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  • ESQUIVEL -V- ADRIANO, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • ESQUIVEL -V- ADRIANO, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • ESQUIVEL -V- ADRIANO, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • ESQUIVEL -V- ADRIANO, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


RTTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY Name Stafe 8arnumber and address FOR COURT USE ONLY auI S Zuckei7nan SBN 155539 CARPENTER ZUCKERMAN ROWLEY 27 West Qlyinpic Boulevard Beverly Hills Cal fornia 9Q211 SU Et IFu CJURT O t1LiFORN1A TEIEPHONE NO 3 I O 273 23O Fax No t 310 858 1063 L Un TY O S N E 2t RDi lC3 s4r e r a ns r t ArroRr ev FOR n ame Plaintiff MATTHEW ES UIVEL SUPERIOR COURT Of CA IFORNIA couNTY oF SAN BERNARDINfl sTaEETAooRess 247 West Third Street MAILINGADDRESS 24 I WESt TIl1TCl St1L Et r r4 c rralloz P cooE San Bernardino California 924 1 5 02 1 0 t f BRANCH NAME C1V11 D1V1S1011 5 f r t y CASE NannE MATTHEW ESQUIVEL v JOSUE ADRiANO et ai cASE Nu naE CiV1L CASE COVER SHEET Cornplex Case Designation d Unlimited Limited Caunter Jainder CI G i Amount Amount defendant uocE Fi ed with first appearance by demanded demanded is exceeds 25 Q00 25 000 or less al Rules of Court rule 3 402 DEPT ttems 9 6 elaw must be com leted see instructions on a e 2 1 Check one box below for the case type thet best describes this cass Auto Tort Contract Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation Auto Breach 06 CaL Rules of Court rules 3 400 3 403 22 of contract warranty Uninsured motaris 46 Rule 3 740 collections 09 0 Antitrustffrade regu ation 03 Dther PIIPD WD Personal InjurytProperty Construction defect 1 D Other coliections 09 DamagelWrongful Death Tort Insurance caverage j18 Mass tort 40 Asbestos Q4 qther contract 37 Securities iitigation 28 Product Iiability 24 Real Property Environmental Toxic tort 30 Medical malpractice 45 Eminent domainlinverse insurance coverage claims arising from the 14 Other PIiPDlWD 23 condemnation above listed provisionaHy complex case W ongful eviction 33 types 41 Non PI PU Vi1D Other Tart Other 26 0 Business tort unfair business practice 07 reai property Enforcement of Judgment Civii rights 08 Unlawfui Detainer Enforcement of judgment 20 Misceilaneous Civii Complaint 0 Defamation 13 Gommerciai 34 Fraud 16 Residential 32 RICO 27 Inteilectuai property 19 Drugs 38 0 Other comptaint rzot speciflied above 42 Pro essional negligence 25 Judicial Review Misceilaneaus Civil Petition 0 Other non PI PD WD tort 35 Asset forfeiture 05 Partnership and corporate governance 21 Employment 0 Petition re arbitration award 11 0 Other petition not specified above 43 Wrongful terminatian 36 0 Writ of mandate 02 Other empioyment 15 Other judiciai revisw 39 2 This case is 0 is not complex under rule 3 400 of the Califamia Rules af Court lf the case is complex mark the factors requiring exceptional judiciai managemeni a Large number of separately represented parties d Large number of witnesses b O Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novef e Q Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts issues ihat will be time consuming to resolve in other counties states or countries or in a federai court Substantiai amount of evidence f Substantial postjudgmen judiciai supervision c documentary punitive 3 Remedies sought check all thaf apply a monetary b nonmonetary declaratory or injunctive relief c 4 Number of causes of action specify TWO 2 5 7his case 0 is is not a ciass action suit 6 i ti ere are any known related cases le and serve a notice of relate ase You may us r G 15 Date March 21 2019 Paul S Zuckertnan SBN 155539Z TYPE OR PRiNT NAME SI PARTY OR ATT RNEY FOR PARTY MOTICE Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper fifed in the action or pr eeding excep claims cases or cases filed under the Probate Code Family Code or Welfare and Institutions Code Cal ourt rule 3 220 Faiture to file may result in sanctions File this caver sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by locai caurt rule if this case is complex under rule 3 400 et seq of the California Rules pf Court you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on ail other parties to the action or proceeding Uniess this is a coilections case under rule 3 740 or a comp ex case this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes only Pa e lof2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Cai Rules of Court rulas 2 30 3 220 3 400 3 403 3 74Q CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Judicial Council of California Cal Standards of Judiciai Administration std 3 10 Rev So utY ns CM D10 July 1 2007J l US INSTRUCTIONS fJ N HO W T O COMP LETE THE COVER SHEET CM 010 To Plaintiffs and Others Filing First Papers lf you ars filing a first paper for example a complaint in a civil case you must complete and file along with your first paper the Civil Gase Cover Sheet contained on page 9 This information wif be used to compile statistics about the types and numbers of cases filed You must compfete items 1 through 6 on the sheet In item 1 you must check one box for the case type that best describes the case If the case fits both a general and a more specific type of case listed in item 1 check the more specific one if the case has multipie causes of action check the box that best indicates the primary cause of action To assist you in compfeting the sheet examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item i are provided below A cover sheet must be filed only wifh your initial paper Failure to file a cover sheet with the first paper filed in a civil case may subject a party its counsel or both to sanctions under rufes 2 30 and 3 220 of the California Rules of Court To Parties in Rule 3 74Q Coilections Cases A collections casa under rule 3 740 is defined as an action for recovery of money awed in a sum stated to be certain that is not mare than 25 000 exciusive of interest and attomey s fees arising from a transaction in which property services or money was acquired on eredit A collections case does not include an action seeking the foilowing 1 tort damages 2 pu itive damages 3 recovery of reai praperty 4 recovery of personaf property or 5 a prejudgment writ of attachment The identification of a case as a xule 3 740 collections case on this farm means that i wil be exempt from the general time for service requirements and case management rules unless a defendant fiies a responsive pleading A rule 3J40 coliections case wilf be subject to the requirements for service and obtaining a judgment in ru e 3 744 To Parties in Complex Cases ln complex cases only parties must also use the Civi Case Cover Sheet o designate whether the case is complex lf a plaintiff believes the case is complex under rule 3 400 of the Galifornia Rules of Court this must be indicated by completing the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 2 If a plaintiff designates a case as complex the cover sheet must be served with the complaint on ail parties to the action A defendant may fife and serve no later than the time of its first appeara ce a joinder in the plaintiffs designation a counter designation that the case is not camplex or if the plaintiff has made no designation a designation that the case is complex CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES Auto Tort Contract Provisionaily Complex Civil Litigation Ca1 Auto 22 Personai Breach 06 lnjury Property of ContractNVarranty Rules of Court Rules 3 400 3 403 DamagelWrongfuf Death Breach of ftentaNLease AntitrustJTrade Regulation 03 Uninsured Matorist 46 if the Contract not unlawful detainer Construction Defecf 10 Involves or wrongful eviction case an uninsured ContracWVarranty Breaah Seller Claims Involving Mass 7ort 40 motorist claim subject to Securities Litigation 28 Piaintiff not fraud or negligence arbitratfon check fhis item Negligent B each af GontracU EnvironmentalJToxic Tort 30 instead of Auto Insurance Goverage Cfaims Other PI PDtWd Personal Warranty Injury Damage Wrongful Death Other Breach of Contract Warranty arising from provisionaily complex Property Coliections e moneyg owed open case type listed a6ove 41 Tort book accounts Q9 Enforcement of Jud g ment Asbestos 04 Collection Gase Seiler Plaintiff Asbestos Property Damage Enforcement of Judg ment 20 Other Promissory Note Coliections Asbestos Personai Abstract of Judgment Out of Injury Case Wrongfuf Death lnsurance Coverage not Caunty provisionaNy Product Liability 18 Confession of dudgmant non not asbestos or complex toxic nvironmentaQ 24 Auto Subrogation domestic relations Medicai Malpractice 45 Other Coverage Sister State Judgment Medical Maipractice Other Contract 37 Administrative Agency Award Contractuai Fraud not unpa d taxes Physicians Surgeons Other Cantract Dispute Other Professianal Health Gare PetitionlGertification of Entry of Malpractice Reai Property Judgment on Unpaid Taxes Other PI PD WD 23 Eminent Domain inve se Other Enforcement of Judgment Condemnation 14 Gase Premises Liability e g slip fall Wrongful Eviction 33 Miscellaneous Civii Complaint and Other Rea Property e g quiet title 26 RICO 27 Intentionaf Bodily Injury PD V1 D Writ of Possession of Real Property e g assauit vandalism Other Complaint not specified Mortgage Foreclosure intentipnal Infliction of above 42 Quiet Title Emotional Distress Other Real Declaratory Relief Onfy Property not eminent Negiigent fnfliction of Injunctive Relief Only non domain landloro tenant or Emotional distress harassment foreclosure Other PIlPD WD Mechanics Lien Unlawful Deta4ner Non PI PDIWQ Other Tort Other Commercial Compiaint Commercial 31 Business Tort Unfair Business Case non tort non complex Residentiai 32 Practice 07 Other Civii Com laint Drugs 38 iifhe case involves illega Civil Rights non torUnon complex e g discrimination drugs check this item otherwise false arrest not ctvil scellaneous Civii Petition report as Commercial orResidenUat harassment 08 partnershi P and Corporate Judiciai Review Defamation e slander libei Govemance 21 g Asset Forfeiture 05 1 Other Petition not specified Petition Re Arbitration Award 11 Fraud 16 above 43 Writ of Mandate 02 Civil Harassment inteilectuai Property 19 Writ Administrative Mandamus Professionai Workplace Violence Negligence 25 Writ Mandamus on Limited Court EiderlDependent Adu t Legai Malpractice Case Matter Abuse Other Professiona Malprackice Writ Other Limited Court Case Efection Contest not medical or iega Review Petition for Name Change Other Non PIlPD WD Tort 35 OtherJudiciat Review 39 Petition for Relief from Late Employment Review of Health 4fficer Order Claim Wrongful Termination 36 Notice of Appeal Labor Other Civii Petition Other Empioyment t 5 Commissioner Appeafs CM 010 Rev July 1 zoo CIVtL CASE COVER SHEET Page 2 of 2