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  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/20/2020 08:41 AM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 190 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/20/2020 Pursuant to the directive of Chief Judge DiFiore and Chief Administrative Judge Marks, beginning the week of April 13, 2020 we will take the preliminary steps necessary to start the transition to hearing non- essential pending cases remotely. This case has been selected for a remote conference the week of April 27, 2020. Please advise Ann Spillane of the Trial Support Office by email ( if you are available to participate in this remote conference. The remote conference will be conducted either by Skype or by telephone conference call, depending on the preference of the Judge/Mediator who will conference the case. If you are available, you will receive an email invitation to a Skype meeting or, if the conference will be conducted by telephone, instructions for arranging a conference call. If you are not available, please convey that information to Ms. Spillane as well. The remote conference will be scheduled for another date. Consult with your adversary and reply by email to with the following information by the close of business Tuesday April 21, 2020: Index No.:______________________ Short caption: _____________________ vs. _____________________ Date and time (please select all in order of preference): Date: April 27, 2020 Time (AM)(PM): _____________ Choice #______________ April 28, 2020 Time (AM)(PM):_____________ Choice #______________ April 29, 2020 Time (AM)(PM):_____________ Choice #______________ April 30, 2020 Time (AM)(PM):_____________ Choice #______________ May 1st, 2020 Time (AM)(PM):_____________ Choice #______________ Select the statement that best describes your efforts to secure a conference: _____I have consulted with my adversary and we have selected the most convenient dates and times. _____ I have consulted with my adversary and none of the dates are convenient due to ___________________________________________________________________________________ . _____ I have not consulted with my adversary due to ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ . Please list number of attorneys/parties participating in this conference? _____________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Atty. Reg. #_____________________ Print Name: ___________________________________________ (Pursuant to 22 NYCRR)-130-1.1 Thank you for your patience and be safe. Trial Support Office. 1 of 1