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  • OTTO, PAUL vs HAGOOD, KATHA OTHER REAL PROPERTY $0-$50,000 document preview
  • OTTO, PAUL vs HAGOOD, KATHA OTHER REAL PROPERTY $0-$50,000 document preview


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR MARION COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.:__/ ILA BAYS 7 ; 3 1H | Division: Petitioner, 3 d o 2 oO Kathe Hagoad Loi aTha , nom efendant(s). =z zm wow Oo WRIT OF POSSESSION wo FOR EJECTMENT ad THE STATE OF FLORIDA; TO ALL THE SHERIFFS OF SAID STATE: YOU ARE COMMANDED to remove Defendant, 001 from the following described property in Marion County, Florida: JL680Sw 1304 fre Qc Ala £ I}: 244716 And to put the Plaintiff, , in possession of it after twenty-four (24) hours notice conspicuously posted on the premises, pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 83.62(1). WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court this day of DAVID ELLSPERMAN Clerk of the Circuit Court By: