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  • Suzanne Hillary Nitzberg v. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. (Finra) Special Proceedings - CPLR Article 75 document preview
  • Suzanne Hillary Nitzberg v. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. (Finra) Special Proceedings - CPLR Article 75 document preview


y= YORK OUN Kk 06 04:0 Dv INDEX NO. 651360/2018 NYSCEF BOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/07/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: HON.LYNN R. KOTLER, J.S.C. PART 8 SUZANNE HILLARY NITZBERG INDEX NO. 651360/18 MOT. DATE -v- MOT. SEQ. NO. 001 FINANCIAL INDUSTRY REGULATORY AUTHORITY, INC. (FINRA) The following papers were read on this motion to/for CONFIRM ARBITRATION AWARD. Notice of Motion/Petition/O.S.C. — Affidavits — Exhibits NYSCEF DOC No(s).__1-5 Notice of Cross-Motion/Answering Affidavits — Exhibits NYSCEF DOC No(s).__6-7 Replying Affidavits NYSCEF DOC No(s). In this special proceeding, petitioner seeks to confirm an arbitration award issued by a FINRA Dis- pute Resolution Inc. arbitrator on January 9, 2018 in the matter of Suzanne Hillary Nitzberg v. Citicorp Investment Services, FINRA Case No. 15-01808 (the “award”). The award recommended the ex- pungement of two customer complaints filed on petitioner’s primary registration documents, the form U4. Respondent has answered the petition, wherein it represents that it does not oppose confirmation fo the award or the expungement recommended therein. The award at issue was delivered to both sides by the arbitrator less than one year ago (CPLR §7507), therefore the petition is timely. Accordingly, the petition for an order confirming the award dated January 9, 2018 is hereby GRANTED without opposition. The arbitration award in the matter of Suzanne Hillary Nitzberg v. Cit- icorp Investment Services, FINRA Case No. 15-01808 is hereby CONFIRMED in all respects. It is hereby ORDERED that the arbitration award in the matter of Suzanne Hillary Nitzberg v. Cit- icorp Investment Services, FINRA Case No. 15-01808 is hereby CONFIRMED in all respects; and it is further ORDERED that all references to occurrence #310804 and occurrence #1392801 be expunged from registration records maintained by the Central Registration Depository for petitioner Suzanne Hilla- ty Nitzberg. Any requested relief not expressly addressed herein has nonetheless been considered and is hereby expressly denied and this constitutes the Decision and Order of the court. | . Dated: ae HON. LYNN R. KOTLER, J.S.C. 1, Check one: QW case pisposep CI NON-FINAL DISPOSITION 2. Check as appropriate: Motion is MIGRANTED C] DENIED (J GRANTED IN PART L] OTHER 3. Check if appropriate: OCOSETTLE ORDER [] SUBMIT ORDER (J DO NOT POST CIFIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT C] REFERENCE Page 1 of1 lof 1