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  • Sang Cheol Woo v. Charles C. Spackman Commercial Division document preview
  • Sang Cheol Woo v. Charles C. Spackman Commercial Division document preview


KOBREsKlM LLP 800 THIRD AVENUE NEw YORK, NEw YORK 10022 NEW YORK WWW.KOBREKIM.COM LONDON HON ONG TEL +1 212 488 1200 SHANGHAI SEOUL WASHINGTON DC SAN FRANCESCO MIAMI CAYMAN ISLAN DS BVI December 22, 2017 BY ECF AND US MAIL Hon. O. Peter Sherwood Supreme Court Chambers New York County Court House 60 Centre Street Part 49, Room 615 New York, NY 10007 Re: Sang Cheol Woo v. Charles C. Spackman Index No. 652795/2017 Dear Honorable Justice Sherwood: We represent Plaintiff Sang Cheol Woo and write to update the Court regarding recent developments in Korea that affect these proceedings. On November 9, 2017, Defendant Charles Spackman wrote an unsolicited letter to the Court requesting the Court to stay Plaintiff's motion "Motion" to recognize a Korean money judgment (the "Motion") on the basis of an application he had filed Application" in Korea to re-open the litigation there (the "Korean Application"). Yesterday, the Korean court dismissed Spackman's Korean Application on the merits. Exhibit A (December 21, 2017 Seoul High Court 2017JaeNa292 docket report and English translation). A written decision is expected to be published next week. "Opposition" Spackman's opposition to the Motion (ECF No. 39) (the "Opposition") is dependent on the pendency of the Korean Application and the merits of the substantive arguments made in the Korean Application. The Opposition argues, for example, that the Korean judgment cannot be Korea" recognized because itis "actively undergoing retrial in (ECF No. 39 at 11) and that the "premature" Korea" Motion is because "[r]etrial proceedings are currently underway in (ECF No. 39 at 4). The Opposition repeats the arguments made in the Korean Application. 1 retrial" In fact, the Korean judgment was never "undergoing as Spackman represented. Rather, as the Korean court's dismissal demonstrates, Spackman applied for leave to re-open the Korean litigation. The Korean court has denied that application and the Korean case was never re-opened. Hon. O. Peter Sherwood December 22, 2017 Page 2 The Korean court's decision yesterday dismissing the Korean Application on the merits critically undermines Spackman's Opposition to the Motion. Accordingly, for these reasons and for the reasons stated in the Motion (ECF No. 4) and the Reply in Further Support of the Motion (ECF No. 48), we respectfully request that the Court grant the Motion. Respectfully submitted, /s/ John Han John Han Marcus J. Green KOBRE & KIM LLP +1 212 488 1200 cc: All Counsel of Record (via NYSCEF)