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  • Matter of Annisa MayerUnlimited Misc Petition - Name Change document preview
  • Matter of Annisa MayerUnlimited Misc Petition - Name Change document preview


Santa Barbara BE}?amnenemtotameom PRIME? Git: PUBLIICATHQN e i This space Filing Stamp is for the County Clerk or Superior Court STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Santa Barbara batteries“ SEP 08 2022 lam citizen of th United States and a resident of the Dan6. E. 0%,, BY County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, Pg; and not a party to or interested in the below entitled 22E“ matter. lam the principal clerk of publication of The Santa Barbara Independent, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published weekly, in the City of Santa Barbara, County of Santa Barbara, and which Proof of Publication newspaper has been adjudicated a newspaper of gen- - PEITHONor AnnisaR. Mayer, 184 -' circulation by the Court of the Middle‘Road, Santa Barbara, CA T0 the following namets) FROM and I eral Superior County 93108. ‘ ' annisamayerfiyahoomm nameis); for change of name. FROM: RAIF NIKOLAI SNYDER TO: of Santa Barbara, State of California. -. -IN THE MATTER OF RAIF NIKOLAJ MAYER . ' THE Midi/0 aeso APPUCATION0F RAIFNIKOLAJ SNYDERNALDEMAR LUKE SNYDER FROM: VALDEMAR LUKE SNYDER T0: VALDEMAR LUKE MAYER AND ELERI AVA SNYDER, TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME: FROM: AVA ELERI SNYDERT0: ELERI JOSEPHINE MAYER Case number ........... ; that the notice,of Which the an- CASE NUMBER: 22w02850 ITO THE COURT ORDERS that all persons All INTERESTED PERSONS: A interested in this matter shall appear nexed is .a printed copy '(set in type not smaller than petition has been filed by the above this betore at court . thehearing 'named Petitioner(s) in Santa Barbara if below to show cause, indicated nonpareil), has been published in each regular and Superior court proposing a change of the any, why petition for mange of name should not be granted. Any entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supple- ' person objecting to the name‘changes described above must file a written ment thereof on the following date, to—Wit: objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be wfz’jéwt heard and must appear at the hearing if to show cause why the petition should hot be granted, If no written objection is timely fi!ed , the court rriay grant the / / Q 7 petition without a hearing, NOTICE OF HEARING 10/3/2022, 10:00 AM, DEPT 5, SANTA BARBARA SUPERIOR COURT HOUSE 1100 Anacapa St, R0. all in the year 20 Z— Box 21107 Santa Barbara, CA 93121, Anacapa Divison. A copy oi this order to Show Cause shall be published ' inthe Barbara Santa Independent. -a newspaper of general circulation, lprinted‘ijn this county, at least once, certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that 7 I j_ ib’r four successive weeks .u the date set for hearing on l.,..c.. the foregoing is true and correct. the petition. Dated August 10, 2022 by Colleen K. Sterne, Judge .of the Superior Court. Published August 18, ,25, September I, 8, 2022. Dated at Santa Barbara, California, this Wch/A QIW '/ Era-moat A21 t {it”:piiéiiilenl INDEPENDENT£OM Fififififii fig flFmTsnssu @lltiliall