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  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVEDINDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 FILED : ENS COUNTY CLERK : NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS ---------------------------------------x : MICHAEL LI, individually and derivatively on behalf : of FLUSHING ENDOSCOPY CENTER, LLC, : . Index No. 719600/2019 Plaintiff, : -against- : : KING-CHEN HON, ALAN C. YAO, JACKSON : KUAN, LANA CHOY, AND FLUSHING : ENDOSCOPY CENTER, LLC, : : Defendants. : ---------------------------------------x DEFENDANTS' STATEMENT RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFF'S OF UNDISPUTED FACTS, AND COUNTER-STATEMENT OF UNDISPUTED FACTS IN FURTHER OPPOSITION TO THE PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Defendants, King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, and Flushing Endoscopy Center, LLC (collectively, "Defendants"), submit this Response to Plaintiff's Rule 19-a Statement of dated 2022 ("Plaintiff's and as a Counter- Facts, January 3, Statement"), Statement of Undisputed Facts in further opposition to Plaintiff's motion for summary judgment: GENERAL OBJECTIONS A. Defendants object to Plaintiff's Statement to the extent itfails to comply with the concise" Commercial Division Rule 19-a's requirement of a "short and statement of "material facts," in that its 140 paragraphs result in a statement that is neither short nor concise, and alleges facts that are not material to this motion. 6376296v.2 1 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVEDINDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 FILED : UEENS COUNTY CLERK : NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 B. Defendants object to Plaintiff's Statement, to the extent that itfails to comply with Rule 19-a by asserting legal arguments rather than facts, including but not limited to legal arguments concerning the interpretation of the contracts at issue on this motion. C. Defendants object to Plaintiff's Statement, to the extent that it makes assertions that are not material to this motion. D. Defendants object to Plaintiff's Statement, to the extent italleges multiple distinct facts within a single numbered paragraph. E. Defendants object to Plaintiff's Statement to the extent it fails to follow each statement with a citation to evidence that supports the statement asserted. F. Defendants object to Plaintiff's Statement to the extent that it cites or otherwise relies upon any evidence that is inadmissible. RESPONSES AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIONS STATEMENT NO. 1. Flushing Endoscopy Center, LLC (the "Company") was formed in 2011 in order to own and operate an ambulatory surgical center located at 136-02 Roosevelt Avenue, Flushing New York, where itstill operates. Affidavit of Michael Li, sworn to on December 30, 2021 (the "Li Affidavit") at paragraph 6. RESPONSE: Defendants do not dispute this statement. STATEMENT NO. 2. The Company is a manager managed LLC pursuant to an operating agreement (as amended, the "Operating Agreement"). Exhibit "A". 2 6376296v.2 2 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC.. NO. ENS 93 COWTY CM · 4 4 RECEIVEDINDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 RESPONSE: Defendants do not dispute this statement, and refer the Court to the Operating parties' Agreement, attached as Exhibit A, for the true and correct terms of the original agreement. STATEMENT NO. 3. The original and founding members and managers of the Company were Plaintiff, King-Chen Hon ("Hon"), Alan C. Yao ("Yao"), Jackson Kuan ("Kuan"), Sing Chan ("Chan"), Che-Nan Chuang ("Chuang") and Frontier Healthcare Associates ("Frontier"), collectively, the "Founding Members". Exhibit "A", section 2.18. All of the individual members and managers were medical doctors. RESPONSE: Defendants do not dispute this statement. STATEMENT NO. 4. On or about February 27, 2014, the members executed a First Amendment to the Operating Agreement (the "First Amendment"). Exhibit "B". RESPONSE: Defendants do not dispute this statement, and refer the Court to the First Amendment to the Operating Agreement, attached as Exhibit B, for the true and correct terms of parties' the agreement, including the Code of Conduct attached as Exhibit A thereto. STATEMENT NO. 5. On or about December 19, 2016, the members executed a Second Amendment to the Operating Agreement (the "Second Amendment"). Exhibit "C". RESPONSE: Defendants do not dispute this statement, and refer the Court to the Second Amendment to the Operating Agreement, attached as Exhibit C, for the true and correct terms of parties' the agreement. STATEMENT NO. 6. On or about June 1, 2017, the members executed a Third Amendment to the Operating Agreement (the "Third Amendment"). Exhibit "D". 3 6376296v.2 3 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVEDINDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 FILED : ENS COUNTY CLERK : NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 RESPONSE: Defendants do not dispute this statement, and refer the Court to the Third Amendment to the Operating Agreement, attached as Exhibit D, for the true and correct terms of parties' the agreement. STATEMENT NO. 7. Plaintiff originally owned 34% of the membership interests of the Company ("Plaintiff's Membership Interests") and was the largest percentage owner of the Company's membership interests. See Summons and Defendants' Complaint at paragraph 11 and Amended Answer at paragraph 11. RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement. STATEMENT NO. 8. The Board of Managers of the Company (the "Board") consisted of the Founding Members. Exhibit "D", section 2. RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement. STATEMENT NO. 9. Pursuant to section 6 of the Operating Agreement, each member of the Board served as manager until "the earlier of his or her death, dissolution, liquidation, resignation, or removal in accordance with this Agreement". Exhibit "D", section 2. RESPONSE: Defendants refer the Court to the Operating Agreement, as amended, for the true parties' and correct terms of the agreement. STATEMENT NO. 10. The Operating Agreement provided a detailed and specific means for expelling or terminating members. Specifically, pursuant Section 7.6 of the Operating Agreement, a member could be expelled only upon the occurrence of an Expulsion Event. Exhibit "A", section 7.6. RESPONSE: Defendants refer the Court to the Operating Agreement, as amended, for the true parties' and correct terms of the agreement. STATEMENT NO. 11. Pursuant to the First Amendment to the Operating Agreement, an Expulsion Event was deemed to include "a Member's violation of 4 6376296v.2 4 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVEDINDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 FILED : UEENS COUNTY CLERK : NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 the Code of Conduct which the Board, in itssole discretion, determines warrants expulsion of the Member ...". Exhibit "B", section 2. RESPONSE: Defendants refer the Court to the Operating Agreement, as amended, for the true parties' and correct terms of the agreement. STATEMENT NO. 12. Pursuant to Section 6.2 of the Operating Agreement, an Extraordinary Decision, which included terminating a member pursuant to Article 7.6 of the Operating Agreement upon the occurrence of an Expulsion Event, required approval by a "Supermajority of the Board". Exhibit "A", section 6.2. RESPONSE: Defendants refer the Court to the Operating Agreement, as amended, for the true parties' and correct terms of the agreement. STATEMENT NO. 13. The Operating Agreement originally provided that a Board' "'Super-majority of the means seventy-one 71% of the members of the Board of Managers". Exhibit "A", Section 2.30. RESPONSE: Defendants refer the Court to the Operating Agreement, as amended, for the true parties' and correct terms of the agreement. STATEMENT NO. 14. Pursuant to the Third Amendment to the Operating Board" Agreement, a "Supermajority of the was re-defined as "the lessor of (a) the holders of at least 71% of the issued and outstanding Membership Interests of the Company (held by Managers), or (b) six (6) out of seven (7) members of the Board." Exhibit "D", section 1. RESPONSE: Defendants refer the Court to the Operating Agreement, as amended, for the true parties' and correct terms of the agreement. STATEMENT NO. 15. In or about April 2019, Elaine Chiu, a nurse employed by the Company, made a complaint (the "Chiu Complaint"), alleging that Plaintiff had verbally and physically assaulted her. Defendant Hon retained Defendants' Garfunkel Wild, P.C., current attorneys, who conducted an investigation into the Chiu Complaint. Li Affidavit at paragraph 19. 5 6376296v.2 5 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC.. NO. 93 UEENS COW'H CEE . RECEIVEDINDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement, except state that Garfunkel Wild, P.C. was retained by Flushing Endoscopy Center, and not by Defendant Hon individually. STATEMENT NO. 16. On or about July 10, 2019, the Company provided Plaintiff, Hon, Yao, Kuan and Chuang with a notice (the "Notice") advising that a special meeting of the Members of the Company would be held on July 15, 2019 "to discuss the investigation of the alleged claims by Elaine Chiu against Michael Li, M.D., and to consider whether any actions, such as a written warning or expulsion, are warranted in accordance with the Company's Operating Agreement, as amended by the First Amendment". Exhibit "E", Li Affidavit at paragraph 21. RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement, and "Notice." refer the Court to the Exhibit E referenced therein for the true and correct terms of the STATEMENT NO. 17. The Notice did not include Chan and an email from Defendant's counsel advising of an option for Members of the Company to call-in to a conference call number to attend the meeting was not sent to Chan. Li Affidavit at paragraph 22, 26. RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement. However, as explained in the Affidavit of King-Chen Hon. STATEMENT NO. 18. On July 15, 2019, the Company held the special meeting (the "Special Meeting") referenced in the Notice. Li Affidavit at paragraph 23. RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement. STATEMENT NO. 19. Plaintiff, Hon, Yao, Chuang and Frontier attended the Special Meeting. Chan did not attend or vote. See Li Affidavit at paragraph 24. 6 6376296v.2 6 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVEDINDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 FILED: ENS COUNTY CLERK 5 4:44 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement. However, as set forth in response to Statement No. 20, Defendant Lana Choy also attended the Special Meeting, and Defendant Jackson Kuan virtually attended the Special Meeting. STATEMENT NO. 20. Defendant Lana Choy ("Choy"), who is married to "attended" Kuan, attended and Kuan the meeting via Facetime, but did not vote. Li Affidavit at paragraph 24. RESPONSE: Defendants object to this statement to the extent that Plaintiff asserts that Dr. Kuan did not vote. Ms. Choy, who was given a power of attorney by her husband, Dr. Kuan, was physically present, and voted for Plaintiff's expulsion on Dr. Kuan's behalf. STATEMENT NO. 21. At the Special Meeting, Plaintiff voted against his expulsion. Li Affidavit at paragraph 25. RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement. STATEMENT NO. 22. Chan did not vote at the Special Meeting. Li Affidavit at paragraph 25. RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement. However, Defendants object to the conclusion that Chan was entitled to vote. As set forth in the Affidavit of King-Chen Hon, by July 2019, Dr. Chan was no longer active as a board member in the Center's operations, Dr. Chan had withdrawn from the Center, and Dr. Chan's interests had been redeemed by the Center. Accordingly, because Dr. Chan no longer comported himself as a member of the Center in any respect, his attendance and vote were not required at the Special Meeting to expel Plaintiff from the Center. See generally Hon Aff. STATEMENT NO. 23. Kuan did not vote bimself. Li Affidavit at paragraph 25. 7 6376296v.2 7 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVEDINDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 FILED : UEENS COUNTY CLERK 5 2 2 4 : 4 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 RESPONSE: See Response to Statement No. 20. STATEMENT NO. 24. Less than 71% of the issued and outstanding Membership Interests of the Company (held by Managers), and less than six (6) out of seven (7) members of the Board voted in favor of Plaintiff's expulsion. Li Affidavit at paragraph 25. RESPONSE: Defendants object to the Plaintiff's insinuation that there was no supermajority in favor of Plaintiff's expulsion. As set forth in the Affidavits of King-Chen Hon and Alan Yao, two of the original managing members of the Center by July 2019, the Center's Third Amendment to the Operating Agreement was revised so as to prevent Plaintiff from exercising unilateral veto power over any extraordinary decisions, including his own expulsion, when all the other members voted in favor of the extraordinary decision. The six out of seven requirement simply reflected the reality of the membership at the time of its enactment. However, ifcircumstances changed so as to reduce or increase the total number of members (X), then the number of votes needed for a supermajority (X-1) would correspondingly shift to reflect such changes. Thus, a vote to expel a member under circumstances where there were less than 7 members voting would still comport with the intent of the Third Amendment's supermajority requirement so long as all members, with the exception of Plaintiff, voted for the same outcome. Put simply, 5 out of a total of 6 members voting for Plaintiff's expulsion would still be an enforceable, supermajority determination. See Hon Aff., ¶¶ 32-43; Yao Aff., ¶¶ 5-22. STATEMENT NO. 25. The Company advised Plaintiff that he was expelled from the Company. See Exhibit "G". RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement, and refer the Court to the Exhibit G referenced therein for itstrue and correct terms. 8 6376296v.2 8 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVED INDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 FILED : UEENS COUNTY CLERK : 4 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 STATEMENT NO. 26. Plaintiff advised the Company that he rejected his purported expulsion and that there was no basis to expel him under the Operating Agreement, but the Company refused to rescind his expulsion. Li Affidavit at paragraph 28. RESPONSE: Defendants do not dispute that Plaintiff expressed his opinions on his expulsion to the Defendants, and that the Defendants stood by their expulsion determination. STATEMENT NO. 27. Chan and the Company entered into Redemption Agreement dated March 13, 2019, whereby, among other things, the Company agreed to purchase (redeem) Chan's 11% of membership interests in the Company ("Chan's Membership Interests") for $381,957.00. Exhibit "K". RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement, and refer the Court to the Exhibit K referenced therein for itstrue and correct terms. STATEMENT NO. 28. On June 6, 2019, the Company submitted a Transfer of Ownership Interest Notice (the "Transfer Notice") to New York State advising of the proposed transfer of Chan's Membership Interests to the Company (along with a separate transfer of Kuan's membership interests to two new members). Exhibit "L". RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement, and refer the Court to the Exhibit L referenced therein for itstrue and correct terms. However, as explained in the accompanying memorandum of law, the formal notice to New York State has no bearing on Dr. Chan's entitlement to vote at the Special Meeting, as it does not affect the rights and obligations of the parties as fixed between themselves. See Memorandum of Law in Opposition, pp. 27-29. STATEMENT NO. 29. On June 28, 2019, New York State acknowledged receipt of the Transfer Notice. Exhibit "L". 9 6376296v.2 9 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVEDINDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 FILED : UEENS COUNTY CLERK : NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement, and refer the Court to the Exhibit L referenced therein for itstrue and correct terms. However, as explained in the accompanying memorandum of law, the formal notice to New York State has no bearing on Dr. Chan's entitlement to vote at the Special Meeting, as it does not affect the rights and obligations of the parties as fixed between themselves. See Memorandum of Law in Opposition, pp. 27-29. STATEMENT NO. 30. On September 18, 2019, New York State approved the transfer of Chan's Membership Interests to the Company. Exhibit "L". RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute this statement, and refer the Court to the Exhibit L referenced therein for itstrue and correct terms. However, as explained in the accompanying memorandum of law, the formal notice to New York State has no bearing on Dr. Chan's relinquished rights to partake in any of the Center's affairs (including the right to vote at the Special Meeting), as itdoes not affect the rights and obligations of the parties as fixed between themselves under the March 2019 Redemption Agreement. See Memorandum of Law in Opposition, pp. 27-29. STATEMENT NO. 31. On November 23, 2019, the Company transferred Chan's Membership Interests to the Company. Exhibit "M". RESPONSE: Defendants dispute this statement. Dr. Chan's Membership Interests were transferred in March 2019 under the Redemption Agreement. See Exhibit K to Li Aff; see also Hon Aff., ¶¶ 29-31 and Exhibit 4 thereto. STATEMENT NO. 32. On May 22, 2017, Yao emailed advising that "please be advised that this email is to officially inform everyone that I am cancelling my previous vote on the third amendment. I believe the supermajority vote should be 65%". Then a week later, on May 31, 2017, Yao advised that 10 6376296v.2 10 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVEDINDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 FILED : NS COUNTY CLERK : NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 "since we are all willing to work together again as a group, I am hereby cancelling my previous objection to the current agreement. I sincerely hope we will all work future." together toward a bright and productive See Exhibit "N". RESPONSE: For purposes of this motion, Defendants do not dispute these statements stated in Dr. Yao's email, and refer the Court to the Exhibit N referenced therein for itstrue and correct terms. However, there is further context that must be considered in connection with the Third Amendment's interpretation, and thus, the Defendants reject any assertion that the Court cannot override the 6 out of 7 supermajority requirement. As explained in the Affidavit of Alan Yao, the intent of the Third Amendment was to prevent Plaintiff from unilaterally exercising complete veto power when allother members voted in favor of an extraordinary decision, such as Plaintiff's expulsion. Thus, itdid not matter ifthe actual total number of members was 7, or some other higher or lower number following additions, withdrawals, expulsions, or other suspensions of members. In other words, because the total of 7 members only represented the number of members in the group at that time, itwas never construed as a hard number that would remain the same ifothers joined or left the group. Accordingly, since there were only 6 voting members at the Special Meeting, a vote of 5 out of 6 would have been sufficient to constitute a supermajority. See generally Yao Aff. 11 6376296v.2 11 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2022 yIgn . ENS COUNM CHE . INDEX NO. 71960O/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 69 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2022 DEFENDANTS' COUNTER-STATEMENT OF UNDISPUTED MATERIAL FACTS IN FURTHER OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT 1. The Center's original members executed the original Operating Agreement in 2014, which members' set forth the equity ownership in the Center, along with their rights, duties, and obligations as members. See Hon Aff., ¶ 9, and Exhibit 1 thereto. 2. The Operating Agreement sets forth the origina1 respective interests: MEMBER PERCENTAGE INTEREST O RIB I KING-CHEN HON, M.D. 9% $54,000 ALAN C. YAO, M.D. 12% $72,000 MICHAEL LI, M.D. 34% $204,000 JACKSON KUAN, M.D. 9% $54,000 SING CHAN, M.D. 21% $126,000 CHE-NAN CHUANG, M.D. 10% $60,000 FRONTIER HEALTHCARE 5% $30,000 ASSOCIATES, LLC See Hon Aff., ¶ 10, and Exhibit 1 thereto. 3. Dr. Chan originally held a 21% membership interest, which was given in exchange for his initial capital contribution of $126,000. See Hon Aff., ¶ I 1. 4. In mid-2017, Dr. Chan sold 4% of his interestto Dr. Hon, and 6% of his interest to Dr. Yao, which thereby reduced Dr. Chan's total interest to 11%, and increased Dr. Yao's interests to 18%. See Hon Aff., ¶ 12. 5. Dr. Li held the largest membership interest at 34%. See Hon Aff., ¶ 13. 12 6376296v.2 12 of 17 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2022 05:28 PM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 93 RECEIVED INDEX NYSCEF: NO. 09/22/2022 719600/2019 FIL