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  • Richard Von Der Lieth v. Barbara Giordano a/k/a Barbara Leonaggeo a/k/a Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo, Roger Leonaggeo, Jack Giordano, M-M2 Re Holdings 4, Llc, H&L Equine, Llc, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc, Razor Capital Ii, Llc a/p/o Credit One Bank, N.A., Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, Pllc, John Doe 1-10 And Jane Doe 1-10, As Possible Heirs And Distributees Of The Interest Of Jack Giordano, If Deceased, John Doe 1-10, Jane Doe 1-10Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview
  • Richard Von Der Lieth v. Barbara Giordano a/k/a Barbara Leonaggeo a/k/a Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo, Roger Leonaggeo, Jack Giordano, M-M2 Re Holdings 4, Llc, H&L Equine, Llc, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc, Razor Capital Ii, Llc a/p/o Credit One Bank, N.A., Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, Pllc, John Doe 1-10 And Jane Doe 1-10, As Possible Heirs And Distributees Of The Interest Of Jack Giordano, If Deceased, John Doe 1-10, Jane Doe 1-10Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Commercial document preview


FILED: DUTCHESS COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2022 07:14 PM INDEX NO. 2021-51452 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 189 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2022 Cara Whalen RE: Fwd: Cara's email to Jordan Oct 6,2417 at 11:52:46 AM Barbara Giordano-Leonaggeo Barbara Thank you for forwarding the email. I am deeply concerned about the miscommunications and accusations being thrown.around by the lenders and their assistants about this matter. The tone and harassment is unnecessary. A you know, I have been in constant contact with you both and you fully agreed to the terms in which I set forth below to Jordan. We even reconfirmed these terms with you again yesterday prior to sending the email. lt seems as though you, Roger and I are on the same page. However, the attorney for the lender is letting his client run rampant. There are' unnecessary threats being made. The effort on our end has been from the beginning to come to a resolution given the circumstances. Clearly this has not be communicated clearly to the lender. lt is deeply concerning the position in which is being taken given the defective title,defective mortgage (both incorrect description and the original being lost), defective agreement, lack ol representation, lack ol title insurance and the issue with the home equity theft prevention act. Nevertheless, I am awaiting a response from Jordan and will.reach out to you today once I hear further. This email is not to be forwarded to 3d parties and should be kept confidential between us. I am available to discuss further as you would like. Thank you, Cara MACKEY BUTTS & WISE LLP 32OA Franklin Avenue Millbrook, New York 12545 P: (845) 677 - 6700 F: (8a5) 677 - 2202