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  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 138 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 File Note Title:Itemized Lists / Receipts Create Date:5/16/2011 3:10 PM Author:LUIS RODRIGUEZ File Note Text: File Note Created By: Luis Rodriguez Date FileNote Created: 5/16/2011 3:10:14 PM Date Email Received From Sender: 05/09/2011 8·23:44 AM Frank" Email Sent Front "Cuoco, Email Sent To: Subject: FW: Quote for Gemini PET/CT at Rosenbaums Front Cuoco, Frank Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 5 D2 PM To:'' corn' To: 'Irodriguez@chubb.corn 'lrodriguez@chubb. Subject: Fw: Quote for Gemini PET/CT at Rosenbaums PLAINTIPPS Luis EXHBIT Here isthe proposal to date. ! / Call me when you can! 4 t'I t'1 16 )6 Thanks Frank Front Steckler, Steven [} Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 03:33 PM To: Cuoco, Frank; Sharer, Frank , "" , Date: 10/06/2011 04:05PM Subject Rosenbaum / Phi/ps Letter FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 138 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 O LCl -I O O A Gentlemen, HereistheletterreceIved fromPhilips caseAsyoucansee,theunItwasrepaired ontheRosenbaum topre-loss condition. upwithmyfinalreportoncetheadditional I willbefollowing information fortheotherrepairs isreceived inthebasement. totheequipment Thank youforyourpatience onthisfileandgreatworkguys! Regards Frank From: Frank[maillo:frank Sharer,] Sent:Thursday,06,201112:27PM October To:Cuoco, Frank Cc:Pedula, Nick;Alves, Catherine; kmilnerOphilipsmedlcalcapital.corn'I Tegmen, Jonathan; Vong,Alan;Sharer, Frank; Michael Garners, FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 138 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 LFI hfdf O O a W Subject: FinalDocument Frank, youforallofyourhelpandsupport Thank thisproject.TheGemlnI throughout is upandrunning andhasbeenturned Attached backtothecustomer. isthefinaldocument thatwillbesentloRossnbeum Rosenfeld andSonnenblick. Thetotaldollars thatwillbeinvoice isasfollows: forthisproject quote:Parts Original $166,126.44 Labor 543,520,00 approved second quoteforreplacement tablellabor: Table $46,90B.76 Additonal Labor $21,760.00 Lastlabor laborcharge charge wespoke wespoke about about FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 138 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 LCT O O a Labororanode/cathode work Labor $39,760.00 Thetolaldollars lorthisproject is$31B,077.20, Please approve thelast$39,760.00 paymentThanks FrankSharer FrankJ.Sharer ISRegional Service Manager Manhattan Area FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 138 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 to r-4 o C> 8 M Hoshhcare PhMps 345Scartmrough Road NY10510 BriarchManor, CeN: (858)298-0102 Fax:(858)548-5534 Email· Email Email'. Theinforrnmnon contained maybeconiklenglal inibismessage andlegatyprotected underppposbbta appgcable isintended law.Themessage IfyouarenottheIntended solelyantheaddresses(s). youarehereby auctlant, nodBad thatanyuse,forwarding, orroduoeokm oradsmessage reproducUon dissemination, isstrictlyprohibited andmaybeunlaWul.W redplant,pinase youarenottheIntended themender contact anddestroy byseawn•·mall oflhe apcopies message. original Subject SupRow-10/05/2011 1540PM OresnewNne Once Uneset setup,pynes pymts wiNneedlo willheed transferred tobs behnslened newNns. tottw lo line. thenaw FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 138 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 LFI O O O a FileNoteCreeted By:LuisRodriguez DateFileNoteCreated: 12:59:16 11/15/2011 PM DaleEmailReceived 11/15/2011 FromSander: 12:57:54 PM EmailSentFrom: CN=Luis Rodriguez/O=ChubbMail Emall Copied EmailBlindCopied To:CN=Luls Rodriguez/O=ChubbMall Subject: Claim #047511016954/ Rosenfeld Rosenbaum, 6 Sonnenblick, Llp. DearMr,Gadunkel, Thiscorrespondence isinresponse toyourletterofOctober thewaterlossclaimforourinsured 24th,2011regarding Rosenfeld (Rosenbaum, 5 Sonnenblick LIp)andthedamage totheCT/PET scanmachine. I havereviewed yourletterandhavetakenunderconsideration yourconcerns potential regarding re-callbration andmalpractice haveswiththeCT/PET Insurability machine inquestion. AsI havementioned (JimLafanle) toyouandyourpubicadjuster inprevious themachine communications, Inquestion wasevaluated byourexpert endanIndependent Certified Technician Phlillps atthelimeof theloss.Theybothagreed wasrepairable thatthemachine andthatItdidnotrequire totalreplacement, inquestion Sinosthemachine is9PhlAps ourexpert machine worked inevaluating closely thedamages with Certified theIndependent Phillips technician. Itisalsomyunderstanding thatthemachine repaired wascompletely bytheCertilledTechn1clans Phillips andwasreturned toourInsured Rosenfeld (Rosenbaum, 5 Sonnebllck, Llp)inworking condition onOctober 5th,2011. Based onIheinformation wehavereceived fromourexpert(LWGCons pendent andtheInde Wlants) Cerlified psTechnicians Phfig wearenotinagree mentthatefufireplacement ofIhemachine inquestion is FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 138 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 Lf) O O O A warranted. westandbyouroriginal Therefore, thatthemachine posillon wasrepairable andisnowingoodworking condition. Inattempt toeaseyourclient's withregards concerns totheworking condition ofthemachine I didspeak adjuster withyourpublic (JimLafants) onOctober thisconversation 31st,2011,During toschedule Ioffered a meeting withyourself, atthelosslocation thepublicadjuster, theInsured, myexpert andtheCertifled Phillips withtheIntent TechnicIan ofhaving thetechnIcIans Inourpresence runthemachine andverifythatItIs inproper andre-calibrated condition working toIt'sspecification. aresponse I havenotreceived fromyourpubile es10acceptance adjuster ofthisIneeting. theoffertoyouforthismeeting. I willonceagainextend advise Please meastowhenyouwouldbeavailable toschedule IwIllreachouttothePhillips thisre-Inspection. andconfirm andmyexpert TechnIclan theIr availability. I thankyouforyourtimeandawaityourresponse. ONewYorkCityOutside LulsRodriguez Property OClaimOperations Adjuster OChubb ofFederal 5 Son,a division Insurance Company p.o.Bax4700n chesapeake, vA 23320n Phone: soth252-4070 r Fsx:000-554-535a (exL0550) rt lulsnxlriguaz©chubb.corn