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  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Michael Li, Individually And Derivatively On Behalf Of Fluhing Endoscopy Center, Llc v. King-Chen Hon, Alan C. Yao, Jackson Kuan, Lana Choy, Flushing Endoscopy Center, Llc Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 08/25/2022 10:55 AM INDEX NO. 719600/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 86 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/25/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS ------------------------------------- x : : MICHAEL LI, individually and derivatively on : ORDER WITH NOTICE OF ENTRY behalf of FLUSHING ENDOSCOPY CENTER., : LLC, : : Index No. 719600/2019 : Plaintiff, : : : -against- : : : KING-CHEN HON, ALAN C. YAO, JACKSON : : KUAN, LANA CHOY, FLUSHING ENDOSCOPY : CENTER, LLC, : : Defendants. ------------------------------------- X PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that annexed hereto is a true and correct copy of the Short Form Order of the Honorable Sally E. Unger, Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Queens, signed on August 22, 2022, and entered in the Office of the Queens County Clerk on August 24, 2022. Dated: Great Neck, New York GARFUNKEL WILD, P.C. August 25, 2022 Attorneys for Defendants By: /s/ Andrew L. Zwerling Andrew L. Zwerling Jason Y. Hsi Marky A. Suazo 111 Great Neck Road Great Neck, New York 11021 (516) 393-2200 6573391v.2 1 of 5 FILED: FILED: QUEENS QUEENS COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 08/24/2022 08/25/2022 04:39 10:55 PM AM INDEX INDEX NO. NO. 719600/2019 719600/2019 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 85 86 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 08/24/2022 08/25/2022 Short Form Order NEW YORK SUPREME COURT - QUEENS COUNTY FILED 8/24/2022 Present: Hon. Sally E. Unger IA Part 24 COUNTY CLERK A.J.S.C. QUEENS COUNTY ----------------------------------------------------------------x MICHAEL LI, individually and derivatively on Index Number: 719600/2019 behalf of FLUSHING ENDOSCOPY CENTER, LLC., Motion Date: March 31, 2022 Plaintiff, Motion Seq. No. 3 -against- KING-CHEN HON, ALAN C. YAO, JACKSON KUAN, LANA CHOY and FLUSHING ENDOSCOPY CENTER, LLC., Defendants. ----------------------------------------------------------------x The following numbered papers were read on this motion by the plaintiff for partial summary judgment on his second cause of action and on his first and sixth causes of action with respect to liability only. Papers Numbered Notice of Motion - Affidavits - Exhibits......... .............................. EF 48-65 Answering Affidavits - Exhibits.................. ................................. EF 69-80 Reply Affidavits................................. ......................................... EF 81-84 Upon the foregoing papers it is ordered that the motion is determined as follows: The plaintiff, Michael Li (hereinafter “Li”), individually and derivatively on behalf of Flushing Endoscopy Center, LLC, (hereinafter “Flushing Endoscopy”) commenced the instant action, among other things, to recover damages for an alleged breach of contract. Flushing Endoscopy is a manager managed limited liability company pursuant to an operating agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”). The founding members of Flushing Endoscopy are Li, King-Chen Hon (hereinafter “Hon”), Alan C. Yao (hereinafter “Yao”), Jackson Kuan (hereinafter “Kuan”), Sing Chan (hereinafter “Chan”), Che-Nan Chuang (hereinafter “Chuang”), and Frontier Healthcare Associates (hereinafter “Frontier”). Pursuant to the original Agreement, the board of managers (hereinafter “Board”) consists of the founding members. To terminate a member of the Board, a supermajority is required. Pursuant to the company’s Third Amendment to its Agreement, dated June 1, 1 2 of of 4 5 FILED: FILED: QUEENS QUEENS COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 08/24/2022 08/25/2022 04:39 10:55 PM AM INDEX INDEX NO. NO. 719600/2019 719600/2019 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 85 86 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 08/24/2022 08/25/2022 2017, a supermajority of the Board is defined as the lesser of (a) the holders of at least 71% of issued and outstanding membership interests of the company, or (b) 6 out of 7 members of the Board. At a special meeting held on July 15, 2019, a vote was held regarding the expulsion of Li. Hon, Yao, Chuang, and Frontier’s successor Physicians Endoscopy Healthcare Associates (hereinafter “PE”) attended in person and voted to expel Li. Kuan appeared at the meeting virtually, his wife Lana Choy (hereinafter “Choy”) attended in person, and the defendants contend that Choy voted by proxy on behalf of Kuan for Li’s expulsion. Li attended in person and voted against his expulsion. Chan did not attend and did not vote. Li contends that he was improperly expelled from the company insofar as the terms of the Agreement were not met to terminate him. Specifically, he argues that the holders of at least 71% of membership interests did not vote for his expulsion as required. And since he holds 34% of the outstanding shares, the largest membership interest, this could not occur without his vote. Nor did 6 out of 7 members of the board properly vote, i.e. another alternative, since Chan was a member at the time of the meeting and was not present. Li now moves for summary judgment on his first cause of action individually against Hon, Yao, and Kuan (hereinafter “member defendants”) for breach of contract upon his claim that he was improperly expelled pursuant to the terms of the Third Amendment to the Agreement; on his second cause of action individually against the member defendants for a declaratory judgment that he was not properly expelled and remains a member and a manager; and on his sixth cause of action individually against the member defendants for conversion of his membership interests. To succeed on his motion for summary judgment on the abovementioned causes of action, Li “must make a prima facie showing of entitlement to judgment as a matter of law, tendering sufficient evidence to demonstrate the absence of any material issues of fact from the case” (Winegrad v New York Univ. Med. Ctr., 64 NY2d 851, 487 NYS2d 316 [1985]). Here, the plaintiff fails to do so. Plaintiff’s submissions regarding when Chan ceased to be a member of the company raise issues of fact. Initially, Li maintains that he was not properly expelled from Flushing Endoscopy on the ground that, at the time of the vote, Chan was still a member of Flushing Endoscopy. He relies upon the provision of the Third Amendment to the Agreement that requires a vote of 6 out of 7 members. However, numerous questions of fact exist as to when Chan’s membership terminated. By correspondence dated December 7, 2018, Chan’s counsel advised Flushing Endoscopy and the existing members of Chan’s withdrawal. Thereafter, Chan and Flushing Endoscopy entered into a redemption agreement dated March 13, 2019 (hereinafter “Redemption Agreement”), which states, in relevant part: 2 2 3 of of 4 5 FILED: FILED: QUEENS QUEENS COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 08/24/2022 08/25/2022 04:39 10:55 PM AM INDEX INDEX NO. NO. 719600/2019 719600/2019 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 85 86 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 08/24/2022 08/25/2022 1. Purchase of Sale Of Membership Interests (a) The parties hereto agree that, upon execution of this Agreement, Seller shall sell, and Company shall purchase, the Purchased Interests in consideration of Three Hundred Eighty-One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty- Seven Dollars ($381,957). (b) Upon consummation of the Transactions on the Effective Date, the Company’s ownership shall be as follows: MEMBER PERCENTAGE INTEREST KING-CHEN HON, M.D. .............................................. 13% ALAN C. YAO, M.D. .............................................. 29% MICHAEL LI, M.D. .............................................. 34% JACKSON KUAN, M.D. ................................................ 9% SING CHAN, M.D. ................................................ 0% CHE-NAN CHUANG, M.D. .............................................. 10% PE HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATES, LLC............................. 5% In his supporting affidavit, Li argues that the “Effective Date” was not defined in the Redemption Agreement. Rather, he maintains that the terms of the Redemption Agreement require that it be interpreted in accordance with New York Public Health Law §2801-a(4)(b)(iii). This provision of the New York Public Health Law provides that: With respect to a transfer...of an such limited liability company to any remaining partner or member, which transaction involves the withdrawal of the transferor from the partnership or limited liability such transaction shall be effective unless at least ninety days prior to the intended effective date thereof,...the limited liability company fully completes and files with the public health and health planning council notice on a form...which shall disclose such information as may be reasonably necessary for the public health and health planning council to determine whether it should bar the transaction...Within ninety days from the date of receipt of such notice, the public health and health planning council may bar the transaction under this subparagraph if the equity position of liability company...would be reduced as a result of the transfer, assignment or disposition. The plaintiff contends that Flushing Endoscopy did not submit a transfer notice to New York State in accordance with New York Public Health Law §2801-a(4)(b)(iii) until June 6, 2019 and received an approval letter dated September 18, 2019. In an affidavit submitted by Chan, he maintains that the redemption of his membership interests and his withdrawal as a manager became final in September 2019. Further, the plaintiff contends that, based upon certain filings with the Internal Revenue Service, Chan remained a member of Flushing Endoscopy and the Board until November 23, 2019. 3 3 4 of of 4 5 FILED: FILED: QUEENS QUEENS COUNTY COUNTY CLERK CLERK 08/24/2022 08/25/2022 04:39 10:55 PM AM INDEX INDEX NO. NO. 719600/2019 719600/2019 NYSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 85 86 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 08/24/2022 08/25/2022 Based upon Li’s own submissions in his moving papers, questions of fact exist as to whether Chan was still a member of Flushing Endoscopy at the time of the July 15, 2019, meeting, and whether Chan’s vote was required pursuant to the terms of the Third Amendment to the Agreement. Summary judgment must be denied where a plaintiff has not eliminated all questions of fact (see Alvarez v Prospect Hosp., 68 NY2d 320, 508 NYS2d 923 [1986]; Winegrad at 853). In light of the foregoing, the court cannot yet fully address the parties’ contractual arguments. Accordingly, the plaintiff’s motion is denied. Dated: August 22, 2022 FILED 8/24/2022 _______________________ COUNTY CLERK SALLY E. UNGER, A.J.S.C. QUEENS COUNTY 4 4 5 of of 4 5