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  • AUTOVEST LLC vs. SCOTT, LAKEISHA SMALL CLAIMS $2,500.01-$5,000 document preview
  • AUTOVEST LLC vs. SCOTT, LAKEISHA SMALL CLAIMS $2,500.01-$5,000 document preview
  • AUTOVEST LLC vs. SCOTT, LAKEISHA SMALL CLAIMS $2,500.01-$5,000 document preview
  • AUTOVEST LLC vs. SCOTT, LAKEISHA SMALL CLAIMS $2,500.01-$5,000 document preview
  • AUTOVEST LLC vs. SCOTT, LAKEISHA SMALL CLAIMS $2,500.01-$5,000 document preview
  • AUTOVEST LLC vs. SCOTT, LAKEISHA SMALL CLAIMS $2,500.01-$5,000 document preview
  • AUTOVEST LLC vs. SCOTT, LAKEISHA SMALL CLAIMS $2,500.01-$5,000 document preview
  • AUTOVEST LLC vs. SCOTT, LAKEISHA SMALL CLAIMS $2,500.01-$5,000 document preview


SUMMONS/NOTICE TO APPEAR FOR MEDIATION/PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2018 SC 000809 SP AUTOVEST LLC VS. LAKEISHA SCOTT THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: ae ELECTRONICALLY FILED LAKEISHA SCOTT 7 ARIES IN OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA 416 DOLPHIN ST DATE: 05-11-2020 KISSIMMEE, FL 34744 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the above named Plaintiff has made claim and is requesting judgment against you in the sum of $3,827.03 as shown by the Statement of Claim attached, together with $310.00 filing fees plus service fees to date. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO APPEAR at the Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, Florida 34741: On the Ist floor, room 1400 for: PRETRIAL CONFERENCE: July 17, 2020 at 10:00 A.M.. ***PLEASE PREPARE TO BE AT MEDIATION FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS*** IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THIS DATE, IN PERSON OR BY ATTORNEY, A JUDGMENT WILL BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU. Do not bring witnesses on this date. You must advise the Clerk, in writing at 2 Courthouse Square, Kissimmee, Fl. 34741-5196, 2nd floor, telephone (407) 742-3479 of any change in your mailing address. The purpose of the Mediation / Pre-Trial Conference is to record your appearance: to determine the nature of the case and to set the case for trial if the case cannot be resolved at Mediation. 1. You or your attorney should be prepared to explain briefly the nature of your dispute: State what efforts have been made to settle the dispute: Exhibit any documents necessary to prove the case: State the names and addresses of your witnesses: Stipulate to the facts that will require no proof and will expedite the trial: Estimate how long it will take to try the case: ALL ATTORNEYS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF A CORPORATION MUST HAVE FULL SETTLEMENT AUTHORITY. MAME YLD TO THE PLAINTIFF: THIS IS YOUR MEMORANDUM OF PRE-TRIAL. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PRESENT AT THE TIME, DATE AND PLACE SET OUT IN THE SUMMONS. ‘WHOEVER APPEARS FORA PARTY MUST HAVE FULL AUTHORITY TO SETTLE FOR ALL AMOUNTS FROM ZERO TO THE AMOUNT OF THE CLAIM WITHOUT FURTHER CONSULTATION. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN THE IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS, INCLUDING COSTS, ATTORNEYS FEES, ENTRY OF JUDGMENT, OR DISMISSAL. Acorporation may be represented at any stage of the trial court proceedings by an officer of the corporation or any employee authorized in writing by an officer of the corporation. Written authorization must be brought to the Pre-Trial / Mediation Conference. As a representative you must have complete authority to settle. If an attorney is standing in for another attorney, there must be written notification by the first attorneyin each case file. The notification must give the second attorney authorization to settle. Failure to file this will result in the case being dismissed. Ifyou admit the claim, but desire additional time to pay, you may be able to work out an amicable Settlement at the Mediation Conference. If approved, judgment, execution or levy may be withheld. RIGHT TO VENUE (Place where you may be sued) The law gives the person or company who has sued you the right to file suit in any one of several places listed: A proper location or venue may be one of the following: (1) Where the contract was entered into: (2) If suit is on an unsecured promissory note, where note is signed or where maker resides: (3) If suit is to recover property or to foreclose a lien, where the property is located.: (4) Where the event giving rise to the suit occurred: (5) Where any one or more of the defendants sued resides: (6) Any location agreed to in a contract: (7) In an action for money due, if there is not agreement as to where suit may be filed, proper venue lies in the county where payment is made. If you, as defendant, believe the plaintiff has not sued in one of these correct places, you many appear on your court date and orally request a transfer or you may file a written request for transfer, in affidavit form (sworn to under oath) with the court, seven days prior to your first court date and send a copy to plaintiff or plaintiffs attorney., if any. A copy of the Statement of Claim shall be served with said notice. Parties must be present at Pre-Trial to hear Motion to Transfer. Please bring this notice with you. Issued: May 11, 2020 SERVED BY: OCSO/PPS / PLA MAILED BY: IMPORTANT INFORMATION. CLERIC The defendant must appear in court on the date specified or a default judgment will be issued. The plaintiff must appear or the case will be dismissed for lack of prosecution. A written motion or answer to the court by either party will not excuse the personal appearance of the party or their attorney at the meditation / pre-trial conference. The date and / or time of the hearing cannot be rescheduled without good cause and prior court approval. Parties are encouraged to contact each other and try to settle the dispute prior to the hearing, if at all possible. If the claim is disputed, you will be required to attend mediation in an attempt to settle the matter without a trial. Mediation is structured negotiation process in which the parties meet together with a professionally trained, impartial mediator to attempt to settle their differences amicably. The mediator assists the parties in developing a mutually agreeable settlement. The mediation process allows each party to discuss his or her case with a neutral mediator in the privacy of a closed conference room rather than in public courtroom. A successfully mediated case means you will not have to return to court at a later date for trial. Substantial legal fees, court costs and collection costs can be avoided. Mediated settlements eliminate the uncertainty of a judge’s decision and allow the parties more control over the outcome of their case. Ifa settlement is reached during the mediation process, a written agreement will be prepared by the mediator setting forth the agreed terms and conditions of the parties. Both parties and the mediator will then sign the settlement agreement and it will be submitted to the court for filing. The settlement agreement becomes binding upon both parties when filed. Be prepared to present to the mediator any information that will support your side of the case.If the mediation process does not result in a settlement of the case, you will be given a date to return for trial, at which time the unresolved issued will be heard by a judge. Counterclaims: If you are the plaintiff and you have been given a written note that a counterclaim has been filed against you, you are being sued by the defendant. If at the pretrial conference, the judge allowed the defendant a certain number of days to file a counterclaim, the defendant must file the counterclaim within that number of days. At the non-jury trial there will be two lawsuits being considered by the judge. - the plaintiff's suit against the defendant and the defendant’s suit against the plaintiff. Settlement of one claim has no effect on the other, and that claim will proceed to trial. Third -party complaints: If you are the defendant and believe the plaintiff may win his claim against you but someone else owes you the money with which you will pay the plaintiff, you must file a third-party complaint against that person and have them served with notice of your claim. That person must then appear in court to answer your claim. All Pre-trial motions must be writing unless excused by the judge. Court reporters: Your non-jury trial will not be recorded. If you wish a record of the proceedings, it is your responsibility to obtain a private court reporter at your expense. Additional problems: If there is anything you do not understand about the above information, or if you have additional questions, please contact the Deputy Clerk of the Summary Department in person or by phone at (407) 742-3500 ext 3479. The clerk is not authorized to practice law and cannot give legal advice; however the clerk can be of assistance in questions of procedure. In the event you need legal advice, contact an attorney of your choice. If you do not have an attorney, you can check the listing in the Yellow Pages of the phone book or contact the Osceola County Bar Association. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, Court Administration, Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Suite 6300, Kissimmee, Florida, (407) 742-2417, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. SCSUMMPRETRIAL MEDIATION DAY *Interpreters are not provided in civil matters. If you do not speak English, you will need to bring your own interpreter, **Each party is given a twenty (20) minute leeway to sign in after the scheduled time of the mediation. For example: If the mediation is scheduled at 8:30am, the parties have until 8:50am to be signed in. *** Once both parties are signed in, the mediators have approximately two (2) hours to call the case. ONE OF THE FOLLOWING WILL HAPPEN ON THE DAY OF YOUR MEDIATION 1.) Ifboth Plaintiff and Defendant are present they will meet with a mediator to try and resolve their issues. Their options are: -STIPULATION AGREEMENT: Both parties reach an agreement. -NON JURY TRIAL: One or both parties disagree & they may wish to have the Judge decide their case. The Judge can not change the amount you may owe. He is only there to determine the outcome of the case. -MEDIATION CONTINUANCE: Parties agree to come back at a later date because they need to gather additional information in order to settle the case. -VOLUNTARY DISMISSAL: Plaintiff can file at any time, and this will close the case. -AGREEMENT TO FINAL JUDGMENT: The defendant can agree to have a final judgment entered against them. 2.) Ifthe Plaintiff is present and the Defendant is not, as long as we have proof of service, we will Default the Defendant, enter a Final Judgment against him & have it recorded in public records. We will then mail a copy of the judgment to the Defendant. The Plaintiff will also receive a copy of the judgment with the packet “How to Collect on a Final Judgment.” {We will only prepare defaults & Final Judgments for Pro se Plaintiffs, if they have an attorney, then the attorney will need to prepare the paperwork} 3. If the Plaintiff is present and the Defendant is not, and we do not have proof of service, we will have to float the case until we receive the Affidavit of Service. Ifthe service comes in after the mediation date as Served refer to #2 above. If the service comes back after the mediation as Unserved, the Plaintiff will have to request another mediation date. 4 If the Defendant is present and the Plaintiff is not, we will dismiss the case without prejudice. The Plaintiff can re-open the case by filing a motion to the Judge, or may file a new case for the same issuc. 5.) If neither Plaintiff nor Defendant is present, and we do not have proof of service, we will float the case until the Plaintiff gets proper service on the Defendant. 6.) If neither Plaintiff nor Defendant is present, and we have proof of service, we will presume that they have Amicably Settled and we will dismiss the case. SCSUMMD{A DE MEDIACION DE AUDIENCIA PRELIMINAR Todas las partes de un caso deben conocer lo siguiente: Los intérpretes no se proporcionan en casos civiles. Cualquier parte en un caso que no hable inglés debe traer su propio intérprete. Cada parte tiene veinte (20) minutos para registrarse después de la hora programada de la mediacién. Por éjemplo, si la mediacién esta programada a las 8:30 a.m., las partes tienen hasta las 8:50 a.m.para registrarse. Una vez que ambas partes hayan registrado, puede tomar hasta dos (2) horas para que el caso sea visto. Uno de los siguientes sucedera el dia de su mediacion: ) 2) 3) 4) 3) 6) Si tanto el Demandante como el Demandado estan presentes, se reunirancon un mediador para intentar resolver sus problemas. Sus opciones son: a. Acuerdo estipulado — Ambas partes Ilegan a un acuerdo. b. Juicio Sin Jurado — Una o ambas partes no estén de acuerdo y es posible que deseen que el juez decida su caso. El juez no puede cambiar la cantidad que una parte puede deber. El juez solo esta presente para determinar el resultado del caso. c. Continuacién de la mediacién — Las partes acuerdan volver en una fecha posterior porque necesitan recopilar informacion adicional para resolver el caso. d, Desestimacién voluntaria - E] demandante puede radicar una desestimacién voluntaria en cualquier momento; esta radicaci6n cerraré el caso. e. Acuerdo para una sentencia final - el demandado puede aceptar que se dicte una sentencia final en su contra. Si el Demandante esta presente y el Demandado no lo esta, siempre que se hayaradicado una prueba de servicio en el caso, se emitira un fallo por defecto y sentencia final contra el Demandado. La sentencia final se registrard en los Registros Oficiales del Condado de Osceola. Luego, el Secretario del Tribunal enviard una copia de la sentencia final a ambas partes. El Secretario también enviard al Demandante un paquete titulado "How to Collect on a Final Judgment? (“cémo cobrar en una sentencia final"). Tenga en cuenta que el Secretario solo proveerd asistencia a los Demandantes que se representen a si mismos, con la preparacién de sentencias finales for fallos por defecto. Si el Demandante esta representado por un abogado, el abogado debe preparar esta documentaci6n. Si el Demandante esta presente, pero el Demandado no esta y no hay ninguna prueba de servicio radicada en el caso, la Oficina del Secretario flotard! el caso hasta que se radique una prueba de servicio. Si el servicio regresa después de la fecha de mediacién como "servido," consulte el parrafo #2 anterior. Si el servicio regresa después de la fecha de mediacién como "no servido," el Demandante debe solicitar otro summons con nueva fecha de mediacién. Si el Demandado est presente y el Demandante no esta, el caso seré cerrado sin prejuicio. El Demandante puede pedir reabrir el caso radicando una mocion ante el tribunal, o el Demandante puede radicar un nuevo caso por el mismo problema o situacion. Si el Demandante o el Demandado no estén presentes, y la prueba del servicio no se ha provisto en el caso, el caso flotaré hasta que el Demandante ejecute servicio adecuado en el Demandado. Si el Demandante o e! Demandado no estan presentes, y existe prueba de servicio radicada en el caso, se presumird que las partes han resuelto de manera amistosa y el caso secerrara. 1 “Flotar el caso” - el caso se mantendré inactivo hasta que ocurra una accién especifica SCSUMM