-!p) O Other: O Other Mental Hygiene: (spedfy) (spedfy) O Other Special Proceeding: (spedfV) STÃÝUFÓF ÔÚÖN ÏDUROCEEDiÑ A swerÝES oÈNÓ for EVERY iguestión AND er er a di'ianâ|12.?:±d'':5 where in inated | YES | NO filed:10/01/2018 Has a :: :::: and emp!aint or summons w/notice been filed? O If yes, date camp|a|n' 11/28/2018 Has a summens and or summons w/notice been served? If yes, date served: Is this as ==ding being filed poet judgmõnt? Q IfyesMgerM date: ____ 1 of 2 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/13/2019 10:57 AM INDEX NO. 519700/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/13/2019 . NATÛIEÈ OFilÛÒIÒInÙIÑTERVEÑTION: heck OÑE box AND enter eddÈcdérinfnrrriatinn where indicated. only Û Infant's Compromise O Note of Issue and/or Certificate of Pandinann O Notice of Medical, Dental, or Podiatric Me!practice Date Issue Joined: O Notice of Motion Relief Sought: Retum Date: O Notice of Petition Relief Sought: Retum Date: O Order to Show Cause Relief Sought: Retum Date: O Other Ex Parte Application Relief Sought: _ O Poor Person Application O Request for Preliminary Conference O Residential ".'cd;c;c Foiec|üsürs Sett|ërñsat Conference O writ of Habeas Corpus O Other (specify): CASES• List any related actions. For MeMmon!al actions, include any related criminal and/or Family Court cases. RELATED Ifadditional space is required, complete and attach the RJI .*.ddeed-s. Ifnone, leave blank. R-' Case Title Index/Case No. |Court |Judge (if assigned) Tr±!p to Instant Case "Un-Rep" or pàrties withput an attorney check bo ND enter party address, phone number and e-mail address in space provided. TÍES Ife !!!¾nEspace is requiredWMWete and attach the RJi Af f Parties: Attorneys and/or Unrepresented LItigants: issue Un- [jst parties in caption order and Provide attomey name, firm name, business address, phone number and e-mail Joined Rep indicate party role(s) (e.g. dâfâñdâñt; address of all attomeys that have eppeered in the case. For unrepesented (Y/N): 3rd-party plaintiff). litigants,provide address, phone number and e-mail address. Gabriel jlouny Paul Last Name Last Name FirstName Lorenzo Paul Ajlouny & Associates, P.C. FIratName Firm Name Primary Role: 320 Old Road - Suite 205 Garden New York 11530 Country City Plaintiff StreetAddress City State Zlp Role (if any): NO Secondary +1 (516)535-5555 +1 (516)535-5556 Phone Fax e-mail Paul /egliante Gary Last Name Last Name FirstName Noel lames G. Bilello& Associates FirstName Firm Name GEICO Primary Role: 100 DuffyAvenue, Suite500 Hicksville New York 11201 Defendant StreetAddress City state ZIP . Secondary Role (if any): : 1 (516) 861-1797 Phone Fax e-mail Last Name Last Name FirstName FirstName Firm Name Primary Role: StreetAddress City state Zlp Secondary Role (lf any): Phone Fax e-mail Last Name Last Name FirstName FirstName Firm Name Primary Role: street Address City state Zip Secondary Role (if any): Phone Fax e-mall I AFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, OTHER THAN AS BOV ERE ARE AND HAVE REQUEST f) BEEN NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, NOR HAS A FOR JUDICIAL I VIOUSLY BEEN FILED IN THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Dated: 02/11/2019 SIGNATURE 3012572 Paul Ajlouny, Esq. ATTORNEY REGISTRATION NUMBER PRINT OR TYPE NAME Print Form 2 of 2