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  • Stanley Williams VS Sara WilliamsDomestic - Divorce/Alimony document preview
  • Stanley Williams VS Sara WilliamsDomestic - Divorce/Alimony document preview
  • Stanley Williams VS Sara WilliamsDomestic - Divorce/Alimony document preview
  • Stanley Williams VS Sara WilliamsDomestic - Divorce/Alimony document preview
  • Stanley Williams VS Sara WilliamsDomestic - Divorce/Alimony document preview
  • Stanley Williams VS Sara WilliamsDomestic - Divorce/Alimony document preview
  • Stanley Williams VS Sara WilliamsDomestic - Divorce/Alimony document preview
  • Stanley Williams VS Sara WilliamsDomestic - Divorce/Alimony document preview


IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Stanley Michael Williams Petitioner(s), Case Number: 20FM5772-2 Vs. Sara Rebecca Williams Respondent(s) RULE NISI The GAL having filed a Motion for Temporary Hearing/Motion for Contempt, and the same having been read and considered, therefore let the parties appear for a Virtual Temporary/Contempt Hearing before the Honorable Judge Asha F. Jackson on 07/27/2022 at 9:00AM, VIA ZOOM, to show cause why the relief sought should not be granted. Please be advised that your case may be called in PRIOR to your designated time. Parties must be prepared and ready to proceed on designated date. Please note that the zoom link is attached to this notice below. PLEASE NOTE: Failure to appear may be grounds for imposition of sanctions, including dismissal, or final disposition of your case. It is your responsibility to obtain your own court reporter should you want the case taken down. As of June 1, 2010, DeKalb County Superior Court no longer has an official court reporter assigned on site to take down and report civil or domestic cases. For a list of freelance court reporters, please visit If your case requires an interpreter, you must notify the court upon receipt of this notice. On this the 28th day of June, 2022. __________________________________ Rakilah Green, Case Manager for the Honorable Judge Asha F. Jackson Cc: Heather Wright Michael O'Hagan Gregory Golden PLEASE SERVE A COPY ON OPPOSING COUNSEL OR PARTY Please be advised that this case is scheduled for a virtual hearing on July 27th, 2022 at 9:00AM Est via Zoom . Please be advised that you are expected to be available from the start time of the calendar until you are dismissed by the Court. With that being said, your case may be called in PRIOR to your designated time. Parties must be prepared and ready to proceed on the designated date. The Zoom link is attached below and highlighted in yellow. Please make sure to review all Zoom rules and standards stated on your notice prior to your hearing date. *PLEASE SERVE NOTICE UPON OPPOSING PARTY/COUNSEL • All parties must have their own device (a smart phone or a computer with a webcam) for the hearing. Persons cannot share devices. Attorneys, parties and witnesses must turn and keep their video ON during the hearing. • Attorneys and parties, this is an official court proceeding so be mindful of etiquette and appropriate attire. Please remind witnesses of the same. • For those who wish to view the proceedings but are not parties, attorneys or witnesses; they may achieve access through going into the Courtroom (6C) in DeKalb Superior Court if it is open. • Also, please rename all devices to reflect your name and/or title (i.e. Rakilah Green- Calendar Clerk---not iPhone 8 or Galaxy 9). Lastly, feel free to contact me via email if you have questions, are experiencing difficulty accessing Zoom or difficulties logging into the meeting. I will do my best to assist. Topic: Judge Jackson’s Domestic Non-Jury Hearing Time: recurring Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: 09 Meeting ID: 83674602221 Password: 772263 Or Skype for Business (Lync): IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING COURT SESSIONS. Although this is a virtual hearing; participants must dress accordingly as this is still a Court Session. Please make every effort to log on few minutes early and test your microphone and audio. All participants must rename themselves with first and last name in their profile settings or alternatively, during the meeting by hovering over their name in the “participants” window and clicking "rename." All microphones should be on mute when admitted to the meeting and should remain muted until it's your turn to talk. Headsets are recommended rather than integrated audio and microphones on your computer. Recording of the proceedings is strictly prohibited. You may not publicly disseminate this link. It is only for lawyers, parties, and witnesses. If the courtroom is open, public access will be achieved that way. Division 2 ZOOM RULES AND STANDARDS If any changes need to be made, please email me as soon as possible. Attorneys, please remind victims/family of zoom etiquette and presentable attire. For those who will not be called on, please direct them to the livestream link. Also, please rename all devices to reflect your name and/or title (i.e. Rakilah Green-Calendar Clerk---not iPhone 8 or Galaxy 9). Lastly, feel free to contact me via email if you’re experiencing difficulties logging into the meeting. I will do my best to assist. COURT DECORUM: Although court proceedings will be handled via Zoom, please adhere to courtroom decorum. Be mindful of your clothing and background. Try to be in quiet place without other people, activity, or distractions in the background. No eating or chewing gum. The Court will call the calendar as if we were in the courtroom, so please be on time. ZOOM PROCEDURES: You are getting this notice because you have already agreed to conduct your hearing via Zoom. If there was a misunderstanding and you now object, please notify the Court immediately. ZOOM SESSION: Ifyou are unfamiliar with Zoom, please go to and review their tutorial. You do not have to have a Zoom account to participate. All you need to do is to go to, press “Join Meeting” at the top of the screen, and type in the meeting id number and password. The session will then start. In some cases, you may have to download the Zoom application so do not wait until the last minute to open Zoom on your computer. When you first come into the online session, you will enter a waiting room. You will be unable to talk to other participants until the hearing begins. If you have any technical difficulty getting into the session, please immediately email Ms. Rakilah Green at ZOOM EQUIPMENT: Every participants must have his/her own device. No sharing. The device must have an operable camera and microphone. The Court will not conduct the hearing without being able to see all participants. If you are disruptive, the Court will conclude the session or remove you from the proceedings. Despite our new venue, you can still be held in contempt of court for the violation of court orders or directives. COURT REPORTER / INTERPRETERS: Parties are still responsible for contacting a court reporter if they want their hearing recorded and must advise the court reporter that the hearing will be conducted via ZOOM. Zoom does record but it willnot be an officialrecord; so, itdoes not preserve for appellate purposes! NO RECORDING OF ZOOM PROCEEDINGS WITHOUT PERMISSION: Just like in court, no party can record the Zoom session without permission. INTERPRETER: **Please inform the case manager: PRIOR TO THE HEARING if an interpreter is necessary. Note that the Georgia Supreme Court has authorized court reporters to take-down via Zoom and has allowed interpreters and witnesses to be sworn in remotely during the ZOOM hearing. EXHIBITS: ** Please note all parties must exchange exhibits at least (1) week prior to the scheduled hearing. Parties must familiarize themselves with the “share your screen” function in Zoom prior to hearing. Expect additional instructions for sharing exhibits to be forthcoming from Court staff under separate email correspondence. ZOOM INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXHIBITS AND OTHER DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE You should have already received notice of your upcoming hearing. Below are detailed instructions for how we will handle exhibits during the zoom hearing. Exhibits include any type of documentary evidence you wish the Court to view during your hearing. The instructions below apply to not only exhibits the parties wish to enter into evidence but for any exhibit you want the Judge to reference during the hearing. You will be asked to utilize the share your screen function in zoom. Please review the tutorial at for instructions on how to use the share your screen function. We will follow the following procedure: 1. All exhibits MUST be exchanged between the parties PRIOR to the hearing. This must be done and the Court will hold you to this requirement. You will not be allowed to show your exhibit to the Judge unless you have first shown the exhibit to the opposing party. 2. Prior to the hearing, each party shall send all of their exhibits via email to the Court’s staff attorney ( with each exhibit properly labeled/numbered. Proper labeling/numbering is essential for the court to be able to reference quickly during the hearing. (Please label Plaintiff Ex. 1 or Defendant Ex. 2, etc.) Please try to send all exhibits in one file or minimal emails if possible. 3. During the hearing, if you wish to introduce the exhibit, you must tell the Court which exhibit you are wishing to introduce and if admitted you will then share your screen. This allows all parties to view the exhibit on their respective screen. Note: This also allows those persons viewing the hearing via livestream to view the exhibits as well. 4. Lastly, if admitted, you then send the exhibit directly to the court reporter through the chat function in ZOOM. DO NOT send to ALL participants. If there is no court reporter, then you will send the exhibits directly to the staff attorney (Terri Simmons) through the chat function in ZOOM or via email. Note: If there are documents that are already filed in the record that you wish the Court to view during the hearing, make sure you send it to the court along with your other exhibits and make sure it is properly labeled. Note: It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to redact any and all sensitive information from exhibits or documents you wish to utilize during the hearing. Remember, exhibits shared via the share your screen function are viewable to all parties on the zoom call including all parties watching the livestreamed hearing. Thanks and let me know if you all have any questions as soon as possible and prior to your hearing.