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  • Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. IvanenkoCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. IvanenkoCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. IvanenkoCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. IvanenkoCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. IvanenkoCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. IvanenkoCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. IvanenkoCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview
  • Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. IvanenkoCivil - Contract - Debt Collection: Credit Card document preview


Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas m thanmw Use Only Cu ll Cover Sheet Delaware county Ilia Information collected on {Ins form rs used $01611 In!camr udmmtsrrcmon pmposm 1111s jorm (Inc 3 rm! 51/ I )1: ment or w Ila“ the rum: and 58:11:27: u] mailings 01 other m ms (1.5 n; zmed In lav» m mics 4)] mm! S Commencement of Action 12} Compiaim {:1 Wm 0f faummons II! Petition E a Transfer from Another Jurisdiction U Declaration of Iakmg C I Lad Pl limit! 5 1\ 11m: \\ dis 1mg) 13 inkI\ «\ l a 1d 0mm! ml 5 N um I ihya 1\111mm» T I 9 Dollar Amount Requested within arbitration limits 0 Al 13 money damages requested yes [I No (Check one) CI outside arbitration limits N Is this a Class Action Suit? D Yes V0 Is this an MDJ Appeal? [:1 Yes [33 1‘40 Name anIaintift’Appellant s Attorney lunothy A IE innsESQ Id No 326340: Orlans PC A D ( [N.le hm if you haw. n0 uttorne§ (am a Self Rm: estntul {Pm So] I itigant) Natal e of the Case Place an ‘X ‘ to the left at the ONE case calcgory that most accurately describes your PRIMARY CAbE If you are making more than one type of claim check the one that you consider most important TOR 1‘ (do not Include Mass Tort) CONT RAG I‘ (do not WK 1m]? Judgment“ ( IV”; APPEALS E] Intentiom} a Buyer Plaintiff Administrative Agencies [:1 Mansions Prosecutlon 121 Debt CollectionCredit ( ard [3 Board of Assessmcnt [3 Motor VLhiklt‘J Cl Debt Collection Other [3 Board of Elections [I Nuisance D Dept 01 Transportation [I Premises Liability D Statutory Appeal Other [3 ProduLt Liability(does not S Include ma :5 10H) D Employment Dispute E El Slander Libel Datamation Discrimination C! Other El Employment Dispute Other CI Zoning Board C C] Other T I MASS TORT a 0“” 0 CI Asbestos N [3 Tobacco E} fox“: Tort DES CI Toxic Tort Impianl REAL PROPLRI Y hflSCELLANEOUS E TOXIC Waste El Ejectment D Comm LaWIStatutory Arbitration B D Other I] Eminent Donmme‘ondemnation E] Decimatory Judgment El Ground Rent C] Mandamus E] LandlordaTeuant Dispute El N011 Domestic Relations D Mortgage Foreclosure Residential Restraining Order PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY [3 Mortgage 1'oreclosure Communal E] Que W arranto Cl D D Partmon [Z] Replevm entail {3 Qmet Tltle D Other Cl Lagai C1 0th a Medical er [3 Other Professional Pa R.C P 205 9 Lpd‘ated 01/01/2011 01121115 PC Iimothy A Cirino, Esquire Attorney 1D 326 340 Stratiord Office Buildings buite 120 200 bugle Road Wayne PA I 9087 ATTORNE') FOR PLAINTIFF p (248) 50" 1381 teirinogd‘orlam com Wells Fargo B 111k NA 420 Montgomery Street C OURT OF LOMMON PI EAS San Francisco CA 94104 P] lintlfi C. IV”. DIVISION \ NO I Hiya Ivanenko 16 Walnut Road DEL AWARE COLIN] Y Wallingfbld PA 19086 Defendant NOTICE 3: cu haw been sued in Court If you “15h to defend against the claims set forth in the £0110“; ing pages you must take action within twenty (20) days after this mlnplaint and notice are sen ed by entering a written appearance personally or by attomey and filing in writing With the L mm your defenses or objeetions to the claims set forth against you You are xx awed that ii you Iail to do so the case may proceed without you and ajudgment may be entered against you by the Coufi without further notlce for any money claimed in the complaint or for any other claim or relief requested by the plaintiff You may lose money or property 01 other rights important to you YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWX ER AT ONCE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE. A LAWYER (10 TO OR FbLEPHONE THE OFFICE, SE1 PORIH BELOW IBIS OHIO; LAN PROVIDE YOU WI PH INIAORMAI ION ABOUI HIRING A LAWYER IF YO! ' CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER. THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A RFDUCED FEF OR NO FFE Lawyer’s Reference Service Front & Lemon Streets Media, Pennsylx ania 1906 a (610) 566 6625 Orlans PC Timothy A Chino hsquime Anttornea ID 376340 A l IORNI Y EOR PL MN III F Striffoxd Office Buildmgs Suite 120 200 Efiglc R0 ad Wayne PA 1.9087 13 (248) 502 I381 tci1i110(d‘oxlans L011} Wells, Fargc Bank NA 420 Montgomery Street C OUR! 0} C( )MMUN PI I AS San FfflllbiSCO CA 94104 Plaintiff LIVIL DIVISION V NO L11i321 Ix anenko 16 Wainut Road DEL AWARE €01.1le Wallin 10rd PA 19086 Detendmt ( 0MP] UNI (1H! H 1 [Oh 1 Plaintiff Welis Falgo Bank NA is a national association 01ganized and existing undu the laws of the United States of Ameriua with anadd1eas uf420 Montgomery Street San Manchu) CA 94104 2 Th; Defendant I Hiya Ivancnko i9 an individual who rosidgs at 16 Walnut Road Wallingfmd PA 19086 3 Venue 1s proper in Delaware County pursuant to Pa R C P 1006(a)(1) since Defendant can be sen ed in Delaware County 4 On Octobel 5, 2017 Liliya Ix anemia entered into a Consume: Credit Card Customer Ag1eemunl(here1natter Agreement )w1th Plaintiff A true and couemt copy of file current Agreement is attached h61€t0 made part hereot and marde as Exhibit “A” 5 The Agreement proxides among other things that in consideration for the loan and ad‘» anccment of monies Defendant shall make certain payments as more particularly set iorth in the Agreement 6 Tbs Agreement is in default because Defendant failed to pay the minimum payment amount due each month Orlans #900890 Ivanenko 2082 7 0n Maruh 32 2022 Plaintifi mailed a notice 01 auceleration t0 Defendant a true and correct copy of Which is mashed hereto, made part hereof and marked as Exhibit 13‘ 8 Desp1te demand 101 payment Defendant has not paid the mania due to Plaimilf under the Agrcumm 9 1h; outstanding baianu due and owing undw t1“. Agrcummt is $6 225 0‘) A true and correct aopy 01 the borrower 5 monthly statement which has been redacted to protect pr?» ate account informauon reflects the balance due and is attached hereto made part hereof and marked as Exhibit C WHEREFORE Plaintiff dunands iudgment against the Defendant in the sum of $6 225 99 plus reasonable attorney tee.» and costs as. \\ ell as sum further reliei to which Plaintiff may be LfltifiCd under thz law By " Tm“) " Cm Esquire Attorney ior I’laintifl Orlans #900890 lvmenlso 2082 EXHIBIT A WELLS FARGO Consumer Credit Card Customer Agreement 8: Disclosure Statement Visa® TABLE 3? CONTENTS Your Contract With Us S n r 1 Page 1 Using Your Account 56mm: 4 3651?;3 Changes To This Agreement Section 10 Page 6 Fees And Interest gamer: 11 Page 6 Billing Statements And Section 19 Page 9 kyments Other Important Information Sgtfipn 21 Page 11 Arbitration xtlon 31 Page 5.2 Your Billing Rights Section 32 Page 14 Aware Duty Mliitary Egactierz 33 Page 5.5 Servicemembers and Their Dependents Interpreter Certification Section 34 F 7% 15 Notice To California Cardhoiders To our Catifornia customers who have discussed credit card terms and conditions with us in Spanish Chinese Korean Vietnamese or Tagalog Read Section 34 about interpreter certification before you confirm your credit can! Lea ta Seccion 34 sabre certificacién de interprete antes de confirmar su tarjeta de credito §§¢§Efi§§fi§§~§2fiflfi§$ 34 ESE? rfififig’ééfi.‘ 416M H&Hl‘ a warm! f10|i%%w91€0i1 {41;} 24:3: 94 2M?! Hrat- a Hay dqc Phan 34 ve chu’ng nhan théng dich vien tru’dc khl cw)? v!xéc nhan thé tin dung cua mlnh Basahin ang Seksyon 34 tungkol sa sertipikasyon ng interpreter bago mo kumpirmahin ang iyong credit card Your Contract With Us (1) Agreement This contract for your credit card account ( Account ) includes the Credit Card Agreement{ Agreement ), the Important Terms cf Your Credit Card Account and future amendments to this Agreement This Agreement is a contract between Waits Fargo Bank, N A and each Account holder You and any joint Account holder accept the terms of this Agreement by using or confirming your Account Please read this Agreement carefully and keep it for your records Page 1 (2) Definitions A rate shown as a percentage, Annual used to calcu|ate interest on the Percentage Rate balance on your Account (APR) The time period between biSIing statements Each billing 2mm: (23:)? statement shows a statement dosing date which is the last day of the Billing CycIe The transfer of a balance from Balance Transfer another credit account to your Account inciuding the use of a check that accesses your Account Any cards we issue to you or any devices we altow you to use to access credit on your Account Use of your Card to get cash Examples inciude using your card Gas“ Advance for Cash Advances through an ATM bank teller or Wells Fargo OnIIne Overdraft Protection advances, Balance Transfers, or cash like purchases such as money orders, wire transfers, traveler checks foreign currency lottery tlckets, casino chips,off track wagers, other wagers vouchers redeemabte for cash or similar items A device other than your Card, Credit Iike SUPERCHECKS and mobile Access Device devices that we ailow you to use to access credlt on your Account A summary of your Account 5 Important Terms APRs fees and other important of Your Credit lnformatlon Card Account The total amount you owe as of a New Balance statement closing date The sum of ah unpaid amounts, including Purchases, Cash 33:51::de Advances, Balance Transfers interest fees and any other amounts that you may owe us The date the Minimum Payment is due It wit! be at least 25 days 32:? ant Due from the statement closing date and Wm be provided on your billing statement Use of your Account to buy or lease goods or services Cash Advances, Balance Transfers and cash llke transactions are not Purchases Tax payments and associated fees are Purchases This is the amount that is Wells Fargo Bank N A We, Us, and Our The Account holder(s) who You and Your opened the Account Page 2 (3) Contacting You You agree that we have your consent to contact you at any phone number email address or mailing address you provide for any Wells Fargo account or at any number that you call us from or at any number that we obtain by other means If you provlded a phone number you agree that you own or are authorized to provide that number, and you understand that you shat! lndemnify us for any costs and expenses, Includlng reasonable attorneys fees incurred as a result of us attempting to contact you at the number(s) Your consent allows us and any companies working on our behaff to service your account, to use any means to contact you including automated dialing devices, prerecorded/artificial voice messages, man, e mail, text messages, push notifications and calls to your ceil phone or any other data or voice transmission technology You are responsibie for any service provider charges you may incur as a result of us contacting you by any means, whether such charges are related to text, data, equipment or other plans You Wm promptty notify us if you change any contact information, including your name mailing address, e mail addresses or phone numbers If you have a joint Account, a notice to one of you Wm serve as a notice to both of you We may use voice recognition technology to verify your identity when you calf We may capture and store your voiceprint for this purpose We may monitor and record any calls between you and us Using Your Acoount (4) Using Your Account You may use your consumer credit card Account for Purchases, Balance Transfers, Cash Advances and any other transactions we aiiow You promise to use your Account onky for lawful personal, famlly or household purposes We reserve the right to deny transactions or authorizations from merchants who may be engaging in the internet gambling business We are not responsible for anyone who refuses to accept your Card or any other Credit Access Device We may decline any transaction at any téme Your credlt card may not be used to make a payment on any other Wells Fargo credit account Cash Advances from ATMs Cash Advances from ATMs may be limitedby amount or frequency The ATM owner may have addEUona! restrictions If the ATM owner charges any fee that fee willbe included as part of the total Cash Advance amount Cash Advances for Overdraft Protection You may elect to have an automatic Cash Advance from your Account to cover an overdraft on a linked Welis Fargo checking account To cover an overdraft on a linked Wells Fargo checking account we win advance the greater of . the amount of your overdraft or $25 00 Except if 0 the amount of avaiiable credit on your Card is less than the amount of the overdraft or less than $"5 00 we will then advance the amount of available credit The APR and fees that apply to overdraft protection advances are listedin the Important Terms of Your Credit Card Account Overdraft protectlon advances interest and fees may cause your Account balance Page 3 to exceed your credit I mit If there is more than one person listed on the checking account (such as a joint checking account) that you have linked for overdraft protection, then a You will be responsible for alt overdraft protection advances regardless of which peraon writes the check or engages In any other transaction (such as a deblt card purchase) that causes the overdraft, and . You agree to allow us to disclose to any other person on your checking account, that this Card is linked to your checking account for overdraft protection We reserve the right to cancel, suspend, or change your overdraft protection service at any time, for any reason Credit Access Devices SUPERCHECKS can be used to access your Account similar to writing a check on a deposit account SUPERCHECKS checks will post as a Balance Transfer only when they are included with a Balance Transfer offer If a SUPERCHECKS check is not included with a Balance Transfer offer It will post as a Cash Advance They wilt include transaction fees and interest Some restrictions apply to SUPERCHECKS v They may not be written as payment on any Wells Fargo account o They may be used only by the person whose name is printecf on the check . They must be written in U S dollars - They cannot be certified ~ You cannot file a ciaim against the bank when you have a dispute with a merchant about payment for property or services that you paid for using a SUPERCHECKS check - We reserve the right to put conditions on the use of SUPERCHECKS checks and to reject decline and return unpaid any SUPERCHECKS check or advance at our discretion: Third Party] Monika Devices You or an authorized user may be permitted to load your credit card to an app on a smart phone, tablet or other electronic device, such as,through a mobile wallet which could be used for purchases or other transactions without presenting the card Any such Transactions are covered by this Agreement We have no control over the device and cannot guarantee the performance of the device Additionally - You should protect the security of the device the same as your credit card or other valuable information I There may be third party fees related to the transaction such as mobile carrier data or messaging charges it We may at any time, partially or fully restrict your abiilty to make credit transactions through a third garty/mobile device You agree to notify us promptéy if youremove or want to remove your Account information from any third party/mobile device (5) Authorized Users If you wish to have an additional Card issued in another person 5 name, please contact us and we will send you a Card with the Page 4 name of the authorized person embossed on the front of the Card You are responslble for payment of the entire amount owed to us including any Purchases Balance Transfers or Cash Advances (and ail related interest and fees) made by the authorized person Ending Authorlzed User Privileges If you want to end an authorized users privilege to use your Account, you must - Recover and destroy that person 5 Card If you do not you wlllcontinue to be liable for any charges made, even if you've advised us of your wish to cancel the prleleges unless you tell us to cancel all Cards and establish a new Account for you - You must notify us of your request by contacting us at the number on the back of your Card or by mail at Wells Fargo Bank N A PO Box 10347 Des Moines IA 50306 0347 In general an authorized person is not obligated on thls Account and Isnot liable for any Outstanding Baiance or any other charges made by you or by any other authorized person In the event of the death of all fully liable cardholders, authorized users privilege ends automatically After that,lf any person uses the Card such use Indicates his or her agreement to pay us and we may at our discretion pursue the person for payment of any Outstandlng Balance or any other charges they authorize You agree to notify each authorized person that they are subject to all applicable sectlons of this Agreement Information about Authorized Users You agree to give us certain personal Information about each authorized user You must have permlsslon from each authorized user allowing you to glve us that personal information Thls may include name, address, social security number date of birth and citizenship (6) Lost or Stolen Cards and Liability for Unauthorized Use, and Zero Liability Protection You must notify us immediater If your Card or account information §s lost or stolen or if you believe its being used without your permission You may contact us by phone at 800 642 4720 or in writing at WelEs Fargo Bank N A PO Box 10347 Des Moines, IA 50306 0347 You agree to assist us in our investigation of the matter If you do this and we find you not responsible you wllinot be held liable for the unauthorized use of your Account (7) Promise to Pay When you use your Account or let someone else use it, you promise to pay the tote: amount of the Purchases, Cash Advances, and Balance Transfers, plus allInterest,fees and other amounts that you may owe us We may Eimit or close your Account but the terms of this Agreement will apply until you pay the Account in full (8) Credit Limit We may assign the foilowing limits to your Account Cash Advance Limit We may restrict the amount of your credit limit that canbe used for Cash Advances Your total credit limit will be provided with your Credit Card and shows on each of your billing statements You promlse to use your Account only to the Eimltg If you exceed your total credit limit,we may allow the transaction without Increaslng your total credlt limit or deny the transaction If we allow the transaction, Page 5 we may treat that over llmlt amount as due with the mlnimum payment on your next statement If you exceed the limits you will still remain liable for all credit you recelve We can adjust your credit limit at any time including automatic credit line increases for those who qualify (9) Authorizations We don t guarantee approval of transactions We reserve the right to deny transactions for any reason, such as account default, suspected fraudulent or unlawful activity,Internet gambling or any indication of increased risk related to the transaction If you engage in abuse, mlsuse or gamlng in connection with earning or using points or attempt to do 50; we may close or restrict your Wells Fargo credit card(s) Abuse, misuse or gaming includes, but is not limited to.making multiple purchases and multiple payments during a blillng cche whereby the dollar amount for each purchase in the aggregate substantially exceeds your credlt llmlt We also may limit the number of authorlzations we allow during a period of time Transactlons at some merchants (such as hotels car rental companies, rez'slzalurantgr and gas statlons) may result in temporary authorizations for amounts greater than the actual Purchase amount This wlllmake less credit available on your Account for several days, usually until the date the actual Purchase amount is received from the merchant If you give your credit card information to a merchant to bill your account for recurring payments, or to keep It on file for future purchases or payments, and your card number, expiration date or security code changes you should notify the merchant with your new card Information Some card networks provide update services and receive updated card information from Wells Fargo Merchants that participate in such services willreceive updated card information from the network for credit cards that you have provided to the merchant for recurring or future purchases or payments We cannot tell you whlch merchant will receive updated card infmmation when your card informatlon changes You should always provide each merchant with your new card information because some merchants do not subscribe to such network services Changes To This Agreement (10) Change in Terms We may change this Agreement at any time These changes may apply to exlstlng and future balances We win give you advance written notice of the changes and a right to reject the changes if required by law We may require you to close your Account or take other actions if you reject the changes Fees And Interest (11) Fees The following fees may apply to your account If they do apply you will find the amount in the Important Terms of Your Credit Card Account You agree to pay any fees that apply 0 Annual Fee If your account has an annual fee it will be charged each year your account is open The Page 6 annual fee will not be billedafter your Account is closed . Balance Transfer Fee This fee may be charged on a Balance Transfer transaction . Cash Advance Fee This fee may be charged on a Cash Advance from your Amount - Overdraft Protection Advance Fee This fee may be charged when an overdraft amount is advanced to the checking account linked to your Credit Card Account by you 0 Foreign Currency Conversion Fee If you make a transaction In a foreign currency Visa will convert it intoa U 5 dollar amount A foreign currency conversion fee may be charged when this is done v Late Fee This fee may be charged each time we do not receive the required Minimum Payment due by the Payment Due Date . Returned Check or Returned Payment Fee This fee may be charged when a payment is not processed the first time or is returned unpaid - Rush Plastic Fee This fee may be charged if you