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CAUSE NO. 153-232668-08 VIRGINIA 0. KINSEL, ET AL. § IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF § v. § TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS § JANE 0. LINDSEY, ET AL. § 153 rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE TESTIMONY AND STATEMENT OF MAYRA CASTILLO TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: NOW COME Defendants, and, in support of this Amended Motion to Exclude Testimony and Statement ofMayra Castillo, would respectfully show the Court as follows: --, ::x: Cl t: ;::; -'4 l>" I. S3 ~ ~ ~ J:>· ~ ,,,. -,, ~CJ) - z- SUMMARY OF RELIEF REQUESTED AND , ~J::> -· ·- -tr c-,r'l n· -,, oO BASIS FOR EXCLUSION OF EVIDENCE ,- ::i:: :,:: C gr= ca~ ::,:CJ C) -< ..J Movants seek to exclude from evidence at the trial of th~ ~se,Uilny :-rw ~, testimony of Mayra Castillo, the statement of Mayra Castillo dated May 19, 2010, and any references to such testimony or statement. Ms. Castillo was untimely listed by Plaintiffs in their Responses to Defendants' Disclosure Requests. And, her statement w~~ untimely provided _to Defendants. Further, the -" .•'. address and contact informatiqi:i 1event1,1ally provjded relative to Ms. Castillo .. ..i, . . l; ....... ,) l., "~:Oc ·.' ·-· ... ./ .' DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE STATEMENT AND TESTIMONY OF MAYRA CASTILLO Page 1 MD ST .\Tt:MUrr or M,\l'RA CASTIU.O...,. G,\Klr-'Jt:UA\FIUUIIUNDSH ..... IUNS[LIPIL\Dll;D STATEMENT or MA \'RA ~u.o.... Kinsel's testamentary gifts. The other Movants are attorneys practicing in Fort Worth, Texas, who have also been sued by the Kinsels. Plaintiffs filed this suit within weeks of Mrs. Kinsel' s death. Plaintiffs are attempting by this suit to set aside two amendments to a trust executed by Mrs. Kinsel prior to her death. Plaintiffs are also seeking to set aside a portion of the sale of a ranch located in Atascosa County, Texas, which was sold before Mrs. Kinsel' s death. 1 Plaintiffs claim that Mrs. Lesey Kinsel was unduly influenced by Movants to execute two amendments to her trust into which she had previously placed all of her property. Plaintiffs also claim that Mrs. Kinsel was unduly influenced by Movants to sell her interest in the ranch, despite the fact that Plaintiffs also sold their interests in the ranch at the same time. Plaintiffs also claim that Mrs. Kinsel lacked sufficient mental capacity to properly amend her trust and sell her portion of the ranch. Defendants deny Plaintiffs' claims of undue influence and lack of capacity. Defendants also assert that Plaintiffs are estopped to seek to set aside a portion of the sale of the ranch, as Plaintiffs long ago agreed to the terms of such sale and have accepted its benefits. 1 Mrs. Kinsel owned only a portion of the ranch sold before her death- sixty (60%) percent. Before the sale, certain of the Plaintiffs owned the other forty 40%) percent.. DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE STATEMENT AND TESTIMONY OF MAYRA CASTILLO Page 3 Trial was scheduled to commence on March 5, 2012. But, the trial was continued and re-set to October 15, 2012, because of Plaintiffs' failure to timely provide a witness statement and contact information regarding one Mayra Castillo. See below for details. B. Plaintiffs' Failure to Timely Disclose Mayra Castillo and Failure to Timely Produce Her Statement Plaintiffs filed their Original Petition on September 9, 2008. On November 12, 2008, Jane Lindsey served her Request for Disclosure to Plaintiffs. On December 11, 2008, Plaintiffs served their Responses to the Request for Disclosure in which they stated that to their knowledge, no witness statement existed. Further, Ms. Castillo was not listed as a person with knowledge of relevant facts. A true and correct copy of the Response is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein for all purposes. See p. 13. Disclosure of any witness statement would have been required by December 4, 2008, as the Disclosure called for documents supporting the Plaintiffs' contention that Lesey Kinsel lacked capacity to execute the documents in question. See below. DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE STATEMENT AND TESTIMONY OF MAYRA CASTILLO Page4 C. Plaintiffs' Late Identification of Ms. Castillo and Late Production of Her Witness Statement Discovery in the case progressed. Trial was set for March 5, 2012. Discovery was to be cut off on December 16, 2011. On December 14, 2011, two days before the discovery cut-off and three years after having been requested to do so, Plaintiffs produced a witness statement of one Mayra Castillo. Ms. Castillo was represented by Plaintiffs to be one of Lesey Kinsel' s caregivers. The statement was dated May 19, 2010, more than a year and one-half before it was produced. The statement was six pages and purported to state that Ms. Castillo was a temporary caregiver for Mrs. Kinsel for six months. It also purported to go into great detail about Ms. Castillo's dealings with Mrs. Kinsel, Mrs. Kinsel's capacity, and Plaintiffs' claims of undue influence. The next day, December 15, 2011, Plaintiffs amended their Disclosures, disclosed Ms. Castillo in "Saginaw, Texas," and provided a telephone number that was incorrect. True and correct copies of the statement, the e-mail, and the accompanying letter and enclosure providing the statement are attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein for all purposes. DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE STATEMENT AND TESTIMONY OF MAYRA CASTILLO Page 5 D. Earlier Motion and Court's Continuance of Case On February 22, 2012, Movants filed their Supplemental Motion in Limine in which they asked the Court to exclude from evidence at the then-forthcoming trial (again, scheduled for March 5, 2012), the statement of Mayra Castillo and any testimony of Ms. Castillo, because the statement was untimely produced. The Court heard the Motion on February 29 and continued the case from its March 5, 2012 trial setting (and reset it for October 15, 2012) so that Defendants could take the deposition of Ms. Castillo. E. Defendants' Efforts to Locate Ms. Castillo After Continuance of Trial Since the continuance of the trial, Movants have diligently tried to locate Ms. Castillo to interview her and notice her deposition, without success. This, Defendants believe, is because Plaintiffs' counsel have engaged in a plan designed to prevent Defendants' counsel from locating and contacting Ms. Castillo until the eve of trial, in derogation of the specific purpose for which the Court continued the case. Plaintiffs' untimely Disclosures provided shortly before the March trial date simply stated that Ms. Castillo's address is "Saginaw, Texas." And, Defendants later learned that Plaintiffs provided an incorrect phone number. DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE STATEMENT AND TESTIMONY OF MAYRA CASTILLO Page6 Because of the insufficient address and incorrect telephone number Plaintiffs provided for Ms. Castillo, Defendants' counsel inquired of Plaintiffs' counsel whether they would produce Ms. Castillo for a deposition. On April 25, 2012, Plaintiffs' counsel said they would not, but disingenuously advised that the address they provided ("Saginaw, Texas") "is good." See Exhibit C. On May I, 2012, Defendants' counsel again e-mailed Plaintiffs' counsel to get an address and contact information for Ms. Castillo. See Exhibit D. On May 7, 2012, Plaintiffs' counsel responded by e-mail that "Mayra Castillo's address is 2922 Lipscomb St., Fort Worth, TX 76110" (not Saginaw), and that they did not have a telephone number. See Exhibits E and F. Defendants' counsel then tried reaching Ms. Castillo at the original telephone number provided by Defendants again, but again, no call was returned. Defendants' counsel left a specific message regarding the purpose of the call. However, no one ever answered messages left at the telephone number for Ms. Castillo provided in the Disclosures and Defendants' attempts to locate Ms. Castillo at that address failed. On May 21, 2012, Defendants' counsel e-mailed Plaintiffs' counsel yet again to let them know that Defendants' counsel had not been able to contact DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE STATEMENT AND TESTIMONY OF MAYRA CASTILLO Page7 Ms. Castillo at the address given. Plaintiffs' counsel responded shortly thereafter to say again that he had provided Defendants' counsel with the "most recent address we have for Mayra Castillo in Fort Worth." See Exhibit G. Plaintiffs' counsel then said that he did not have a phone number for her, concluding by representing to Plaintiffs' counsel: "Your office currently has all of the most recent information that our office has with regard to contacting Mayra Castillo." See Exhibit G. On May 22, 2012, Defendants' counsel then issued a subpoena and private process server Jim Gilbert tried to serve Ms. Castillo at the new address given to them by Plaintiffs' counsel. The woman who answered the door told Mr. Gilbert that Ms. Castillo no longer lived there. Mr. Gilbert left a card and the lady called someone on a cell phone. Mr. Gilbert was of the opinion that the woman was Ms. Castillo's mother. Mr. Gilbert never heard anything else. See Exhibit H. On May 24, 2012, and again on June 11, 2012, Defendants' counsel again confirmed with Plaintiffs' attorneys that Defendants' counsel was having trouble locating and serving Ms. Castillo and asked for information. Plaintiffs did not respond to these e-mails. And, no one for the Plaintiffs' side of the case DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE STATEMENT AND TESTIMONY OF MAYRA CASTILLO Page 8 G,IKJ-\JllUAIHU!IN.INDl'I!.!.,,,_11518700 Susanna Johnson State Bar No. 22136550 201 Main Street, Suite 1400 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Telephone: (817) 336-2800 Facsimile: (817) 877-1863 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS JANE 0. LINDSEY, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS CO-TRUSTEE OF THE LESEY B. KINSEL TRUST, AND ROBERT N. OLIVER ~ Marsliall M. State Bar No. ll!~d--~ searcy,f. 17955500 Frank P. Greenhaw IV State Bar No. 24002179 KELLY HART & HALLMAN LLP 201 Main Street, Suite 2500 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Telephone: (817) 332-2500 Facsimile: (817) 878-9280 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS JACKSON & WALKER, L.L.P. AND M. KEITH BRANYON DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE STATEMENT AND TESTIMONY OF MAYRA CASTILLO Page 14 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on October 12, 2012, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was sent via e-mail and U.S. First-Class mail (unless otherwise indicated) to: Messrs. J. Lyndell Kirkley and and Sean R. Looney Kirkley & Berryman, L.L.P. 100 N. Forest Park Blvd., Suite 220 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Ms. Alison H. Moore Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons, L.L.P. 700 North Pearl Street th 25 Floor - Plaza of the Americas Dallas, Texas 75201 Ms. Frances Garza 5435 FM 541 McCoy, Texas 78113 VIA FIRST-CLASS MAIL ONLY Ms. Ida Castillo 5437 FM 541 McCoy, Texas 78113 VIA FIRST-CLASS MAIL ONLY Mr. Lindy Jones Jones, Allen & Fuquay, L.L.P. 8828 Greenville Avenue Dallas, Texas 76243-7143 DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE STATEMENT AND TESTIMONY OF MAYRA CASTILLO Page 15 Mr. Scott C. Kinsel Scott C. Kinsel, P.C. 8708 South Congress, Suite B200 Austin, Texas 78745 Messrs. Marshall M. Searcy, Jr. and Frank P. Greenhaw IV Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP 201 Main Street, Suite 2500 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 l~~ W~.Kirkm~ DEFENDANTS' AMENDED MOTION TO EXCLUDE STATEMENT AND TESTIMONY OF MAYRA CASTILLO Page 16 G,ll'fr-,.\JUl.lAIFILt:S\LINDSEY .... KINS[Lll'IL\lllNC.'f',.\M~NDF.D MOTION TO t.'1.CLUDE USTIMONY AND !ITATU,UNT or MAYRA C-'STILl.0..,.1 EXHIBIT . -· . ''A'' DEt-11-2~08-TBU 03:18 PM K• f-BEP.RYMAN, LLP FAX llo. B17 3~- =3 P. 004 CAUSE NO. l 53-232668-08 VIRGINIA 0. KINSEL, as Attorney-in-Fact for § IN THE DISTRICT COURT J. FRANK KINSEL, § J. FRANK KINSEL, JR., Individually, § CAR0LEK. EDWARDS, Individually, and § CATHERINE K.. CoLL.JNS, Individually, § § Plaintiffs, § § OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS vs. § § JANE 0. LJNDSEY, Individually and as § Co-Trustee of the Lesey B. Kinsel Trust, § and ROBERTN. OLIVER, § § Defendants. . § 153rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT PLA,JNTIFFS' RESPONSES TO DEFENDANT JANE 0. LINDSEY'S REQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE TO: Defendant Jane 0. Lindsey, by and through her attorney of record, M. Keith Branyon, JACKSON WALKER, L.L.P ., 301 Co=~rce Street, Suite 2400, Fort Worth, Texas 7 6102. Plaintiffs Virginia 0. Atto!'ney-in-Fact for J. Frank Kinsel, J. Frank Kinsel, Jr. - Individually - Carole K.. Edwards - Individually - and Catherine K. Collins - Individually. ("Plaintiffs") hereby submit their Responses to Defendant Jane O. Lindsey's Request for Disclosure. 194.2(a) - Correct names of parties to the lawsuit: To Plaintiffs' knowledge, the names of the parties, as listed in Plaintiff's Second Amended Petition and Suit for a Declaratory Judgment, and Application for a Temporary Injunction, are correct. 194.2(b) • Name, address, and telephone number of any potential parties: Plaintiffs are currently unaware of any potential parties at this time. •Plaintiffs will supplement this response in accordance with the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. v, .. nr-r,,:,,:,c-• 1.1-r-<:1>nNi::n:-.~ -rn ni:-.FF'NDAJ,rr JANE 0. LINDSEY'S RE.QUEST FOR DISCLOSURE PAGEl • • r. DEC-I 1-2008-TRU 03: 18 PM Kl1....______-BERRYMAN, LLP FAX !lo,817 33~ F. 005 194.2(c) - Plaintiffs' legal theories, contentions, and factual bases for same: Standing Plaintiffs have standing to bring this suit. Each Plaintiffis specifically named as a beneficiary in the original Trust Agreement for Lesey' s Trust. The Kinsel Ranch was owned in part by the Trust, so the sale of the Kinsel Ranch necessarily involved administration of the Trust. The sale of the Kinsel Ranch affected the interests of the Plaintiffs. As a result, Plaintiffs are persons "affected by the administration of the trust." · Additionally, money remains in the Trust. Whether the Trust is administered according to the Third Amendment or the· Fourth/Fifth Amendments affects each of the Plaintiffs. The purported change of beneficiaries and altering of !rust property by way of undue influence, fraud, conspiracy, and breaches of fiduciary duty has resulted in Plruntiffs having standing to bring their claims against Defendants. The Plaintiffs have both legal and equitable claims arising from their status under the Trust Agreement as beneficiaries of the Trust. They are clearly "interested persons" with standing to bring these claims. Suit for Declaratory Judgment that_ Fourth and Fifth Amendments of Lesey's Trust are Invalid and Should Be Set Aside, and Claims for Conspiracy, Fraud, Undue Influence, and Lack of Testamentary Capacity Plaintiffs sue Defendants for a declaratory judgment under Sections 37.003 and 37.005 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, and for damages. When Defendants arranged for Lesey to sign the Fourth Amendment to her Trust and mark on the signature lines of the ranch sale documents and the Fifth Amendment to her Trust, Lesey did not understand or appreciate the nature and consequences of doing so, and was easily influenced. By the time Defendants had Lesey sign the Fourth Amendment, she was frail, confused, very ill, taking several medications, and could not read documents. · Lesey did not understand the nature and effect of the sale of the Kinsel Ranch, and the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the Trust. She did not have the requisite mental or physical capacity to · validly execute those documents and understand .the effect of such documents. Alternatively, Defendants exerted undue influence over Lesey when Lesey could barely sign the Fourth Amendment to her Trust and could barely mark her initials on the Ranch sale documents and the Fifth Amendment to her Trust. Defendants' undue influence over Lesey operated to subvert and overpower Lesey's mind. Lesey would not have signed the Fourth Amendment to her Trust or marked her initials on the documents selling the Kinsel Ranch and the Fifth Amendment to her Trust but for her lack of capacity and the exertion of undue influence by Defendants. The sale of the Kinsel Ranch, and the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Lesey's Trust, are wholly inconsistent with Lesey's original Trust, with the first three amendments to the Trust (when she was competent and not subject to undueinfluence), and withLesey's intended overall estate plan and promises she made PLAIHTIFFS' RESPONSES TO DEFENDANT JANI: 0. LINDSEY•s REQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE PAGE2 .. . DEC-! l-2008-THU 03: 18 PM Kil::= 0 BERRYMAN,LLP FAX No.817 33~ P. 006 during her lifetime when she was healthy and not subject to undue influence. Suit to Remove Defendant Lindsey as Successor Co-Trustee of Lesey's Trust Plaintiffs request that the Court remove Defendant Jane 0. Lindsey ('1..indsey" or "Defendant Lindsey") as Successor Co-Trustee ofLesey's Trust, as allowed by Section 113.082 of the Texas Property Code. There is cause to remove Defendant Lindsey as Successor Co-Trustee because of Defendant Lindsey's undue influence and course of conduct and because Defendant Lindsey has breached her fiduciary duties to Lesey. Plaintiffsare beneficiaries under Lesey's Trust and are therefore interested parties. Defendanti,indsey owed formal and informal fiduciary duties to Lesey. Al; attorney-in-fact under a general power of attorney executed l?y Lesey, and as the person who undertook to care for Lesey and her financial affairs, Defendant Lindsey owed Lesey fiduciary duties ofloyalty and good faith, strict integrity, fair and honest dealing, and strict accountability.Defendant Lindsey violated those duties, using the fiduciary relationship to benefit her own personal interests to the detriment of Lesey and her intended beneficiaries. By way of example and not as a limitation, Defendant Llndsey violated the fiduciary duties that she owed Lesey by using undue influenc,e to cause Lesey to sign the Fourth Amendment to her Trust and to cause Lesey to mark on the signature Jines for sale of the Kinsel Rarich and the FifthAmendmentto Lesey' s Trust, the provisions of which all purported to increase the benefit to Defendants by millions of dollars, and which were wholly inconsistent with Lesey's Trust, all previous .amendments thereto, and Lesey's overall intended estate plan. An informal fiduciary duty arises from a moral, social, domestic, or purely personal relationship of trust and confidence. A fiduciary duty based on an informal relationship.may arise when a high degree of trust, influence, or confidence has been acquired. A fiduciary relationship may arise either as a result of dominance on the part of one or weakness and dependence on the part of the other. Lesey relied on Defendant Lindsey to help her and to take care ofber, and Lesey placed a high degree oftrust in Defendant Lindsey. Defendant Lindsey acquired Lesey' s confidence and had a great amount ofinfluence over her. Consequently, Defendant Lindsey owed Lesey a fiduciary duty of the rughest degree. Defendant Lindsey breached fiduciary duties owed to Leseyby failing to act with loyalty and utmost good faith toward Lesey, failing to act with candor toward Lesey, failing to act toward Lesey with integrity of the strictest kind, and by failing to be fair and honest with Lesey in Defendant Lindsey's dealings with Lesey. By way of example and not as a limitation, Lesey's mind was controlled by DefendantLindsey's undue influence and breaches offiduciary duties when Defendant Lindsey obtained and used a power of attorney and caused Lesey and others to sell the Kinsel Ranch, and arranged for Lesey to sign the Fourth Amendment to her Trust and mark on the Fifth Amendment to her Trust. Further, Lesey was operating under false representations, confusion, and/orinsarie delusions when she sold the Kinsel Ranch,signed theFourthAmendment to her Trust, and marked on the Fifth Amendment to her Trust, and Defendant Lindsey knew of Lesey's vulnerable condition. Defendant Lindsey breached fiduciary duties that she owed to Lesey when she and others manipulated Lesey into signing the Fourth Amendment and marking on the Fifth 'P1 J.TNTrTT~• RESPONSES TO DEFENDANT JANE. 0. LINDS'CY'S RtQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE. PACE3 DEC-11-2008-TITTl 03: I 8 PM K~ !-BERRYMAN, LLP FAX No. 817 3:1. :3 P. 007 Amendment Fraud and Conspiracy Claims Defendant Lindsey made material, false representations to Plaintiffs when sbe advised them that the Trust did not have sufficient money lo maintain Lesey's health care and pay her living expenses, and that the Kinsel Ranch needed to be sold as a result. \\/hen she made those representations to Plaintiffs,Defendant Lindsey knew they were false or made them recklessly without any knowledge of the truth and as a positive assertion. Defendant Lindsey made the representations to Plaintiffs with the intent that Plaintiffs would act on them. Plaintiffs acted in reliance on the representations when they consented or arranged for the consent to the sale of the Kinsel Ranch, and suffered damages as a result. Both Defendants engaged in a conspiracy to defraud 'Plaintiffs and to breach Defendant Lindsey's fiduciary duties when they engaged in the above-descnoed sch=e to increase Defendants' share ofLesey's Trust's assets to the detriment of Plaintiffs and others. Defendants bad a meeting of the minds on the object to be pursued (increasing their interests) and the course of action they would take. The conspiracy involved multiple unlawful acts, including, but not limited to, fraud, undue influence, and breaches of fiduciary duties perpetrated byDefendant Lindsey. The conspiracy involved multiple overt acts, including, but not limited to, Defendant Lindsey's making false statements to Plaintiffs and Lesey regarding the status of the money and assets ofLesey' s Trust, and Defendants' attempt to loot the Trust by exercising undue influence over Lesey to have her sell the Kinsel Ranch, sign the Fourth Amendment to her Trust, and mark·on the Fifth Amendment to her Trust }'lai."lti.ffs have been damaged as the proximate result of such conspiracy in that the Kinsel Ranch was sold based on fraud., misrepresentation, and a scheme to enrich Defendants, which, along with the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to the Trust, would drastically reduce Plaintiffs' interests in the Trust by millions of dollars, while drastically increasing Defendants' interests in the Trust by millions of dollars. Action for a Constructive Trust Plaintiffs request that the Court impose a constructive trust in favor ofPlaintiffs on all money and property in the Trust and in Defendants' possession that is subject to distribution to Plaintiffs ,mder the Trust Agreement and the Third Amendment (disregarding the Fourth and Fifth Amendments). Plaintiffs also request that the Court impose a constructive trust in favor of Plaintiffs on all proceeds from the sale of the Kinsel Ranch. · Defendants have attempted to obtain inoney and property in Lesey' s Trust by way of the undue influence, breaches of fiduciary duties, fraud, and conspiracy described above, and Defendants' attempt to unjustly enrich themselves. Plaintiffs request the Court impose a constructive trust in favor of Plaintiffs on all money and property in the Trust and in Defondants' possession that is subject to distribution to Plaintiffs under the Trust Agreement and the Third Amendment (disregarding the Fourth and Fifth Amendments). Plaintiffs.also request that the Court impose a constructive trust in favor of Plaintiffs on all proceeds from the sale of the Kinsel Ranch. ·- 0. L1NDSEY 1 S REQUEST Jt0RDtSCL..OSURE ------·--.. -" nr-.:-c-"'n""-..,. .lANr. PAGE4 • DEC-Jl-2008-THU 03:19 PM KJ!I... I BERRYMAN,LLP FAX No. 817 3'.l. P. 008 Unjust Enrichment By way of their actions described above, Defendants have unjustly enriched themselves, and Plaintiffs seek restitution against Defendants to correct such unjust enrichment Defendants have obtained benefits from Lesey and Plaintiffs by way of fraud, duress, and the taking of undue advantage. Defendants wrongfully secured the above-described benefits relating to Lesey's Trust, and it would be unconscionable for the Defendants to retain such benefits. Plaintiffs request that the Court order iha1 the money and assets in Lesey's Trust be distributed according to the Trust Agreement and the Third Amendment (disregarding the Fourth and Fifth Amendments). Plaintiffs also request that the Court order that all proceeds from the sale of the Kinsel Ranch be distributed according to the percentages of the Kinsel Ranch interests stated in the Trust Agreement and the · Third Amendment (disregarding the Fourth and Fifth Amendments). 194.2(d)-The amount and any method of calculating economic damages: Plaintiffs' economic damages are undetermined at this time. Plaintiffs will supplement this response in accordance with the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, · 194.2(e) - Persons with knowledge of relevant facts: Mrs. Virginia 0. Kinsel c/o Mr. J. Lyndell Kirkley KIRKLEY & BERRYMAN, LL.P. 10.0 North Forest Park Blvd., Suite 220 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Telephone Number: 817-335-3311 Plaintiff (in her capacity as attorney-in-fact for J. Frank Kinsel) and wife ofJ. Frank Kinsel Mr. J. Frank Kinsel c/o Mr. J. Lyndell Kirkley KIRKLEY &BERRYMAN, L.L.P. 100 North Forest Park Blvd., Suite 220 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Telephone Number: 817-335-3311· Plaintiff Mr. J. Frank Kinsel, Jr. c/o Mr. J. Lyndell Kirkley KIRKLEY & BERRYMAN, L.L.P. l 00 North Forest Park Blvd., Suite 220 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Telephone Number: 817-335-33 l J Plaintiff - ,. , ... ,nc-,:-v>c:: "P.~n11r-$T FO'R D1SCLOSURE. , · ..... n PAG£5 DEC~ll-20.08-Ti!U 03: 19 PM Kl .'-BERRYMAN, LLP FAX No. 817 3~ =3 P. 009 Mrs. Robin Kinsel 3 809 Hollow Creek Rd. Fort Worth, Texas 76116 Telephone Number: 817-738-9198 /Wife of Plaintiff J. Frank Kinsel, Jr . . Mrs. Carole K. Edwards c/o Mr. J. Lyndell Kirkley KIRKLEY & BERRYMAN, L.L.P. 100 North Forest Park Blvd., Suite 220 Fort Worth, Texas 761D2 Telephone Number: 817-335-3311 Plaintiff Mr. Foster Edwards 118 Alta Plaza Corpus Christi, Texas 7 8411 Telephone Number: 36!-853-0366 Husband of Plaintiff Carole K. Edwards Mrs. Catherine K. Collins c/o Mr. J. Lyndell Kirkley KllUcr..EY & BERRYMAN, L.L.P. 100 North Forest Park Blvd., Suite 220 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Telephone Number: 817-335-331 I Plaintiff Mr. David Collins 11302 Memorial Dr. Houston, Texas 77024 Telephone Number: 713-784-2313 Husband of Plaintiff Catherine K. Collins Mr. Joe B. Kinsel, Jr. c/o Mr. Scott C. Kinsel MOORELANDREY, L.L.P. 1609 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite JOO Austin, Texas 78701 Telephone Number: 512-499-8900 Intervener PLAINTlFFS' RESPONSES TO DEFENDANT JANE. 0, LlNDSEY 1 S REQUEST TOR DISCLOSURE PAGJc 6 DEC-11-2008-THU 03:19 PY Kl .-BERRYMAN,LLP FAX No. 817 3'.L :3 P. 010 Mrs. Jane 0. Lindsey c/o Mr. M. Kei