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  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview
  • Rosenbaum, Rosenfeld & Sonnenblick, Llp, R&R Properties Llc, Computerized Diagnostic Scanning Associates, P.C. v. Excalibur Group Na, Llc, A Superior Service And Repair Co. Inc., Home Systems Engineering, Inc., Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems North America Company, Philips Electronics North America Corporation, Philips Medical Systems North America, Inc., Philips Healthcare Informatics, Inc., Estate Of Merle H. Eisenstein Contract (Non-Commercial) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 131 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 86/29/2887 13: 55 7323216971 EXCALIBUR GROUP LLC :PAGE 01 PHILIPS OA: 9011206 Line: 50 PO: 8006439 / 10 TURNKEY CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT ("Agreement" 28* This Agreement ("Agreement") ismade as ofthe day of June 2007, between Philips Medical Systems North America Company and Excalibur Gmup, LLC. PARTIES/DEVINITIONS: PROJECT: Drs. Rosenbaum Rosenfeld Gemini 16 Power Renovation Project CONTRACTOR: Excalibur Group, LLC 77 Orandview Avenue West Edison, New Jersey08837 OWNER: Philips Medical Systems North America Company 22100 Bothell EverettHwy Eothell,WA 98021 CUSTOMER: Drs. Rosenbaum/Rosenfeld 5"' 945 Ave. New York, New York 10021-2661 WORKr Preparation of space atCUSTOMER's sitefor installation of medical equipment supplied OWNER documents in the contract as set forth - PhilipsOrder No. ("Equipment") by 9011206 / 50 (the "Contract Documents") which in consist, order of precedence, ofthis Agreement, CUSTOMER's Purchase Order No.PHERRS-04, dated 12/29/2006, and CONTRACTOR's proposal #4178, dated 12/14/2006 ("Pmposal"). 1. WORK CONTRACTOR agrees toexecute the WORK in full accordance withthe Contract Documents. 2, PAYMENT 2.1 (" Price" OWNER shall pay theCONTRACTOR the sum ("ContractPrice')of One Million, Two Hundred and Seventy-Four Thousand, Dollars ($1,274,000.00) for the performance of the WORK. OWNER shallmake (withten percent(10%) retainage) monthly progress payments forwork completed andaccepted in writingby OWNER's Turnkey Program Manager or his designate. The balanceof theContract Priceshallbe payable upon completion by CONTRACTOR ofallpunch list items and acceptanceof the WORK by CUSTOMER. 2,2 CONTRACTOR shallprovidetothe OWNER waivers oflienor otherdocumentation to verifypayment toallsuppliersof laboror materialfor the WORK as a condition precedent tofinalpayment or, as to that partofthe WORK which is inplaceas ofthe date ofa progresspayment, to anyprogn:ss payment hercunder. sormRttvrnkey(re/13/I34) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 131 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 66/ 29/2007 13: 55 7323216971 EXCALIBUR GROUP LLC PAGE 02 OA: 9011206 Line: 50 PO: 8006439 / 10 ,ment nf an fnc theMT vaine nF the WARY ANTR A TAD mk-enneracrnre) . ceptoh¼en nwxmu he‰ Ahtru AÚTOR hepim the WGD 2.4 Payment of CONTRACTORS approved invoiceshallbe made by OWNER within sixty® 30 days from dateof receipt. 3. SUPPLEMENTARY TERMS 3.1 The provisionsof Articles1, 2, 5,7, Sections3.2-3.4, 4.1,4.2, 4.4-4.7,11.7 and Paragraphs 3.1.1, 3.1.3, 4.3.1-4.3.3, 12.2, 13.2-13.4 and 13.6 of the General Conditions of AIA Document A401, 1987 Edition, entitledStandard Form of Agreement Between Contractor and Subcontractor,("AIA Document A401") are "Contractor" incorporatedin thisAgreement by referenceand made a parthereof. in "Subcontractor," AIA Document A401 shall refer to OWNER. toCONTRACTOR. Documents," "Subcontract to the Contract Documents. All approvalswhich are "Amhitect" requiredby the Contract Documents tobe made by shall, however, be by OWNER, jointly with any architect or engineer employed for the project. CUSIDMER shallbe solely responsibleforproviding suitableareas for storageof CONTRACTOR's materialsand equipment. The Contract Documents shallgovern, as regardsthe WORK, over any contradictory provisionsof AIA Document A401 4. SCHEDULE, PERMITS AND COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REQUlREM,ENTS 4.1 Time isof the essence ofthisAgreement. CONTRACTOR agrees to complete the detailed design of the room preparation WORK as specifiedin the Contract Documents, obtainall necessaryapprovals and permits and complete the WORK so thatinstallation ofthe Equipment by OWNER can begin no later than . however, If, OWNBR does not instructCONTRACTOR to proceedwith the WORK immediately upon deliveryof theexecuted Agreement to CONTRACTOR, the timeforcompletion of the WORK shallbe adjusted accordingly. ESTlrnATC) 17..0 D#5 4.2 CONTRACTOR agrees thatany liquidateddamages which may be specifiedtherein which areincurred by OWNER as a result of in deficiencies the WORK ordelays caused by CONTRACTOR incompleting the WORK shall be paid or reimbursed to OWNER by CONTRACTOR as set forthIn paragraph 3.3.1of ALA Document A401. . 4.3 Either party may terminatethis Agreement without obligation tothe other if,for CUSTOMER's convenience or as a resultof a change of for specifications the Equipment or for any othercause beyond CONTRACTOR's the control, startofthe WORK is delayedforany reason formore thanone year afterthe date set forthinthe first paragraph of this Agreement. 2 Formhtvrnkoy(05/13i04) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 131 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 06/29/2007 13:55 73232169 71 EXCALIBUR GROUP LLu PAGE 03 OA: 90112D6 Line: 50 PO2 8006439 / 10 4.4 Unless thecontrary isstatedelsewhere in theContractDocuments, CONTRAC'lDR shall secure and ply for any occupancy building, or othergovernmental permit, (a) fee or inspection license, thatmay be required forthe WORK, and (b) giveany notices requiredby and assurethatthe WORK itself and CONTRACTOR's performance of the WORK comply with any ordinances, statutes, regulations, rules, building codesor other governmental requirements applicableto the WORK. The drawings and specifications CUSTO R and OWNER have provided toCONTRACTOR as patt of the Contract Documents are conceptualin nature. CONTRACTOR has overall for responsibility the construction work requiredforsuccessfulinstallation and operation of the Equipment and shall,in be particular, solelyresponsiblefor completing any necessary or detailing shop drawings, forassuringthatthe WORK is suf5cient forthe site to meet the Equipment installation requirements in the Contract set forth Documents and for compliance of thefinishedWORK with applicablebuilding codes and other legal tequirements. 5. AUDIT PROVISION If theContract Price to be paid under thisAgreement, now or through subsequent change orders, exceeds ten thousand dollars, CONTRACTOR agrees to make availableupon writtenrequest,tothe Secretary of Health and Hutnan Services orupon requestto theComptroller General of the United States ofAmerica or any oftheirduly authorizedrepresentativessuch and contract(s) books,documents and recordsas are necessary tocertifythe natureand extentof reimbursable costsunder the Medicare laws. 6. INSURANCE 6.1 CONTRACTOR shallcarryinsurance in the as set forth Contract Documents. 6.2 Ifthe Contract Documents do not specifymore extensivecoverage or. higher limits, CONTRAC1DR shall,at a minimum, maintainworker'scompensation insuranceinthe amount requiredby applicablelaw,for all CONTRACTOR's employees who perform work under thisAgreement, as wellas policies ofcommercial general insurance liability (including contractual,XCU and completed operations coverage) with a general aggregateEmit ofnot per year less than $2,000,000 and ofautomohtle coverage liability in an amount of not less than $2,000,000 combined singlelimit. A certificate of insuranceevidencing coverage in eachof thesecategoriesfrom carriers to satisfactory OWNER shallbe provided to OWNER upon request. 7. LIMITATION In no event shall OWNER be liableto CONTRACTOR for special,indirector consequentialdamages ofany kind but including, not limitedto,lossofbusiness profit, revenue orgoodwill arisingfrom anyfailureor matter arisingunder this Agreement,nor shallany claimor recoveryof any kindbe greaterin amountthan the Contract Price. 3 Foimaiurnkey ('cs/i3/04) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 131 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 13: 55 7323216971 EXCALIBUR GROUP LLC PAGE 04 OA: 9011206 Line: 50 PO: 8006439 / 10 8. CHANGES THIS TS A FIXED PRICE CONTRACT. CHARGES OVER AND ABOVE THE CONTRACT PRICE SHALL BE PAID BY OWNER ONLY IF OWNER HAS AUTHORIZED SUCH CHARGES BY WRITTEN AMENDMENT TO THIS AGREEMENT. 9. DISPUTES controversyor claim out arising ofor relating or the to this contract, breech thereof, Any shallbe settled by in arbitration accordance withthe Construction[ndusby Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association,and judgment upon the award tendered theArbitrator(s) may becateredin artyCourthavingjurisdiction theteof by 10. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW CONTRACTOR representsand warrantsthat itwillconduct allwork relatedto the subjectmatterof thisAgreement in accordancewithapplicableFederal,stateand local statutesand regulations and that itis fullylicensedand qualified,as required by applicablelaw,to undertake and performthe WORK. AGREED AND ACCEPTED: CONTRACTOR: OWNER‡ Excalibur Group, LLC. PhilipsMedical Systems North America Company Craig M. Gruchacz .' r By: ' A/( Its 're t ChiefFinance Officerand H.ereun ly authorized SeniorVice President,Finance (StefanRottke forCraig Gmehacz) 4 Formshatrllasy(Orn S/04) FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 131 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 OEAdministrator: C. Lowe j OrderData OA# Date OEP Received: ! 01/02/07 %efOrder - Teresa Region# / Name Ledfordstatue v! 100% DateBooked I IIIQ/~ Region#/ Name# 2 807- NewYorkMetru --3oa JoeLongo v Siebelorder# 14,829 AccountMgr 5t Germain Laura 100% ! DateListed AccountMgr#2 , BobMontalbine v Fitzgerald Specialist Ken, (NUC) 1PPo/' f 100°/± _ Specialist#2 Borysiuk Roman, (CT) 5garlata ProjectManager& # Tony66099 SynergyDeal Rep& # Sold To / Ship to : OtherAgreement ~I ~ ~~ ~ ~~ Name ~ Rosenfield Rosenbaumand ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Account Corporate/Govt. ~ ~ ~ Address~ ~ Avenue 1421Third City-state- Zipj ~ ~~ NewYork. ~ ~~NY10021 ~ ~ TERMS ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~00 IFSPECIAL: Bill To: PMC1 ~~% 'V DESCRIBE ~ ~ ___ Name> Philips MedicalCapital Address 1111Old Eaateschool Road City-State- Zip Wayne PA 19087 APPROVEDNETDAYS: INTERNAL QUOTE# Quate # 1-DL63KF bookingquoteis rev# 8 I REV# 5 PO# PHERRS-04 PODate1 12/29/06 .':'0::'.O1,:4fgv400/90:„';:',I: >'.';: ': ,':::::::, TotalCustomerNotPrice — — $1,410400.0D ""I PMCLeaseBlind DiscountAmount <= If PMCandno Blind discount - enter j .001 PMCPOAmount .PM'CGPt?AI)/?ount r - PremierOption2 .m>er Waitfor 5from SalesOrg .. . l CHSOrder - snw insu P«C.,y g~ Does the ordercontainacceptancelanguageoutsideof that O e offeredin an SBA,GPO or othermaster agreementwhere N - approved the terms been not by ZFM and Legal? Z Is there a right of return, exchange,or refundin the order n -- that has not been pre-approved by finance? g Does the orderincludea technology program? refresh N I h Does the ordercontainuptimeguarantees? N O Z 2. CONTINGENT LIABIITIES -U ITI Is additional warranty fordelayeddeliveryor other reasons a N includedin the order? m b Is a performance bond required? N c Are bidguaranteesincludedin the order? N d Are there cash penalties includedin the order? N dependent is the discount upon multipleordersbeing N booked? 3. PAYMENT TERMS Y/N a Are standardbilling/payment termson the order? Y Completed By: ChristopherLowe Date: 1/4/2007 COMMENTS: FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 131 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 Return to: C. Lowe OA # PhilipsMedical Systems North America iteroii@fii' ieimer tsK9Ki ~t5'nM QUOTE # REV CUSTOMER : Rosenbaum and Rosenfield 1-DL63KF 5 REG MNGR : Ledford - Teresa Statue ACCT MNGR : St.Germain Laura 61215 ACCT MNGR 2: Bob Montalbine 198610 SPECIALIST : Ken Fitzgerald SPECIALIST 2: Roman Borysiuk PROJ MGR : EQUIPMENT : 100523 Gemin Upgrade/Turnkey CONTRACT : $1,410,400.00 TERMS PMC 100 % MARGIN : APPROVEDNETDAYS: Corporate Angount PR : #DIV/0! DISCOUNT: #DIV/0! APPROVAL TO BOOK (/ / ZONE SERVICE VP I, 3Ó POS : | YES | ZONE SALES VP I (I/~7 DAS : ####| IF YES; HOW& BYWHOM7 #DIV/0! COMMENTS / ISSUES Equipment and on separate PMC Order Transmittals,willbe booked as separate orders- rev 5 , the quote sigr Turnkey ¹¹¹¹¹ FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 131 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 Rav 25 ORDER SUMMARY WORKSHEET 1-DL63KF Ledford -Teresa Teresa Statue 100% Quotation# Internal# Regionno. 8 Name % Of Order 0UW 807 New York Metro- Joe Longo O/A# Book Date Region no. 8 Name % of Order St. GermainLaura 61215 100% Ken Fitzgerald 100% Sales Representative& # % Of Order Specialist Name & # % Of Order Bob Montalbine 198610 Roman Borysluk Sales Representative8 # % Of Order Specialist Name& # % Of Order SynergyRepresentative 8 # Project Manager8 # Rosenbaum and Rosenfield PET 100523 Gemin Upgrade/Turnkey CustomerName ProductLine SystemType Corporate/Govt.. Account By: C. Lowe Other : Date: 1/2/2007 Contract Price $1,410,400.00 Additional Charges SPO69 ( DESCRIPTIONHERE ) SP100 ( DESCRIPTIONHERE ) SP006 Contract Labor SP104 INTEREST SP001 Preight SP003 Installation SP007 Rigging Charges SP011 Manuals SP006 Turn Key $1,410,400.00 Total Additional Charges $1,410,400.00 Trade-ln ( OA or ERCC# ) Srd Party List Total Order Discount (incl. Promo's) List Price Philips # s $1,410,400.00 t41 cost Margin PriceRealization #DIV/01 Extended Warranty Program Serv Quote # 1-DL63KF Extended Term Warranty Selling Price (WSP) $757,280 Extended Term Warranty List Price (WLP) $946,600 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 131 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 PHILlPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS ACCOUNT MANAGERS ORDER ENTRY PACKAGE y Region# / SalesManagerName emwon _s07 ~ wongo V 01/02/07 Date Account / Territory Manager Laura St Germain Quote# / Rev# 1-OLG3KF/R5booking Specialist 1 : Ken Fitzgerald Specialist 2 : Robert Montalbine Project Manager: Anthony Sgarlata ServiceManager: MikeJulian Acet Mgr : If this is a Synergy deal: ( CMS/ ADAC/ ATL ) Customer Rosenbaumand Rosenfeld Contract 8 Amount $2,916,000.00 3 Corporate/Govt.Account ( . JU PaymentTerms SP'"L T OtherAgreement( SBA . IDN# ) Is thIs Pro Plus 70 Yes 0y H No Equipment PCR ElevaS Product Line :( PET: 15months PO# PO Date Install date: 6/30/2007 RequestedOperationalDate: S/30/06 ( Pleaseenter in date Format ) ( Pleaseenter In date Format ) is thls an UPORADE7 0 If yes,MustProvide: Site# (si OA # (a) SystemType(SPECT/PET} SRN(PET/MIUCT) EthemetID#(SPECT-Cleveland) HOST/UNITID# FSENAME& CELL# (SPECT/PET) Does this venuIreAnnNcationsTraingna? Yes Pv H No P [] Special InstaAsllon/ WarrantyComIIbnents - Sp0597 Wyes DeserlbeReason Additionel Comments Turnkey Construction CustomerContact Inforrnation Name/ Title E4lan AtkIrees Phone # Fax8 Radiology or Dept Admin. Alfred Rosenbaum, MD assitnessues 212-744-6638 Chief Technologist Radiologist / Doctor Contact** Key CustomerContact Alfred Rosenbaum, MD enammesamemm 212-744-5538 Warranty Letter To Alfred Rosenbaum, IM) 212-744-5638 Clinical Support Kit To Alfred Rosenbaum, MD gagltemastes 212-744-5638 * Personresponsiblefor schedulingdeliveryand authorizingpayment Last Updated:April20, 2006 R. Lawrence Owner;R. Owner; FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/26/2018 04:04 PM INDEX NO. 150083/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 131 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/2018 Order a Package PH L PS Account: ROSENBAUM & ROSENFELD MDS SiebelRef #: 14829 Sales Rep: Laura St Germain Solution: 100532 Gemini16 Power Upgrades Costs OtherCosts NetBookingAd|ustments (tal BookingMargIn SystemCost: $000 InstallCost: $19,300 00 Trade-InFMVValue[•): $0.00 CustomerListPrice: $1,410.400 00 ThirdPartyCost: $000 WarrantyCost:$45,996 00 ContractFeeCost:$O00 CustomerNetPrice: $1,410.400 00 LooseItemCost: $000 ServiceFMVValue(-): $000 NetBooking: 00 $1,410,400 $1,410,400 Add'ICharges: 00 BlindDiscountCost(-): $0.00 OrderDIsc%: 0% TotalCost: $1,410,400 00 ProfitAmount: $000 Margin%: 0% SystemList: so00 Discount%: 0% LIstPrice: $1.410,430 00 AMDiscountDetail AdminFeePercent LooseItemList: PromoDIscAmt: SubNetPrice: 00 $1,410,400 0% 0% ThirdPartyList: $000 PromoDisc%: 0% AdjustAmt: $000 $000 LockContractPrice?: Add'IService:$1,410.400 00 Tradein Amount: NetPrice: 00 $1,410,400 BlindDiscount%: Y Add'ISveDisc: SO00 O'A QuoteContractAmt: NetalterSPOODisc: $1,410.400.00BilndDiscountAmt:$1.410,400 00 Trade-InFMV: SO00 ServiceFMV·. .:, $000 ' Qty Product . Ust Price Not Price .m 1 882301 Upgrades GEMINI16 Power ($0.00) ($0.00) 1 NPTA186 Gemini 16 Power