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  • Ben-Zion Alcalay v. Barry Dynkin, Atlas Cybersecurity LlcSpecial Proceedings - Other (Domestication of Judgment) document preview
  • Ben-Zion Alcalay v. Barry Dynkin, Atlas Cybersecurity LlcSpecial Proceedings - Other (Domestication of Judgment) document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 11/09/2022 05:02 PM INDEX NO. 602826/2022 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 83 Exhibit "D." RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/09/2022 Dear Benny, Thank you for all of your help with Atlas Cybersecurity, we could not have gotten where we are without you! As discussed, we wanted to confirm the following details. You are loaning Atlas Cybersecurity $150,000. If for any reason, Atlas fails to repay you the full amount and ceases operations or closes down, we (Barry Dynkin and Benjamin Dynkin) will personally assume responsibility for paying you back the full amount of $150,000 within five (5) years of the date that Atlas ceases operations. Thank you! Sincerely Yours, ___________________ Barry Dynkin ___________________ Benjamin Dynkin Date: February 6, 2020