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  • Oscar A. Sosa v. 85 Tenth Avenue Associates, L.L.C. Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Oscar A. Sosa v. 85 Tenth Avenue Associates, L.L.C. Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Oscar A. Sosa v. 85 Tenth Avenue Associates, L.L.C. Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Oscar A. Sosa v. 85 Tenth Avenue Associates, L.L.C. Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Oscar A. Sosa v. 85 Tenth Avenue Associates, L.L.C. Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Oscar A. Sosa v. 85 Tenth Avenue Associates, L.L.C. Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Oscar A. Sosa v. 85 Tenth Avenue Associates, L.L.C. Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview
  • Oscar A. Sosa v. 85 Tenth Avenue Associates, L.L.C. Torts - Other (Personal Injury) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/10/2022 10:15 AM INDEX NO. 157001/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/10/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK OSCAR A. SOSA ' Index No.: 157001/2019 Plaintiff, AFFIDAVIT -against- 85 TENTH AVENUE ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., Defendants, I, OSCAR A. SOSA, being duly sworn and deposed state under the penalties of perjury: 1. I am over the age of eighteen years, residing at 624 Ridge Road, Apt. 1, Lyndhurst, New Jersey, 07071. 2. That I am the plaintiff in this lawsuit and submit this affidavit in opposition to defendant's motion seeking to dismiss my case. 3. On June 10, 2019, I was working as a delivery driver for Gargiulo Produce. While making a delivery that day at the building known as 85 Tenth Avenue, New York, New York, I slipped and fell causing injury. 4. I was unloading a wooden pallet of merchandise from my truck onto the loading dock. As I was pulling the wooden pallet using a jack, I felt something slippery under my left foot that was on the loading dock causing. My left foot to slip out from underneath me causing me fall backward onto the loading dock. 5. I am unsure of the source of the slippery substance that caused me to fall,but some kind of substance caused me to fall. I did not put the slippery substance on the loading dock. 6. I did not fall because the pallet jack became stuck or.stopped moving as I pulled it offthe truck. I have reviewed surveillance video of my accident and itclearly does not show the pallet jack getting caught or stuck on anything before I fell. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/10/2022 10:15 AM INDEX NO. 157001/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/10/2022 7. During my time at the loading dock the morning of June 10, 2019, I did not observe anyone inspecting or checking the condition of dock before I fell. Dated: New York, New York July 29, 2022 ÖÎCAR A. SOSA Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2 da of July, 2022 TARò ALEJANDRA RAMIREZ NOTARY PUBLIC-STA OF NEW ORK No. 01RA643 7 Qualified inNew York County My Commission Expires 06-06-2026 Colidleü ads FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/10/2022 10:15 AM INDEX NO. 157001/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/10/2022 CORTE SUPREMA DEL ESTADO DE NUEVA YORK CONDADO DE NUEVA YORK OSCAR A. SOSA ' Número de índice: 157001/2019 Plaintiff, DECLARACIÓN JURADA -against- 85 TENTH AVENUE ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., Defendants. Yo, OSCAR A. SOSA, debidamente juramentado y depuesto declaro bajo pena de perjurio: 1. Tengo más de dieciocho años y resido en 624 Ridge Road, Apt. 1, Lyndhurst, Nueva Jersey, 07071, 2. Que soy el demandante en esta demanda y presento esta declaración jurada en oposición a la moción del demandado que busca desestimar mi caso, 3. El 10 de junio de 2019, estaba trabajando como repartidor para Gargiulo Produce. Mientras hacía una entrega ese día en el edificio conocido como 85 Tenth Avenue, New York, New York, me resbalé y caí causándome lesiones. 4. Estaba descargando una tarima de madera con mercancía de mi camión en el andén de carga. Mientras tiraba de lapaleta de madera con un gato, sentí algo resbaladizo debajo de mi pie izquierdo que estaba en el andén de carga causando. Mi pie izquierdo se resbaló debajo de mí y me hizo caer hacia atrás sobre el muelle de carga. 5. No estoy seguro de la fuente de la sustancia resbaladiza que me hizo caer, pero algún tipo de sustancia hizo que me cayera. No puse la sustancia resbaladiza en el muelle de carga. 6. No me caí porque el transpaleta se atascó o dejó de moverse cuando la saqué del camión. Revisé el video de vigilancia de mi accidente y claramente no muestra que el transpaleta CowAz€inogada FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/10/2022 10:15 AM INDEX NO. 157001/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/10/2022 quedó atrapada o atascada en nada antes de que me cayera. 7. Durante mi tiempo en el muelle de carga la mañana del 10 de junio de 2019, no observé a nadie inspeccionando o revisando el estpdo del muelle antes de caer. Fecha: Nueva York, Nueva York 29 de julio de 2022 ÓSCAR OS Jurado y suscrito ante mí este día de j lio de 2022 s N PÜBLI O ALEJANDRA RA R NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No.01RA6434332 O udifiodin New York County My C ommission Expiros 06-06-2026 GileCallydo Conáletnogada