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  • Mark E. Pruzansky M.D. P.C. v. Raquel M AcunaOther Matters - Contract Non-Commercial document preview
  • Mark E. Pruzansky M.D. P.C. v. Raquel M AcunaOther Matters - Contract Non-Commercial document preview
  • Mark E. Pruzansky M.D. P.C. v. Raquel M AcunaOther Matters - Contract Non-Commercial document preview
  • Mark E. Pruzansky M.D. P.C. v. Raquel M AcunaOther Matters - Contract Non-Commercial document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/13/2019 11:17 AM INDEX NO. 159526/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/13/2019 Exhibit E FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/13/2019 11:17 AM INDEX NO. 159526/2016 NYSCEF DOC.NEWNO. 12 ÏNDE RECEIVED NO. 159526/20 NYSCEF: .6 02/13/2019 lFILED: YÒRK COUNTY CLERK 12 / 09 / 2016 03 : 22 -Pi . NYSCÎi:F DOC. NO. 3 . . RECEIVED NYSCEFi 12/09/20 .6 . . IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK MARK E. PRUZANSKY M.D. P.C. • ... Date: . Hearing Plaintiff/PetitionerINDEX NO: . 159526/2018 . . vs. index Date: $1/14/2016 RAQUEL M ACUNA AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE.OF: . Defendant/Respondent sUMMONs; COMPLAINT Received by Thomas 0 Russo, on the 6thday of Decem.ber, 2016 at 7:01AM to be servedupon RAQUEL M ACUNA at 4761 BROADWAY APT 2V, NEW YORK, New York.County, NY 10034. . The undersigned,being first dulyswom, on oath deposesand says:That s(he)Is.nowand herein at afl times -.en ened was.acitizen of the United States overthe age not an officer of eighteen, of a plaintiff to nor not a party co.rporation, interestedIn the above entitled. action,and is competent to be a witness.therein. On·the 8thday of December, 2016 at 8:55PM at the addressof 4761BROADWAY APT 2V, NEW YORK, New York County, NY 10034, thisaffiant served theabove described doe man½ upon RAQUEL M ACUNA in the mannerdescribed below SUBSTITUTE SERVICE, by leaving.1trueand correct copy(ies)of theabove describeddeements, withthe date.andhour of service endorsed thereon with by this.affiant, Jane Doe Acuna refusing,a person of suitable age and discretionwho statedthey resideat the defendant's usu a f de listed above. . . On the dateof. , affiant then depositedin theUnitedStatesmail,in the county where the property confidential" is situated, theabove described documents in an envelopebearingthe legend"personaland on the and not.Indicating outside by retum thereof, address or otherwise, that the cc-T±ation Is froman attomey·orconcems an actionagainstthe·personto be served.This was malledwith properpostage to: RAQUEL M ACUNA . . . . . . 4761 BROADWAY APT 2V . . NEW YORK, NY 10034 THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PERSON WITH.WHOM THE COPŸ(IES) OF THIS PROCESS WAS I EFT IS AS FOLLOWS:. JaiteDoe Acuna refusing, CO-RF-SIDFNT, CO-RESIDENT , who accepted service,an Hispanic female app.rox.25-35 . years ofage, 120-140 6'4"-6'8".tall,.weigjhing lbswith brown hair. .. brown door . tan hallway . . Deponent asked the indicatedperson whether the defendant and/or present.occupant was presently In themilitaryserviceof the UnitedStates Government orin activeduty in the service military of theState ofNew York ora dependent ofanybody in the an military as toldd fendant for sent occupant was noL .Executedon a es c , . 20 . Thomas G Russo, Reg. # 1076023,NYC.DCA, NY inc.· ABC LegalServices; DCA LIc.81380619Exp, 02/28/18. ·• 81 Willoughby St, Sulte 802, Brooklyn, NY111t01 . SUBSCRIBED AND SWOR I to before the t da NOTARY PUBLIC in and-for theStateo ew o . . CHRISTINE IMBRIALE . .. . NOTARY PU.BLIC,.STATE OF NEW YORK . NO. 011M62559.74 . QUALIFIED IN NASSAU Col/NTY COMMISSION BXPIRES FEB. 21, 2020 . 888 1 °1 Tracking #: 0014569178 FOR: Priessler & Pressler LLP REF: A1/9894 . . 1 of 1 · .