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  • DORNEY -V- BUCKLEY Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DORNEY -V- BUCKLEY Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


r O ILED SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF SAiV BERNARDINO SAN BERNAP DINO DlSTRICT 577 NORTH D STREET SAN BERNARDINO CALIFORNIA 92401 AUG 2 0 2C PHONE 909 384 8131 E MAIL mailnwestsidestorynewspaper com Join us on the worldwide web at www wssnews com u PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATEMENT OF DAMA6ES The Westside Story was declared a newspaper ofgeneral cas taut tt cn S l l a I AITORNEY OR PAR1 Y WI fFI ov r wTToxtvEY weseis s circulation on April 10 1990 by the Superior Court the of WESTPHAL BAR NUMBER ttCENt isozs n tast Co State of California in and for the CountY of San Bernardino ExFa sT surrs no swx s x NARDINO CA 92408 tvtA judgment pTToxtvEY Fox tanME I by a of said Superior Court numbered 255014 in RIADORNEY surEx ox couxr oF cnti the records of said Su perior Court FORNIA COUNTY OF SAN I BERNARDINO 247 WEST i THIRD STREET SAN BER NARDINO CA92415 0210 SAN RE V l l l gERNARDINODI STRICT CI V II DMSION PLAINT F MARIA DORNEY DEFENDANT SARABUCKLEY I DOES 1 TO 25 i i one defrndant only STATE OF CALIFORNIA To name of SARABUCKLEY Plaintiff neme NtA1tIA ofone plaintiff only I COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO DORNEY seeks damages in the abov enfitted action as follows er 1 GENERAI DAMAGES a Pain suffering and inconvenience I The undersigned hereby certifies as follows ue ssoo 000 2 SPECIAL DAMAGES to date a Medical S10Q000 b expenses Future I presert value medicalexpensa I o ssoo 000 c Loss ofeamiu I ain a citizen of the United States I over twenty one years of date S100 000 d Loss of Suce i age and not a party to or interested in the above entitled ssoo000e e P oprcy a ago i asoo 000 matter I am the principal clerk of the publisher of a DATE March 2 2ois s a w ey s w n s Number 150237 Attorney for riCWS r Wjt Y le W05tS1CIC SYOIY T110 S8ri10 W8S 3t 811 t1ri10S 1ri plaimiff Run datea 7 19 7 26 8 2 herein mentioned a newspaper ofgeneral circulation printed sronoia wssa ta i6 ro and published inblack face type describing and expressing in i general terms the purpon of chazacter of the notice to be given and the t 1 of which the attached is a true printed copy which was pub lished in each edition and issue of said newspaper of general circulation and not in any supplement thereof on each of the fllowing dates to wit c c i c 1 c b jd C r q I certify under penalty of perjury Yhat the foregoing is true and correct Executed on at San Bernardino in said Count and Sta e Signed 1 L Printed Wallace Allen