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  • GUTIERREZ -V- MOUNTAIN LAKES RESORT Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • GUTIERREZ -V- MOUNTAIN LAKES RESORT Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • GUTIERREZ -V- MOUNTAIN LAKES RESORT Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • GUTIERREZ -V- MOUNTAIN LAKES RESORT Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


CIV 110 ATTORNEY 0 t PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY Name Stafe BarnumDen and eddress Gj FOR COURT USE ONLY RICHARD ANDERSON ESQ SBN 4124 ANDERSON LEBLANC A P LC 1365 WEST FOOTHILL BOULEVARD F I L E SUITE 2 S pERiOR C Ot RT C UPLAND CA 91786 NN A AlV Ct Nq qp9 A TELEPHONE NO 909 94 ZZZ Fax r oo o 909 985 7553 f TFt1 T e r rwoRessrop ro so anderssconlaw@live com q ATfORNEYFOR Name P c 111t111 2Qf7 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDlNO srReernooRess 247 WEST THiRD STREET n wiuNcaooRess 247 WEST THiRD STREET SANDRA ORTEG DEPUTY cmrnr oz Pcooe SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0210 srv NCHNanneSAN BERNARDINO CIVIL JUSTICE CENTER PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER ROSE GUTIERREZ DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT MOUNTAIN LAKES RESORT an unknown business entit etc et al nd DOES 1 CASE NUMBER REGIUEST FOR DISMISSAL CIVDS1515030 A conformed copy wiii not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided wlth the document This form may not be used for dismissa of a derivative actian or a class action or of any party or cause of action in a class action Cal Rules of Court rules 3 760 and 3 770 j 1 TO THE CLERK Please dismiss this action as follows a 1 XO With prejudice 2 0 Without prejudice b 1 0 Complaint 2 0 Petition 3 0 Cross complaint filed by name dafe 4 Cross complaint 61ed by name n date 5 X Entire action of all parties and all causes of action 6 0 Other specify 2 Complete in all cases except family aw cases The cou t did x0 didnot waive courtfees and costs for a pa in thi e i o ma e obfained from the clerk fcourt fees and costs wer waived the declaration on th back sfo u be c t oate December 9 2016 RICHARD G ANDERSON NAT RE NPE OF OR PRINT NAME X ATTORNEY O PARTY W THOUT ATTORNEY r y or pa ithout attorney forROSE GUTIERREZ If dismissal requesked is oF specified paRies only o specifled causes of acdon oniyor ot speclfied cross compfalnts onty so state and identify the par6es Plaintiff Petitioner DefendanURespondent causes of action or cross complaints to be dismissed 0 Cross Compiainant 3 TO FHE CLERK Consent to the above dismissal is hereby given Date SIGNATURE TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ATTORNEY O P 1Y W THOUT ATTORNEI Attomey or parry without attomey for It a crosscompiaint or Response familyLawseekingatfirtnative reite is on file fhe attomey for cross compfainant respondent must sign this consent it required by Code of C vil Procedure secfion SB1 i Plaintiff Petitioner Defendant Respondent or j Cross Complainant To b completed by clerk 4 Dismissal entered as requested on date i 5 Dis ssalentered on date AN 4k to only name 6 Di issal notentered as requested for thefollowingreasons sper J O S 011 7 a Attorney or party without atforney nofified on date b Attorney or parly without attorney not notified Filing party failed to provide a copy to be conformed 0 means to retum conformed copy aate C1erk y s o Deputy lAN O 6 2017 Page 1 of 2 form Adopled for Mandetory Use Code of Civil Procedure 689 et seq Judidal Coundl ot CalNamia REQUEST FOR DfSMISSAL Gov Code 68897 cCal RWasaf CourL rula 3 1390 CIV 110 Rev Jan 7 2013 SO U 1 15 C CIV 110 PLAINTIFF PETITIONER ROSE GUTIERREZ CASE NUMBER DEFENDANT RESPONDENT MOUNTAIN LAKES RESORT an unknown CIVDS1515030 business entity etc et al nd DOES 1 COURT S RECOVERY OF WAIVED GOURT FEES AND COSTS if a party whose court fees and costs were initially waived has recovered or will recover 10 000 or more in value by way of settlement compromise arbitration awardmediation settlement or other means the court has a statutory lien on that recovery The court may refuse to dismiss the case untii the lien is satisfied Gov Code 68637 Declaration Concerning Waived Court Fees 1 The court waived court fees and costs inthis action for name 2 The person named in item 1 is check one below a not recovering anything of value by this action b recovering less than 10 000 in value by this action c recovering 10 000 or more in value by this actionlfitem 2c is checked item 3 must be completed 3 All court fees and court costs that were waived in this action have been paid to thecourt check one Yes No Ideclare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correci Date TYPE ORPRINTNAME Of ATTORNEY 0 PARTYMAKING DECLARA710N SIGNATURE CIv tO Rev Janueryl zots Pagezor REQUEST fOR DISMI3SAL