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  • 167 EDGEWOOD STREET, LLC v. BROWN-SMITH, JULEEN Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • 167 EDGEWOOD STREET, LLC v. BROWN-SMITH, JULEEN Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview


MOTION FOR DEFAULT FOR STATE OF CONNECTICUT FAILURE TO APPEAR AND Su on ae JUDGMENT FOR POSSESSION IPERIOR COU JOHM-@ Rav, 519 fen juc.ct gov CGS. § 47a20 PB, §§ 17-20, 17-24, 17:90 Instructions to pieintiff (fendlard) . 1. One notion may be used for multiple defendants. 2. Fite this motion with the clark, Mall or deliver a copy of this motion fo all defendartts or their attorney{s}, Happicable, 3. Before this motion may be granted, the notice to quit with the completed returt-of service must ba fled with the clerk, . Judicial District Housing Session ‘AaGrene of court r ‘hd Foun) 8D WASHINGTON STREET, HARTFORD, CT 06106 Was oF ease 187 EDGEWOOD STREET, ULC v. BROWN-SMITH, JULEEN Et Ai Motion for Default for Failure to Appear and Judgment for Possession The plaintiff (landord) asks that judgmant for possessiori of thie pramises be entardd for the plaintiff (landlord) because the defendant(s) (tenant{s) and/or occupant(s)} Itated below have falled to file an appearance. ‘aftomey) . - Dats poned a : ee, Military Service Affidavit - solect a thet apply 4 oO LD The following defendant(s) is (are) in miltary service of the United States: : : 1 The following defendant(s) in this action is (are) not in military service of the United States, . a (State facts showing indant{s) Is ‘eat mal in such ‘sevice and include source of knowledge of thase facts): ‘That based upon the undarsigned's search of tha Defense Manpower Data Center ising i “number (certificate attached), the dafendants JULEEN BROWN-SMITH_are net on active duty in the U.S. Military or Naval At HARTFORD [X) | cannot determine whether or not the following defendant(s) in this action is (are) in military service of the United States. (State the reasonable efforts made in coming to this conclusion. Aiso; the dafendsnt{s) is (are) Identified hy alias (e.g. John Doe or Jane Doe), stata the reasonable efforts mada to determine his/herithelr Et 1 Property manager of 187 EDGEWOOD STREET LLG, spoke with JULEEN GROWN-SMIHT on JUN. (9, 2022, at -\ 0 and | was told that none of the occupants tiving a CT aro in the military service and JULEEN SROWN-S#ITH refused to release the names of JANE Dosand. John Doe. | cannot determine whather ar not the defandants Jane Doe and John Hoe is in military service of the United States. sot Bs ignad Subscribed and — swom to bafore me on: i221 2022. Certification | certify that 9 copy,of this document was or will Immediataly ba mailed or delivered électronically or non-elactronically or in. hand on 221 date) to all altornays and self-represented parties of record and to all partias.who have. not appeared in this matter and that written consent for elactronic delivery was recived from all attomays and self-represented parties recaiving electronic delivery. (ifnecessary, attach additional sheets with names: addressas and methods of dalivery,) Naioa and adreas oF et atiomey oF party ~~] Hand deavered.. [x] Waid JULEEN BROWN. SMITH-167 EDGEWOOD STREET, HARTFORD, CT 08112 . TE] Bactroncaty divert “Waite tad addin of estan alamiay oF pay El an davered Bef Maes JANE DOE-467 EDGEWOOD STREET, HARTFORD, CT 06112 : : Blectiontaly delivered “Nene oe ee my yr JOHN DOE-187 EDGEWOOD STREET, HARTFORD, CT'05112 TE) Becterically tered