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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet Dec-24-2013 10:57 am Case Number: CUD-13-644474 Filing Date: Dec-24-2013 10:56 Filed by: WESLEY G. RAMIREZ Juke Box: 001 Image: 04320505 DECLARATION NASIR PATEL VS. MARK THOMAS EDWARDS 001004320505 ‘valructions: #2 place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned.-. BSS acte e4s> Fale Sh FEDOD Fi Ce G45 sg 1. E san LED. DECLARATION OF MARK EDWARDS pees a0 CLERK QE THE GOURT BY: pl phon nun ) Case woe. 6477 ) In: Declarant - Mark Edwards For The City and County of San Francisco. ) In the Superior Court of California, I, the declarant first duly sworn states as follow: 1. That I am party to the hereof civil dispute as defendant, and residence of the City and county of San Francisco, California. 2. That the plaintiff herein has submitted an “Ex-parte Motion for Summary Judgment” Claim against I the defendant on calendar 12/20/13 without appropriate compliance of 48 hour window of supply defendant with copy. 3. That San Francisco Rules of Court and Rule > andCode§_ of Civil Procedure requires “Ex-parte Motions” that defendant be provide copy of motion in advance to hearing to raise any intended opposition to claim. (See Attachment of Notice & Copy provided at hearing on 12/23/13) 4. That defendants was/ and is with limited access to legal material and internet, concerning the window to a 4 — 5 hour preparation response to plaintiff motion as being grounds of “irreparable harm.” 5. That plaintiff inappropriate using the Ex- Parte Motion — Process System for circumventing Summary Judgment is not within standard compliance practice pursuant Code§ of Civil Procedure in filing and process.6. 10. That further defendant has supportive sufficient of “withdrawing” his plead under Code§ 473 (__ ) of Civil Procedure, demonstrating that plaintiff and his onsite agents (manger/ family member) intention breach the terms of the contract retaliatory and adversely in pursuant with 1) California Business & Profession Code§ 17200, 2) Civil Code§ 1709, 3) Code§ 1942.5(a-c) of Civil Procedure and 4) Government Code§12955.8. That supporting appendix attachment A — E is with substantial legal grounds presented in paragraph number 6. Above That prior and during the phase of “negotiable plead” conference April 18 and 21, 2013 and during trial on April 25, 2013 plaintiff and his agent committed “obstruction of City Administrative Justice” regarding a pending ongoing city arbitration hearing with San Francisco Stabilization rent broad. That defendant last month had learn that a required hearing proceeding schedule by acting Administrative Arbitrator of 3/26/13 proceedings had found enough merit in declarant/ defendant claims to issue. That another hearing schedule for April 15, 2013 which plaintiff brother and onsite manage had knowledge of and concealed such correspondence and slipped the letter back into defendant mailbox after the fact to “irreparable harm” committed. (See attachments)11. That both plaintiff, his agents and the Rent Board Staff had prior knowledge of the hearing and the “irreparable harm” committed and all silently concealed the damages incurred. 12. That plaintiff on April 25, 2013 was unlawful coerced into an in volunteer plead in violation of his due process and entitlement of procedure safeguard. 13. That further evidences also reveal on November 6, 2013 an “fake check” was placed in defendant residential mailbox which open and non-protected under San Francisco Municipal Code§ (City Residential Mail Code). 14. That according to the content address on the 1-day special deliver envelope that discover of fictitious name using the address of Welfare Office (Social Service) dated sent October 25, 2013 with a check concealed in the sum amount of $2,230. 15. That between the alleged time period of 1-day postal delivery service of 10/25/13, dates stemming October 26 — 31, 2013 no such mail was defendants mailbox, and again between November 1 — 5, 2013 the alleged 1-day postal service was not applied. 16. That on November 6, 2013 at appropriately 2:47 pm the envelope was found sticking out of defendant non-protected mailbox keep in the clerk office, which he took to UPS made a copy prior to depositing it into his bank account. 17. That on November 10, 2013 the bank notify defendant and gave him a copy that the check was fake and a list of the “irreparable damages” incurred.18. That thereafter defendant witness multiple times plaintiff's brother/ onsite manager giving the keys to the clerk’s office to other residential tenants, which mail was retrieve out of other residence mailbox and brought to him in the manager office located and connected to his residential unit. 19. This occurred During the ending proportion of November 2013 multiple times. 20. That under the Urhuh Civil Rights- housing law as disable person of color Civil Code§ 51 — 54 and 42 U.S.C. 1201, 3604, and Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Acts of 1990 (42. U.S.C. § 12131) that plaintiff has and is imposing fact to impose undue hardship against a person means adverse and retaliatory. 21. That defendant is not with non-compliance to a contract in regards to the pursuant of Evidence Code§ 1116. (_ ), 1118 (b) and 1119 (_ ), where the circumstances are beyond his control and the breach is by plaintiff and his agents. 22. That the defendant is entitled to cross “summary judgment” in view of the multiple “irreparable injuries” he suffered that was incurred. Hereafter Declarant Sayeth Not: UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY I THE DECLARANT STATES THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT GIVEN HEREOF IS TRUE AND CORRECT Date of December 24, 2013 Mark Edwards DeclaranResidential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board City & County Of San Francisco Esta notificacion puede afectar a sus derechos como ABER VSCAARRRB SNA ffopietario o inquilino. Si necesita ayuda para entender este MRICS ES RAR AIBA, aviso, por favor llame al 415-252-4602. PBB 415-252-4602, Notice Of Mediation Session A Tenant Petition has been filed with the San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board involving the property at the following location: 2048 Polk Street #308 San Francisco, CA 94109 We are pleased to notify you that Petition Number T130154 has been selected for participation in our mediation program. A MEDIATION SESSION WILL BE HELD ON THIS PETITION ON: Date of Mediation: 4/15/2013 Location of Office of the Rent Board Time of Mediation: 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM Mediation Session: 25 Van Ness Ave. #320 (This mediation will start promptly at 9:00 AM.) San Francisco CA 94102 It is critical that you appear at the mediation session. If the tenant does not appear, the petition will be dismissed with prejudice. If the landlord does not appear, an arbitration hearing will be held that day instead of a mediation session; a decision will be issued by the Administrative Law Judge based on the testimony and evidence presented by the tenant at the hearing. If both parties appear, but either one or both do not voluntarily agree to use the mediation process, an arbitration hearing will be held that day instead of a mediation session. In addition, if no agreement is reached and the Administrative Law Judge has not met privately with either party, an arbitration hearing might be held that day after the mediation session. Therefore, you should always be prepared for arbitration even if your case is scheduled for a mediation session. You should bring all of your documents related to the subject of the petition. You must bring an interpreter, if one is necessary. You may also bring witnesses, an attorney or other representative. If a representative appears at the mediation session on your behalf, s/he must bring written authorization to represent you and to settle the case on your behaif. Be advised that you are not required to participate in a mediation. Any party has the right to elect arbitration. Mediation offers the parties the opportunity to resolve their differences in a less adversarial setting than an arbitration hearing. In mediation, the participants reach their own agreement, with the assistance of a neutral, independent Rent Board mediator. The agreement must be mutually acceptable to both participants, and it is legally binding and enforceable in a court of law. The differences between mediation and arbitration are more fully described in the enclosed memorandum entitled “The Rent Board Offers Mediation Services.” The mediation process will allow each participant to discuss his or her concerns. You should come prepared to make some brief opening remarks about the subject of this petition. You should also come prepared to negotiate and discuss the matters set out in the petition. The mediator will conduct the mediation session by meeting jointly with all participants and/or meeting separately in a private caucus with each participant. After an agreement is reached, the mediator will prepare a written agreement for the participants to sign and keep. If no agreement is reached, and the Administrative Law Judge has met privately with either party, the petition will be scheduled for an arbitration hearing within 30-45 days with a different Administrative Law Judge. Postponement of your mediation session may be granted by the Rent Board only for good cause and in the interest of justice. See Rent Board Rules and Regulations Section 11.13. Requests for postponement must be made in writing at the earliest date possible. If an emergency arises which precludes a written request or if there are other questions, call the Hearing Coordinator at 252-4629. The petition and file in this matter may be inspected during normal business hours, 8:00 - 5:00, Monday through Friday. Copies of the Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance and the Rules and Regulations are available for purchase and/or inspection at the Rent Board office and can also be found on our website at Please advise the Board in writing if the case settles, so that the mediation session can be canceled. 25 Van Ness Avenue #320 24-hour Information Line 416.252.4600 Phone 415.252.4602 San Francisco, CA 94102-6033 Internet: Fax 415.252.4699Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board City & County Of San Francisco THE RENT BOARD OFFERS MEDIATION SERVICES Upon review of the tenant's petition for arbitration, we have determined that this matter is ideally suited to mediation, and we have selected this case for participation in our mediation program.** Mediation is a new and exciting alternative to the traditional arbitration process. Through mediation, the participants develop their own agreement, instead of having an Administrative Law Judge decide the outcome. The mediator assists and guides the participants toward a mutually acceptable agreement. The Rent Board has successfully mediated more than 80% of the cases participating in our mediation program. The mediation process is flexible, to meet the needs of the participants. Each participant will have an opportunity to discuss their concerns. Then, the participants will discuss possible resolutions together, or in separate meetings with the mediator. At the conclusion of a successful mediation session, you will have a written agreement signed by all participants and the mediator. ™Be advised that you are not required to participate in a mediation. All parties have the right to elect arbitration. AT THE MEDIATION At the mediation, you should be prepared to discuss the matters in the petition. You should bring any photographs, documents or other things that you might need to show the mediator and the other participants. You must bring an interpreter, if one is necessary. You may also bring witnesses, a representative and/or an attorney. It is critical that you appear at the mediation session. If the tenant does not appear, the petition will be dismissed with prejudice. If the landlord does not appear, an arbitration hearing will be held that day instead of a mediation session; a decision will be made by the Administrative Law Judge based on the testimony and evidence presented by the tenant at the hearing. If all parties appear, but either one or both do not voluntarily agree to use the mediation process, an arbitration hearing will be held that day instead of a mediation session. Therefore, you should always be prepared for arbitration even if your case is scheduled for a mediation session. If all parties appear and go through the mediation process but are unable to reach agreement, an arbitration hearing will be scheduled within 30-45 days with a different Rent Board Administrative Law Judge. BENEFITS OF MEDIATION The use and acceptance of mediation is growing rapidly, partly because of the benefits mediation offers. Mediation allows participants to make their own decisions, and to influence the outcome of their mediation session. Mediation allows the participants to create agreements that might not be available in a traditional arbitration hearing. After a successful mediation, the participants know the outcome that same day. No further Rent Board action is needed after a successful mediation. If an agreement is reached through mediation, that agreement is legally binding and may be enforced in a court of law. The tenant would be required to withdraw his/her petition after the parties sign the agreement. Information used in the mediation process is kept confidential; no tape recording is made of the proceedings. If the parties agree, the mediation agreement itself may be kept confidential. In such cases, no copy of the agreement will be kept on file with the Rent Board. COMPARISON OF MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION Mediation Arbitration Parties reach a mutually-acceptable The Administrative Law Judge interprets the solution on their own terms. facts and applies the relevant laws. Resolution reached at the mediation - Decision issued approximately 8-10 weeks no further Rent Board action is needed. after the hearing. No appeal. The agreement is legally Appeal may be filed within 15 days and can binding on all parties. take months to resolve. Agreement enforceable in court. Decision enforceable in court. Hearing not tape recorded. The process Hearing is tape recorded and available at cost. and agreement may be kept confidential. Tapes and written decision are part of public record. 25 Van Ness Avenue #320 24-hour Information Line 415.252.4600 Phone 415.252.4602 San Francisco, CA 94102-6033 Internet: www. Fax 415.252.4699Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board City & County Of San Francisco - Esta notificacion puede afectar a sus derechos como AAAS RES SCS AR RRB SHEA. propietario o inquilino. Si necesita ayuda para entender este | #0 PIB BRA RT RAS, ‘aviso, por favor llame al 415-252-4602. RMB 415-252-4602, Proof of Service Proof of Service page 1 CASE NO. 1130154 | am over the age of 18, not a party to this case, and am employed at 25 Van Ness Avenue #320, San Francisco, California, 94102. | served a copy of the attached: Administrative Postponement/Notice of Rescheduled Hearing regarding the property at 2048 Polk Street #308 by placing a true copy in a sealed envelope with postage prepaid in the United States mail at San Francisco, California, on the date shown below, and addressed to the parties as shown below. Name Property Address Mailing Address Landlord Respondent Lorrine and Raymond Choy 170 23rd Avenue San Francisco, CA 94121 Landlord Non-Attorney Rep Ovays Patel 2048 Polk Street #1 San Francisco, CA 94109 Nasir Patel 2048 Polk Street, Manager's Office San Francisco, CA 94109 Tenant Petitioner Sunshine R. Cuthbertson 2048 Polk Street #308 2048 Polk Street #308 San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco, CA 94109 Tenant Non-Attorney Rep Mark Thomas Edward 2048 Polk Street #308 2048 Polk Street #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco, CA 94109 | declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration is executed on the date shown below at San Francisco, California. Signed: ‘ Dated: 4/5/2013 25 Van Ness Avenue #320 24-hour Information Line 415.252.4600 Phone 415.252.4602 San Francisco, CA 94102-6033 Internet: www. Fax 415.252.4699City and County of San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board REQUEST FOR POSTPONEMENT OF HEARING if you or a representative cannot attend the scheduled hearing due to unforeseen circumstances or pre- arranged plans which cannot be changed, you may request a postponement. Requests must be made in writing at the earliest date possible with supporting documentation attached. If an emergency arises which precludes a written request or if there are other questions, call the hearing coordinator at 252-4629. Postponements may be granted by the Administrative Law Judge only for good cause and in the interest of justice. Mere inconvenience or difficulty in appearing shall not constitute good cause. See Board Rules and Regulations Section 11.13. Before the hearing time, you will be notified of the determination on the postponement request either by telephone call from the Rent Board or by mail. Name (please print): Administrative Postponement Property Address: 2048 Polk Street #308 Day and Date of Hearing: Monday, April 15, 2013 Time of Hearing: 9:00 am — 12:30 pm Case Number(s): 7130154 Reason for Postponement: _The Administrative Law Judge is unavailable on 4/15/13, so the Mediation has been rescheduled for a later date. See the box below for the new date and time. Q Supporting documents attached Q Other parties notified of this Q Other parties agree to this postponement. postponement request. DETERMINATION ON POSTPONEMENT REQUEST - ] Not Granted @ Granted By: S 1 ”) ab Date: April 5, 2013 Sandra Gartzman, Senior Administrative Law Judge A rescheduled mediation will be held on Monday, April 29, 2013, from 9:00 Comments: a.m. — 12:30 p.m., without further notice. The mediation will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. Postponements may be granted for good cause only and must be requested in writing. For additional information, call the Hearing Coordinator at 252-4629. 581 Request for Postponement 11/13/06 25 Van Ness Avenue #320 Phone 415.252.4602 San Francisco, CA 94102-6033 FAX 415.252.4699 :Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board City & County Of San Francisco Esta notificacion puede afectar a sus derechos como AAS TROVE AARRRES NEF propietario o inquilino. Si necesita ayuda para entender este | M1R/SA ERAT AIBA. aviso, por favor llame al 415-252-4602. GBR 415-252-4602, Proof of Service Proof of Service page 1 CASE NO. 7130154 | am over the age of 18, not a party to this case, and am employed at 25 Van Ness Avenue #320, San Francisco, California, 94102. | served a copy of the attached: Notice of Mediation Session regarding the property at 2048 Polk Street #308 by placing a true copy in a sealed envelope with postage prepaid in the United States mail at San Francisco, California, on the date shown below, and addressed to the parties as shown below. Name Property Address Mailing Address Landlord Respondent Lorrine and Raymond Choy 170 23rd Avenue San Francisco, CA 94121 Landlord Non-Attorney Rep Ovays Patel . 2048 Polk Street #1 San Francisco, CA 94109 Nasir Patel 2048 Polk Street, Manager's Office San Francisco, CA 94109 Tenant Petitioner Sunshine R. Cuthbertson 2048 Polk Street #308 2048 Polk Street #308 San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco, CA 94109 Tenant Non-Attorney Rep Mark Thomas Edward 2048 Polk Street #308 2048 Polk Street #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco, CA 94109 | declare under penalty-of\perj joing is true and correct and that this declaration is executed on the date shown below at San et - ye ¢ Signed: qe Dated: 3/22/2013 25 Van Ness Avenue #320 24-hour Information Line 415.252.4600 Phone 415.252.4602 San Francisco, CA 94102-6033 Internet: www. Fax 415.252.4699Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board City & County Of San Francisco Esta notificacion puede afectar a sus derechos como AROS ROLE CAARRRE SNA propietario o inquilino. Si necesita ayuda para entender este ROR ES RBI T RAIA, aviso, por favor llame al 415-252-4602. FRE 415-252-4602, Proof of Service Proof of Service page 1 CASE NO. 17130154 | am over the age of 18, not a party to this case, and am employed at 25 Van Ness Avenue #320, San Francisco, California, 94102. | served a copy of the attached: Dismissal regarding the property at 2048 Polk Street #308 by placing a true copy in a sealed envelope with postage prepaid in the United States mail at San Francisco, California, on the date shown below, and addressed to the parties as shown below. Name Property Address Mailing Address Landlord Respondent Lorrine and Raymond Choy 170 23rd Avenue oatot San Francisco, Landlord Non-Attorney Rep Ovays Patel 2048 Polk Street #1 San Francisco, CA 94109 Nasir Patel 2048 Polk Street, Manager's Office San Francisco, CA 94109 Tenant Petitioner Sunshine R. Cuthbertson 2048 Polk Street #308 2048 Polk Street #308 San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco, CA 94109 Tenant Non-Attorney Rep Mark Thomas Edward 2048 Polk Street #308 2048 Polk Street #303 San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco, CA 94109 | declare under penalty of perjury that thé foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration is executed on the date shown below at San Francis¢6 , Californja- Signed: xy WA cL Dated: 5/7/2013 25 Van Ness Avenue #320 24-hour Information Line 415.252.4600 Phone 415.252.4602 San Francisco, CA 94102-6033 Internet: Fax 415.252.4699Law Construed: Ordinance Section: 37.8(f) Rules and Regulations Sections: 11.14(a)&(b) Index Code: M1 RESIDENTIAL RENT STABILIZATION AND ARBITRATION BOARD CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO IN RE: 2048 POLK STREET (#308) CASE NO. 7130154 SUNSHINE CUTHBERTSON, HEARING: APRIL 29, 2013 TENANT PETITIONER, DISMISSAL and LORRAINE and RAYMOND CHOY, LANDLORD RESPONDENTS. INTRODUCTION On February 4, 2013, the tenant filed a petition with the Rent Board alleging a substantial decrease in housing services without a corresponding reduction in rent, that the landlords failed to perform requested repair and maintenance that is required by law, and that the landlords violated the federal Fair Housing Act. On March 22, 2013, the tenant and her non-attorney representative were sent notice at their respective addresses identified on the petition of a mediation session scheduled on the petition for April 15, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. The notices were not returned to the Rent Board by the post office. On April 5, 2013, the tenant and her representative were sent notices at the same addresses that the April 15 hearing date was postponed due to the unavailability of the Administrative Law Judge, and that a rescheduled mediation session on the petition was set for April 29, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. These notices were not returned to the Rent Board by the post office. The tenant petitioner and her representative failed either to appear for the mediation session scheduled for April 29, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. or to file a written excuse for non-appearance.Rent Board staff left voice mail messages for the tenant petitioner and her representative at the _ telephone numbers listed on the petition on the day of the hearing. The property manager appeared at the scheduled mediation session. ORDER 1. In accordance with Rules and Regulations Section 11.14(a), Petition 7130154 is dismissed with prejudice for the tenant's failure to appear. 2. This Dismissal is final unless the Rent Board vacates the Dismissal following appeal to the Board. The parties must file appeals no later than fifteen calendar days from the date of the mailing of this Dismissal, on an appeal form available from the Rent Board. [Ordinance Section 37.8(f)(1)] If the fifteenth day falls on a weekend or legal holiday, then the parties may file their appeals on the next business day. 3. If the tenant bases an appeal substantially on the fact that notice of hearing was not received, the tenant must attach declarations under penalty of perjury on a form provided by the Rent Board. The declaration must include facts to support the contention that the notice was not received. [Rules and Regulations Section 11,14(b)] ‘ co ey Dated: May 7, 2013 Adena S. Gilbert Administrative Law Judge. asg/T130154/Dismissal/5/13Contractors State License ServicereUy 9Up UH SIvOk JeIOAas juads pg ‘nyopng Surkeyd | 91248 0} poquva rng ‘sarueduIod JoIpO 105 sasnoy| 2ayjoo pouado sey yeieg “aatratiedxo ayo Zumysqiuo pue onbiun v Supraord ©7 panntuuiod odoad awuorssed Jo puny v Ur ony ‘Aojasog UF onUDAy YOUNLYS Y-L6L1 ‘spunorp aBeqT{A. 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PLEASE PRESS FIRMLY i EXPRESS” US POSTAGE AND FEES PAID October 25 2013 a MAIL Mate fon 20 91045 5 ISPOSTALSERVICE Favne Enesea sg Commercial Ps Price 971800759150 i PRIORITY MAIL EXPRESS 1-DAY™ | “REQUIRED KEN WALTER Ship Date: 1025/13, SQUIRED ! Pe eeoAShny CA S1945 (267) cons | WAIVER OF SIGNATURE | MARK EWDARDS ere: | MARK EWDARDS | 2048 POLK ST #303 | SAN FRANCISCO CA 94109-2520 | 1 USPS TRACKING # | | ! 9470 1016 9932 0003 9906 42 ! ne { Day of Delivery: O Next Second 0 t2Noon O3pm ! 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ISSUED BY: SOVEREIGN BANK, NA ‘ / "eaeGbaqe wO’~O7SkSOr 9850093688 q0 Void If Amount Over $#tekeeeeeeee2 250.00 Drawer: Sovereign Bank, N.A. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURECHASE syea/ia 2098 Re oumhene CHASE G CHASE © ATM CA8927 10/32/13 03:12 PM CARD s28— 31/23/13 10:34 a CARDK 4918 Sequence# 1410 100 Hat ‘*, an Francisco CA 1500 Polk St, San Francisco CA 7 ATM CAc ATM CA8927 Balance Inquiry . ge wy Sequen ef 278 —— Sequence# 1408 Transaction Denied Balance Inquiry Balance Inquiry Chk Acet_6510 Available 3alance Tresent bs ance The account you selected cannot perform your transaction. Please try another account. 056 Transaction Denied The account you selected cannot perform . Sav Acct 2031 your transaction. Please try another Available P..ance account, ms 056 Get Chase Instant Action Alerts (sm) Get a text message when your checking oe fo — a balance is low. el clase lustent Action Alerts (sm) Get Chase Instant Action Alerts (sm) Transfer funds with a teat to help avoid fees. tess = when your checking Get a text message when your checking valance Js 0 W, balance is low, Visit Chase, com/freeAlerts balan to learn more. censte Ty Transfer funds with a text to hely to help avoid fees. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A, Member FDIC ait “lac. com/PreeAlerts Visit gi ’ a le Sra . i learn more. to learn more. n z é Es In a NA, Meter FDIC JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC | ee Ee x . — + 3 te cp Os a - to a< 3 ce % 8 sig ge ig ac eo oun L 3 = je 2 doo 8 . gen 2 & 2 2 ; e © 3 o7m 2 e we st 3 g £ 2 ww 2 5 3 BE 2.8.3 F 25 8 ‘ ao x if cos <=“ 3.%93. = HU le? a » bog lui = gs Yy cs SeehSe . wm So 1G ss 5 2 & Sousa: Is Tepe ce < 2 42 ty OE oe a wy * c $22 |b SU BOSE 2 cP 2g 3 EN =< 3 5 5 ba Se ig $2u55e | . giv c 8a \o > 5 8 ow 6 ze Pp = .88 oSOL ¥ Ww a G a Ooe ; gags 2 9g5°35 & E age eS ao a 728 |S ggt aan a | c SPE . 24 "L tz Pos go o He. DEo y ' RS 2 33h 3 Oo pa. wow Su SF OMS nH ESpSor 2 ¥ z° | o eeu? = ea nla & ud how £ - 8 0Es & 3 vo < ga wow cee o ad a ~ Sou Zn a su ua x oa Oo Nt p> ¢f ae a ae oH meg Ff os x | oe & BS 5 8 - = we.) 8 £ 7G Yees. is low. ith a text d to learn more. hase Bank, N.A. Mumber FDIC balance isfer_ funds wi o help avoi it chSSI, or Supplemental Security Income, is a tederal program that provides monthly cash payments to people in nced. SST is for people who are 65 or older, as well as for blind or disabled people of any age, inchiding children. To quality you also must have little or no income and few resources. This means that the value of the things you own must be less than $2,000 if you are single or less than $3,000 if you are married. The value of your home does not count if you live in it. Usually, the value of your car does not count. And the value of certain other resources, such as a burial plot, may not count either. To receive SSI, you also must apply for any other cash benefits you may be able to get. You must live in the United States or the Northern Mariana Islands to receive SSI. If you are not a U.S. citizen, but you are lawfully residing in the United States, you still may be able to receive SSI. For more information, ask for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) For Noncitizens (Publication No. 05-11051). The state of California adds money to the federal payment. The single payment you get in the beginning of each month includes both the federal SSI payment and your supplement from California. If you receive SSI, you usually can get medical assistance (Medi-Cal] automatically. A separate Medi-Cal application is not necessary. If you have questions about Medi-Cal, contact your local county welfare office People who receive SSI in California cannot get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps because the state adds moncy to the federal SSI payment instead. However, you may be able to get SNAP: * While you are waiting for a decision on your SSI application; * If your application for SSI is denied; or * If you move to another state. For more information, contact your local county welfare office. Other services you may be able to get through your local county welfare office include: * A special allowance for assistance dogs for people who are blind or have a disability, * Certain domestic and personal care services are provided to eligible aged, blind, and disabled persons who cannot perform the services themselves and who cannot safely remain in their own homes unless such services are provided; and * Protective services. For more information, contact your local county welfare office. (over) Supplemental Security Income (SSI} In CaliforniaSingle people : : : ‘Aged Disabled Independent living status "$866.40 "$866.40 Non-medical out-ofhome care _ : $1,122.00 ~~: $1,122.00 Independent living status, no cooking facilities $950.40 395040 “$710.00, | Living in the houschold of someone else $633.17 : + $633.17 8688.17 $773.40 40.17 Disabled minor child "Disabled minor child in the household of another Aged or disabled couples t living status Independe Non-medical out-of-home care Independent living status, no cooking facili Li $1,630.20 $1,112.00 ving in the household of sor Independent living status eee $1,609.20 Living in the household of someone else bate: | or disabled spouse ses s eB For more information and to find copies of our publications, visit our website at or call toll-free, 1-800-772-1213 (for the deaf or hard of hearing, call our TTY number, 1-800-325-0778). We treat all calls confidentially. We can answer specific questions fromi 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. Generally, you'll have a shorter wait time if you call during the week after Tuesday. We can provide information by automated phone service 24 hours a day. We also want to make sure you receive accurate and courteous service. That is why we have a second Social] Security representative monitor some telephone calls. see, Social Security Administration g 7X SSA Publication No. 05-11125 Z iif \ January 2013 (Recycle prior editions} Passer Printed on recycled paperSAN FRANCISCO HOUSING AUTHORITY 2013 PURGE COVER LETTER Any individual with a disability or other medical need who needs accommodation with respect to this correspondence should inform the agency. IMPORTANT & URGENT October 26, 2013 Client #74311 se seeeeeeee4 AUTO**SCH S-DIGIT 94109 eee LT ead ieee | MARK EDWARDS 2084 POLK ST # 303 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94109-2520 Re: 2010 Public Housing/ 2001 Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Program Waiting List Purge Dear Applicant: The San Francisco Housing Authority is in the process of purging the 2010 Public Housing/ 2001 Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Program Waiting List. You must respond to remain on the Waiting List. In order to remain on the Waiting List, you must update your waitlist status by: 1) Completing and mailing or delivering the attached form titled “San Francisco Housing Authority 2013 Purge Form” within fifteen (15) working days.from the date of this letter to: San Francisco Housing Authority ATTENTION: 2013 Waitlist Purge 1815 Egbert Avenue San Francisco, CA 94124 OR 2) Completing the form online at www. by completing the “Check Wait List Module” within fifteen (15) working days from the date of this letter. If the SFHA does not receive your response by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013, THE SFHA WILL WITHDRAW YOUR APPLICATION FROM THE WAITING LIST. If you request a reasonable accommodation for any special needs, including the need to receive alternate forms of communication, please advise us of such needs. Thank you, San Francisco Housing Authority Waitlist Purge Project 1815 EGBERT AVENUE, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94124. TELEPHONE: (415) 715-3280 TTY: 415.467.6754 WWW.SFHA.ORGSAN FRANCISCO HOUSING AUTHORITY 2013 PURGE FORM Any individual with a disability or other medical need who needs accommodation with respect to this correspondence should inform the agency. The English Version of this letter MUST be completed and signed. The translated versions are for reference purposes ONLY. 1AM INTERESTED DATE iN ONE \pec \ 2. S\ g Hev fr - CLIENT # WMN2M , PUBLIC HOUSING NAME MARC EDWARDS foes Los Pole Svea st3z CNno San Franciscs, & ay (oF TELEPHONE NUMBER ( EMAIL ADDRESS. @ EMPLOYED Cl yYes (no CI Full-Time [_] Part-Time ANNUAL INCOME $ OTANF OWAGES OGA OSS SSI GUNEMPLOYMENT HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS | 901 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 RACE Datrican American [] American Indian and Alaska Native [J Asian C)Native Hawaiian and Pacific islander] White ETHNICITY 0 Hispanic or Latino O Non-Hispanic or Latino LOCAL PREFERENCES 1 Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran (assoure) | L] Veteran/Surviving Spouse of Veteran (Absolute) HCV PUBLIC HOUSING Please mark one box only. Please mark one box only. C1 san Francisco District Attorney Referral (Absolute) C1 Public Housing Resident Approved for Emergency Transfer (absoiste) | C1 involuntarily Displacement in San Francisco (points) 1 involuntarily Displacement in San Francisco ‘spoinsy | C1 Hometess Family in San Francisco (S points) Cl Hometéss Family in San Francisco (S points) oe Senior or Person With Disability in San Francisco (5 points} Bonen Senior or Person With Disability in San Francisco Seon) Resident in San Francisco Paying More than 70% of household income in Rent i (Homeless Adult in San Francisco tains) | Pre (pein) No Preference C1 substandard Non-Homeless in San Francisco (2 points} rere Ci Resident in San Francisco Paying More than 70% of household income in Rent (2,oins) Li No Preference NAME SSN DOB M/F 1) LAE be EMI AR LIL S62 - FF —V/ LQLer7hsass NM 2) 3) 4) 5) (Please continue on the other side if additional space is needed) APPLICANT SIGNATURE Zee Sve nck Date - L AVAILBLE ONLINE AT WWW.SFHA.ORG “CHECK WAITLIST MODULE”. IF THE SFHA DOES NOT RECEIVE YOUR RESPONSE BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013, THE SFHA WILL WITHDRAW YOUR APPLICATION FROM THE WAITING LIST. 1815 EGBERT AVENUE, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94124 TELEPHONE: (415) 715-3280 TTY: 415.467.6754 WWW.SFHA.ORGMISSION CAMPUS ESL Placement NON-CRE LA: TE DIT CLASS SCHEDULE by: OVW A) Approved 1125 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 920 - 6067 Semester/Year Student ID # 7} toe LEP) v9 a Pri ‘)/), 45 AUPLEASE CARRY A COPY OF YOUR CLASS SCHEDULE AT ALL TIMES. Last Name First Name Middle Name i al 1 é ere eh Je toge € Date of Birth: Month / Day / Year Years of Education Country of Origin Address : City /Zip Code Telephone # eg a | i Have you taken classeg at City College of San Emergency Contact: Name & Phone # Yes / No OOS bow ~ a |! Processed by: f SEADETL Code: Days: T “Time T Room # ] . Course / CRN # T Instructor 1 J Th | i | | Administrative Support for the Construction Office DAYS HOURS RM# COURSE/CRN# INSTRUCTOR mw |08/17/11 |12/19/11 |01:00 p.m. {3:30 471 [Intro to MS Office {81133 Beavers tr 8/18/11 [10/18/11 }01:00 p.m. [3:30 471 |MS Excel | 80774 Maeitre mw |@8/17/11 {12/19/11 }03:30 p.m. |6:00 471 |Word Process. 81105 [Beavers -b————|tr 18/18/11 {10/18/11 |03:30 p.m. 16:00 471 |Keyboarding 81510 |Conrad Ltr {10/20/11 {12/20/11 |03:30 p.m. |6:00 471 [Office Proc. 81643 |Conrad f 08/19/11 [12/16/11 }09:00 a.m. {2:00 p.m.| 470 |Computer Lab 81655 |Middleton12 Thursday, Dec. 7, 2006 Daily News ++ BY MARY ANN BUGGS Happy Thursday to you and here's to a great day in the crisp December air for ull our friendly readers, Join us as we meet two brand new Town Talkers, Wolf and Kaan and we dare you to not race over and be one of the first to welcome them to the East Bay! CORRECT # FOR COOL BREEZE - We 1an the wrong phone number yesterday to reach Mark Edwards of Cool Breeze , Home Inspection, Reach him at (510) 645-9368. Just to refresh your memory, Mark is the inspection pro who knows that buying a home is one of the most important investments you'll ever make. Because your home is also where your life unfolds and lifelong memories are made, you need to protect that investment with a Cool Breeze Home Inspection. Mark will work with you every step of the way to provide the highest quality customer service. Cool Breeze has been around since 2003, but is backed by many more years of experience in the construction industry. THE WOLF LOEWINSOHN-MINOR invites you to the newly opened California’ Cutlery at 1233 Solano Avenue in Albany. Wolf tells tis he started collecting and studying martial arts when he was five. California Cutlery offers professional knife sharpening that's important to prolonging of your fine knives. © California Cutlery is.a division of Sword Soul, a retailer of art, fine cutlery, culifiaty equipment and swords, sheaths and accessories. Wolf even stocks martial arts equipment and antique swords. You know ~ you're dealing with the higest of quality wh Boker, Kershaw, Cold Steel, Messermeister CUTTING EDGE ell you'te choosing. amotig brands like ; and Martini. Coming Soon; Wolf wilt have photos, and information about knife and sword care;-an online catalog, and more! Also, in. the near future, Wolf and wife Tanya expect to welcome a brand new bouncihg baby into their midst: Best Wishes! (510) 525-6700 : ‘Mark says he wants to help revitalize area neighborhoods to promote widespread change for the betterment of ALL of our communities. Cool Breeze is located in Oakland, but serves the entire Bay Area. Please call now for a fair and honest consultation. You can also get Mark on his cell phone at (510) 395-7656 IT TAKES A VILLAGE - MEET ED and Sarah Seban owners of Village Grounds, *1797-A Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley, two in a family of passionate people committed to providing a unique and enriching coffee experience. Sarah has opened coffee houses for other companies, but wanted to share her passion for superior coffee and espresso on a ‘more personal level. When she's not pulling shots of espresso you can find her behind the counter either knitting or spending countless hours playing Sudoku. Ed spent several years in the financial industry before Tee. Give them a call if you'd like their great coffee at your next meeting. Village Grounds is open Monday thru Friday trom Jam to 10pm and Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 7pm (510) 486-2877 SPICES - PICTURED HERE ARE Sybil Buckler, mother (and setious fan of the Marmaduke cartoon strip), Zimad, adopted grandson of Sharyl and, Sharyt Sowole, the owner of Sowole’s African