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  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/12/2018 10:57 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 172 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/12/2018 EXH1BIT C FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/12/2018 10:57 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 172 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/12/2018 PMips WIialSymm 221COBollallEmelt Highvay RoacdCG P8M1403 Eo@ell WA9©214431 CUSTOMerCARE Service Solutions Customer Q uote oate: May 19, 2011 Invoice Address Ship to Address ROSENBAUM ROSENFELD Same 1421 3rd Ave New York, NY 10028 heni--" [-0m Descriptice Cast I es provided with dhisquotation for detailed Lir Please refer to pa JtemDeaeflatfore to theextensivewater damage, more partsmay be requiredas thissysternhas notbeen powered up as not to cause any furtherdamage. UnitwiN be driedoutpriorto as1y repairs $34,502.40 Anode INnver Module 4335 864 89191 $74,022.96 Cathode Power Module 4535 864 80201 $4.220.77 SpindleBlock 4535094 92561 $737.77 Line Filter 4538665 03721 $008.23 MDK Relay 4535 064 95141 3807.10 Bett Tensioner 4535070 03451 S2L089,50 Fiber Optio Transceiver 4636004 Q4231i $1,31020 Power Sup Switching12vdo 4535 06402$4 t $3.126,24 Brush BlackPower 4535 671 33801 36,279.94 Brush BlockSigner 4535070 12031 $1.79B.62 ACCU PCB 4535 66503751 $175,3D Cld Brkr4A x2 458ti670 14341 S11940 Okt Breaker10A 4536 08603671 S260;77 Okt Breaker3A 4536 665 06601 S1,005 74 PlimaryCtrilt Rafay 4835 679 16Q81 $419 0 Sodt Start Relay ×2 4536 07008141 $1,72&77 Main Drive Gontec 4636 664 23431 009,3 Ghost PGB 4536 870 20084 $1.187.32 4 Oh Audio PCB 4535 670 11211 3788.16 MDP 4536 6640D131 $572.06 l-BoxPCB 4500 140 01011 $473.67 I-Box Pow Supply 4535 070 30B91 $1.246;43 I-Box -UBB-cat 5 ×Endr 453567Q 65421 I S1:01I1.72 Stargateinterface PCB 4535 670 02361 S2,859.47 5 Port Svetch TF Gartify 4535 670 85Q01 S3.188.12 HUB 4635 663 96601 S17,500.23 In Bare Liffer (SKF) 4535 679 87261 $3373.04 CT Fuse Kit 4535 670 45792 166,12844 TotalParts Cost $28,800.00 TotalLabor Cost Labor win covertwo men for8 hours for4 days at$600.00per hour. Alllaboris to take place between hours of8 to5 only. Confidential Page 1/3 5/19/2011 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 09/12/2018 10:57 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 172 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/12/2018 PWipsA&dir.oISys:en .. 22Ill01EitFAIRettiaglm P.OBox $12 930414003 29thelt WA P&a3401 CUSTOMerCARE Service Solutions $194,92L44 Pow be providedpriorb work beginnrots. GRAMD TOTAL Quote pie:=ted by Frank Sharer Region Service Manager Office800 833 3316 x2774 Ce# 856 296-D102 Fax 656 546-5534 SERVICSS PROVIDED ARE SUBJECT TD THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS PROVlcED WITH THIS QUOTATION- YOUR SIGNATURE BELOW INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TEt¾fS AND CONDITIONS. Accepted by Nea Tdip . Confidential Page 2/3 5/19/2011