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  • Napoleon et al v. SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION & HEALTHCARE CENTERCivil - Professional Liability Action - Medical document preview
  • Napoleon et al v. SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION & HEALTHCARE CENTERCivil - Professional Liability Action - Medical document preview
  • Napoleon et al v. SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION & HEALTHCARE CENTERCivil - Professional Liability Action - Medical document preview
  • Napoleon et al v. SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION & HEALTHCARE CENTERCivil - Professional Liability Action - Medical document preview
  • Napoleon et al v. SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION & HEALTHCARE CENTERCivil - Professional Liability Action - Medical document preview
  • Napoleon et al v. SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION & HEALTHCARE CENTERCivil - Professional Liability Action - Medical document preview
  • Napoleon et al v. SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION & HEALTHCARE CENTERCivil - Professional Liability Action - Medical document preview
  • Napoleon et al v. SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION & HEALTHCARE CENTERCivil - Professional Liability Action - Medical document preview


For Prothonotary Use Only: Docket No: The information collected on this form is used solely for court administration purposes. This form does not supplement or replace the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law or rules of court. Commencement of Action Complaint 1 Transfer from Another Jurisdiction D1 writ of Summons D1 Petition D1 Declaration of Taking Lead Plaintiff's Name: Judith Napoleon Lead Defendant’s Name: Springfield Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center WYs O Dollar Amount Requested: (check one) EAwithin arbitration limits {Zloutside arbitration limits Is this a Class Action Suit Yes Is this an Zi No Oo m4 Name of Plaintiff/Appe Thomas A. Lynam, Ill, Esquire Check here if you have no attorney (are a Self-Represented [Pro Se] Litigant) Intentional 1 Motor Vehicle Nuisance Premises Liability 1 Product Liability (does not include mass tort) 1 Slander/Libel/ Defamation DD Other: LD Asbestos 1 Tobacco LD Toxic Tort - DES 1 Toxic Tort - Implant 1 Toxic Waste DD Other: domnot include Judgments) Buyer Plaintiff LF Debt Collection: Credit Card 1 Debt Collection: Other 1 Employment Dispute: Discrimination 1 Employment Dispute: Other CIVIL APPEALS Administrative Agencies LD Board of Assessment 1 Board of Elections LD Dept. of Transportation LG Statutory Appeal: Other DD Zoning Board 1 Dental DO Legal I Medical (0 Other Professional: D Other: 1 Other: — — REAL PROPERTY MISCELLANEOUS D Ejectment 1 Common Law/Statutory Arbitration 1 Eminent Domain/Condemnation Ground Rent 1 Landlord/Tenant Dispute Mortgage Foreclosure: Residential Mortgage Foreclosure: Commercial Partition OD Quiet Title Other: Declaratory Judgment Mandamus [) Non-Domestic Relations Restraining Order Oo Quo Warranto oOo Replevin D other: Updated 1/1/2011IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF DELAWARE COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA CIVIL ACTION-LAW JUDITH NAPOLEON, by and through WILLIAM A. NAPOLEON (POA) NO. SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION & HEALTHCARE CENTER You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after this complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by an attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without further notice for any money claimed in the complaint or for any other claim or relief requested by the plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. FRONT & LEMON STREETS MEDIA, PA 19063VILLARI, LENTZ & LYNAM, LLC By: Thomas A. Lynam, III, Esquire I.D. No.: 100 N. 20 Street, Suite 302 Philadelphia, PA 19103 1990/215 9920 (fax) tlynam@vll THIS IS A MAJOR JURY CASE ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES HEARING REQUIRED Attorney for Plaintiff JUDITH NAPOLE __ , by and through, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS WILLIAM A. NAPOLEON (POA) DELAWARE COUNTY 1300 Kendall Road Swarthmore, PA 190 Plaintiff, SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION HEALTHCARECENTER 463 W. Sproul Rd Springfield, PA 19064 JURY TRIAL. DEMANDED Defendant. CIVIL ACTION COMPLAINT Plaintiff, Judith Napoleon, is an adult individual, sui juris, residing at Lincoln Avenue, A 3, Prospect Park, PA 19076 Suit is hereby brought on her behalf by her duly appointed Power of Attorney, William A. Napoleon, an adult individual residing at 1300 Kendall Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081. DefendantSpringfield Rehabilitation and Health careCenter against whom allegations of professional negligence are made, is a long term care nursing facility with its place of business located at the above captioned address. At all times material hereto, Defendant held itself out as a skilled nursing facility offering the best subacute rehabilitative and long term care with a primary goal of returning patients home as soon as possible. At all times material hereto, Defendant acted or failed to act, by and through itsagents, ostensible agents, work persons and/or employees, who were then and there acting within the scope of their authority in the course of their relationship with said Defendant in furtherance of said Defendant’s business interests. Defendant is vicariously or otherwise responsible for the negligent acts or omissions of its agents, ostensible agents, servants, workmen, and/or employees. On February 1, 2022, Ms. Napoleon was admitted to Taylor Hospital for diarrhea and nausea. She was diagnosed with an acute kidney injury. On February 5, 2022, Ms. Napoleon was discharged from Taylor Hospital to Defendants’ Springfield Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center for short term, subacute rehabilitationfor issues with balance and coordination Upon admission, Defendant was aware of Ms. Napoleon’s deconditioning and balance issues due to her previous medical history of falls, gout, and anemia. Minimum Data Sets completed by Defendant on February 19, 2022, documented that Ms. Napoleon did not have any wounds present upon admission but was at risk of wound development. On February 22, 2022, Defend antinitiated a care plan for Ms. Napoleon requiring a _ person assist with toileting, transfers and bed mobility. On March 10, 2022, Defendant noted Ms. Napoleon to have right arm swelling. Specifically, the daily progress note stated:“Patient seen for right arm swelling. Patient denies recent injury to armand states her arm feels tight.” On March 11, 202Ms. Napoleon underwent an Xray of her arm which showed a right humerus fracture.n March 14, 2022, Defendant’s progress note stated: “Imaging significant of right humerus fracture. Patient has had no falls here and denied injury or trauma to the right arm.” Thereafter, on March 15, 2022, Ms. Napoleon had an outpatient orthopedic visit for her right humerus fracture. During her outpatientorthopedic visit, Ms. Napoleon reported that she fell off of the toilet and onto her right arm about six days ago Inexplicably, Defendant did not document Ms. Napoleons fall, but rather, specifically stated that she did not sustain any injuries at the facility, as noted above On March 15, 2022, Ms. Napoleon returned to Defendant’s facility where her right arm was placed ina sling. Thereafter, on March 17, 2022,as a result of Ms. Napoleon’s unexplained fall, her family requested her discharge from the facility, but Defendant encourage Ms. Napoleon to remain under its care. n March 22, 2022, Ms. Napoleon’s commode was documented to need “some adjustments”, implicating that the commode Ms. Napoleon was using for toileting was broken and/or unsafe for use. On March 26, 2022, Ms. Napoleon’s family visited their mother where they found her in agonizing pain due to her recent right arm fracture and newly developed bed sores On that same date, a nursing assessment indicated Ms. Napoleon to have bed sores and a stage II pressure injury. Ms. Napoleon developed theses pressure injuries as a result of Defendant’s facility providing her with a deflated air mattress to sleep on.Prior to the Ms. Napoleon developing a Stage II pressure ulcer, Defendant’s facility failed to implement proper wound care preventions despite her risk of wound development noted upon admission. For the next month, Ms. Napoleon remained in Defendant’s facility with complaints of persistent right arm pain and lower back pain. On April 25, 2022, Ms. Napoleon was eventually discharged from Defendant’s facility to home. To date, Ms. Napoleon has persistent pain in her right arm and continues to undergo physical therapy to improve her right arm mobility. As a direct and proximate result of the woeful medical care provided by Defendant, Ms. Napoleon suffered serious and avoidable injuries that have diminished her quality of life. COUNT I MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE PLAINTIFF V. DEFENDANT SPRINGFIELD REHABILITATION AND HEALTHCARE CENTER Plaintiff hereby incorporates the averments set forth in paragraphs | , supra, as though fully set forth herein. Ms. Napoleon’s serious injuries were caused by the negligent and careless care provided by Defendant Springfield Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center. Defendant is vicariously liable for the negligent acts and omissions of its agents. The negligence and carelessness of Defendant, its agents, ostensible agents, servants, work persons,and/or employees consisted of the following: Failing to implement adequate and appropriate protocols, interventions,and procedures to prevent Plaintiff's fall; Failing to properly assess Plainiff’’s risk factors for falling; Failing toprovide 1:1 assistance; Failing to monitor Plaintiffor otherwise provide adequate safeguards to prevent falls; Failing to adequately documentPlaintiff ’s fall; Failing to document how Plaintiff's fall occurred; Failing to preventthe development of pressure ulcers; Negligently allowing Plaintiffto remain on a deflated air mattress, catalyzing the development of pressure ulcers; Failing to provide Plaintiff with an air mattress/adequate air mattress to reduce pressure; Failing to adequately turn and/or re position Plaintiff on a regular schedule to avoid excessive pressure on her skin and/or ulcers; Failing to appropriately treat the development of Plaintiff's pressure ulcers; Failing to order/prescribe appropriate medication to prevent/ educe the risk of ulceration; Failing to order/prescribe appropriate medication to treat Plaintiff's pressure ulcer Failing to provide Plaintiff with a safe commodefor ambulation and Failing to properly select, retain, train, and supervise Defendant’s agents,ostensible agents, work persons and/or employees. Additionally, Defendant’s negligent and carelessacts violated Department of Health and Human Services 28 Pa. Code As a long term care facility, Defendant is bound by the regulations enumerated in 28 Pa. Code §211. Defendant’s violations of 28 Pa. Code 211 consist of the following: Facility failed tosupervise and assist Ms. Napoleon with toileting in accordance with her care plan in violation of 28 Pa. Code 211.12(d)(1)(5) Facility failed to ensure Ms. Napoleon’s records were complete and accurate in violation of 28 Pa. Code 211.5(f). Facilityfailed to ensure that the assistive devices to prevent accidents such as falls were safe for residentsuse in violation of 28 Pa.Code (dU). Facility failed to thoroughly investigate Ms. Napoleon’s fall to determine if the proper safety measures and precautions were implemented in violation of 28 Pa. Code 211.12(d)(1)(5). Facility failed to implement proper measures to prevent Ms. Napoleon’s development of pressure injuries in violation of 28 Pa. Code 211.12(d)(1)(5). As a direct and proximate result of the negligence and carelessness of Defendant, Ms. Napoleon was caused to suffer, inter alia:right humerus arm fracture, increased risk of harm; decreased range of motion; decreased strength; tenderness; fatigue; pressure ulcers; skintears; diminishequality of life; disturbances to sleep; inability to ambulate; mental anguish; anxiety; humiliation; embarrassment; depression; overwhelming and extreme physical pain and agony; interrupted sleep; inability to fall asleep;and aggravation and/or exacerbation of all known and unknown pre existing medical condition. As a direct and proximate result of the negligence and carelessness of Defendant, Ms. Napoleon has suffered, and in the future may suffer, an inability to perform her usual and daily duties, responsibilities, hobbies and avocations. As a direct and proximate result of the negligence and carelessness of Defendant, Ms. Napoleon has been, and in the future may continue to be, required to expend various and. diverse sums of money in an effort to cure and/or treat her aforementioned injuries. As a direct and proximate result of the negligenceand carelessness of Defendant, Ms. Napoleon has been, and in the future may continue to be, required to undergo extensive medical care, evaluation, therapy, treatment, costly medications and invasive and painful medical procedures and surgeries in an effort to cure and/or treat her injuries. As a direct and proximate result of the negligence and carelessness of Defendant, Ms. Napoleon has suffered, and in the future will continue to suffer, a loss of leisure time and life’s pleasures.WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Judith Napoleon demand judgment in her favor and against Defendant for special and compensatory damages in an amount in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), together with interest, costs, Rule 238 delay damages and such other just and equitable relief as this Honorable Court deems proper. Respectfully submitted, VILLARI, LENTZ & LYNAM, LLC BY: /Thomas A. Lynam, IIT THOMAS A. LYNAM, III, ESQUIRE Attorney for Plaintiff Date: June 28, 2022VERIFICATION I, Thomas A. Lynam, III, hereby verify that I am the Attorney for Plaintiff in this action; Thave read the foregoing Civil Action Complaint, and the statements made therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. I understand that the statements made herein are subject to the penalties of 18 Pa. C.S.A. §4904 relating to unsworn falsification to authorities. /s/ Thomas A. Lynam, LI HOMAS A. LYNAM, III, ESQUIRE Attorney for Plaintiff Date: June 28, 2022 FILED 06-28-2022 12:24 PM OFFICE OF JUDICIAL SUPPORT DELAWARE COUNTY, PA