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  • Pathfinder Bank v. Cedeno Real Estate Enterprises, Llc, Clara N Cedeno, La Patria Cafe, LlcReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Pathfinder Bank v. Cedeno Real Estate Enterprises, Llc, Clara N Cedeno, La Patria Cafe, LlcReal Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview


FILED: ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 08/08/2022 04:58 PM INDEX NO. 003147/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 59 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/08/2022 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court Index Number:003147 / 2021 State ofNew York County Of Onondaga PATHFINDER BANK Plaintiff, -vs- CEDENO REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES LLC ET.,AL. Defendants. Stateof New York, of ONONDAGA , SS.: County being duly sworn deposes and says: That deponent is nota partyherein. is over 18 years ofage and residesat The Stateof New York That on the 15th day of JUNE 2022 , deponent posted/conspicuously fastened up true copiesof the Notice of Sale LEGAL DESCRIPTION / FIFTH JUDICAL DISTRICT COVID - 19 SALE PROTOCOL inthree public places inthe CITY of SYRACUSE namely: l.DOWNTOWN POST OFFICE S SALINA STREET SYRACUSE NEW YORK 13202 2. TEALL AVENUE POST OFFICE TEALL AVENUE SYRACUSE NEW YORK 13217 3. ONONDAGA COUNTY CIVIV CENTER MONTGOMERY ST SYRACUSE NEW YORK 13202 Sworn tobefore me on this day of JUNE 2022 Nomm PUBLIC Mark . Esce MSHUA DAVID SOMERS NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF NEW YORK Registration No. 01S06388540 -Co nt Qualified inOnonda Commission Expires: My 1 of 1