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  • TARGET -v- CHON Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • TARGET -v- CHON Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • TARGET -v- CHON Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • TARGET -v- CHON Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview


V S c L slscocr cialFoimtslvll u p lDnited States Bar kruptcy Court Central District Of California L CI IDCCIl O An 1e T nr iw n iA 3420 Twelfth Street Rivers de CA 92501 COUN7Y OF SAN BERNARDINO 3819 SqN BERNARCIINO DISTRICT DISCHARGE OF DEBTOR A o zat m DEBTOR INFORMATION BANKRUPTCY NO S p lIBUTY Maricela Chon CHAPTER 7 Last four digits of Social Secur or Individual Taxpaye Identffication ITIN No s ifany ocx oc 0248 Employer Tax IdeMrticetion EIN No s if eny WA Debtor Discharge Date 112N5 Address 8681 Kempster Avenue Fontana CA 92335 It appearing that the debtois entitled to a dischargeIT I ORDERED The debtor is granted a discharge under section 727 of title 11United States Code the Bankruptcy Code 3EE THE BACK OF THIS qRDER FOR EXCEPTIONS AND OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION BY THE COURT Dated January 12 2015 Kethleen J Campbeli Clerk of fhe Court Set forth all namesinc udirtg trade names used by the debtor s wifhin the ast 8 years Forjoin debtors set forfhfhe ast four digiis of lmth social secur ty numbersor indiyidual tai payer identi cation numbers Fom bt8 DIS Rev12 2011VAN 30 13 1T omao 513050074 14019 1 B18 O Form cial IS Cont ti Rev 2111 h 1 It i ti R tt t t 4F t s t s r t fA EXPLANATION OF BANKRUP CY DISCHA RGE a r a frF aas n IN A CHAPTER 7 CASE z This cour t order grants a discharge ta the person named as the debtor It is not a dismissal of the case and it does nat determine how mucli maney if any tlie Inistee will pay to creditoirs s ry Collechonof Dis har d Dehts Prohibited The discharge prohibits any attempt to collect from the debtor a debt that has been discharged For example a creditor is not permitted to contact a debtarby mail phone or atherwise ta fi le or continue a lawsuit to attach wages or other groperty or to take any other actian to collect a dischargecl clebt froin the dehfor In a case involving communiry properry There are alsa special rules that pratect certain community property owned by the debtor s spouse even if tbac spouse did nat le a hankruptcy case A creditar who vialates this arder can be required ta pay damages and attarney s fees ta the debtor However a creditar may have the right to enforce a valid lien such as a mortgage or security interesf against th debtor s property after the bankiuptcy tf that lien was not avoided or elirninated in the bankruptcy case Also a debtc r may valuntarily pay any debt that has been discharged Debts That are DischarQed The chapter 7 discharge order eliminates a debtor s legal obligation ic pay a debt that is discharged Most but not all types of iebts are discharged if the debt existed an the date the bankruptcy case was fled If this case was hegun under a ciifferent chapter af the Banktvptcy Code and canverted to chapter 7 the discharge applies to debts owed when the bankruptcy case was convarted Debts That are Not DischarQed Some of the common types of debts which are gg discharged in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case are a Debts far mast ta es b Debts incurred to pay nondischargeable taxes llebts that are domestic st pport abligatians 1 d Debts for most student loans e Deb s for most fines penaities farfeitures or criminal restitution obligations f Debts for persanal injuries or death caused by the debtor s operation of a motor vehicle vessel or aircraf while intoxicated g Some debts which were not properly listed by the debtor h Debts that the bankruptcy court under section S23 of ihe Bankruptcy Cade or ather applicable 3aw specifically has decided or will decide in this bankruptcy case are not discharged i Dehts far which the debtor has given up the discharge praEectioas by signing a reaffirrnation agreernent in campliance with the Bankittptcy Code requirernents for reaffirmation of debts and j Debts owed to certain pension profit sharing stock bonus cither retirement plans or to the Thrift Savings Plan for federal employees for certain types of loans from these plans This inforrnation is only a general sammary of the bankruptcy discharge There are exceptions to these general rules Because the law is complicatei you tnay want ta consult an attorney to determine the exact effect of he discharge in this case y 407407 513p50Q7414Q19